MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION JANUARY 1, 1912, to MARCH 31, 1914 INCLUSIVE Gift of the Panama Canal Muse m WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION JANUARY 1, 1912, to MARCH 31, 1914 INCLUSIVE WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SECOND MEETING. Culebra, Canal Zone, April 26, 1912. The Commission met at the call of the Chairman at 8 o'clock a. m. Present: Commissioners Goethals (Chairman), Hodges, Gaillard, Sibert, Rousseau, Gorgas, Thatcher, and Secretary Bishop. The minutes of the one hundred and sixty-first meeting were read and approved. The Chairman read the following Executive orders, which were ordered to be spread upon the minutes: Executive Order. against the promotion of fights between bulls, dogs, or cocks. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone: Section 1. Any person who sets on foot, instigates, promotes or carries on any fights between cocks or other birds, or any dog fight, or bull fight, or fight between other ani- mals; or who does any act as assistant, umpire or principal in furtherance of any fight between any such animals, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed FIFTY DOL- LARS, or by imprisonment not to exceed THIRTY DAYS, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Section 2. This order shall take effect thirty days from this date. Wm H Taft The White House, August 4, 1911. [No. 1392.] Executive Order, establishing the postal savings system in the canal zone. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone: Section 1. There is hereby established in the post-offices of the Canal Zone a postal savings system, to be operated without the payment of interest on the deposits under such rules and regulations as may be now or hereafter adopted. Section 2. There is hereby created a Board of Trustees for the control, supervision, and administration of the postal savings depository offices designated and established under the provisions of this Order, and of the funds received as deposits at such postal savings depository offices by virtue thereof. Said board shall consist of the Collector of Revenues of the Canal Zone, the Auditor of the Canal Zone Government, and the 1793 1794 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Treasurer of the Canal Zone, severally, acting exofficio, and shall have power to make all necessary and proper regulations for the receipt, transmittal, custody, deposit, invest- ment, and repayment of the funds deposited at postal savings depository offices; the regulations above mentioned to be subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Section 3. Said Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and empowered to designate such post-offices as it may select to be postal savings depository offices, and each and every post-office so designated by order of said Board is hereby declared to be a postal savings depository office within the meaning of this Order and to be authorized and re- quired to receive deposits of funds from the public and to account for and dispose of the same, according to the provisions of this Order and the regulations made in pursuance thereof. Each postal savings depository office shall be kept open for the transaction of business during such hours as the Collector of Revenues shall direct. Section 4. That accounts may be opened and deposits made in any postal savings depository established under this Order by any person of the age of ten years or over, in his or her own name, and by a married woman in her own name and free from any control or interference by her husband ; but no person shall at the same time have more than one postal savings account in his or her own right. Section 5. At least one dollar, or a larger amount in multiples thereof, must be de- posited before an account is opened with a person depositing the same; and one dollar, or multiples thereof, may be deposited after such account has been opened. Postal savings deposits will be evidenced by postal savings certificates issued in fixed denomi- nations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, each bearing the name of the depositor, the number of his account, the date of issue, and the name of the depository office. Section 6. Any depositor may withdraw the whole or any part of the funds deposited to his or her credit upon demand, and under such regulations as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. Section 7. Postal savings funds received under the provisions of this Order shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the Canal Zone under such regulations as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. Section 8. Postal savings depository funds shall be kept separate from other funds by postmasters and other officers and employees of the postal service, who shall be held to the same accountability under their bonds for such funds as for public moneys; and no person connected with the Post-Office Department shall disclose to any person other than the depositor the amount of any deposits, unless directed so to do by the Collector of Revenues. Section 9. That the final judgment, order, or decree of any court of competent juris- diction adjudicating any right or interest in the credit of any sum deposited by any per- son with the postal savings depository, if the same shall not have been appealed from and the time for appeal have expired, upon submission to the Collector of Revenues of a copy of the same, duly authenticated in the manner provided by the laws of the United States for the authentication of the records and judicial proceedings of the courts of any state or territory, or of any possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, when the same are proved or admitted within any other court within the United States, shall be accepted by the Board of Trustees as conclusive of the title, right, interest, or possession so adjudicated ; and any payment of said sum in accordance with such order, judgment, or decree shall operate as a full and complete discharge of the United States and the Canal Zone Government from the claim or demand of any person or persons to the same. Section 10. This Order shall take effect and be in force sixty days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, September 8, 1911. [No. 1409.] MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1795 Executive Order. to prohibit the placing op signs on lands and property of the united states and the panama railroad company. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone. Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or place any sign, bill, poster or other advertising device on any land, building or other structure owned or controlled by the United States or the Panama Railroad Company in the Canal Zone; and any person thus offending shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars nor more than Twenty-Five Dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not to exceed Thirty Days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court; and every day that such sign, bill, poster or other advertising device shall remain upon such lands or structures shall be deemed a separate offense. Provided, however, that this Order shall not be construed to prevent persons from advertising, by means of any such advertising devices the business that they may be conducting according to law in any building or other structure upon which such advertising device is constructed or placed. Section 2. This Order shall take effect Sixty Days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, Septembers, 1911. [No. 1410.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone. Sec 1. Any person who shall without lawful authority take or remove the packing or waste from out of any journal box or boxes of any locomotive engine, tender, coach, caboose or truck, used or operated on any railroad, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and imprison- ment, in the discretion of the court. Sec 2. This order shall take effect sixty days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, September 14, 1911. [No. 1412.] Executive Order. Under authority vested in me by law, and until otherwise provided by law or ordered, William H. Jackson is appointed an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone at a salary of six thousand dollars per annum, effective the day he enters on the duties of the office. * Wm H Taft. The White House, September 21, 1911. [No. 1413.] 1796 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. to amend sections 51, 62, and 526, and to repeal sections 63 and 529 of the code of civil procedure of the canal zone. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone: Article I. Section 51 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Canal Zone is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 51. Pleadings in the District Courts shall be oral, except when they are required by law to be verified by the oath of either of the parties to the suit, in which case the pleadings shall be in writing. Article II. Section 62 of the above mentioned Code is hereby amended so as to read as follows: . Section 62. Every District Judge shall keep a well bound book styled "Docket," in which he shall enter the name and style of every civil suit brought before him; the dates of issuing process therein and of the return thereof; a brief statement of the nature of the suit and of any plea made thereto by the defendant, and if no appearance is made, the defendant's default shall be noted; the names of the witnesses sworn; the date and the amount of the judgment; the date of issuing execution or other process upon the judgment, and a copy of the returns thereon; the appeal, when and by whom demanded; and briefly all the proceedings before him touching the suit. Each District Judge, at the beginning of his docket and before any entries are made therein shall make and subscribe the following certificate, substantially, to-wit: "A docket of proceedings in civil matters before , District Judge of the Administrative District of , Canal Zone. "Witness my signature. ' ' District Judge. ' ' Article III. Section 526 of the above mentioned Code is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 526. Costs shall ordinarily be allowed to the prevailing party as a matter of course, but the court shall have power for special reasons to adjudge that either party shall pay the costs of an action, or that the same be divided as may be equitable; and the court may, for sufficient cause, order that no costs be taxed against either party to any suit or special proceedings. Article IV. Sections 63 and 529 of the Code of Civil Procedure are hereby repealed. Article V. This Order shall take effect 90 days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, Sept. 26, 1911 [No. 1414.] Executive Order. amending section 10 of act no. 9, entitled " an act to provide sanitart rules and regulations for the canal zone, isthmus of panama, and for the en- forcement thereof ", enacted september 2, 1904. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone: Article 1. Section 10 of Act No. 9, entitled "An act to provide sanitary rules and regulations for the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, and for the enforcement thereof", enacted September 2, 1904, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1797 Section 10. Every physician, druggist, school teacher, clergyman, midwife, nurse, head of a family, or other person in attendance on or in charge of any one sick or injured, having knowledge of the existence in any district of the Canal Zone of any of the diseases hereinafter named, shall immediately report the same to the District Physician or District Sanitary Inspector. The diseases required to be so reported are: measles, small-pox, rubella (rotheln), chicken-pox, (varicella), scarlet fever, diphtheria, (croup), typhus fever, tuberculosis (of any organ), relapsing fever, glanders, typhoid fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, malarial fever, leprosy, yellow fever, infectious diseases of the eye, Asiatic cholera, puerperal septicaemia, plague, erysipelas, tetanus, whooping cough, anthrax, dysentery. Any person who fails to make due report, as required by this order, of any of the above enumerated diseases shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $25.00, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the dis- cretion of the court. Article 2. This order shall take effect sixty (60) days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, Oct. 14, 1911. [No. 1419.] Executive Order. to prohibit the practice of medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, or mid- wifery without a license. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone: Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice or attempt to practice medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy or midwifery within the Canal Zone without first having obtained a license therefor from the Board of Health of the Canal Zone. Any person thus offending shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court: Provided, That this order shall not apply to commissioned surgeons of the United States Army and Navy, or Marine Hospital Service, nor to Physicians, surgeons, dentists or pharmacists and their assistants and nurses employed by the Isthmian Canal Commission, nor to nurses acting under the orders of a licensed physician. Section II. Any person shall be regarded as practising medicine within the mean- ing of this order who shall prescribe for, operate on, or in any wise attempt to heal, cure or alleviate, or who shall in any wise treat any disease or any physical or mental ailment of another : Provided, That nothing in this order shall be construed to prohibit gratuitous services in case of emergency, or to the administering of ordinary household remedies. Section III. This order shall take effect sixty (60) days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, Oct. 14, 1911. [No. 1420.] 1798 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. By authority of the President of the United States, it is ordered: That Act No. 14 enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission, by authority of the President under date of September 3, 1904, entitled "An Act to Establish a Penal Code for the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama," as amended by the Executive Order issued under the authority of the President by the Secretary of War, December 1, 1909, be, and the same is hereby, amended so that Section 456 of said Penal Code as amended in said Executive Order, shall now read as follows: "The license fees for permits issued by the Treasurer under the provisions of this Title shall be as follows: For every permit issued to carry a firearm abroad, five dollars ($5) ; for every permit authorizing an overseer or watchman engaged by a private em- ployer, ten dollars ($10), for each watchman or overseer so authorized to carry a fire- arm; for each hunting permit, five dollars ($5); provided that no charge shall be made for hunting permits issued to enlisted men of the land or naval forces of the United States stationed on the Isthmus of Panama. The treasurer shall keep a record of all licenses issued by him, with the name and residence of the persons to whom they are issued, and the date and serial number thereof." Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War. War Department, Washington, D. C. November 3, 1911. Executive Order. Such alumni of the National School of Engineering of Mexico as may be designated by the Mexican Government to observe certain public works in the United States and Panama may be employed under the several executive departments of the United States in connection with the works to which they may be assigned. This order is issued in accordance with the principles of international comity to permit the action desired by the Mexican Government. As the matter is one relating to international courtesy rather than to the interests of the executive civil service, the Civil Service Commission makes no recommendation, regarding the wisdom of the proposed waiver as a matter pertaining to the Departments concerned. Wm H Taft The White House. November 6, 1911. [No. 1430.] Executive Order. to prevent the unauthorized purchase of supplies and equipment from per- sons in the army or navy. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. Whoever shall knowingly purchase or receive in pledge for any obliga- tion or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, sailor, or other person called into or employed in the military or naval service, any arms, equipment, ammunition, clothes, military stores, or other public property, whether furnished to the soldier, office^ sailor, or person under a clothing allowance or otherwise, such soldier, officer, sailor, or other person not having a lawful right to pledge or sell the same, shall be fined not MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1799 more than Five Hundred Dollars, and imprisoned in jail not more than Two Years; and the Circuit Court of the Circuit wherein such supplies or equipment may have been unlawfully purchased or received in pledge shall have jurisdiction of the offense. Section 2. This Order shall take effect Sixty Days from and after its publication in the Canal Record. Wm H Taft The White House, November 15, 1911. [No. 1433.] Executive Order. to amend sections 1 and 2, op act no. 2, op the canal zone laws, relating to notaries public, enacted august 17, 1904, and for other purposes. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone : Article 1. Section 1, of Act 2, entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of Notaries Public, defining their duties, fixing their terms of office, prescribing their fees, and for other purposes," enacted August 17, 1904, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. The Head of the Department of Civil Administration is hereby author- ized to appoint and commission such number of persons to the office of Notary Public as the public good requires, to hold for three years from the date of their appointment, with jurisdiction co-extensive with the limits of the Canal Zone, or throughout the Judicial Circuit in which the person appointed Notary Public resides, in the discretion of the Head of the Department of Civil Administration and to be stated by him in the certificate of appointment. Article 2. Section 2 of the above described Act No. 2 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 2. The appointment of a Notary Public shall be in writing, signed by the Head of the Department of Civil Administration, and shall be substantially in the following form : Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. This is to certify that , of the Judicial Circuit of the Canal Zone, has this day been appointed by me a Notary Public with jurisdiction co-extensive with the limits of the Canal Zone (or with jurisdiction throughout the said Judicial Circuit, as the case may be), for the term of three years from this date. Witness my official signature at — , Canal Zone, this day of , A. D., 1911. Head of the Department of Civil Administration. Article 3. Any and all appointments of Notaries Public heretofore under made said Act No. 2 with jurisdiction throughout the Canal Zone are hereby ratified and confirmed, and all of the acts and doings of such Notaries done in the Canal Zone outside of their respective Judicial Circuits, if otherwise legal, are hereby validated. This order shall not be construed to require the reappointment of the existing Notaries Public, but these shall continue in office to the end of their respective terms as though this order had not been established. Article 4. This act shall take effect from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, November 18, 1911. [No. 1435.] 1800 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. To Amend Executive Order Prohibiting the Practise of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Midwifery Within the Canal Zone Without a License. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone, amending the Executive Order promulgated on October 14, 1911, to read as follows: "Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person to practise or attempt to practise medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, or midwifery within the Canal Zone without first having obtained a license therefor from the Board of Health of the Canal Zone. Any person thus offending shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court: Provided, That this order shall not apply to the commissioned surgeons of the United States Army and Navy, or Marine Hospital Service, nor to Physicians, surgeons, dentists or pharmacists and their assistants and nurses enployed by the Isthmian Canal Commission, nor to nurses acting under the orders of a licensed physician. Section II, Whoever, not having registered as aforesaid, shall advertise or hold himself out to the public as a physician or surgeon, by appending to his name the letters "M. D.," or using the title of doctor, meaning thereby a doctor of medicine, or shall pretend to a knowledge of medicine or surgery, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both in the discretion of the court. Section III. Any person shall be regarded as practising medicine within the mean- ing of this order who shall prescribe for, operate on, or in any wise attempt to heal, cure or alleviate, or who shall in any wise treat any disease or any physical or mental ailment of another: Provided, That nothing in this order shall be construed to prohibit (a) the practise of the religious tenets of any church in the ministration of the sick or suffering by mental or spiritual means without the use of any drug or material remedy, whether gratuitously or for compensation, provided that such sanitary laws, orders, rules and regulations as now are, or hereafter may be, in force in said Canal Zone are complied with; or, (6) gratuitous services in case of emergency; or, (c) the adminis- tering of ordinary household remedies. Section IV. This order shall take effect on January 1, 1912." Wm H Taft The White House, December 26, 1911. [No. 1448.] Executive Order. Mr. Paul Brosig may be reinstated in the classified service as a draftsman at $1800 per annum for duty with the Fortification Division of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Mr. Brosig had seventeen years of service as a draftsman in the Engineer Department at Large, leaving the service in 1905 as a result of illness from which he has entirely recovered. He is regarded as one of the best qualified fortification draftsmen in the United States and is now serving under temporary appointment as a draftsman in connection with the plans for fortification on the Isthmus of Panama, since July 5, 1911. The officer in charge of fortification plans states that unless the services of Mr. Brosig may be continued it will seriously retard and delay the preparation of the plans and the Secretary of War expresses the opinion that the reinstatement of Mr. Brosig is MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1801 required in the interests of the service. In view of these facts the Civil Service Com- mission joins with the Secretary of War in recommending the reinstatement of Mr. Brosig. Wm H Taft The White House, January 9, 1912. [No. 1457.] Executive Order. By authority vested in me by law, I establish the following order for the Canal Zone : Sec. 1. A census of the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, shall be taken by the Department of Civil Administration of the Isthmian Canal Commission not later than April 30, 1912, under such rules and regulations in conformity with this Order as may be prescribed by the Head of Department of Civil Administration with the approval of the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Sec 2. The census shall embrace inquiries relating