M.5: ZW DC (B. A. I. Order No. 288.) United States Department of Agriculture^ BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE RECOGNITION OF BREEDS AND PUREBRED ANIMALS United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. Under authority of paragraph 1506 of the act of Congress approved September 21, 1922, entitled "An act to provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes" (42 Stat., 858, 923), x the fol- lowing regulations are issued governing the recognition of breeds and purebred animals imported into the United States for breeding pur- poses. For purposes of identification these regulations are desig- nated as B. A. I. Order 288 and supersede all previous regulations on the same subject. They shall become and be effective on and after July 1, 1924. Done at Washington this 14th day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four. Witness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture. REGULATION 1.— CERTIFICATION OF PUREBRED ANIMALS Section 1. Bureau of Animal Industry to issue certificates.— The Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture is hereby authorized to issue certificates of pure breeding under the provisions of this order. Section 2. How to obtain certificates. — In order to obtain such certificates of pure breeding, importers shall conform to the following procedure : Paragraph 1. Application for certificates. — An application for cer- tificates shall be made to the Bureau of Animal Industry on forms furnished or approved by the department, showing the number of animals imported, the breed ^nd sex, the port of entry into the United States, customs entry number, the name of vessel or carrier by which shipped, and the date of arrival. This application may be signed by either the owner, the importer, or the agent, stating the name and address (in the United States) of the owner of the animal or animals. (A. H. Form 105 — " Application for certificates" will be furnished upon request.) 1 Paragraph 1506 of the tariff act of 1922 is quoted on page 6 of this order. 107361°— 24f ♦ Paragraph 2. Certificates of pediqree. — Certificates of pedigree for such animals, issued by the custodian of one of the books of record given in Regulation 2, section 4, of this order, shall be furnished to the Bureau of Animal Industry. Paragraph 3. Affidavit of identity. — A duly acknowledged affidavit from tie owner, agent, or importer that the animals so imported are the identical animals described in the certificates of pedigree must be furnished. (A. H. Form 283— " Affidavit of identity" will be fur- nished upon request.) Paragraph 4- Vendors 1 certificates. — Complete transfer of owner- ship must be shown from the breeder to the importer either on the pedigree certificate, certificate of transfer, or vendor's certificate. If ownership is not indicated either on pedigree certificate, or by certifi- cate of transfer, a vendor's certificate from the seller or his agent shall be furnished to the Bureau of Animal Industry with the appli- cation, giving the breed, sex, name, and registry number of each animal sold to the importer, the date of sale, the place of purchase, and the name and address (in the United States) of the purchaser. Vendors' certificates furnished by the custodians of foreign books of record containing the above information may be used; otherwise, the form of vendor's certificate furnished or approved by this depart- ment must be used. (A. H. Form 106 — " Vendor's certificate" will l>e furnished upon request.) Section 3. Applications will be given consideration in the order in which they are received. When the application and accompany- ing papers are satisfactory, certificates to that effect will be issued and forwarded to the collector of customs at the port of entry and the pedigree certificates returned to the importer or his agent. How- ever, the certificates of pure breeding of the Bureau of Animal Industry will not be issued until the descriptions of the animals, taken by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry at the port of entry, are received in Washington. All papers for animals which do not meet the requirements of this order will be retained or re- turned, at the discretion of the department. Section 4. Eligibility of animals. — Where the provisions of this order, have been otherwise complied with, animals will be certified as purebred which have been fully registered in good faith in one of the books of record for one of the recognized breeds given in Regu- lation 2, section 4, of this order, except those which have been Tegistered on inspection. REGULATION 2.