ARY TATE PLANT BOARD 3. E. P. Q,. 570 Effective June 7, 1948 united states dei agriculture agricultural research administration bureau of e::toi:ology & use certification requirements for fruits, vegetables, aid cut flo'.jers under - - japanese beetle quar^jttiii: bicciie effecttvs for the season Pursuant to the authority vested in the Chief of the Bureau of Entonology and Plant Quarantine by § 301.48 (a) of the regulations supple- mental to the Japanese beetle quarantine, (7 CFR § 301.48-1 et seq .; 13 F. R. 2250), the beginning of this year's period of adult flight of the I Japanese beetle and areas in vjhich seasonal requirements shall be effective \ havo been determined on the basis of anticipated heavy seasonal occurrence of the adult. Administrative instructions to appear as § 301.48-4a in Title 7, Code cf Federal Regulations, are hereby issued as follows: | 301.48-4a Administrative instructions designating areas and effec - tive dates of seasonal regulations of cue ilo-.^rs, friits ■..-.:. v .- ~. Mcs . — It is hereby orderd that for the 1948 season the application of the requirements of §S 301.48-4 (a) and 301.48-5 of the Japanese beetle regu- lations (7 CFR §§ 301.48-4 (a) and 301.48-5; 13 F. R. 2250) to unprocessed, fresh, cut flowers when moved in bulk, and fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds when shipped by refrigerator car or motortruck only, shall begin, in the respective ar.eas listed, on the following dates: (•;) At 12:01 a. m. , June 7, 1948, in the following areas: "ia : Counties of Accomac, Norfolk, Northampton, and Princess Ana ; Ls1 rial district of Sleepy Hole in Nansemond County; and cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, South Norfolk and Suffolk. (b) At 12:01 a. m., June 21, 1948J in the following areas: Delaware : The entire S District of Columbia : The entire District. __: , cept the counties of Allegany, Cnlv , ashing ton. tate. _____rk: County ' , • nty. ] La: ' , Ln, Delaware, . . -on, Phil';: iiiiiTiliiiTiiiii i 3 1262 09313 6983 • Virginia ; Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and the -city of Alexandria. Those requirements shall remain in effect during the current growing season until due notice of their discontinuance shall have been g (See, 8, 37 Stat. 318, as amended; 7 U. S. C. 161; 13 F. R. 2250) Regulation of the movement of cut flowers, fruits, and vegetables as provided herein must become effective immediately upon the heavy flight of the adult Japanese beetle if the spread of this insect to uninfested States is to be prevented. Emergence of adults and beginning of such flight fluctuate with weather and other environmental factors, and are un- predictable within narrov; time limits. It is anticipated that this season's heavy flight will occur by the dates specified in these adminis- trative instructions. For the reasons stated, it is found upon good cause, pursuant to the provisions of section 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat, 238), that notice and public procedure on these istrotive instructions are unnecessary, impracticable, and contrary to the public interest, and good cause is. found for issuing these instruc- tions effective lees than thirty days after their publication in the I Register . Should field conditions in other sections of the regulated area dis- closo additional areas in which adult Japanese beetles are abundant and v;here seasonal requirements should bo effective, these administrative in- structions 'Jill be amended to include such areas. Pending this action, under authority of § 301.48-9, inspection will be made of fruits and vege- tables moving therefrom to nonregulated area via- refrigerator car or motor truck. 'Jhen such shipments arc found to involve danger of dissemination of Japanese booties to noninfested localities, treatment of such shipments will be required. Done^ at Washington, D. C., this 26th day of May 1948. Acting Chivif, Bureau of Kntomo(Logy and