LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD E2/British Guiana UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. September 17, 1941 B. E. P. Q. 442, Supplement No. 1. PLANT- QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS COLONY OF BRITISH GUIANA IMPORTATION OF CITRUS FROM THE UNI TED STATES PROHIBITED (Order in Council No. 862) The importation of citrus material (including fruit) from the United States of America is prohibited, due to the prevalence of citrus canker (Phytomonas ci tri ) in that country. (Governor in Council, June 8, 1937.) IMPORTATION OF RAW COFFEE SEVERELY RESTRICTED (Order in Council No. 646) The importation of raw coffee from all countries on the continent of South America is prohibited, and the import- ation of raw coffee from all other countries is likewise prohibited, pro vided that the Director of Agriculture may authorize the importation of any particular consignment from the latter countries, if he is satisfied that it is the pro- duce of a country in which the coffee berry borer ( Stephanoderes hampei Ferr.) is unknown. (Governor in Council, November 9, 1937. ) IMPORTATION OF PADDY RICE RESTRICTED (Order in Council No. 422) The importation of rice seed (padi) without written authorization of the Director of Agriculture is prohibited. (Governor in Council, August 17, 1938.) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09246 0244 IMPORTATION OF BR00MC0HN RESTRICTED (Order in Council No. 247) Due to the presence of the European corn borer ( Pyrausta nubilali s ) in Canada and the United States of America, the importation of broomcorn therefrom is per- mitted only when accompanied by a fumigation certificate issued by an authority approved by the Director of Agri- culture. (Governor in Council, August 14, 1939.) Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.