LIBRARY E2/Urugaay STATE PLANT BOARD ' ^^ UinTED STATES DEPAETMSITT OE AGRICULTUEE A&RICULTUEAl EESEARCH ADl^ilNISTMTICN Bureau of Entomology and Plant Q;uarantine Washington, 25, D. C. B. E. P. q,. 382, Supplement No. 1, Revised September 27, 19^6 PLAlTT-QlJAIlAilTINE Ii^-IPORT ESSTEICTIOITS REPUBLIC OP URUGUAY Revised Restrictions on the Importation of Seed Potatoes Decree No. 1372/9^5 issued July 30, 19^6, at Montevideo, revokes Decree No. 50:9^1 of June k, 19^1, regulating the importation of seed potatoes into Uruguay. Pertinent articles of the new decree follow: Article 1, Every shipment of potatoes imported into the country to "be used as seed, must he accompanied by certificates of origin and plant health which will make clear: (a) That the exported tubers are practically free from attacks of insects and diseases mentioned below: Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc. , potato wart, Phthorimaea (O-nor imp schema) operculella Zell., potato tuber worm, Leptinotarsa (DoryphoraJ decemlineata Say, Bacterium solanaceamm EPS, bacterial v;ilt, Phytomonas sepedonica Bergert et aly ring rot. (b) That the potatoes to be exported must be free from other serious parasitic diseases, a prudent margin of tolerance to be permitted for harmless affections. In particular with reference to potato scabs, they must be distinguished: (1) Common scabs (Actinomyces sca.bies) \(Thax.) Gues., and other agents. (2) Black scab (Rhizoctonia violacea Tul.) (3) Pov;dery scab (Spongospora subt erranea. (Wallr.) T. Johnson.) The follov/ing tolerances will be applied in connection with these diseases: Slight attacks — up to 10 percent of the number of potatoes Severe attacks — up to 5 percent of the number of potatoes Every attack which exceeds the indicated percentages will necessitate the disinfection of the shi-oments. - 2 - Article 2. In adc.ition to the certificates of healthy origin, the shipments of potatoes must "be accompanied "by a certificate issued "by the G-ovsrnment of the exporting country, inwhich it is made clear that the selected tuhcrs^ were actually grown -for seed and that the fields from which they came ha,ve "been under control, or have been the object of official inspection, in which the absence of "degeneration" diseases was verified ix^ a practical manner, "degeneration" meaning the various virus diseases which lower the vitality of .the tubers. Article 3- If on arriva.1 in the country, the potatoes arc judged unsuited for seed by the technical staff of the Diroccion do Agronomica, they can be used for consumption, if there is no special reason to disqualify them for tha.t also. Article k. Domestic regulations dealing \\;ith potatoes judged unsuitable for seed or consumption. Article 5» Provision for revision when necessary. Article 6. Revocation of decree of June U, 19^1. Article 7« Signatures. AVSHT S. HOYT Chi ef , Bur egg of Sntpinolo^