to population, and shall include for each inhabitant the name, location, sex, color, age, conjugal condition, place of birth, citizenship, length of residence in Canal Zone, occupation, whether or not an employe, and if an employe of the Isthmian Canal Commission, the Panama Railroad Company, the United States Government, or of any arm or branch thereof, this fact to be shown, together with metal check number if an employe of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Panama Railroad Company, school attendance, literacy, the lan- guage spoken,, whether blind, deaf and dumb, insane, or imbecile, and any other information which, under the rules and regulations referred to in Sec. 1, may be required . Sec 3. It shall be the duty of each enumerator to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most competent and trustworthy, or of such individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of information and all particulars required by this Order; and in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a family, competent to answer the inquiries made in compliance with the requirements of this Order, then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to obtain the required information as nearly as may be practicable from families or persons living in the neighborhood of such place or abode. It shall be the duty also of each enumerator to forward the original schedules, properly filled out and duly certified, to the supervisor or other chief census officer of his dis- trict as his returns under the provisions of this Order; and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies being discovered in these schedules he shall use all diligence in cor- recting or supplying the same. Sec 4. The compensation of enumerators and other persons engaged in taking the census shall be fixt by the Head of Department of Civil Administration, subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Sec 5. Every supervisor, supervisor's clerk, enumerator, interpreter, special agent, or other employe shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation to faithfully execute the duties imposed by his employment. Sec 6. Any supervisor, supervisor's clerk, enumerator, interpreter, special agent, or other employe, who, having taken and subscribed to the oath of office required by this Order, shall, without justifiable cause, neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined on him by this Order, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars; or if he shall, without the authority of the officer in charge of the census, publish or communicate any information coming into his possession by reason of his employment under the 1802 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. provisions of this Order, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be fined not to exceed one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned not to exceed two years, or both so fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court; or if he shall wilfully and knowingly swear to or affirm falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned not exceeding five years and be fined not exceeding two thousand dollars; or if he shall wilfully and knowingly make a false certificate or a fictitious return, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of either of the last-named offenses he shall be fined not exceeding two thousand dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding five years; or if any person who is or has been an enumerator shall knowingly or wilfully furnish, or cause to be furnished, directly or indirectly, to the officer in charge of the census, or to any supervisor of the census, any false statement or false information with reference to any inquiry for which he was authorized and required to collect information, he shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding two thousand dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding five years. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of all persons over twenty-one years of age when re- quested by the officer in charge of the census, or by any supervisor, or enumerator acting under the instructions of the said officer in charge of the. census, to answer cor- rectly, to the best of their knowledge, all questions on the census schedules applying to themselves and to the family to which they belong or are related, and any person over twenty-one years of age who, under the conditions hereinbefore stated, shall refuse or wilfully neglect to answer any of these questions, or shall wilfully give an- swers that are false, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars. And it shall be the duty of every owner, proprietor, manager, superintendent, or agent of a hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other build- ing, when requested by the officer in charge of the census, or by any supervisor, or enumerator, acting under the instructions of the said officer in charge of the census, to furnish the names of the occupants of said hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodg- ing house, tenement, or other building, and to give thereto free ingress and egress to any duly accredited supervisor or enumerator, so as to permit of the collection of sta- tistics for census purposes including the proper and correct enumeration of all persons having their usual place of abode in said hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building; and any owner, proprietor, manager, superintend- ent, or agent of a hotel, apartment house, boarding or lodging house, tenement, or other building who shall refuse or wilfully neglect to give such information or assist- ance under the conditions hereinbefore stated shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars. Sec. 8. The circuit courts of the respective circuits shall have jurisdiction of the offenses herein enumerated. Sec. 9. This Order shall take effect on this date. Wm H Taft The White House, January 12, 1912. [No. 1463.] Executive Order. to provide an inexpensive method for the administration of estates of de- ceased and insane persons in certain cases, and to repeal act 24 of the canal zone laws, and the executive orders amendatory thereto. By virtue of the authority invested in me, I hereby establish the following Execu- tive Order for the Canal Zone. Section 1. Whenever an employee in the service of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, or the Government of the Canal Zone, or of the Panama Railroad Company, MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1803 shall die, leaving an estate in the said Zone, or whenever such decedent, being a citi- zen of the United States, leaves an estate in the Canal Zone or in the Republic of Pan. ama; and the said estate consists of personal property only, not exceeding in value the sum of $1,000.00, and a regular administration shall not have been instituted in the courts of the Canal Zone, the Collector of Revenues for the Canal Zone is hereby author- ized and directed to take possession of the estate of the said deceased person and to make a complete inventory thereof and present the same to the Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Canal Zone, to be filed by the said judge in the records of his court when approved by him. Section 2. The Collector of Revenues, with the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, out of the assets of the estate, may pay the burial expenses of the said deceased person and all expenses necessarily incurred in securing possession of the estate and of administering the same until it is turned over to the heirs or other parties entitled thereto, and he may also pay the expenses of the trans- portation of the remains of the decedent to the United States, if he is an American Citizen and such transportation is desired by the surviving relatives. He shall also pay the lawful debts of the deceased, with the approval of the Circuit Judge. Section 3. In case the deceased shall have to his credit with the Isthmian Canal Commission, the Government of the Canal Zone, or the Panama Railroad Company, any sum as salary or other acknowledged claim, the amount so due shall be paid to the Collector of Revenues and be by him administered as a part of said estate in the manner prescribed by this Order; Provided, that if there should be a regular admin- istration upon the estate of the deceased in a court of competent jurisdiction of the Canal Zone, then the sum due to the deceased shall be paid to the regular executor or administrator of the estate appointed by said court. Section 4. After all of the expenses connected with the burial of the deceased person and in securing possession of the estate and in otherwise administering the same, together with the lawful debts of the deceased, have been fully paid, the balance of such estate shall be paid by the Collector of Revenues to the parties entitled to receive such estate; but before making such payment, the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court must be obtained. Section 5. If the deceased employee is an alien and has no heirs in the Canal Zone, the Collector of Revenues is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the residue of the decedent's estate to the diplomatic or consular representative of the country of which the decedent was a citizen or subject accredited to the Republic of Panama, to be delivered by such representative to the heirs of the decedent; if the deceased is a citizen of Panama, the residue of the estate may be delivered to his heirs in Pan- ama, or to the authorities designated for that purpose by the Panamanian laws or decrees. Section 6. After the estate has been fully administered by the Collector of Revenues and the residue thereof has been turned over to the parties entitled to the same accord- ing to this Order, the Collector of Revenues shall file a final report of his acts and doings in the estate with the Judge of the Circuit Court, and accompany said report with the proper vouchers and other supporting papers, showing the receipts and disbursements made by him in administering the estate, and the Circuit Judge shall examine said report, and if he finds it correct, he shall approve the same and discharge the Collector of Revenues as such administrator. Section 7. If the decedent should leave a widow, or minor children, or dependent relative, in necessitous circumstances to be determined by the Circuit Judge, the residue of the estate of the decedent, after all of the funeral expenses, the expenses of transportation of the remains of the deceased to the United States, if the remains are transported, and the other expenses incident to the administration of the estate are fully paid, shall be delivered to said widow, or minor children, or dependent relative, as the case may be, for their maintenance and support; and, except as in this section 1804 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. otherwise provided, the claims of the widow, minor children, or dependent relative of the deceased for this allowance shall be superior to the claims of the creditors of the deceased, Provided, that such preference in favor of the widow, minor children, or dependent relative shall not exceed $500.00. Section 8. If an -employee of the Isthmian Canal Commission, the Government of the Canal Zone, or the Panama Railroad Company should be adjudged insane by the Canal Zone Courts and have an estate not exceeding $1,000.00 in value and consisting entirely of personal property, and no regular guardianship of such estate shall have been instituted in the Canal Zone Courts, it shall be the duty of the Collector of Revenues to take possession of the estate of such insane person, including any salary or other acknowledged claim due to such employee by the Isthmian Canal Commission, the Canal Zone Government, or the Panama Railroad Company, and make a complete inventory thereof and file the same with the Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Canal Zone; and under the direction and with the approval of the Judge of the said Court, the Collector of Revenues may pay the lawful indebtedness due by the insane person, as well as the expenses incurred in administering said estate, and he shall hold the residue of the estate subject to the orders of the Circuit Judge. If the insane person has a wife^ minor child or children, or dependent relative, in necessitous circumstances, to be determined by the Circuit Judge, the court shall set aside a sufficient sum out of the said estate for their maintenance and support, not to exceed the sum of $500.00 in the aggregate, to be paid in such manner and at such times as the Circuit Judge may prescribe, and which allowance shall be superior to all other claims against the estate; and the order of the Judge shall be sufficient authority for the Collector of Revenues to make such payment, taking proper receipts therefor. In case the insane person is a citizen of the United States and has no wife, child or children, or dependent relative, the Collector of Revenues shall retain possession of the residue of said estate, after the debts and other charges have been paid as above men- tioned, and hold same subject to the orders of the court. If the insane person is a Panamanian and has no wife, child or children, or depend- ent relative, the residue of the estate, with the approval of the Circuit Judge, may be delivered by the Collector of Revenues to the authorities designated for that pur- pose by the Panamanian laws or decrees. If the insane person is an alien, othei than a Panamanian, and has no wife, child or children, or dependent relative, the Collector of Revenues, with the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court, shall pay over the residue of the said estate to the diplo- matic or consular representative of the country to which the insane person belongs accredited to the Republic of Panama, to be disposed of by him in accordance with the laws of his country. Section 9. When the estate of the insane person is finally administered and the moneys paid over to the peison or persons entitled to receive same as herein provided for, the Collector of Revenues shall make his final report on said estate to the Judge of the Circuit Court, and the Court shall approve the same, if found to be correct, and discharge the Collector of Revenues from such guardianship. Section 10. When the Collector of Revenues shall have performed his duties in accordance with the provisions of this Order and shall have delivered the estate or paid over the sums due from the funds of said estate to the person or persons entitled thereto in accordance with the orders of the court, such settlement of the estate shall be deemed a lawful settlement thereof, and the Collector of Revenues shall not be accountable on his bond and shall not be liable to any other person for the estate so administered by him; Provided, that nothing in this Order shall prohibit the lawful heirs or claimants of any person whose estate has been settled in accordance with the provisions of this Order from bringing suit in any court having jurisdiction of the MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1805 subject-matter and of the parties to the action against the person or persons who received the estate by virtue of the provisions of this act, and from recovering the same or the value thereof from such person or persons upon proof that the estate has been delivered to the persons not entitled to receive and retain same. Section 11. This Order shall apply to the estate of persons who died or became insane prior to the passage of this Order, as well as to those who die or become insane after the date of its promulgation. Section 12. If the Collector of Revenues shall deem it to the best interest of the estate of the deceased or insane person to convert any part or all of the property of the estate into cash, he may dispose of the same by public or private sale, with the approval of the Circuit Judge. Section 13. The proceedings to be had before the Judge of the Circuit Court as herein provided for may be conducted without the necessity of any prior notice being given of the same, either by publication or otherwise; and the judge may proceed in such cases in open court or in chambers, and shall give precedence to such matters over all other business pending before him, in order that the estates may be adminis- tered and closed as expeditiously as the rights of all parties concerned may permit. No court costs of any kind shall be taxed against estates administered under the pro- visions of this Order. Section 14. The official bond of the Collector of Revenues shall be security for the moneys and properties received by him in the performance of the duties prescribed for him by this Order. Section 15. Act 24, of the Canal Zone Laws, entitled: "An Act providing for an inexpensive method of Administration upon the Estates of Employees of the Government of the Canal Zone, or of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, who are citizens of the United States and who die in the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, leaving estates of small value upon which regular administration is deemed inadvisable." enacted March 1, 1905, and Executive Order dated June 22, 1907, effective July 1, 1907, and Executive Order dated July 21, 1909, respectively, amendatory of said Act 24, and all laws in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 16. This Order shall take effect 30 days from and after this date. Wm H Taft The White House, February 5, 191 >. [No. 1468.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone. Section 1. No automobile, motor cycle, or bicycle shall be driven or operated over the roads or streets of the Canal Zone at a speed exceeding fifteen (15) miles an hour on straight roads, or at a speed exceeding eight (8) miles an hour when approach- ing or traversing curves, forks, or crossroads, or when traveling over the streets of any city, town, or village of the Canal Zone. The owner of an automobile, if within the car, shall be held responsible for its speed ; in the absence of the owner, the person actually driving the automobile shall be held responsible. The person operating a motor cycle or bicycle shall be held responsible for its speed. Section 2. In the operation or employment of automobiles, motor cycles, bicycles, carriages, wagons, and other vehicles over Canal Zone roads or streets, the following rules shall be observed, viz: All such vehicles, in meeting and passing other vehicles, or in being overtaken and passed by other vehicles, shall keep to the left of the road; 1806 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. and in overtaking and passing other vehicles they shall keep to the right. The owner of an automobile or other vehicle, if riding therein, shall be held responsible for the driving or operation thereof, agreeably to the provisions of this section; in the absence of the owner, the person driving or operating such vehicle shall be held responsible. In the case of any motor cycle or bicycle, the person operating same shall be held responsible. Section 3. Any person violating any provision of this order shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), United States currency, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Section 4. The Executive Order of February 27, 1908, relative to the speed of automobiles on Canal Zone roads is hereby repealed. Section 5. This order shall take effect thirty days from this date. Wm H Taft The White House, February 28, 1912. [No. 1489.] 2. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing J. W. Sneed, Superintendent of Construction, Central Division, to enter September 28, 1911, upon 42 days' leave of absence with pay, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That J. W. Sneed, Superintendent of Construction, Central Division, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective September 28, 1911, which ordinarily would not be due until October 15, 1911. 3. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Thomas H. Smallwood, motorman, to enter December 13, 1911, upon 42 days' leave of absence with pay, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That Thomas H. Smallwood, motorman, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective December 13, 1911, which ordinarily would not be due until February 4, 1912. 4. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Rev. P. Jose Volk, Chaplain, Department of Sanitation, to enter January 22, 1912, upon 42 days' leave of absence with pay, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That Rev. P. Jose Volk, Chaplain, Department of Sani- tation, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective January 22, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until March 12, 1912. 5. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Francis A. Hobart, draftsman, to enter March 26, 1912, upon 30 days' leave of absence with pay, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That Francis A. Hobart, draftsman, Office of the Chief Engineer, be granted 30 days' leave of absence with pay, effective March 26, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until April 25, 1912. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1807 6. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That Maj. J. P. Jervey, Resident Engineer, Atlantic Division, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective June 1, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until July 6, 1912. 7. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That Edward Schildhauer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective May 15, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until June 27, 1912. 8. The following resolution adopted by letter ballot, authorizing, effective October 1, 1912, the payment to employees for accrued leave at termination of actual service, or their estates at death, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That any employee of the Commission whose service terminates on or after October 1, 1912, whether by resignation or by discharge, at a time when he has leave with pay due him under the regulations of the Commission, instead of being granted such leave of absence with pay shall, at the time of termination of his actual service and in addition to his regular pay for such service, be paid an amount equal to the amount he would have been entitled to receive had he been granted leave under the regulations of the Com- mission; and that there shall be paid to the estate of an employee whose service is terminated by death at a time when leave is due him an amount equal to the amount he would have received had his service terminated by resignation or discharge. . 