— RECOGNITION OF ADDITIONAL BREEDS Section 1. Application for recognition. — Before an additional l>reed to those shown in section 4 of this regulation shall be added to this order the custodian of its book of record shall submit to the de- partment a complete set of the published volumes of such book of record to date of making application, together with all rules and forms in force on said date affecting the registration of animals in said book of record. The department will consider the case on its merits and use such information as may be available to determine whether the breed is a recognized breed and whether the animals registered in the book of record are purebred. Section 2. Official communications. — All official communications submitted under the provisions of this order should be addressed to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C, except as mentioned below. Section 3. Books of record required. — Custodians of books of rec- ord for recognized breeds shall forward volumes of their books of record as soon as published, addressed to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, in care of the United States Dispatch Agent, 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y., U. S. A. Section 4. Recognized breeds. — The following breeds of domestic animals are recognized. Opposite will be found the names of the foreign books of record for these breeds, with the names and ad- dresses of their custodians. Paragraph 1. Recognized breeds and books of record across the seas. CATTLE Name of breed Book of record By whom published Aberdeen Angus Alderney Ayrshire Devon .. Galloway Guernsey.. Hereford Highland Holstein-Friesian Aberdeen Angus Herdbook... Herdbook of the Bailiwick of Guernsey (Alderney Branch). Ayrshire Herdbook Davy's Devon Herdbook Galloway Herdbook English Guernsey Herdbook.. Herdbook of the Bailiwick of Guernsey (Guernsey Branch). Herdbook of Hereford Cattle. Highland Herdbook Friesch Rundvee-Stamboek. Nederlandsch Rundvee-Stam- boek. Jersey. Rundvee-Stamboek Holland." Jersey Herdbook ' Noord- Kerry and Dexter. Red Poll.. Shorthorn Sussex Welsh..... Zebu English Herdbook and Regis- ter of Jersey Cattle. English Kerry and Dexter Herdbook. Kerry Cattle Herdbook. 1 Red Poll Herdbook Coates's Herdbook. Sussex Herdbook Welsh Black Cattle Herdbook. Zebu Herdbook Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society, James R, Barclay, secretary, 137 Union Street, Aberdeen, Scotland. Royal Guernsey Agricultural Society, H.. Marsden Peake, secretary, High Street, Al- derney, Island of Alderney. Ayrshire Cattle Herd Book Society of Great Brit- ain and Ireland, Hugh Bone, secretary, 58 Al- loway Street. Ayr, Scotland. Devon Cattle Breeders' Society, A E. Gerrard, secretary, Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England. Galloway Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ireland, James Carlyle. secretary, Monraive, Middlebie. Lockerbie. Dumfriesshire, Scotland. English Guernsey Cattle Society, Robert F. Ling, secretary, 12, Hanover Square, London, W. l, England. Royal Guernsey Agricultural and Horticultural Society, Ernest de Garis, secretary, States Ar- cade, Island of Guernsey. Hereford Herd Book Society. W. G. C. Britten, secretary, 3, Offa Street, Hereford. England. Highland Cattle Society of Scotland, D. Mac-Gregory, secretary, Clydesdale Bank Building, Oban, Scotland. Friesch Rundvee-Stamboek, Dr. E. van Welderen Rengers, secretary, Zuiderplein 2-4, Leeuwarden, Holland. Vereeniging het Nederlandsche Rundvee-Stam- boek, Louis Jarman, secretary, 's-Gravenhage, Surinamestraat, No. 24, Holland. Vereeniging het Rundvee-Stamboek "Noord- Holland," D. Laan, secretary, Sehellinkhout, Holland. Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society, H. G. Shepard, secretary, 3 Mulcas- ter Street, St. Helier, Island of Jersey. English Jersey Cattle Society, T. W. Hammond and L. J. Craufurd, secretaries, 19 Bloomsbury Square, London, W. C. 1, England. English Kerry and Dexter Cattle Society, T. W. Hammond and L. J. Craufurd, secretaries, 19 Bloomsbury Square, London, W. C. 1, England. Royal Dublin Society, Edward Bohane, director, Leinster House, Dublin, Ireland. Red Poll Cattle Society of Great Britain and Ire- land, C. H. Clarke, secretary, 24, Warrington Road, Ipswich, England. Shorthorn Society of the United Kingdom of Great Briiain and Ireland, V. H. Seymour, secretary, 12 Hanover Square, London, W. 1, England. Sussex Herdbook Society, A. G. Holland, secre- tary. 12, Hanover Square, London, W. 1, England. Welsh Black Cattle Society, John Pritchard & Co., secretaries, Bank Chambers, Bangor, North Wales. Sociedadedo Herd Book Zebu, A. Teixeira Vianna, secretary, Uberaba, Minas Geraes, Brazil. 