LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGE. I CULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. October 3, 1958. B. E. P. Q.— 476, Supplement No. 1 PLANT- QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Restrictions on the Importation of Rice and. Rice Plants Statutory Rules No. 36 of March 25, 1936, amend the Quarantine (Plants) Regulations (See p. 4 et seq. , B. E. P. Q. — 476) "by adding the following as Regulation 23A: "Reg. 23A. No person shall import rice plants ( Oryza sativa ) or rice seed or any rough or unmilled rice or rice capable of germinating, except for food purposes, for milling in preparation of food, or for other manufacturing purposes unl ess: (a) An application for permission to import has "been made to the Minister stating the nature and quan- tity to be imported, the country of origin, the reasons for the importation, and the precautions to "be taken to procure plants or seed free from disease; (b) A permit to import is obtained from the Minister, subject to any conditions which he may think fit to impose; (c) The application is made for Jot on behalf of a State Department of Agri^culture ,y \ yLEE A. STRONG, f J Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.