9. The following amendment to the ordinance "providing for the licensing and regulation of motor vehicles in the Canal Zone, " adopted by the Commission by letter ballot, was formally confirmed : Amendment of the Ordinance Providing for the Licensing and Regulation of Motor Vehicles in the Canal Zone. Be it enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission, as follows: That the ordinance providing for the licensing and regulation of motor vehicles in the Canal Zone, enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission at its 158th meeting on August 25, 1910, and approved by the Acting Secretary of War October 31, 1910, be, and the same is hereby, amended, as follows: Section I is amended so that the same shall now read as follows: Section I. That, hereafter, there shall be collected and accounted for as other similar taxes, the following license taxes from the owners or operators of motor vehicles used ir employed on the streets or roads of the Canal Zone, viz: (1) Excepting motor cycles, (a) for each motor vehicle operated for the transportation of freight for hire, or for the transportation of merchandise or freight by any merchant or dealer, ninety dollars ($90) per annum; (b) for each motor vehicle operated for the transportation of passengers for hire, fifty dollars ($50) per annum; (c) for each motor vehicle operated for pleasure twenty-five dollars ($25) per annum; and (II) for each motor cycle ten dollars ($10) per annum: Provided, however, That for motor vehicles operated over the streets and roads of the Canal Zone which have already been duly licensed and authorized to operate over the streets and roads of the Republic of Panama, and where the licensees are residents of the Republic of Panama, there may be collected, with the approval of the Head of the Department of Civil Administration, in lieu of the license taxes above enumerated, license taxes as follows: (I) Excepting motor cycles, (a) for each 45132—14 2 1808 MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. motor vehicle operated for the transportation of freight for hire, or for the transporta- tion of merchandise or freight by any merchant or dealer, ninety dollars ($90) per an- num; (6) for each motor vehicle operated for the transportation of passengers for hire thirty dollars ($30) per annum; (c) for each motor vehicle operated for pleasure five dollars ($5) per annum; and (II) for each motor cycle two dollars ($2) per annum; if, reciprocally on the various kinds of motor vehicles in this proviso enumerated, which have already been duly licensed for operation over the streets and roads of the Canal Zone, and where the licensees are residents of the Canal Zone, there are exacted and collected in the Republic of Panama total license taxes or charges, per annum, not exceeding the respective license taxes, in this proviso enumerated; and in the event that the reciprocal motor vehicle license taxes of the classes herein enumerated are increased in the Republic of Panama over those herein named, there shall be collected in the Canal Zone, with the approval of the Head of the Department of Civil Admin- istration, reciprocal motor vehicle license taxes equal to the total thus reciprocally charged in the Republic of Panama: And provided further, That where any motor vehicle licensed in the Canal Zone shall, before the period for which the license is taken expires, be sold or transferred by the licensee to some other person who may desire to continue to use and operate such vehicle over the streets and roads of the Canal Zone, such transferee, by application to the Collector .of Revenues, and upon submission of satisfactory evidence of such purchase or transfer, may have the license transferred to him by indorsement made thereon by the Collector of Revenues, author- izing such transferee to operate such motor vehicle under such license, without the payment of any additional license charge or fee. 10. The following resolution adopted by letter ballot, governing the treatment of officers and men of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps in Commission hospitals, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That the additional paragraph to the regulation goA 7 ern- ing the treatment of individuals by the physicians, and in the hos- pitals, of the Health Department of the Government of the Canal Zone, adopted by the Commission at its 136th meeting, and changed at its 145th meeting, be further changed to read as follows: Officers and enlisted men of the United States Army and of the United States Navy and of the United States Marine Corps, stationed for duty on the Canal Zone, or cruising in adjacent waters, shall be admitted to, and treated in, Commission hospitals at the following rate: Officers, $1 a day; enlisted men, at the actual cost of their subsistence as determined each month; and the members of their families may be admitted to hospitals and treated at dispensaries on the same basis as members of families of employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Such treatment shall include professional attend- ance, operations when necessary, medical supplies, subsistence, and transportation on the hospital car from any point between Colon and Panama. 11. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Sanitary Officer it was — Resolved, That paragraph 3, under section K, of the regulations governing the treatment of persons by physicians and in the hos- pitals of the Health Department of the Government of the Canal Zone be amended by the elimination of the entire paragraph, with the exception of subparagraph lettered "E." MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1809 12. The chairman presented statements covering changes in the status of employees on duty in the United States for the periods from January 1, 1911, to June 30, 1911, inclusive, and from July 1, 1911, to December 31, 1911, inclusive, all of which were ratified and con- firmed. 13. The chairman presented statements showing the appoint- ments, promotions, and other changes in the personnel: (a) In the Department of Construction and Engineering for the weeks ending January 7, 14, 21, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; February 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (6) In the Department of Civil Administration for the weeks ending January 7, 14, 21, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; Febru- ary 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (c) In the Department of Sanitation for the weeks ending January 7, 14, 21, and 28, February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18; and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; February 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (d) In the Quartermaster's Department for the weeks ending January 7, 14, 21, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; Febru- ary 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (e) In the Subsistence Department for the weeks ending January 14, 21, and 28; February 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; February 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (/) In the Department of Disbursements for the weeks ending- January 7 and 28; February 4; March 4 and 25; April 1, 8, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 17 and 24; July 1 and 8; August 5 and 12; September 2, 9, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4 and 25; December 23 and 30, 1911; January 13 and 27; 'February 17; March 2, 23, and 30, 1912. (g) In the Department of Examination of Accounts for the weeks ending January 7, 14, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, and 21; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; February 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (h) In the Department of Law for the weeks ending January 7, 14, and 28; Febru- ary 25; May 20; September 2, 16, and 23; November 25, 1911; January 13 and 27; March 9, 1912. 1810 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. (i) In the Isthmian Canal Commission Band for the weeks ending January 7; Feb- ruary 4; March 4, 11, and 25; April 8 and 29; May 6, 13, and 27; June 17; July 29; September 9 and 23; October 14, 21, and 28; November 18; December 23 and 30, 1911; January 20; February 3; March 2 and 30, 1912. (J) Tn the Panama Railroad Commissary Department for the weeks ending Janu- ary 7, 14, 21, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12, 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; February 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. (£) In the Panama Railroad relocation for the weeks ending January 7, 14, 21, and 28; February 4, 11, 18, and 25; March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, May 6, 13, 20, and 27; June 3, 10, 17, and 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; August 5, 12; 19, and 26; September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; October 7, 14, 21, and 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1911; January 6, 13, 20, and 27; Feb- ruary 3, 10, 17, and 24; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 1912. All of which were ratified and approved. 14. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That in accordance with the provisions of sec. 4 of the regulations respecting the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Canal Zone, adopted by the Commission April 27, 1907, and approved by the Secretary of War May 17, 1907, the towns and villages of the Canal Zone in which saloons and drinking places may be licensed for the year commencing July 1, 19-12, and the areas in such towns and villages within which such saloons and drinking places may be located be, and the same hereby are, fixed as follows: Culebra: Lots 11 to 19, inclusive, block 1; lots 12 to 20, inclusive, block 2; lots 1 to 9, inclusive, block 4; lots 2 to 10, inclusive, block 5, West Culebra. Empire: The area bounded by Second Avenue, Main Street, Sev- enth Avenue, and Front Street: Provided, however, That no saloons in addition to the total number now being conducted on Front Street shall be licensed. Matacliin: On the main street of the town, on the north side of the Panama Railroad, in line with the buildings in which saloons are now located. Gorgona: Area bounded by Second Street, Avenue E, Fifth Street, and Central Avenue (or Avenue A), but no saloons will be permitted to face on Central Avenue. Gatun: All of blocks 7 and 8; lots 1 to 5, inclusive, block 2; lots 1 to 5, inclusive, block 4; and lots 1 to 4, inclusive, block 6, of the new town laid out by the Panama Railroad Co. All of the areas described are more particularly indicated on maps, numbered 1 to 11, inclusive, prepared in the Office of the Chief Engi- neer of the Isthmian Canal Commission and approved by the Head of the Department of Civil Administration. The designation of the areas hereinbefore made, however, shall not be construed as prohibiting the renewal of the licenses of dealers now engaged in the retail sale of liquor, under proper license, in any of the towns mentioned outside of the areas designated, the places of business of all such dealers outside of the areas described being shown on the maps hereinbefore referred to. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1811 Resolved further, That the number of saloons to be located in each town within the area designated shall not be restricted, except as indicated on Front Street, Empire, but that each reliable and respon- sible applicant shall be granted a license for the sale of liquor within any such described area, in conformity with the regulations, upon the payment of the necessary fee. 15. The Chairnian reported in regard to the agreement for the pay- ment of $10,000 per month to the Panama Railroad Co. for telegraph and telephone service, as shown in paragraph 2 of the minutes of the one hundred and fifty-eighth meeting of the Commission held on Au- gust 25, 1910, that he had agreed with the company in accordance with the recommendations of the committee representing both inter- ests to reduce the payment made by the Commission for such serv- ice to the sum of $7,000 permonth, beginning March 1, 1912. The Chairman's action was approved. 16. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That such of the Commission dentists as have been granted the privilege of family quarters may, after two years' satis- factory service, be assigned to the same class of quarters to which an employee drawing $200 a month is entitled. There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8.30 a. m., subject to the call of the Chairman. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-THIRD MEETING. Culebra, Canal Zone, April &£, 1913. The Commission met at the call of the Chairman at 2.30 p. m. Present: Commissioners Goethals (Chairman), Hodges, Gaillard } Sibert, Rousseau, Gorgas, and Thatcher. The Commission elected the Chairman's Secretary, Mr. William H. May, as Acting Secretary of the Commission for the meeting. The minutes of the lG2d meeting were read and approved. 1. The Chairman read the following Executive orders, which were ordered to be spread upon the minutes : Executive Order. to prevent trespassing upon reservations. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. Every person who shall go into or upon any reservation or other place belonging to or under the control of the United States of America, the Canal Zone Government, or the Panama Railroad Company, after such reserva- tion or place has been posted as hereinafter prescribed in this Order, and with- out the permission of the person in charge of such reservation or place, shall be deemed guilty of trespassing; and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $25.00, or by imprisonment in jail not to exceed 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Section 2. The posting required by this Order shall consist of printed or painted signs, conspicuously placed, by the authority of the Chairman of the Commission, at or near the reservation or place from which the public are to be excluded, and shall in plain and simple words warn all persons against trespassing upon the reservation or place. Section 3. Every person who wilfully injures, destroys, or removes any sign placed or erected under the provisions of this Order shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100.00, or by imprisonment in jail not to exceed 3 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Section 4. This Order shall take effect 60 days from and after this date. Wm. H. Taft. The White House. April 11, 1912. [No. 1519.] 1813 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. . By virtue of the authority vested in rue, the Executive Order of May 13, 1911, providing for the collection of a distillation tax in the Canal Zone, is amended as follows: 1. The output of each still may be measured by any method approved by the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission, if in his opinion measurement by meter, as provided in section 3 of said Executive Order, is not satsfactory. 2. On and after January 1, 1913, the right to operate any still within the Canal Zone shall cease and determine, and any person who shall, on or after that date, manufacture or distill any of the spirits or alcoholic liquors enumerated in the Executive Order of May 13, 1911, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment in the District Jail for a term not exceeding twelve (12) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, within the dis- cretion of the court. 3. This order shall take effect from and after this date. Wm. H. Taft. The White House, May 21, 1912. [No. 1532.] Executive Ordee. hours of service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work for the united states. . By virtue of the authority conferred upon me by Section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act limiting the hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon work done for the United States, or for any Territory, or for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes," approved June 19, 1912, the provisions and stipulations in said Act are hereby waived, until January first, nineteen hundred and fifteen, as to any contract or contracts entered into in connection with the construction of the Isthmian Canal. Wm. H. Taft. The White House, June 19, 1912. [No. 1547.] Executive Order. consolidating the administrative district of gorgona with that of empire, and for other purposes. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone. Section 1. The Administrative District of Emperador shall be known here- after as the Administrative District of Empire, and the town of Empire shall fee the head of the District. Section 2. The Administrative District of Gorgona is hereby abolished, and the territory heretofore embraced in said District is incorporated into the Adminis- trative District of Empire for all judicial, administrative and political purposes. Section 3. The District Court of Gorgona is hereby abolished, and all cases, *ivil or criminal, pending in said Court, at the time this order takes effect are MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1815 transferred to the District Court of Empire, to be tried and disposed of in said court in like manner and form as if they had been originally instituted therein, without prejudice to any rulings or orders that may have been previously made in said cases by the District Court of Gorgona ; and all process issued iu said cases made returnable to the District Court of Gorgona shall be returnable to the District Court of Empire, and the records and files of the District Court of Gorgona shall be transferred to and become a part of the records and files of the District Court of Empire as soon as this order takes effect. Section 4. If at any time it is impracticable to assign a District Judge of one district to hold the court of another District Judge, the Head of the Depart- ment of Civil Administration, with the approval of the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission, shall appoint some competent person to act as a special judge to hold such court until the regular judge thereof returns to his duties, or one of the District Judges is assigned to such court under the existing laws. Any person appointed special judge hereunder, while serving in that capacity shall receive compensation for his services at the same rate as that paid to the regular district judge. Section 5. The powers and duties heretofore vested in and imposed on the administrative officers of the District of Gorgona are hereby transferred to the corresponding administrative officials respectively in the District of Empire; together with the records and files belonging to such officers. Section 6. The areas of Gatun Lake lying outside of the east and west lines of the Canal Zone proper (original ten mile strip) and the lands adjacent to said areas up to contour lines of one hundred feet above mean sea level, are hereby included in the present Cristobal Administrative District, and in the Third Judicial Circuit, for all judicial, administrative and political purposes; except, that part of the Chagres and its confluences from the point where the said river intersects the eastern line of the Canal Zone proper, thence to the eastward up to contour lines of one hundred feet above mean sea level, which shall be included in the Administrative District of Empire and in the Second Judicial Circuit for such purposes. Section 7. All laws and orders or parts thereof in conflict with this order are hereby repealed. Section 8. This order shall take effect ten days from and after this date; provided, that the office of senior District Judge in accordance with the pre- existing laws shall continue until December 31, 1912, at wbich date the said office shall cease to exist, — and provided further, that nothing in this order shall be construed to deprive any judicial or administrative officer of the Dis- trict of Gorgona as now formed, of leave of absence with pay that may be due him when this order takes effect. Wm. H. Taft. The White House, September 12th, 19l2. [No. 1605.] [panama canal toll rates.] By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATION. I, William Howard Taft, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Act of Congress, approved August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, to provide for the opening, maintenance, protection and operation of the Panama Canal and the sanitation 1816 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. and government of the Canal Zone, do hereby prescribe and proclaim the follow- ing rates of toll to be paid by vessels using the Panama Canal : 1. On merchant vessels carrying passengers or cargo one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per net vessel ton — each one hundred (100) cubic feet — of actual earning capacity. 2. On vessels in ballast without passengers or cargo forty (40) percent less than the rate of tolls for vessels with passengers or cargo. 3. Upon naval vessels, other than transports, colliers, hospital ships and supply ships, fifty (50) cents per displacement ton. 4. Upon army and navy transports, colliers, hospital ships and supply ships one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per net ton, the vessels to be measured by the same rules as are employed in determining the net tonnage of merchant vessels. The Secretary of War will prepare and prescribe such rules for the measure- ment of vessels and such regulations as may be necessary and proper to carry this proclamation into full force and effect. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this thirteenth day of November in [seal.] the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twelve and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty- seventh. Wm H Taft By the President : P C Knox Secretary of State. [No. 1225.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the opening, maintenance, protection and operation of the Panama Canal and the sanitation and government of the Canal Zone ", approved August 24, 1912, I hereby declare that all land and land under water within the limits of the Canal Zone are necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation, protection and sanitation of the Panama Canal, and the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission is hereby directed to take possession, on behalf of the United States, of all such land and land under water; and he may extinguish, by agreement when practicable, all claims and titles of adverse claimants to the occupancy of said land and land under water. Wm H Taft The White House, December 5th, 1912. [No. 1656.] Executive Order to amend the executive order providing for the inspection of steam vessels, approved july 21, 1911. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. Section 10 of the Executive Order entitled " Executive Order Providing for the Inspection of Steam Vessels," approved July 21, 1911, ie hereby amended to read as follows: MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1817 Section 10. Before issuing an inspection certificate to any vessel, the Collec- tor of Revenues shall demand and receive from the owner or master of such vessel the following compensation for inspection and examination made for the year, in addition to any fees for issuing enrollments and licenses now, or which may hereafter be, allowed by law : For each steam vessel under 15 gross tons $5.00 For each steam vessel over 15 gross tons and not exceeding 100 gross tons_ 10. 00 For each and every gross ton in excess of 100 gross tons .05 The fees herein provided for shall cover the cost of the certificate, as well as the cost of inspection and examination of the vessel, and shall be for the use and benefit of the Canal Zone Government. Section 2. Section 18 of the above-mentioned Executive Order is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Section 18. Every vessel coming within the provisions of this Order shall be provided with such number of lifeboats, floats, rafts, life-preservers, line carry- ing projectiles and best means of propelling them, lights, drags, anchors, and with such other equipment, as, in the judgment of the Board of Local Inspec- tors, will best procure the safety of all persons on board such vessels in case of disaster. And every such vessel shall have the lifeboats required by this Order provided with suitable boat disengaging apparatus, so arranged as to allow such boats to be safely launched while such vessels are under speed, or otherwise, so as to allow such disengaging apparatus to be operated by one person, disen- gaging both ends of the boat simultaneously from the tackle by which it may be lowered to the water; and the Board of Local Inspectors shall determine the kind of lifeboats, floats, rafts, life-preservers, line carrying projectiles and means of propelling the same, lights, drags, anchors, and other equipment which are to be used on the vessel ; and also the kind and capacity of the pumps for freeing the vessel from water in case of heavy leakage, the capacity of such pumps being suited to the navigation in which the vessel is employed. Section 3. This order shall take effect thirty days from this date. Wm H Taft The White House, January 13, 1918. [No. 1680.