4 SHEEP Name of breed Book of record By whom published Cheviot Cotswold Dorset Horn Hampshire Down Kent or Romney Marsh. Cheviot Sheep Flock Book... Cotswold Flock Book Dorset Horn Flock Book Hampshire Down Flock Book. Kent or Romney Marsh Flock Book. Kerry Hill. Leicester. Leicester (Border). Lincoln Oxford Down Shropshire Southdown. Suffolk Kerry Hill Flock Book. Wensleydale . Leicester Flock Book Border Leicester Flock Book.. Lincoln Longwool Sheep Breeders' Flock Book. Flock Book Oxford Down Sheep. Shropshire Flock Book Southdown Flock Book Suffolk Flock Book Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Flock Book. Cheviot Sheep Society, John Robson, secre- tary, Newton Bellingham, Northumberland, England. Cotswold Sheep Society, James W. Tayler, sec- retary, Cold Aston, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire, England. Dorset Horn Sheep Breeders' Association, Thomas H. Ensor, secretary, Bank Chambers, Dorchester, Dorset, England. Hampshire Down Sheep Breeders' Association, W. J. Wooff, secretary, 49 The Canal, Salis- bury, England. Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep Breeders' Asso- ciation, W. A. Ball, secretary, 12 Hanover Square, London, W. 1, England. Kerry Hill (Wales) Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock Book Society, Morris, Marshall and Poole, secretaries, Newtown, Montgomery- shire, England. Leicester Sheep-Breeders' Association, W. A. Brown, secretary, Driffield, East Yorkshire, England. Society of Border Leicester Sheep Breeders, Miss Rose J. E. Grant, secretary, 11 St. Ronan's Terrace, Edinburgh, Scotland. Lincoln Longwool Sheep Breeders' Association, Robert Lamming, secretary, St. Benedict's Square, Lincoln, England. Oxford Down Sheep Breeders' Association, Howard Sammons, secretary, 29 Queen St., Oxford, England. Shropshire Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock Book Society, Alfred Mansell & Co., secretaries, College Hill, Shrewsbury, England. Southdown Sheep Society, Inc., W. O. Stride, secretary, 63 East St., Chichester, England. Suffolk Sheep Society, Miss E. M. Prentice, secretary, 25 Marlborough Road, Ipswich, England. Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Breeders' Associa- tion, G. Goland Robinson, secretary, Underley Farm, Kirkby Longdate, Westmoreland, Eng- land. HORSES Belgian Draft Studbook des Chevaux de Trait Beiges. Clydesdale Clydesdale Studbook Hackney Hackney Studbook Percheron.. ; Studbook Percheron de France Shetland Pony Shetland Pony Studbook Shire Shire Horse Studbook Suffolk I Suffolk Studbook Thoroughbred Australian Studbook ' Studbook Francais Registre des Chevaux de Pur Sang. 1 General Stud Book Welsh Pony and Cob., Welsh Pony and Cob Society Studbook. Societe" Royale "Le Cheval de Trait Beige," Chevalier Hynderick de Theulegoet, secretary, 20 Rue Royale, Brussels, Belgium. Clydesdale Horse Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Archibald Mac- Neilage, secretary, 93 Hope Street, Glasgow, Scotland. Hackney Horse Society, Robert F. Ling, secre- tary, 12 Hanover Square, London, W. 1, Eng- land. Societe Hippique Percheronne de France, E. Lemarie, secretary, Nogent-le-Rotrou, France. Shetland Pony Stud Book Society, Robert W. Walker, secretary, 3 Golden Square, Aberdeen, Scotland. Shire Horse Society, A. B. Charlton, secretary, 12 Hanover Square, London, W. 1, England. Suffolk Horse Society, Fred Smith, secretary, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. Australian Jockey Club and Victoria Racing Club, Leslie G. Rouse, keeper, 6 Bligh Street, Sydney, New South Wales. Commission de Studbook Francais de Pur Sang, The Minister of Agriculture, president, Paris, France. Weatherby & Sons, 15 Cavendish Square, Lon- don, W. 1, England. Welsh Pony and Cob Society, John R. Bache, secretary, Knighton, Radnorshire, Wales. » Provided that no animal or animals registered in the Australian or in the French Thoroughbred stud- books shall be certified as purebred unless such animal or animals trace in all crosses to animals which are proved to the satisfaction of the department to be of the Thoroughbred breed. 5 DOGS» Name of breed Book of record By whom published Various recognized breeds. Dober mannpinscher. . Various recognized breeds. Foxhound Greyhound. Harrier and Beagle. Various recognized breeds. German Shepherd Li-rre des Origines de la Society Royale Saint-Hubert. Dobermannpinscher Zucht- buch(D. P. Z.). Kennel Club Studbook. Foxhound Kennel Studbook... Greyhound Studbook Irish Greyhound Studbook Harrier and Beagle Studbook.. Schweizerisches H u n d e - i Stammbuch. Zuchtbuch fur deutsche Schaf- erhunde. Societe" Royale Saint-Hubert, G. C. W. F. O'Breen, secretary, Chaussee Saint-Pierre, 391, Brussels, Belgium. Dobermannpinscher- Verein (D. V.), Peter Urn- lauff, secretary, Ferdinandstrasse 51-53, Ham- burg, 1, Germany. Kennel Club, H. T. W. Bowell, secretary, 84 Pic- cadilly, London, W. 1, England. Master of Foxhounds Association, H. E. Preston, editor, Moreby Park, York, England. National Coursing Club, Horace A. Groom, keeper of the Greyhound Stud Book, 11, Hay- market, London, S. W. 1, England. Irish Coursing Club, T. A. Morris, secretary, Bridge Street, Clonmel, Ireland. Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles, J. Pawle, secretary, Havers Park, Bishop's Stortford, England. Schweizerische Kynologischen Gesellschaft, Carl Wittwer, secretary, Steigerweg 18, Berne, Switz- erland. Verein fur deutsche Schaferhunde, Herr Schaller, secretary, Augsburg 3, Miinchen, Germany. CATS Long Haired and Short Haired. . Register of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy. Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, Miss H. Lea, secretary, Coolhurst, West Hill, Syden- ham, S. E. 26, England. HOGS Berkshire . . . Large Black. Large White (Large Yorkshire) . Middle White (Mid- dle Yorkshire) . Tamworth. British Berkshire Herdbook... Large Black Pig Society Herd- book. Herdbook of the National Pig Breeders' Association. British Berkshire Society, Edgar Humfrey, sec- retary, Shippon, Abingdon, Berks, England. Large Black Pig Society, W. J. Wickison, secre- tary, 12 Hanover Square, London, W. 1, England. {National Pig Breeders' Association, Alec. Hob- son, secretary and editor, 92 Gower Street, Lon- don, W. C. 1, England. * Provided that no dog or dogs registered in the above-mentioned books shall be certified as purebred unless a three-generation certificate of pedigree issued by one of the above-mentioned societies is submitted for each dog. Paragraph 2. Recognized breeds and books of record in Canada. — The Canadian National Records are recognized for the following breeds: Provided, That no animal or animals registered in the Cana- dian National Records shall be certified by the Secretary of Agricul- ture as purebred unless such animal or animals trace, in all crosses, to animals which are proved to the satisfaction of the department to be of the same breed: Cattle Sheep Horses Hogs Aberdeen Angus. Cheviot. Belgian Draft. Berkshire. Ayrshire. Cotswold. Clydesdale. Chester White. Brown Swiss. Dorset Horn. Hackney. Duroc-Jersey. French Canadian. Hampshire. Percheron. Hampshire. Galloway. Leicester. Shire. Large Bl jk. Guernsey. Lincoln. Standardbred. Poland China. Hereford. Oxford Down. Suffolk. Tamworth. Jersey. Shropshire. Thoroughbred. Yorkshire. Red Poll. Southdown. Welsh Pony and Cob. Shorthorn. Suffolk. 6 Paragraph S. — The Canadian Kennel Club (Canadian National Records for dogs) is recognized for all the breeds of dogs registered in said records: Provided, That no dog or dogs registered in said records shall be certified as purebred unless a three-generation certificate of pedigree issued by said Canadian National Records is submitted for each dog. Paragraph 4- — The Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada, of which W. A. demons, of Brantford, Ontario, Canada, is secretary and editor, is recognized for the Holstein-Friesian breed registered in the Holstein-Friesian Herd Book of that association. Paragraph 1506 of the act of Congress entitled "An act to provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to encourage the industries of the United States, and for other purposes," approved September 21, 1922 (42 Stat. 858, 923), is as follows: 1506. Any animal imported by a citizen of the United States specially for breeding purposes, shall be admitted free, whether intended to be used by the importer himself or for sale for such purposes, except black or silver foxes: Provided, That no such animal shall be admitted free unless purebred of a re- cognized breed and duly registered in a book of record recognized by the Secre- tary of Agriculture for that breed: Provided further, That the certificate of such record and pedigree of such animal shall be produced and submitted to the Department of Agriculture, duly authenticated by the proper custodian of such book of record, together with an affidavit of the owner, agent, or importer that the animal imported is the identical animal described in said certificate of record and pedigree. The Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe such regulations as may be required for determining the purity of breeding and the identity of such animal: And provided further, That the collectors of customs shall require a certifi- cate from the Department of Agriculture stating that such animal is purebred of a recognized breed and duly registered in a book of record recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture for that breed. The Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe such additional regulations as may be required for the strict enforcement of this provision. Horses, mules, asses, cattle, sheep, and other domestic animals straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purposes only, together with their offspring, shall be dutiable unless brought back to the United States within eight months, in which case they shall be free of duty under regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury : And provided further, That the provisions of this act shall apply to all such animals as have been imported and are in quarantine or otherwise in the custody of customs or other officers of the United States at the date of the taking effect of this act. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE I 1921 , cr :;:i UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 9567