UNITED STATES DEPAETMEIJT OF AGRICULTUIffl Bureau of Sntomolo^^y and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. U80 A]DMIKISTIIA.TI71 IlTSTRUCTlOlTS FUMIGATION OF TOMATOES BY IvETHYL BROMIDE AS A COIIDITION OF CERTIFICATION OF TOlilATOES MOVING BY REFRlGERilTOR CAR FROM THE AREA LISTED IN REGULATION 5 OF QUARANTINE NO. kS (Approved August 18, 193S; effective A^jigust 22, 1933) Regulation 5» Sec. B, paragraph (2) of the Japanese beetle quarantine (No. Us) authorizes the issuance of certificates for the interstate move- ment of fruits and vegetahles via. refrigerator car from the area listed in that regulation to points outside the regulated areas "between June I5 and OctolDer 15 when they have "been handled or treated under the supervision of an inspector in manner and by method to free them from any infestation, TFJ:AT?.fflNT AUTHORIZED The treatment described herein has "been found to be effective against the Japfmese beetle and such treatment is authorized as a basis for certi- fication of tomatoes moving to points outside the regulated areas between June 15 and October 15 via refrigerator car when such treatment is carried out under the supervisior of tm inspector a.nd in a manner satisfactory to him. TREATIvIEM imTlO D Fumigation of tomatoes in dry refrigerator cars with methyl bromide at a dosage of 2 pomids per 1,000 cubic feet of space, including the space occupied by the tomatoes and bunkers of the cars, for a period of 2 hours, during which time the car ^shall remain tightly closed with the plugs in pla.co in the ventilator hatches. The temperature within the car when fumi- gated shall be not less than 70° F. Provision shall be made for circulat- ing the mixture of air and furaigant in the car for as long a time as is deemed necessary by the inspector. At the end of the fumigation period the )iatches shall be opened, the plugs removed, screens placed in the hatch openings, and the car shipped under standard ventilation. In authorizing the moverient of tomatoes fumigated according to the requirements stated above, it is to be understood that no liability shall a.tte.ch either to the United States Department of Agric^ilture or to any of its employees in the event of injury. Caution : Methyl bromide is a. gas at ordinary temperatures. It is colorless and practically odorless in concentration used for the furiigation of tomatoes. It is a poison, and the operator should use an approved gas mask when exposed to the gas at concentrations used in fumigation, and v/hen opening the hatches for ventilating the cars. The ca.r sho\ild not be entered until it is v/ell aera.tcd, (SEAL) AVERY S. HOYT, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q;uarantine . LIBRARY STATE PLANT BO*«, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 6255