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby order that all that area of land in the Canal Zone known as Las, Sabanas be excepted from the provisions of the Executive Order of December 5, 1912, directing the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commisson to take possession on behalf of the United States of all privately owned lands in the Canal Zone, the said area being bounded on the south by the present limits of the City of Panama, on the southeast by the Pacific Ocean, on the northeast by the boundary line of the Canal Zone from monument 99 for a distance of four thousand seven hundred and forty-four and five-tenths (4744-5/10) meters to monument marked " F," on the northwest by a line extending from said monument F south 63 degrees 32 minutes west for a distance of two thousand and eight and six-tenths (2008-6/10) meters to the intersection of said line with the Corundu River, and on the west by the Corundu River from said point of intersection to the point where said river crosses the present boundary line of the City of Panama. Wm H Taft The White House, * February 18, 1918. [No. 1704.] 1818 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. All artisans, citizens of the United States, who are now or may hereafter be In the service of the Isthmian Canal Commission and who have rendered one year's satisfactory service on the Isthmus of Panama, and who may be recom- mended, upon discharge, for transfer, may be transferred within three years to corresponding positions in the classified service under the several Executive Departments and independent Government establishments, without examination, subject to the other provisions of the civil service rules. Wm H Taft The White House, February 18th, 1913. [No. 1705.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 5 of the Panama Canal Act. approved August 24, 1912, directing the President to " provide a method for the determination and adjustment of all claims arising out of personal injuries to employees thereafter occurring while directly engaged in actual work in connection with the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Canal, or of the Panama Railroad, or of any auxiliary canals, locks or Other works necessary and convenient for the construction, maintenance, oper- ation or sanitation of the Canal, whether such injuries result in death or not,' and prescribe a schedule of compensation therefor," I hereby establish the fol- lowing Order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. The United States or the Panama Railroad Company shall pay compensation as hereinafter specified for personal injuries to their respective employees occurring after March 1st, 1913, while such employees are directly engaged in actual work in connection with the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Canal, or of the Panama Railroad, or of any auxiliary canals, locks or other works necessary and convenient for the con- struction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Canal, whether such injuries result in death or not; but no compensation shall be paid if the injury is caused (1) by the employee's intention to bring about the injury or death of himself or of another, or (2) by his intoxication. Section 2. Compensation the exclusive remedy. — Except as provided in this order, the United States and the Panama Railroad Company shall not be liable for personal injury to or the death of an employee for which compensation is provided in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. Waiting Period. — During the first five days of disability resulting from the injury the employee shall not be entitled to compensation, except as provided in section 9. No compensation shall at any time be paid for such period. Section 4. Total disability. — If the injury results in total disability, there shall be paid to the employee a monthly compensation equal to fifty per cent, of his monthly pay. This compensation shall be paid during such disability, not exceeding a period of six years from the fifth day of disability of any kind resulting from the injury. After such period of six years there shall be paid to the employee during such disability a monthly compensation equal to not more than forty per cent, and not less than twenty-five per cent, of his monthly pay. Section 5. Partial disability. — If the injury results in partial disability, there shall be paid to the employee a monthly compensation equal to fifty per cent. MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1819 of the difference between his monthly pay and his wage earning capacity per month after the beginning of such partial disability. This compensation shall be paid during such disability for a period not exceeding six years from the fifth day of disability of any kind resulting from the injury. After such period of six years, there shall be paid to the employee during such disability a monthly compensation equal to not more than forty per cent, and not less than twenty-five per cent, of the difference between his monthly pay and his wage earning capacity per month after such period of six years. Section 6. Affidavit as to wages. — After the beginning of partial disability the Governor of the Panama Canal may, from time to time, require the injured employee to make an affidavit as to the wages per month which he is receiving. In the statement of the wages the value of rent, board, lodging and other advantages received from the employer, which can be estimated in money, shall be taken into account. If the employee at any time fails to make such affi- davit, he shall not be entitled to any compensation while such failure con- tinues, and the period of such failure shall be deducted from the period during which compensation is payable to the employee. Section 7. Refusal to tvork. — If the employee refuses to work after suitable work is furnished to or secured for him by the United States or the Panama Railroad Company he shall not be entitled to any compensation while such refusal continues, and the period of such refusal shall be deducted from the period during which compensation is payable to the employee. Section 8. Sick leave. — If at the time disability begins the employee has to his credit any unused sick leave, he may, at his option, subject to the approval of the Governor of the Panama Canal, use such leave until exhausted. During such time no compensation shall accrue, and any period of sick leave allowed on account of such disability after the first five days of disability shall be deducted from the period of six years referred to in Sections 4 and 5. Section 9. Medical, etc., attendance. — There shall be furnished to the injured employee reasonable medical, surgical and hospital services and supplies, unless the employee elects to furnish his own physician or to care for himself. If in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal a surgical operation ia necessary, either to save the life of the injured employee or to render the disa- bility less serious, and the employee refuses to submit to such operation, he shall not be entitled to any compensation thereafter, but in case of his death, compensation shall be paid as hereinafter provided. Section 10. Transportation of injured employees. — If in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal it is not desirable to continue the injured em- ployee in the service, such employee, as soon as he is able to travel, shall, in the discretion of the Governor of the Panama Canal, be furnished transporta- tion to his home. If at the time of the injury the employee is on the Isthmus, the Governor of the Panama Canal may, in his discretion, suspend, for such period as such employee remains on the Isthmus after free transportation has been offered to him as herein provided, the compensation payable to such employee. Section 11. Death payments. — If the injury results in death within six years, there shall be paid to the following persons for the following periods a monthly compensation equal to the following percentages of the deceased employee's monthly pay : A To the widow or widower if there is no child: If wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee at the time of the death, thirty-five per cent, for a period of six years from the date of the death, unless before that time such widow or widower dies or marries; after such period of six years not less than twenty 1820 MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. per cent, nor more than thirty per cent, until death or marriage; if partly dependent, the compensation shall be a proportionate amount of the above compensation. B To the widow or widower if there is a child: The compensation payable under Clause A, and in addition thereto ten per cent, for each child, not to exceed a total of fifty per cent, for self and children ; after the expiration of six years from the date of the death the total for self and children shall not exceed twenty-five to forty per cent. Compensation payable on account of any child shall cease when he dies, marries, or reaches the age of eighteen, or if over the age of eighteen and incapable of self-support, becomes capable of self-support. C To the children if there is no iDidow or widower: Twenty-five per cent, for one child and ten per cent, additional for each additional child not to exceed a total of fifty per cent, divided among such children share and share alike. After the expiration of six years from the date of the death of the deceased employee, the total shall not exceed twenty-five to forty per cent. The compensation of each child shall be paid until he dies, marries or reaches the age of eight- een years, or if over the age of eighteen and incapable of self-support, becomes capable of self-support. D To the parents, if there is no widow, widower or child: If one is wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee at the time of his death and the other is not dependent to any extent, twenty-five per cent ; if both are wholly dependent, twenty per cent, to each; if one is or both are partly dependent a proportionate amount in the discretion of the Governor of the Panama Canal. This compensa- tion shall be paid for a period of eight years from the time of the death, unless before that time the parent dies, marries or ceases to be independent. E To the brothers, sisters, grandchildren and grandparents, if there is no widow, widower, child or dependent parent: If one is wholly dependent upon the deceased employee for support at the time of the death, twenty per cent. ; if more than one are wholly dependent, thirty per cent., divided among them share and share alike. If there is no one of them wholly dependent, but one or mora are partly dependent, ten per cent, divided among them share and share alike. The compensation of each beneficiary shall be paid for a period of eight years from the time of the death unless before that time he, if a grandparent dies, marries or ceases to be dependent, or, if a brother, sister or grandchild, dies, marries or reaches the age of eighteen years, or if over that age and incapable of self-support be- comes capable of self-support. F As used in this section, the term "child" and " children " include step-children, adopted children, posthumous children and illegitimate children, but do not include married children. The terms "brother" and "sister" and their plurals include stepbrothers, and stepsisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, and brothers and sisters adopted by the parent of the deceased employee, but do not include married brothers and mar- ried sisters. The terms "grandchild" and "grandchildren" include children of adopted children, and children of stepchildren, but do not include stop-children of children, stepchildren of stepchildren, stepchildren of adopted children or married grandchildren. All of the above terms include only persons under eighteen years of age or over MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN" CANAL COMMISSION. 1821 that age and incapable of self-support. The terms " parent " and " parents " include step-parents and the parents by whom the de- ceased employee was adopted. The terms " grandparent " and " grand- parents " include the parents of the parents by whom the deceased employee was adopted, but do not include parents of step-parents, step-parents of parents, or step-parents of step-parents. The term " widow " and " widower " include only the decedent's wife or hus- band actually dependent upon him or her for support at the time of the death. G The period during which compensation was payable to the deceased em- ployee before his death shall be deducted from the period of six years referred to in Clauses A, B, and 0, and from the period of eight years referred to in Clauses D and E. H Upon the cessation of compensation under this section to or on account of any person, the compensation of the remaining persons entitled to compensation for the unexpired part of the period during which their compensation is payable, shall be that which such persons would have received if they had been the only persons entitled to compensation at the time of the decedent's death. Section 12. Burial expenses. — If the employee dies as a result of the injury away from his home, office or outside of the United States and compensation has not ceased, his body shall, if practicable, or if desired by his relatives, and if transportation has not been furnished the employee under Section 10 before his death, be embalmed and transported in a hermetically sealed casket to the home of the employee if such home is within the United States. If death occurs on the Isthmus and the body is not transported away from the Isthmus, the body shall be interred on the Isthmus at the expense of the United Stales or of the Panama Railroad. Section 13. Computation of Pay. — If the monthly pay of the employee is over two hundred dollars a month, the monthly pay shall be considered to be two hundred dollars. Subject to this maximum, the monthly pay shall be computed as follows : (A) If the employee is paid by the year divide his yearly pay at the time of the injury by twelve ; (B) If the employee is paid by the month, take his monthly pay at the time of the injury; (C) If the employee is paid by the week, multiply his weekly pay at the time of the injury by fifty-two and divide the result by twelve; (D) If the employee is paid by the day, multiply his daily pay at the time of the injury by twenty-six; (E) If the employee is paid by the hour, multiply his hourly pay at the time of the injury by the number of hours constituting a day's work and multiply the result by twenty-six ; (F) If the employee is paid by his output; find his hourly pay at the time of the injury by dividing the total amount earned by him in the employ- ment in which and at the rate of pay at which he was employed at the time of the injury, during so much of the thirty days next preceding the injury, including the day of the injury, as he was so employed, by the number of hours so employed during such thirty days, then proceed as in (E) ; (G) In making the computation provided in Clauses (E) and (F) of this sec- tion, overtime shall not be taken into account; (H) Subsistence shall be included as part of the pay. 1822 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Section 14. Commutation of periodical payments. — If the monthly payments to the beneficiary are less than Five dollars per month, or if the beneficiary is not a citizen of the United States, or is or is about to become a non-resident of the United States, or if the Governor of the Panama Canal determines that it is for the best interests of the beneficiary, the liability of the United States or of the Panama Railroad Company for compensation to such beneficiary shall be discharged by the payment of a lump sum equal to two thirds of all future payments of compensation. The probability of the beneficiary's death before the expiration of the period during which he is entitled to compensation, shall be de'ermined according to the American Table of Mortality. The probability of the happening of any other contingency affecting the amount or duration of the compensation shall be disregarded. . Until such time as the President, under the authority of Section 4 of the Act of August 24, 1912, entitled "An Act to provide for the opening, maintenance, protection and operation of the Panama Canal and the sanitation and govern- ment of the Canal Zone," shall discontinue the Isthmian Canal Commission, compensation shall be paid in a lump sum in all cases, unless the Chairman of the Is hmian Canal Commission in any case determines that payment in in- stalments for any part or all of the period during which compensation is pay- able is for the best interests of the United States or of the Panama Railroad Company or of the beneficiary. Section 15. Payment of the compensation shall be made to the beneficiary or to such representative as the Governor of the Panama Canal may determine. Section 16. Determination of wage earning capacity. — In the determination of the employee's wage earning capacity after the beginning of partial disability the value of rent, board, lodging and other advantages which are received from his employer and which can be estimated in money, shall be taken into account. Section 17. Notice of injury or death. — Immediately after the injury, the injured employee or some one on his behalf shall give to the immediate superior of such employee a written notice of the injury, and if the injury results in the death of the employee, one of the persons entitled to compensation or some per- son on his behalf, within 90 days thereafter, shall give to the immediate superior of such employee or to the Governor of the Panama Canal a written notice of such death. The notice shall state the name of the employee, his class of service, the year, month, day and hour when and the particular locality where the injury or death occurred, the cause of the injury or death, the nature of the injury, the nature and extent of the disability resulting therefrom, and the address of the employee and of the person giving the notice. The notice may be given personally or sent by mail. The Governor of the Panama Canal may, in his discretion, waive the giving of a notice. Section IS. Report of injury or death. — Immediately after an injury to an employee resulting in his death or in his probable disability, the immediate superior of the employee shall at once make a report to the Governor of the Panama Canal, containing such information as the Governor of the Panama Canal may, by regulation, require. Section 19. Claim for compensation. — No compensation under this order shall be allowed to any person unless he, or some on his behalf, shall make a written claim therefor upon the Governor of the Panama Canal within the time specified in Section 21. The claim may be served personally upon or sent by mail to the Governor of the Panama Canal or to such person as he may. by regulation, require. Section 20. Contents of claim. — The claim shall be signed by the person making the claim and shall state the name of the employee, his age, sex, nationality and class of service, the year, month, day and hour when and the MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1.823 particular locality where the injury or death occurred, the cause of the injury or death, the nature of the injury, the nature and extent of the disability resulting therefrom ; the monthly pay of the employee at the time of the injury, the relationship of the person entitled to compensation to the employee, the names and addresses of all persons entitled to compensation on account of such injury or death, the amount and duration of the compensation claimed, and the address of the person making the claim. The claim shall be sworn to by the person entitled to compensation or by the person acting on his behalf, and, except in case of death, or as otherwise provided in regulations prescribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal, shall be accompanied by a certificate of the employee's physician, if any, stating the nature of the injury, and the nature and extent of the disability. The claim shall, wherever possible, be made on forms furnished by the Governor of the Panama Canal, and in addition to the statements above required, shall contain such other information as the Governor of the Panama Canal may require. The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the making of and swearing to claims and the inclusion therein of any of the above requirements in such cases as he may deem proper. Section 21. Time within which claim must be made.— Claims for compensa- tion shall be made within sixty days after the injury, or, in case of death, within one year after the death. For any reasonable cause shown, the Gov- ernor of the Panama Canal may allow claim for injury to be filed within one year after the injury. Section 22. Amendment of claim. — The Governor of the Panama Canal may, after receipt of the claim, demand a further claim specifying in the demand in what particular the claim is defective. Failure to make such demand shall constitute a waiver by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Com- pany, as the case may be, of all defects which the claim may contain. After receipt of such demand, the person making the claim may, at any time within 60 days, make an amended claim which shall supersede the first claim and have the same effect as an original claim. Section 23. Medical examination. — -After the injury and during disability the employee shall as frequently and at such times aud places as may be reasonably required submit himself to examination by a medical officer of the United States or by a duly qualified physician designated by the Governor of the Panama Canal and paid by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be. The employee may have a duly qualified physician designated and paid by him present to participate in such examina- tion. Fo- all examinations after the first, the employee shall, in the dis- cretion of the Governor of the Panama Canal, be paid his reasonable traveling and other expenses and loss of wages incurred in order to submit to such examination. If the employee refuses to submit himself for or in any way obstructs any examination, his right to claim compensation under this order shall be suspended until such refusal or obstruction ceases. No compensation shall be payable while such refusal or obstruction continues and such period shall be deducted from the period for which compensation would otherwise be payable. Section 24. Disagreement between physicians. — In case of any disagreement between the phys'cian making an examination on the part of the United States or the Panama Railroad Company and the employee's physician, the Governor of the Panama Canal shall appoint a third physician, duly qualified. The decision of the majority shall be final. A reasonable fee shall be allowed and paid by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, as the 45132—14 3 1824 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN canal commission. case may be, to such third physician if he is not a medical officer of the United States. Section 25. Assignment of right against third person. — If an injury or death for which compensation is payable under this order is caused under circum- stances creating a legal liability in some person other than the United States or the Panama Railroad Company to pay damges therefor, no compensation shall be payable to any beneficiary for such injury or death until he assigns to the United States or to the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, any right of action which he may have to enforce such liability of such other person, or any right which he may have to share iu any money (or other property) received in satisfaction of such liability of such other person. The United States or the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, if it prosecutes such right to judgment or settlement shall after deducting the amount of any compensation already paid to the beneficiary and the costs of such prosecution, pay over to the beneficiary any surplus remaining. Such surplus so paid over shall be credited on future instalments of compensation as they become due. The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the requirement of such assignment or may waive it for such period as he may deem proper. Section 26. Assignment of right against Panama Railroad Company. — If an injury or death for which compensation is payable under this order is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability in the Panama Railroad Company to pay damages therefor under the laws of any State, Territory or possession of the United States or of the District of Columbia or of any foreign country, no compensation shail be payable to any beneficiary for such injury or death until he releases to the Panama Railroad Company, any right of action which he may have to enforce such liability of the Panama Railroad or until he as- signs to the United States or to the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, any right which he may have to share in any money (or other property) received in satisfaction of such liability of the Panama Railroad Company. The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the requirement of such assign- ment or release for such period as he may deem proper. Section 27. Assignments and attachments. — No claims for compensation un- der this order shall be assignable, and all compensation and claims therefore shall be exempt from all claims of creditors. This section is hereby constituted a part of the Laws of the Canal Zone. Section 28. Attorneys' fees. — No claim for legal services in connection with any claim arising under this order shall be enforceable unless approved by the Governor of the Panama Canal. This section is hereby constituted a part of the Laws of the Canal Zone. Section 29. Modification of aUoxcance of compensation. — The Governor of the Panama Canal may at any time review, and, in accordance with the facts found in such review, end, diminish, or increase any compensation previously fixed or determined. Section 30. Recovery of compensation erroneously paid. — If any compensa- tion is paid under mistake of law or of fact the Governor of the Panama Canal shall immediately cancel any order under which such compensation has been paid, and shall recover, as far as practicable, any amount which has been so paid. Section 31. Powers of Governor of the Panama Canal. — The Governor of the Panama Canal shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the proper, effective, and economical enforcement of this order, and shall decide all ques- tions arising under this order or in regard to the interpretation thereof. His MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1825 determination of any fact necessary to or underlying any claim hereunder, shall be final and conclusive upon all parties and claimants or beneficiaries. Section 32. Powers of Chairman of Isthmian Canal Commission. — Until such time as the President, under the authority of section 4 of the Act of August 24, 1912, entitled "An act to provide for the opening, maintenance, protection and operation of the Panama Canal, and the sanitation and government of the Canal Zone " shall discontinue the Isthmian Canal Commission, and until the Governor of the Panama Canal is appointed and has qualified, all the rights, powers and duties vested in the Governor of the Panama Canal by this order shall be exercised by the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Section 33. Penalty for false swearing. — Whoever shall make in any affidavit required under section 6 or in any claim required by section 19, any statement, knowing it to be false, shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. This section is hereby con- stituted a part of the Laws of the Canal Zone. Section 34. Singular and masculine. — -Wherever used in this order the singular includes the plural and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter. Section 35. Liability of United States and of Panama Railroad Company. — If the payment of compensation under this order on account of an injury or death is to be made from the funds of the United States, the Panama Railroad Company shall be released and discharged from all liability on account of such injury or death, and if it is to be made from the funds of the Panama Rail- road Company the United States shall be released and discharged from all liability on account of such injury or death. This section is hereby constituted a part of the Laws of the Canal Zone. Section 36. Repeal of Laios of Canal Zone. — All laws of the Canal Zone in- consistent with any of the provisions of this order are hereby repealed. This section is hereby constituted a part of the Laws of the Canal Zone. Section 37. Time of taking effect. — This order shall take effect March 1, 1913. Wm H Taft The White House, February 26th, 1913. [No 1722*.] Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone : Sec. 1 : It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, capture, wilfully disturb or kill any bird of any kind whatever, or to take the eggs of any bird, except in the form and manner permitted by the regulations provided for by this Order. Sec. 2: The Isthmian Canal Commission, or the Governor of the Panama Canal after the reorganization is established, is hereby empowered and directed to enact suitable regulations, from time to time, for the protection of birds and their nests, and prescribing the form and manner in which birds may be hunted, and the kinds of birds that may be hunted, and those that shall not be molested. Sec. 3: A violation of any of the regulations established under this Order shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days for each offense. 1826 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Sec. 4: This Order shall take effect thirty days after its publication in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 19 March, 1913. [No. 1749.] Executive Order. to amend an executive order approved february 5, 1912, providing an inex- pensive method for the administration of the estates of deceased and insane persons in certain cases, etc. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone: Section I. That Section 1 of an Executive Order entitled : " Executive Order to provide an inexpensive method for the administration of estates of deceased and insane persons in certain cases, and to repeal Act 24 of the Canal Zone laws and the Executive Orders amendatory thereto ", and the first paragraph of section 8 of said Order, are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. Whenever an employee in the service of the Isthmian Canal Com- mission, or the Government of the Canal Zone, or of the Panama Railroad Com- pany, shall die, leaving an estate in the said Zone, or whenever such decedent, being a citizen of the United States, leaves an estate in the Canal Zone or in the Republic of Panama ; and the said estate consists of personal property only and a regular administration shall not have been instituted iu the Courts of the Canal Zone thereon, the Collector of Revenues for the Canal Zone is hereby authorized and directed to take possession of the estate of the said deceased person and to make a complete inventory thereof and present the same to the Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Canal Zone, to- be filed by the said Judge in the records of his court when approved by him. Section 8. If an employee of the Isthmian Canal Commission, the Govern- ment of the Canal Zone, or the Panama Railroad Company should be adjudged insane by the Canal Zone Courts and the estate consists entirely of personal property and no regular guardianship of such estate shall have been instituted by the Canal Zone Courts, it shall be the duty of the Collector of Revenues to take possession of the estate of such insane person, including any salary or other acknowledged claim due to such employee by the Isthmian Canal Com- mission, the Canal Zone Government or the Panama Railroad Company, and make a complete inventory thereof and file the same with the Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of the Canal Zone, and under the direction and with the approval of the Judsje of said court, the Collector of Revenues may pay the lawful indebtedness due by the insane person, as well as the expenses incurred in administrating the said estate and he shall hold the residue of the estate subject to the orders of the Circuit Judge. Section II This amendment shall apply to the estates of employees who died or became insane prior to this date as well as to those who die or are adjudged insane hereafter. Section III. This order shall take effect from and after this date. Woodrow Wilson The White House, March 20th, 1913. [No. 1751.] MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1827 Executive Order relating to foreign corporations. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone. Section I. No corporation or joint stock company (other than insurance companies) organized under the laws of any State or Territory of the United States or of any foreign government shall do business in the Canal Zone until after it has filed in the office of the Collector of Revenues a duly authenticated copy of its charter or articles of incorporation, as well as a statement, verified by the oath of the- president or secretary of said corporation and attested by a majority of its board of directors, showing : 1. The name of such corporation and the location of its principal office or place of business outside of the Canal Zone ; and if it is to have any place of business or principal office within the Canal Zone, the location thereof. 2. The amount of its capital stock. 3. The amount of its capital stock actually paid in, in money, and the amount of its capital stock paid in, in any other way, and in what way the payment was made. 4. The amount of assets of the corporation and in what the assets consist, and the actual cash value thereof. 5. The liabilities of such corporation, and if any of its indebtedness is secured, how secured, and upon what property. 6. Such other evidence as the Collector of Revenues may deem necessary to satisfy him of the financial standing or solvency of the corporation or company. Section II. Such corporation or joint stock company shall file a certificate with the Collector of Revenues, certifying that said corporation or joint stock company has consented to be sued in the Canal Zones upon all causes of action arising against it therein, and designating the Collector of Revenues, and his successors in office, to be its true and lawful attorney, upon whom all process in any such action may be served; and it shall agree that any lawful process against it served on such attorney shall constitute a valid service upon it, and that his authority shall continue in force so long as any liability against it remains outstanding in the Canal Zone. Such power of attorney, and the vote authorizing its execution, duly certified and authenticated, shall be filed in the office of the Collector of Revenues, and a copy thereof, certified by him, shall be sufficient evidence thereof. No corporation or joint stock company shall do business in the Canal Zone until such certificate is duly filed and the other provisions of this Order are complied with. Section III. Upon compliance with the conditions set out in the foregoing section of this Order and the payment of an annual fee, in advance, of $50.00, to the Collector of Revenues, he shall issue to such corporation or company a certificate author- izing it to do business within the Canal Zone. Such certificate, however, shall be terminable by the direction of the Chief Executive of the Canal Zone, but if terminated without fault upon the part of the corporation or joint stock com- pany, a proportionate rebate of the license fee will be made to such corporation or company. 1828 MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN" CANAL COMMISSION. Section IV. Any agent or person representing a corporation or joint stock company who does business in the Canal Zone before such corporation or company has com- plied with the provisions of this order shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $25.00, or imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty days, and each day's business so done by such agent or person shall be considered a separate offense for the purposes of this order. Section V. This Order shall not be held to modify the provisions of an Executive Order relating to insurance companies, dated March 12, 1907, effective July 1, 1907. Section VI. This Order shall take effect 60 days from the date of its publication in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, March 20th, 1913. [No. 1752.] Executive Order. Whereas, an Executive Order was promulgated on Febiuary 26, 1913, provid- ing a method of compensation for personal injuries to. or for the death of, employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Com- pany, and no appropriation has been made available for the payment of com- pensation under the terms of such Order; And whereas, the provisions for the payment of claims for injuries to, or for the death of, employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Company, in force prior to the time of the promulgation of said Order of February 26, 1913, should continue until the Order just mentioned can be made effective; By virtue of the authority vested in me, It is Ordered, That the operation of the said Order of February 26, 1913, is hereby suspended until further executive order or direct ion in the premises; And it is Further Ordered, That, until such further order or direction, pay- ment of compensation for injuries to, or for the death of employees of the Isth- mian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Company, occurring after February 28, 1913, shall, as before that date, continue to be made in accordance with the Act of Congress, approved May 30, 1908, (35 Stat. 556), being "An Act Granting to certain employees of the United States the right to receive from it compensation for injuries sustained in the course of their employment," the Act of Congress, approved February 24. 1909, (35 Stat. 615), being "An Act Relating to injured employees on the Isthmian Canal," Section 5 of the Act of Congress, approved March 4, 1911, being "An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and for other purposes," the laws of the Canal Zone, and the rules and regulations heretofore made in regard thereto. Woodrow Wilson The White House, March 24, 1913. [No. 1755.] MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1829 2. The Commission confirmed its action by letter ballot of October M, 1912, allowing 15 clays' sick leave, with pay, to Kafael Neira A., Inspector, Department of Civil Administration, the following resolu- tion being approved : Resolved, That 15 clays' sick leave, with pay, to Kafael Neira A., Inspector, Department of Civil Administration, be authorized. 3. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Harry A. Kersey, draftsman, Office of the Chief Engineer, to enter July 25, 1912, upon 42 clays' leave of absence, with pay, was for- mally confirmed: Resolved, That Harry A. Kersey, draftsman, Office of the Chief Engineer, be granted 42 clays' leave of absence, with pay, effective July 25, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until August 11, 1912. 4. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Lieut. Col. E. T. Wilson, Subsistence Officer, to enter June 4, 1912, upon 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That Lieut. Col. E. T. Wilson, Subsistence Officer, be granted 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective June 4, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until July 14, 1912. 5. The Commission confirmed its action by letter ballot in authoriz- ing payment to William J. Stratton, General Foreman, Pacific Divi- sion, for 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective August 2, 1912, from which he was prevented from reporting for duty within 15 days after the expiration thereof, on account of illness, the following reso- lution being approved : Resolved, That payment to William J. Stratton of the salary due him for 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective August 2, 1912, be authorized. 6. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Joseph A. Close, transitman, Pacific Division, to enter September 25, 1912, upon 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, was formally con- firmed : Resolved, That Joseph A. Clos**., transitman, Pacific Division, bo granted 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective September 25, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until September 26, 1912. 7. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Donald F. MacDonald, geologist, Office of the Chairman, to enter December 16, 1912, upon 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That Donald F. MacDonald, geologist, Office of the Chairman, be granted 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective December 16, 1912, which ordinarily would not be due until Decem- ber 25, 1912. 1830 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 8. The Commission formally confirmed the following resolution, ♦adopted by letter ballot, providing for a reduction in the amount of rental paid by the Panama Railroad Company to the Isthmian Canal Commission for the use of wharves and docks under the lease executed November 15, 1906, on account of the demolition of a portion of the lumber dock at Balboa: Resolved, That on account of the abandonment of that portion of the lumber dock at Balboa demolished on August 17, 1912, and here- tofore included in the docks and wharves leased to the Panama Rail- road Company under the lease executed November 15, 1906, the an- nual rental paid thereunder shall be reduced, effective August 17, 1912, by $6,106.25, which represents the proportionate rental of that part of the lumber dock abandoned, the amount of reduction being in proportion to that which the area of the demolished part of the dock bears to its total area. 9. The following resolution adopted by letter ballot, removing the limit on the amount of leave which may be accumulated by an employee, was formally confirmed : Whereas it is desired to keep intact such of the Canal organization as will be needed during the remainder of the construction period and to encourage employees to remain on the work so long as their services may be needed, be it Resolved, That, effective April 1, 1913, the limit on the amount of leave which may be accumulated by an employee shall be removed, and thereafter leave may be accumulated up to the time the em- ployee's service is terminated or until he is transferred to the per- ment organization for the completion and operation of the Canal. Provided, however, that the rules heretofore governing the forfeiture of leave for unsatisfactory workmanship or conduct shall continue unchanged. An employee who has prior to April 1, 1913, accumu- lated the maximum leave allowed under the present rules will earn additional leave for service performed on and after that date, to be computed under the rules as at present in force. 10. The following resolution adopted by letter ballot of June 5, 1912, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That the Acting head of the Department of Civil Ad- ministration be, and is hereby, authorized to take the necessar}^ steps for the issuance of licenses for the retail sale of liquor in the Canal Zone for the year beginning July 1, 1912, to the following applicants: Ctilebra: Matachin: Vicente Caruanos E. Lai Wo. Lee Hop. Agapito Centeno. Francisco Wong. Kwong Sang. Wo Chan. Mar Go. Ho Chong and Leon Chow. Tai Fan. Chong Jan. Empire: Ho Kwong. Mezele Gustavo. William G. Bell. Manuel Leones. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1831 Empire — Continued. Gorgona — Continued. Jose Sandi. Antonio Mas. Lai Hing & Co. George Andrade. Vicente Ansola (new). Gatun: Chee Hing. Pedro Grau. Chong Tai. Wing Kee. Yuen Chong. Tee Kee. Wing Wo. Dario Rodriguez. Wai Loy. John B. Schuetz. Curtis A. Brothers (new). Julien Joly. Antonio Sun (new). Prudencio San Martin. Joaquin Yun Sang. William Enoch Thibou. Gorgona: Esteban Duran. Jacob Kowalsky. 11. The Commission formally confirmed its approval of the amend- ment, adopted by letter ballot, to paragraph "A" of Section 7 of the " Regulations providing for certain taxes and licenses in the Canal Zone other than for the sale of intoxicating liquors," under which reciprocal rates are provided in the Republic of Panama and in the Canal Zone on all animal-drawn vehicles employed in the Repub- lic and the Zone in the transportation of passengers and property for hire when licensed in either jurisdiction, the amendment being as follows: Be it enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission: That paragraph (a), section 7 of the Ordinance entitled "Regulations Pro- viding for Certain Taxes and Licenses in the Canal Zone, other than for the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," enacted by the Isthmian Canal Commission June 9, 190S, and approved by the Secretary of War June 30, 190S, as said paragraph (a) was amended by ordinance enacted by said Commission August 25, 1910, and approved by the Acting Secretary of War October 31, 1910, and as said paragraph now reads, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 7. (a) For the operation or employment of public vehicles not drawn or propelled by steam, gasoline, electricity, or other motor power, the following license taxes shall be charged and collected, to wit: For each coach, carriage, or other conveyance employed in the transportation of passengers for hire, one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per month; for each cart, dray, wagon, or other conveyance employed in the transportation of freight, merchandise, or other property for hire, or employed by any merchant in the transportation of merchandise, two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per month for each two- wheeled vehicle, and five dollars ($5.00) per month for each four-wheeled vehicle; Provided, however, That if no license taxes or charges are imposed or collected in the Republic of Panama for the employment therein of vehicles of the character in this paragraph (a) named, or of either class thereof, which are duly licensed in the Canal Zone, to residents thereof, for employment therein, there shall not be imposed or collected in the Canal Zone any license taxes or charges for the employment therein of like vehicles which are duly licensed in .the Republic of Panama, to residents thereof, for employment in said Republic. 1832 MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 12. The chairman presented statements covering changes in the status of employees on duty in the United States for the period from January 1, 1912, to June 30, 1912, inclusive, and from July 1, 1912, to December 31, 1912, inclusive, all of which were ratified and con- firmed. 13. Upon motion, it was — Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee of four members of the commission to investigate and recommend to the commission plans for the maintenance of the Panama Canal. 14. Upon motion, it was — Resolved, That no licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Canal Zone be granted by the commission for any period be- ginning on or after July 1, 1913. 15. The chairman presented statements showing the appointments, promotions, and other changes in the personnel: (a) In the Department of Construction and Engineering for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; May 4, 11, 18, and 25 ; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 ; July 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 ; September 7, 14, 21, and 28 ; October 5, 12, 19, and 26 ; November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 ; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912; January 4, 11, 18, and 25; February 1, 8, 15, and 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (6) In the Department of Civil Administration for the weeks ending April 6, 13. 20, and 27; May 4, 11, 18, and 25; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; July 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 ; September 7, 14, 21, and 28 ; October 5, 32, 19, and 26; November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912: January 4. 11, IS, and 25; February 1, 8, 15, and 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (c) In the Department of Sanitation for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27; May 4, 11, 18, and 25; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; July 6, 13, 20, and 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31; September 7, 14. 21, and 28; October 5, 12, 19, and 26; November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912; January 4, 11, 18, and 25; February 1, 8, 15, and 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (d) In the Quartermaster's Department for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27; May 4, 11, 18, and 25; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; July 6, 13, 20, and 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31; September 7, 14, 21, and 28; October 5, 12, 19, and 26; November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912 ; January 4, 11, 18, and 25 ; February 1, 8, 15, and 22 ; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (e) In the Subsistence Department for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27; May 11 and IS; June 1. 15, 22, and 29; July 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31; September 7, 14, and 28; October 5 and 26; November 2, 16, and 25 ; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912 ; January 4, 11, 18, and 25 ; Feb- ruary 1, 8, 15, and 22 ; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (/) In the Department of Disbursements for the weeks ending April 27; May 4, 11, and 18; June 8, 15, and 29; July 6, 13, 20, and 27; August 3, 10, 17, and 31; September 7, 14, 21, and 28; October 12 and 19; November 2, 9, 16, and 23; December 7, 14, and 28, 1912; January 4, 11, and 18; February 1, 8, and 15; March 3, 15, and 22, 1913. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1833 (g) In the Department of the Examination of Accounts for the weeks end- ing April 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; May 4, 11, IS, and 25 ; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 ; July 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 ; September 7, 14, 21, and 28; October 5, 12, 19, and 26; November 2, 9. 16, 23, and 30; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912 ; January 4, 11, IS, and 25 ; February 1, 8, 15, and 22 ; March 1. 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (h) In the Department of Law for the weeks ending April 13 and 27; May 4; June 15; August 17; September 21; October 12 and 19; November 30; December 14, 1912; February 22, 1913. (i) In the Isthmian Canal Commission Band for the weeks ending May 4 and 11 ; Juue 1, 22, and 29 ; August 3 and 10 ; September 7 and 28 ; October 5 and 26; November 2; December 28, 1912; January 4 and 18; February 15 and 22 ; March 1, 8, and 22, 1913. (/) In the Panama Railroad Commissary Department for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; May 4, 11, IS, and 25 ; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 ; July 6, 13, 20, and 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31; September 7, 14, 21, and 28; October 5, 12, 19, and 26; November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 1912; January 4, 11, IS, and 25; February 1, 8, 15, and 22; March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1913. (fc) In the Panama Railroad relocation for the weeks ending April 6, 13, 20, and 27 ; May 4, 11, 18, and 25 ; June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 ; July 6, 13, and 27 ; August 3, 1912. (I) In the Quartermaster's Department, Balboa Agency, for the weeks ending March 15, 22, and 29, 1913. All of which were ratified and approved. There being no further business before the commission the meet- ing adjourned at 3.55 p. m., subject to the call of the chairman. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOURTH MEETING. Culebra, Canal Zone, September 10, 1913. The Commission met at the call of the Chairman at 3.15 p. m. Present: Commissioners Goethals (Chairman), Hodges, Sibert, Rousseau, Gorgas, Metcalfe, and Secretary Bishop. The minutes of the one hundred and sixty-third meeting were read and approved. 1. The Chairman read the following Executive orders, which were ordered to be spread upon the minutes : Executive Order. to provide maritime quarantine regulations for the canal zone and the harbors op the cities of panama and colon, republic of panama. Whereas the official opening of the Panama Canal will require a revision of the mari- time quarantine regulations for the Canal Zone and the harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, and Whereas the Government of the United States and the authorities of the Canal Zone are authorized to establish such rules and regulations for the ports and harbors of said cities, by virtue of the second paragraph of Article VII of the treaty between the United States and the Republic of Panama for the construction of the Isthmian Canal, signed November 18, 1903, which paragraph reads as follows: "The Republic of Panama agrees that the cities of Panama and Colon shall comply in perpetuity with the sanitary ordinances whether of a preventive or curative char- acter, prescribed by the United States and in case the Government of Panama is unable or fails in its duty to enforce this compliance by the cities of Panama and Colon with the sanitary ordinances of the United States the Republic of Panama grants to the United Slates the right and authority to enforce the same " and section 6 of the Executive Order of December 3, 1904, known as the Taft Agreement made between the Secretary of War of the United States and the Chief Executive of the Republic of Panama, which section reads as follows: "Section 6. This order also shall be inoperative unless the proper Governmental authorities of the Republic of Panama shall grant power to the authorities of the Canal Zone to exercise immediate and complete jurisdiction in matters of sanitation and quarantine in the maritime waters of the ports of Panama and Colon." and Article I of Decree No. 66 of December 6, 1904, issued by the President of Panama, agreeably to said Executive Order, and published in the Official Gazette No. 70, of 1904, which article reads as follows: "Article I. The authorities of the Canal Zone are empowered to exercise freely, immediate and complete jurisdiction in all matters of sanitation and quarantine in the waters of the ports of Panama and Colon. In consequence, the authorities of the Republic shall proceed in conformity with the provisions of this decree to the end that these may be strictly complied with." 1835 1836 MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. By virtue of the authority vested in me and in conformity with the foregoin* treaty provision and the Executive Order and Presidential Decree above mentioned, I hereby establish the following maritime quarantine regulations for the Canal Zone and for the harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama: BILLS OF HEALTH. Section 1.— Masters of vessels clearing from any foreign port or from any port in the possessions or other dependencies of the United States for a port in the Canal Zone or for the ports of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama, must obtain an original bill of health m duplicate from the officer or officers authorized by the quarantine laws and regulations of the United States to sign such certificates for vessels entering the ports of the United States. . The following form is prescribed for such bills of health: Form No. Canal Zone, original bill of health. T > ( tixe Person authorized to issue the bill, at the port of ), do hereby state that the vessel hereinafter named clears from the port of under the fol- lowing circumstances: Name of vessel, . Nationality, — . Rig, . Master Tonnage, gross, ; net, . Iron or wood, -— . Number of 'compart- ments for cargo, - — — ; for steerage passengers, ; for crew, . Name of medical officer, . Number of officers, ; of crew, including petty officers, ; of passengers first cabin, ; second cabin, ; steerage, . Officers' families, [ Total number of persons on board, . Passengers destined for the Canal Zone or the city of Panama or Colon, first cabin, second cabin, — steerage. Previous port, . Number of cases of sickness, and character of same, during last voyage, . Number of cases of sickness, and character of same, while vessel 'was in this port, . Vessel engaged in ■ trade, and plies between and . Nature, sanitary history, and condition of cargo, . Source and wholesomeness of water supply, . Source and wholesomeness of food supply, . Sanitary history and health of officers and crew, . Sanitary history and health of passengers, cabin, . Sanitary history and health of passengers, steerage, . Sanitary history and condition of their effects, Location of vessel while in port-wharf, ; open bay, ; distance from shore, . Time vessel was in port, Character of communication with shore, . Sanitary condition of vessel, . Sanitary measures, if any, adopted while in port, . Sanitary condition of port and vicinity, . Prevailing diseases at port and vicinity, . Malaria, deaths during month of . Number of cases and deaths from the following-named diseases during the past two weeks, ending: . MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1837 Diseases No. of cases No. of deaths Yellow fever Asiatic cholera Cholera nostras or cholerine Smallpox Typhus fever Plague Leprosy Remarks. Any condition affecting the public health existing in the port of departure or vicinity to be here stated. When there are no cases or deaths, entry to that effect must be made. I certify that the vessel has complied with the Quarantine Rules and Regulations made under the act of February 15, 1893, and that the vessel leaves this port bound for , Canal Zone, or , Republic of Panama, via . Given under my hand and seal this day of , 191 — . (Signature of Consular Officer) . (seal) . Section 2. — Vessels clearing from any foreign port or from any port in the posses- sions or other dependencies of the United States for a port in the Canal Zone or for the port of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama, and entering or calling at inter- mediate ports r must procure at all said ports a supplemental bill of health in dupli- cate, from the officer or officers authorized by the quarantine laws and regidations of the United States to sign such certificates for vessels entering the ports of the United States. If a quarantinable disease has appeared on board the vessel after leaving the original port of departure, or other circumstances presumably render the vessel in- fected, the supplemental bill of health should be withheld until such sanitary measures have been taken as are necessary. The following form is prescribed for supplemental bills of health : Canal Zone SUPPLEMENTAL BILL OP HEALTH Vessel Panama. bound from to Sanitary condition of port and vicinity Prevailing diseases at port and vicinit . Malaria deaths during month of - Port of Canal Zone, or Republic of Number of cases and deaths from the following-named diseases during the past two weeks, ending . Diseases No. of cases No. of deaths Remarks. (Any condition affecting the public health existing in the port to be stated here. When there are no cases, or deaths, entry to that effect must be made.) Yellow fever Asiatic cholera Cholera nostras, or cholerine Smallpox Typhus fever riague Leprosy 1838 MINUTES OP THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Number and sanitary condition of passengers and crew landed at this port- First cabin, No. ; sanitary history and condition, Second cabin, No. — _• sanitary history and condition L Steerage, No. ; sanitary history and condition, . Crew, No. ; sanitary condition and history' — JTSei a " y ***** M member "' ^ *->-".« a-ount of B i ci n«, J^ZXZ?Z^ m ° n ° f ^^ a " Cl "" takM " - ^ *>«, and First cabin, No. ; sanitary condition and history Second cabin, No. ; sanitary condition and history — Steerage, No. ; sanitary condition and history, Number of passengers for Canal Zone: - - first' cabin,' second cabin, Number of passengers for Republic of Panama: first cabin se ~ ond cabin, steerage. eecona Crew, No. ; sanitary condition and history, Sanitary condition of effects, . Total passengers on board, ; total crew on board, Sanitary measures, if any, adopted while in port, ^ocafemof vessel while in port-wharf, - -;' open bay, ; distance from Time vessel was in port, . Character of communication with shore, Nature, sanitary history, and condition of cargo taken on at this port, (Cancel F orm A, B, or C, as the case requires) lorrn. ^ (Form A will be used at intermediate ports where the vessel does not enter.) A-T,. thP Vw f t ! i , ! n ° 9 uarantin aMe disease has appeared A-lo the best of my knowledge and aboard since leaving belief— B— I have satisfied myself that— J C-Since leaving -_, the following quarantinable disease has appeared on board -, and I certify that the necessary sanitary measures have been taken I certify also that with reference to the passengers, effects, and cargo taken on at o^FeClry l 5 " e i893 C ° mPlied ^ ^ nileS ^ re " ulatioQS made under the act Given under my hand and seal this day of 191—. (Signature of consular officer:) (seal) _ Section 3.-The master of a vessel entering the ports of the Canal Zo^eTr"the^ort a of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, from any port of the United States, must present to the Quarantine Officer and to the Custom Officer of the Canal Zone or his authorized agent, each a bill of health signed by the customs officer of the port of the united btates from which said vessel sails. Foreign Regulations. INSPECTION OP VESSELS PROM FOREIGN PORTS AND PORTS IN THE DEPENDENCIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Section 4.-The officer issuing the bill of health shall satisfv himself, by inspect! m if necessary, that the conditions c a-tified to therein arc true, and is authorized to with- MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1839 hold the bill of health or the supplemental bill of health until he is satisfied that the vessel, the passengers, the crew, and the cargo have complied with these regulations. Section 5. — Inspection is required of— ('at All vessels from ports in which cholera, yellow fev.r, or plague in m ,n or rodents prevails, or at which smallpox or typhus [ever prevails in epidemic form, and at which a medical officer is detailed. (b) All vessels carrying steerage passengers; hut used only include the inspection o! such passengers and their living apartments, if sailing from a healthful port. (c) Inspection of the vessel is such an examination of the vessel, cargo, passengers, crew, personal effects of same, including examination of manifests and other papers, food and water supply, the ascertainment of its relations with the shore, the manner of loading and possibilities of invasion by rats and insects as will enable the inspecting officer to determine if these regulations have been complied with. (d) When an inspection is required, it should be made by daylight, as late as practicable before sailing. The vessel should be inspected before the passengers go aboard, the passengers just before embarkation, and the crew on deck, and no communication should be had with the vessel after such inspection except by per- mission of the officer issuing the bill of health. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Section 6. — Vessels, prior to stowing cargo or receiving passengers, should be mechanically clean in all parts, especially the hold, forecastle and steerage. Section 7. — Any portions of the vessel liable to have been infected by any com- municable disease should be disinfected before the issuance of the bill of health. Section 8. — Street sweepings, city cleanings, or anything containing organic refuse should not be taken as ballast from any port. Section 9. — Bedding, upholstered furniture, soiled wearing apparel, personal effects, and secondhand articles of a similar nature, coming from a district known to be in- fected with cholera, smallpox, typhus fever, or as to the origin of which no positive evidence can be obtained, and which the consular or medical officer has reason to believe are infected, should be disinfected prior to shipment. In the case of typhus fever, the destruction of vermin should be assured. Articles similar to the above- mentioned, if from a district infected by plague, should be inspected, and, if neces- sary, disinfected and treated to destroy vermin. Section 10. — Articles from an uninfected district shipped through an infected port may be accepted without restriction if not exposed to infection in transit. Section 11. — Any article shipped from or through an infected port or place, and which the consul or medical officer has reason to believe infected, should be disin- fected. Section 12. — Any article presumably infected, which can not be disinfected, should not be shipped. Section 13. — Passengers, for the purpose of these regulations, are divided into two classes, cabin and steerage. (°) Section 14. — So far as possible passengers should avoid embarking at a port where quarantinable disease prevails, and communication between the vessel and the shore should be reduced to a minimum. In such a port the personnel of the vessel should remain on board during their stay. Vessels carrying passengers from any port where quarantinable disease prevails in epidemic form should have a medical officer. ( a ) The sanitary measures applicable to second-cabin passengers will be those designated for first cabin passengers or for steerage passengers, according as the arrange- ments of their quarters and accommodations aboard, both sanitary and for association, class them in the opinion of the inspecting officer with the first cabin or steerage. 45132—14 4 1840 MINUTES OP THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Section 15.— No person suffering from a quarantinable disease, or scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, or other communicable disease, should be allowed to ship. Section 16. — All baggage of steerage passengers destined for the Canal Zone, or the ports of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama, should be labeled. If the baggage is in good sanitary condition, the label shall be a red Libel bearing the name of the port, the vessel on which the baggage is to be carried, the word "passed" in large type, the date of inspection, and the seal or stamp of the consular or medical officer of the United States. All baggage that has been disinfected shall bear a yellow label, ■upon which shall be printed the name of the port, the vessel upon which the baggage is to be carried, the word "disinfected" in large type, the date of disinfection, and the seal or stamp of the consular or medical officer of the United States. It is under- stood, and it will be so printed on the blank, that the label is not valid unless bearing the consular or medical officer's stamp or seal. Section 17. — -Each steerage passenger shall be furnished with an inspection card as follows. This card, stamped by the consular or medical officer, is to be issued to every member of a family as well as to the head thereof, and shall be in the following form: Inspection Card Port of departure Name of ship (Immigrants and steerage passengers) -. Date of departure — — — . Last permanent residence Name of immigrant Inspected and passed at Passed at quarantine, port of (Seal or stamp of consular or med- Canal Zone (or) Vaccinated (Signature or stamp) Republic of Panama (Date) (The following to be filled in by ship's surgeon or agent prior to or after embarkation) Ship's list or manifest . No. on ship's list or manifest . Berth No. Steamship inspection. Days 1st, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, 11, 12 13, 14 To be punched by ship's sur- geon at. daily inspection Section 18. — Passengers and crews, merchandise and baggage, prior to shipment at a noninfected port, but coming from an infected locality, should be subject to the same restrictions as are imposed at an infected port. Local inspection of vessels. Section 19. — Vessels arriving at any of the ports of the Canal Zone or the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, under the following conditions, shall be' inspected by the quarantine officer of the port prior to entry: (a) Vessels from the United States; (b) Vessels from foreign ports; (c) Vessels with sickness aboard; (d) Vessels from Panamanian ports where any quarantinable disease prevails; (e) Vessels from Panamanian ports carrying passengers or articles suspected by the quarantine officer as being capable of conveying the infection of a transmissible disease. MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1841 Section 20. — The limits of anchorage of vessels awaiting inspection and of vessels undergoing quarantine, shall be fixed from time to time by the Chief Sanitary Officer the Canal Zone. Section 21. — Every vessel subject to quarantine inspection shall be considered in quarantine until granted free pratique, and such vessels shall fly a yellow flag from the foremast head from sunrise to sunset and shall observe all the other requirements of vessels actually quarantined. Section 22. — The captain or master of a vessel in quarantine shall allow no com- munication with his vessel except as provided for in these regulations, nor shall any water craft approach within 200 meters of any such vessel. Section 23. — No person or article shall be allowed to leave a vessel in quarantine without written authority from the quarantine officer. Section 24. — Towboats, or any vessel or boat having had communication with a vessel in quarantine shall be submitted, with their personnel, to such measures of sanitation as the quarantine officer may judge to be necessary. Section 25. — No person, except such officers of the port as are required to do so by the nature of their duties, and the agent of the vessel, if such agent has the consent of the quarantine officer, shall go aboard any vessel subject to quarantine until such vessel has been granted free pratique. Any person going aboard prior to the issuance of free pratique shall be subject to the same restrictions as the personnel of the vessel, if, in the opinion of the quarantine officer, this is necessary for the protection of the public health. Section 26.— The quarantine officer, after his inspection of the vessel and its docu- ments, shall decide whether said vessel, or its personnel, or passengers, or any article aboard said vessel is liable to convey any of the following diseases: plague; yellow fever, cholera, small-pox, typhus fever or leprosy; and, if so, such vessel shall be placed in quarantine and forbidden entry until the period of incubation of such diseases is past, and he shall take such measures in respect to the vessel, its passengers or per- sonnel or cargo as, in his judgment, may be required to prevent the entry of such diseases into the Canal Zone or the cities of Panama or Colon, Republic of Panama. Section 27. — Passengers boarding vessels from ports subject to quarantine will be required, in the discretion of the Chief Sanitary Officer of the Canal Zone, to pre- sent personal certificates from the officer authorized by these regulations to sign bills of health, certifying to their sanitary history and condition, provided due notice has been issued to the agents of the steamship companies on the Isthmus of Panama. Section 28.- — Every case of sickness aboard any vessel in the harbor shall be imme- diately reported by the master of the vessel to the quarantine officer, who shall see the case and take such sanitary measures as may be necessary. Section 29.— The Chief Quarantine Officer shall have charge of the sanitation of the harbors and vessels lying therein and shall see that such measures are enforced as are necessary for the proper hygiene of vessels, their cargoes, and their personnel, whether in port or en route, and to prevent the vessels from being a source of danger to other vessels or to the port, and he is authorized to certify bills of health to vessels clearing from ports under his jurisdiction, setting forth in such bill of health the con- ditions of the port, vessel, cargo, passengers and crew; and is authorized at the request of the master of any vessel to disinfect and otherwise place such vessel in a sanitary condition so that it may leave the port in free pratique and be able to make entry at the port of destination without further disinfection or detention in quarantine. Section 30. — The quarantine officer shall make such charges for the disinfection of vessels and their cargos, and for the transportation and subsistence of passengers while in quarantine as may be fixed from lime to time by the Governor of the < 'anal Zone. Section 31. — A certificate from the quarantine officer that a vessel has complied with all the quarantine regulations shall be required of every vessel subject to inspec- tion, as a pre-requisite for customs entry or passage through the Canal. 1842 MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Section 32. — Quarantine stations shall be established and maintained at such places as may be decided upon by the Chief Sanitary Officer of the Canal Zone, with the approval of the Governor. Persons detained in quarantine under these regulations shall not be permitted to go outside the limits of the quarantine station until discharged therefrom by the quaran- tine officer and if any such person shall leave the quarantine station without being duly discharged therefrom he may be taken into custody by the quarantine officers wherever found and returned to the quarantine station and, in addition, he may be punished as hereinafter described. No person except the Chief Sanitary Officer of the Panama Canal or his representa- tive, the quarantine officers and employees and personnel of the station shall be permitted to enter in or upon a quarantine station without permission from the Chief Sanitary Officer or the Chief Quarantine Officer of the Panama Canal. Section 33. — The Governor of the Panama Canal may establish from time to time such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary to execute this order. Section 34. — Any person violating any of the provisions of these regulations shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding 90 days, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Section 35. — The medical officers of the Canal Zone, duly clothed with authority to act as quarantine officers at any port or place within the Canal Zone and the ports of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama, and when performing the said duties, are hereby authorized to administer oaths and take declarations there- under in matters relating to the administration of the quarantine laws and regulations of the Canal Zone Government. Section 36. —These regulations shall take effect from and after the date upon which the Panama Canal is officially and formally opened for use and operation, by proclama- tion of the President of the United States. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 15 April, 1913. [No. 1761.] Executive Order. Under authority vested in me by law, it is ordered: That paragraph 1 of Executive Order No. 750, dated February 6, 1908, providing for jury trials in the Canal Zone, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. In all criminal prosecutions in the Canal Zone for felonies, the accused shall enjoy the right of trial by an impartial jury of the District in which the crime shall have been committed, to be chosen as follows: This Order shall take effect on and after July 4, 1913. Woodrow Wilson The White House, June 30, 1913. [No. 1792.] Executive Order, to prohibit the unauthorized use of flying machines. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an aeroplane, balloon, or flying machine of any kind in or across the Canal Zone without the written authority of the Chief Executive of the Canal Zone. MINUTES OF THE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1843 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or make a photograph, picture or sketch of any kind of the fortifications or other military works in the Canal Zone from any aeroplane, balloon or flying machine of any kind without the written consent of the Chief Executive of the Canal Zone. Section 3. A violation of any of the provisions of this order shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding One Thousand dollars or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year, or by both such iine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Section 4. This order shall takt^ effect on and after thirty days from its publication in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 7 August, WIS. [No. 1810.] Executive Order. Richard Lee Metcalfe is hereby appointed a member of the Isthmian Canal Com- mission at the rate of Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00) per annum, effective this date. Commissioner Metcalfe will be allowed the use of a furnished dwelling house on the Isthmus of Panama and will be allowed and paid his actual and necessary expenses while away from the Isthmus on official business. Woodrow Wilson The White House, August 9, 1913. [No. 1812.] 2. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Llewellyn P. Williamson, physician, Department of Sanitation to enter, August 24, 1913, upon 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That Llewellyn P. Williamson, physician, Department of Sanitation, be granted 42 days' leave of absence, with pay, effective August 24, 1913, which ordinarily would not be due until October 15, 1913. 3. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot of May 9, 1913, authorizing the Head of the Department of Law to approve for payment vouchers and pay rolls for his department and validating prior payments made, was formally confirmed: Resolved, That the Head of the Department of Law be, and hereby is, authorized to approve for payment vouchers and pay rolls cover- ing expenditures for the Department of Law; that he is further authorized to designate any employee of the Commission to approve, by his direction, such vouchers and pay rolls for payment, and that approval is hereby given to the action of the Head of the Department of Law in heretofore approving for payment vouchers and pay rolls covering expenditures for the Department of Law. 4. The Commission formally confirmed its action by letter ballot of August 4, 1913, enacting, in pursuance of the authority contained 1844 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. in the Executive order of March 19, 1913, the following regulations for the protection of birds and their nests : Section 1. Birds' nests and eggs shall not be taken nor willfully destroyed or disturbed. Section 2. No bird shall be held or sold, nor shall any bird be snared, trapped, or captured by any device, except native or foreign live cage birds known as parrots, parrakeets, macaws, skylarks,' and canaries. Section 3. Excepting the hereinafter-named game birds, and excepting birds of prey in pursuit of their quarry, no bird shall be hunted or killed, shot at, or willfully disturbed. Section 4. During the periods specified, but at no other times, the following- named game birds may be hunted and killed, but only by a person holding a license to hunt in the Canal Zone : From and including June 1 to and including October 15 of every year : The various species of native wild ducks, pigeons and doves, and the native game birds belonging to the families of birds known as quail, currasows, and guans. From and including October 15 to and including January 31 of every year: (a) The migratory ducks known as blue-winged teal, broad-bill, mallard, pintail, and shoveler. (&) The migratory shore birds known as Wilsons or jacksnipe and those known as yellowlegs. Section 5. The taking of all birds, their nests, and eggs for purely scientific purposes may be authorized by the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, or by the Governor of the Panama Canal, provided that any person desir- ing such authority shall first submit in writing satisfactory evidence of his or her object, which shall be endorsed by some known ornithologist, or the head of a scientific institution of good standing. Section 6. Possession of a bird, or any part thereof, plumage, nest, or egg shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of these regulations upon the part of the person having it in possession. 5. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot of May 9, 1913, covering reimbursement to the Panama Railroad Company for the amount expended by it in paying demurrage claims on extra cement steamers, was formally confirmed : Whereas the Secretary of War authorized the Panama Railroad Company to charter extra vessels to carry cement to the Isthmus, and whereas the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission agreed to reimburse the Panama Railroad Company for the actual cost of transportation of the cement whenever such vessels were used, and whereas the Panama Railroad Company has been required to pay demurrage on such vessels on account of the inability to unload the cement at the Isthmus within the period required by the charter party, and whereas the Chairman directed the Panama Railroad Company to bear the demurrage charges resulting from the over- lapping or bunching of cement ship arrivals at the Isthmus, author- ized the company to bill such charges occurring otherwise directly to the Commission and has approved vouchers in payments therefor, and whereas the Auditor for the War Department has suspended vouchers for $15,780.00 and $192.40 in the accounts of the Disbursing Officer of the Commission, Notv Therefore be it Resolved, That the action of the Chairman in agreeing to pay and in authorizing the payment of demurrage claims on cement vessels is ratified and approved, and he is author- MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1845 izecl to approve hereafter claims of the Panama Railroad Company for amounts expended by it in settling claims of demurrage on cement vessels in such cases as he may deem proper. 6. The Chairman reported in regard to the agreement for the pay- ment of $7,000 per month to the Panama Railroad Company for tele- graph and telephone service, as shown in paragraph 15 of the minutes of the 162d meeting of the Commission, held on April 26, 1913, that recommendations submitted by a committee representing both inter- ests relative to a reduction of the amount paid by the Commission for such service, had been approved by his office, as follows : The monthly payment shall be reduced, effective July 1, 1913, to $5,000 per month, which shall include the ccst of operation and maintenance, the latter term to cover only ordinary repairs and renewals, ordinary installation charges, and such construction as shall not exceed a cost of $100. For any similar items exceeding a cost of $100 the Panama Railroad Company shall be reimbursed by the Isthmian Canal Commission, such amount to be charged to the division requesting the work. The Panama Railroad Company shall bear the expense of changing the insu- lators on the relocated line and also the cost of additional equipment installed or permanent improvements made for use after the construction period ends and the operating period of the canal begins. The Chairman's action was approved. 7. The Chief Sanitary Officer having expressed the opinion that if artificial limbs were supplied to William Phillips, a patient in Ancon Hospital, he might be enabled to help himself, thus relieving the Commission of the cost of his maintenance, upon motion it was Resolved, That artificial limbs, at the expense of the Commission, be furnished William Phillips, check No. 25624. 8. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That the resolution adopted by the Commission at its 119th meeting, held January 21, 1907, be amended to read as follows: All vouchers, pay rolls, and public bills covering expenditures on the Isthmus shall be approved for payment by the Chairman of the Commission, or by his direction, or by the head of the respective departments in which and for the benefit of which the expenditures are made, except expenditures for the Departments of Disbursements and Examination of Accounts, for which approval shall be by the Chairman, or by his direction, and except that the Chairman of the Commission may authorize the Chief Quartermaster, or any person in the Quartermaster's Department, by direction of the Chief Quar- termaster, to approve vouchers covering purchases of materials and supplies on the Isthmus; and Resolved, further, That the Commission hereby ratifies the ap- proval of vouchers heretofore made in accordance with the authority herein granted. There being no further business before the Commission, the meet- ing adjourned at 5.40 p. m., subject to the call of the Chairman. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIFTH MEETING. Culebra, Canal Zone, March 27, 1914- The Commission met at the call of the Acting Chairman at 2 p. m. Present: Commissioners Goethals (Chairman), Hodges, Sibert, Rousseau. Metcalfe, and Secretary Bishop. Absent : Commissioner Gorgas. The minutes of the one hundred and sixty-fourth meeting were read and approved. 1. The Chairman read the following Executive orders, which were ordered to be spread upon the minutes : Executive Order. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone: Sec. 1 : It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, capture, wilfully disturb or kill any bird of any kind whatever, or to take the eggs of any bird, except in the form and manner permitted by the regulations provided for by this Order. Sec. 2 : The Isthmian Canal Commission, or the Governor of the Panama Canal after the reorganization is established, is hereby empowered and directed to enact suitable regulations, from time to time, for the protection of birds and their nests, and prescribing the form and manner in which birds may be hunted, and the kinds of birds that may be hunted, and those that shall not be molested. Sec. 3 : A violation of any of the regulations established under this Order shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days for each offense. Sec. 4 : This Order shall take effect thirty days after its publication in the Canal Record. Woodbow Wilson The White House, 19 March, 1913. [No. 1749.] Executive Order. 9 RELATING TO BAIL BONDS AND MONEY DEPOSITS IN LIEU THEREOF AND TO AMEND SECTION 310 OF CglMINAL PROCEDURE OF THE CANAL ZONE. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone: Section 1. The defendant in a criminal proceeding before a District Court of the Canal Zone m;iy make a cash deposit in lieu of a bail bond in form and manner as provided for in sections 305, 306 and 307 of the Criminal Procedure Act No. 15 of the Canal Zone, and a certificate of deposit shall be issued to the defendant by the judge in each case. 1847 1848 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Section 2. Whenever a warrant is issued by any court or judge of the Canal Zoue in a case in which bail may be admitted, the court or judge issuing such warrant shall endorse theron the amount of bail to' be required of the defendant to secure his appearance in the case, and the officer executing the warrant may accept a bail bond or money deposit in lieu thereof in the sum specified in the warrant, and in the form prescribed by law, and the bail bond or money deposit in lieu thereof shall be forthwith delivered to the court having jurisdiction of the case, and a receipt for such bond or deposit shall be given to such officer by the clerk of the court, or the judge thereof if the case is pending in a district court. When an arrest is made without a warrant in conformity with law in a mis- demeanor case, and for any reason the officer making the arrest is unable to take the offender forthwith before a magistrate, he may accept bond or a cash deposit in lieu thereof from the offender in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars to secure his appearance before the court having jurisdiction of the case, and the offender shall then be released from custody and the bond or cash deposit in lieu thereof shall be delivered to the proper officer or court as hereinbefore pro- vided for in this section. When a money deposit is made in lieu of bail bond, the deposit shall be held and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of sections 305, 306, 307 and 311 of the Criminal Procedure of the Canal Zone, and section 310 thereof, as hereinafter amended. Section 3. That section 310 of the Criminal Procedure of the Canal Zone is amended to read as follows: Section 310. If money has been deposited instead of bail, and the defendant, at any time before the forfeiture thereof, surrenders himself to the officer to whom the commitment was directed, in the manner provided in the two preced- ing sections, the court must order a return of the deposit to the defendant, upon producing the certificate of the officers showing the surrender, and upon a notice of five days to the Prosecuting Attorney, with a copy of the certificate. Section 4. This Order shall take effect from and after its publication in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 29 Aug., 1913. [No. 1817.] Executive Order, to punish deported persons who return to the canal zone. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following Order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. Any person who, after having served a sentence of imprisonment in the Canal Zone and after being deported therefrom, returns to the Canal Zone shall be deemed guilty of felony and punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not less than six months nor more than two years, and upon the completion of this sentence he shall be removed from the Canal Zone in accordance with the laws and orders relating to deportation. An entry into the Canal Zone, for any purpose, shall be sufficient to constitute a return to the Zone within the meaning of this Order; provided, however, that in a case of necessity the Chief Executive of the Canal Zone, in his discretion, may MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1849 grant a permit to any such person to return to the Canal Zone temporarily, but should he remain in the Canal Zone after the time specified in the permit he shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Order and punished as therein provided. Section 2. The Executive Order of May 2, 1911. providing a punishment for deported persons who return to the Canal Zone is hereby repealed. Section 3. This Order shall take effect thirty days from and after its publi- cation in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson, The White House, 25 Sept., 1918. [No. 1832.] Executive Order, to regulate the carrying of arms. By virtue of the authority vested in me, I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone: Section 1. Anyone who carries on or about his person any firearm, dirk, dag- ger or other knife manufactui - ed or sold for the purpose of offence or defence, or any slungshot, sword-cane, or any knuckles made of metal or other hard sub- stance, shall be punished by fine of not less than Five Dollars nor more than Twenty-five Dollars, or by imprisonment in jail of not less than five days nor more than thirty days, or by both such fine. or imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and during such time of imprisonment such offender may be put' to work upon any public work in the Canal Zone. In addition to the punishment herein prescribed for unlawfully carrying arms, the courts shall adjudge the seizure and confiscation of the arms unlawfully carried by the offending party and the same shall be disposed of in such manner as the Head of the Department of Civil Administration shall determine. Section 2. The preceding section shall not apply to a person engaged in the military or naval service of the United States or as a peace officer or officer authorized to execute judicial process of the United States or the Canal Zone, or in carrying mail or engaged in the collection or custody of funds of the United States or the Canal Zone, nor to a member of a gun or pistol club for the promotion of target practice, a certified copy of the constitution and by- laws of which have been approved by the Head of the Department of Civil Administration, and filed with the Collector of Revenues, when such member is going to or from target range, and engaged in practice at the target rannge. For the purposes of this order, a certificate of membership In the gun or pistol club shall be issued by the organization and approved by the Head of the Department of Civil Administration, and shall entitle the holder to carry firearms as provided for in this section. Neither shall the preceding section apply to any person authorized to have or carry arms by permit granted under the terms and conditions named In section 3 hereof. Section 3. The Head of the Depai'tment of Civil Administration may authorize the granting of permits to have and carry arms as follows: 1. To hunt upon the public lands of the Canal Zone, or upon the lands of private persons when authorized by the latter. 1850 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 2. To have arms in residences, offices, business places and plantations ; and 6o watchmen or overseers of plantations, factories, warehouses, docks or piers. Applications for such permits shall be made to the Head of the Department of Civil Administration and shall state the full name, residence and occupation of the applicant, and if the applicant is a minor it shall uot be granted without the written consent of big parent or guardian. The Head of the Department of Civil Administration shall satisfy himself by due inquiry that the applicant is a proper person to have a permit to keep or carry arms, and he may grant or deny the application as to him may seem proper. When an application is granted by the Head of the Department of Civil Ad- ministration for a permit to hunt he shall file the application, with his approval endorsed thereon, with the Collector of Revenues, who shall issue a permit to the applicant upon his paying the Collector of Revenues a fee of one dollar, to be covered into the Treasury of the Canal Zone Government. The hunting permits issued by virtue of this order shall authorize the holders thereof to have, use or carry a gun, rifle or other similar long arm for hunting purposes during the fiscal year for which the permit is issued, provided, how- ever, that such permit may be revoked at any time for cause by the Head of the Department of Civil Administration. Section 4. Anyone who engages in hunting without first obtaining the permit provided for in this order shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Twenty-five dollars or imprisonment in jail not exceeding ten days, provided, however, that persons engaged in the land or naval forces of the United States shall not be required to obtain a permit to hunt upon the public lands of the Canal Zone. Section 5. Penalties for infringements of this order imposed upon intoxicated or disorderly persons shall be in addition to the punishments authorized by law for such intoxicated or disorderly conduct. Section 6. Sections 449 to 460, both inclusive, of the Penal Code, the Execu- tive Order of December 1, 1909, issued by the Secretary of War by authority of the President, amending Sections 450 and 456 of the Penal Code, and the Executive Order of the Secretary of War, issued by authority of the President, dated November 3, 1911, amending Section 456 of the Penal Code as amended by the Executive Order above mentioned, and all other laws, orders and decrees in conflict with this order are hereby repealed. Section 7. This order shall take effect thirty days from and after its publica- tion in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House. 7 November, 1913. [No. 1857.] Executive Order, fixing the rate of interest on money. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following Executive Order for the Canal Zone : Section I. No rate of interest shall be allowed in excess of six percentum per annum upon any contract for the use or detention of money, unless the same is in writing and the interest agreed upon must not exceed twelve percentum per annum. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1851 Section II. All contracts whatsoever which may in any way, directly or in- directly, violate the preceding section by stipulating for a greater rate of interest than twelve pereentum per annum, shall be void and of no effect for the amount or value of the interest only; but the principal sum of money or value of the contract may be received and recovered. Section III. When the interest received or collected for the use or detention indirectly, violate the preceding section by stipulating for a greater rate of interest than twelve percentuni per annum, shall be void and of no effect for the amount or value of the interest only ; but the principal sum of money or value of the contract may be received and recovered. Section III. When the interest received or collected for the use or detenfion of money exceeds the rate of twelve percentuni per annum, it shall be deemed to be usurious, and the person or persons paying the same, or their legal repre- sentatives, may recover from the person, firm or corporation receiving such inter- est, the amount of the interest so received or collected, in any court of com- petent jurisdiction, within two years from the date of the payment of such interest. Section IV. No evidence of usury shall be received on the trial of any case unless the same shall be pleaded and verified by the affidavit of the party wishing to avail himself of such defense. Section V. This Order shall take effect thirty days from and after its publica- tion in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 11 Nov., 1913. [No. I860.] By direction of the President, it is ordered that the total compensation of Professor Emory R. Johnson, who was appointed a Special Commissioner by Executive Order, dated September 1, 1911, is hereby fixed at Twenty-five Thou> sand, Three Hundred Dollars ($25,300), from which shall be deducted any pay- ments on account of actual expenses and per diem heretofore made to him under the provisions of the Executive Order of September 1, 1911. such com- pensation covering the period from September 1, 1911. to October • 4, 1913, inclusive. The Isthmian Canal Commission is directed to provide the funds needed in the execution of this order. Linoley M. Garrison Secretary of War, War Department, January 20, 1914. Executive Oroer. TO prevent the corrupt influencing of agents, employees or servants. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following Executive order for the Canal Zone : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to give, offer or promise to an agent, employee or servant, any gift or gratuity whatever without the knowl- edge and consent of the principal, employer or master of such agent, employee 1852 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. or servant with intent to influence his action in relation to the business of his principal, employer, or master ; or for any agent, .employee or servant, without the knowledge and consent of his principal, employer or master, to request or accept a gift, or gratuity, or the promise of any gift or gratuity whatever bene- ficial to himself, under an agreement or with an understanding that he shall act in any particular manner in respect to the business of his principal, em- ployer, or master; or for any agent, employee or servant authorized to procure materials, supplies or other articles either by purchase or contract for his principal, employer or master, or to employ servants or labor for his pincipal, employer or master, to request or accept or agree to accept, for himself or another, directly or indirectly, a commission, discount or bonus from the per- son who makes the sale or contract, or furnishes such materials, supplies or articles or from the person who renders such service or labor ; or for any per- son to give or offer to such agent, employee, or servant such commission, dis- count or bonus. A violation of any of the provisions of this order shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by impris- onment in jail for not more than one year, or both such fine and impris- onment in the discretion of the Court. Section 2. This order shall take effect thirty days from and after its publica- tion in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 21 January, 1914. [No.- 1880.] Executive Order. To prevent fire-hunting at night, and hunting by means of a spring or TRAP, AND TO REPEAL THE EXECUTIVE ORDER OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1909. By virtue of the authority vested in me I hereby establish the following order for the Canal Zone. Section 1. Every person who shall hunt at night, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, with the aid or use of a lantern, torch, bonfire, or other artificial light, or who shall hunt by the use of a gun or other firearm intended to be discharged by an animal or bird, by means of a spring or trap, or other simi- lar mechanical device, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The penalties imposed by this Order shall be in addition to the punishments authorized by the law against carrying arms without a permit. Sec. 2. The Executive Order of September 8, 1909 amending Section 454 of the Penal Code of the Canal Zone is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This order shall take effect thirty days from and after its publication in the Canal Record. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 21 January, .1914. [No. 1884.] MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1853 Executive Order, to establish a permanent organization for the panama canal. By virtue of the authority vested iu me, I hereby euact the following order, creating a permanent organization for the Panama Canal, under the Act of Congress " To provide for the opening, maintenance, protection and operation of the Panama Canal and the sanitation and government of the Canal Zone," approved August 24, 1912. Section 1. The organization for tbe completion, maintenance, operation, government and sanitation of the Panama Canal and its adjuncts and the government of the Canal Zone shall consist of the following departments, offices and agencies, and such others as may be established by the Governor of the Panama Canal on the Isthmus or elsewhere with the approval of the President, all to be under the direction of the Governor, subject to the supervision of the Secretary of War. department of operation and maintenance. There shall be a Department of Operation and Maintenance under the imme- diate supervision and direction of the Governor of the Panama Canal. This Department shall be charged with the construction of the Canal and with its operation and maintenance when completed, including all matters relating to traffic of the Canal and its adjuncts, and the operation and maintenance of beacons, lights and lighthouses; the supervision of ports and waterways, includ- ing pilotage ; the admeasuring and inspecting of vessels, including hulls and boil- ers; the operation and maintenance of the Panama Railroad upon the Isthmus, including telephone and telegraph systems ; the operation of locks, coaling plants, shops, dry-docks and wharves; office engineering, including meteorology and hydrography; the construction of buildings and sanitary and municipal engineering, including the construction and maintenance of drainage ditches, streets, roads and bridges. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT. There shall be a Purchasing Department under the supervision and direction of the Governor. This department shall be charged with the purchase of all supplies, machinery or necessary plant. SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. There shall be a Supply Department, under the supervision and direction of the Chief Quartermaster. This department shall store and distribute all mate- rial and supplies for use of the Panama Canal and of its employees ; and for other departments of the Government on tbe Isthmus and their employees; and for vessels of the United States and for other vessels, when required. The Sup- ply Department shall operate commissaries, hotels and messes; shall be in charge of the maintenance of buildings, the assignment of quarters and the care of grounds; shall recruit and distribute unskilled labor; and shall have charge of the necessary animal transportation. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. There shall be an Accounting Department under the supervision and direction of the Auditor, with an assistant in the United States. The duties of the depart- ment shall include all general bookkeeping, auditing and accounting, both for 1854 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. money and property, eostkeeping, the examination of payrolls and vouchers, the inspection of time books and of money and property accounts, the preparation of statistical data, and the administrative examination of such accounts as are required to be submitted to the United States Treasury Department; and the collection, custody and disbursement of funds for the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone. These same duties shall.be performed for the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus when not inconsistent with the charter and by-laws of that Company. The department shall be charged with the handling of claims for compensation on account of personal injuries and of claims for damages to vessels. Within the limits fixed by law, the duties and financial responsibili- ties of the officers and employees charged with the receipt, custody, disburse- ment, auditing and accounting for funds and property shall be prescribed in regulations issued by the Governor, with the approval of the President. The Auditor shall maintain such a system of bookkeeping as will enable him to furnish at any time full, complete and correct information in regard to the status of appropriations made by Congress, the status of all other funds, and the amounts of net profits on all operations, which are to be covered into the Treasury as required by the Panama Canal Act. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. There shall be a Health Department under the supervision and direction of the Chief Health Officer. This department shall be charged with all matters relating to maritime sanitation and quarantine in the ports and waters of the Canal Zone and in the harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, and with land sanitation in the Canal Zone, and sanitary matters in said cities in conformity with the Canal Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Panama and existing agreements between the two governments thereunder, and all mat- ters relating to hospitals and charities. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. There shall be an Executive Secretary who, under the direction of the Gov- ernor of the Panama Canal, shall be charged with the supervision of all matters relating to the keeping of time of employees ; to postoffices, customs, taxes and excises, excepting the collection thereof; police and prisons; fire protection; land offices; schools, clubs and law library; the custody of files and records; and the administration of estates of deceased and insane employees. He shall, in person or through one of his assistants, perform the duties of a Shipping Commissioner. He shall conduct all correspondence and communications be- tween the authorities of the Canal Zone and the Government of the Republic of Panama and such other correspondence as may be given him in charge by the Governor. He shall have charge of the seal of the Government of the Canal Zone and shall attest such acts of the Government as are required by law to be performed and done under the seal. The duties herein prescribed for the foregoing departments, offices and agencies will be assigned to divisions or bureaus thereunder by the Governor of the Panama Canal, as the necessities therefor arise. Each of the foregoing departments shall discharge such further duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Governor; and the Governor, with the approval of the President, may transfer from time to time specific duties from one department to another. Section 2. The organization provided for in Section 1 shall be, in general, in accordance with the outline chart accompanying the memorandum of Jan. MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1855 27, 1014. entitled " Memorandum to accompany Executive Order of Jan. 27, 1914, providing for a permanent organization for the Panama Canal ", and officers from certain departments shall be detailed in accordance with that memorandum. Section 3. This order shall take effect from and after the 1st day of April, 1914, from which date the Isthmian Canal Commission, together with the pres- ent organization for the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone, shall cease to exist, in accordance with the terms of the above-mentioned Act of Congress. Woodrow Wilson The White House, January 27, J914- [No. 1885.] [Memorandum to accompany Executive Order of January 27, 1914. providing for a per* manent organization for the Panama Canal.] In construing and carrying out the foregoing order, I direct that it be done with the following considerations in view : — I have deemed it advisable for reasons of efficiency, economy and good ad- ministration to have all the activities connected with the Panama Canal under the supervision of one Cabinet officer. The troops which will be stationed on the Canal Zone for the protection of the Panama Canal are under the Secretary of War ; the Panama Canal Act provides that in time of war an Officer of the Army shall upon the order of the President have exclusive authority over the operation of the Panama Canal and the Government of the Canal Zone; the construction of the Canal has been successfully carried on under the supervision of the Secretary of War; the logical conclusion is, therefore, that the supervision of the operations of the Panama Canal under the permanent organization should be under the Secretary of War. It is directed that officers shall be detailed for certain duties from the several departments as follows : As Engineer of Maintenance, an Officer of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, who shall act as Governor in the absence or disability of the Governor of the Panama Canal. As Superintendent of Transportation, an Officer of the TJ. S. Navy. As Electrical Engineer, an Officer of the Corps of Engineers, TJ. S. Army. As Captains of the Terminal Ports, Officers of the IT. S. Navy. As Superintendent of Shops and Dry Docks, a Naval Constructor, U. S. Navy. As Chief Health Officer, an Officer of the Medical Corps, U. S. Army. As Superintendent of Hospitals, an Officer of the Medical Corps, U. S. Army. As Chief Officer of the Quarantine Division, an Officer of the U. S. Bureau of the Public Health. As Chief Quartermaster, an Officer of the Quartermaster Corps, IT. S. Army. The organization is to be in general accordance with the chart accompanying this memorandum, except that all of the various divisions and sub-divisions need not be established until in the opinion of the Governor it is desirable to do so, the organization being expanded gradually as the necessities of the work require. Woodrow Wilson January 27, 1914. 45132—14 5 1856 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Executive Order. PROVIDING CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR THE PERMANENT FORCE FOR THE PANAMA CANAL. By virtue of the authority vested in me by law, it is hereby ordered that the general conditions of employment governing employees on the Isthmus of Panama, necessary for the completion, care, management, maintenance, sani- tation, government and operation of the Panama Canal, the Canal Zone, the Panama Railroad, and other adjuncts, shall be as follows: APPOINTMENT AND COMPENSATION. 1. The salaries or compensation of employees shall in no instance exceed by more than twenty-five per centum the salaries or compensation paid for the same or similar services to persons employed by the Government in Continental United States, as determined by the Governor of the Panama Canal. 2. Service must be satisfactory to the head of the department in which em- ployed, and employees are subject to the regulations of the Governor. 3. The compensation and conditions of employment of persons employed in the United States will be specified in provisional appointments. The compensa- tion of such persons will begin upon date of embarkation at port of departure from the United States, and they will be granted free transportation from port of departure, including meals on the steamer, but no compensation or expenses for the journey to the port ; but former employees from the United States whose next preceding service with the Panama Canal was less than one year shall be paid only from date of entry into service on the Isthmus, and will be allowed only such reduced rates of transportation to the Isthmus as may be available for Government employees. Employees appointed at an hourly rate will be paid for the period of transit to the Isthmus on the basis of an eight hour day exclusive of Sundays. Except in case of discharge or other separation from the service beyond the employee's control, payment of salary from date of em- barkation to date of arrival on the Isthmus will not be made unless service on the Isthmus continues for thirty days. 4. All officers and employees in the service of the Panama Canal except those who are to perform the duties of clerk, bookkeeper, stenographer, typewriter, surgeon, physician, trained nurse, or draftsman, shall be exempt from examina- tion under Civil Service rules, and appointments to clerical positions on the Isthmus of Panama paying $75.00 per month or less may also be made without examination. Officers and employees now in the service of the Panama Rail- road Company on the Isthmus may be transferred to and retained in the service of the Panama Canal without examination, whenever any work now performed independently by the Panama Railroad is consolidated with similar work performed by the Panama Canal. 5. When employees in the present organization are transferred to the permanent organization, they shall retain their seniority as regards questions of Civil Service, quarters, and other privileges or considerations; provided, however, that the seniority granted to employees by this order shall not be op- erative in any case so as to form any claim involving the payment of funds of the United States. 6. All employees who receive over $75.00 per month or over 40^ per hour must be citizens of the United States or the Republic of Panama, and such MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1857 citizens will be given preference for employment in all grades. Aliens may not be employed in such grades unless (a) they have occupied similar positions during the construction of the Canal for two years or more, or (b) in case of emergency,- in which latter case they must be replaced by citizens of the United States or Republic of Panama as early as practi- cable. 7. The Governor shall prescribe regulations, when not otherwise fixed in this order, setting forth the qualifications necessary for appointment of the various classes of employees, including physical fitness for work on the Isthmus. The age limit shall in all cases be under 45 years, but the Governor may waive this limit when in his judgmeut such action is for the good of the service. S. All appointments shall be made by the Governor of the Panama Canal, or by his authority, except the district judge, district attorney, marshal, clerk of district court and his assistant. 9. Assignment to duty is vested in the respective heads of the departments, and employees will be expected to perform such duties as may properly be assigned to them. The Governor may discharge an employee at any time for cause, and terminate a provisional appointment when the exigencies of the service so require. 10. The Government reserves the right to pay in any money the value or parity of which is guaranteed by the United States. 11. Employees whose salaries are fixed on a monthly or annual basis will receive no pay for overtime work. 12. Employees above the grade of laborer, appointed with rates of pay per hour or per day, will not be employed over eight hours in any one calendar day, except in case of emergency. The time such employees work over eight hours in one calendar day, and time worked on Sundays and regularly authorized holidays, including January 1st, February 22nd, May 30th, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25th. shall be considered overtime for which time and one-half will be allowed. Such employees who work on the days prior and subsequent to the holidays specifically named above will be allowed their regular pay for eight hours for such days, in addition to pay for any work performed. 13. An employee whose compensation while on duty carries with it subsist- ence will not be entitled to same or commutation thereof while on leave of absence, and no commutation of quarters shall be paid. TRANSPORTATION. 14. Employees and dependent members of their families will be granted the regular Government rate upon commercial steamship lines with which arrange- ments for such rates can be made. While the United States operates a steam- ship line, either directly or through the Panama Railroad Company, employees and the dependent members of their families will be granted transportation at the same rates and under the same conditions as are at present in effect. The rates and conditions are subject to change at any time in the discretion of the Governor. 15. After three years service, employees who are citizens of the United States will be entitled to free transportation for themselves only, on termination of service, to any port of the United States, except that when such transportation costs the Government more than $40.00 the employee must pay the excess. 16. Employees on the gold roll will be granted one complimentary round-trip pass on the Panama Railroad each calendar mouth. Mileage books for use of 1858 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. such employees and dependent members of their families or relatives tempo- rarily residing with them, will be furnished at one-half regular tariff rates. QUARTERS. 17. Where practicable, such bachelor quarters on the Isthmus as may be avail- able from time to time will be assigned all employees desiring them. Family quarters, when available, will be assigned under such rules as may be prescribed by the Governor. A charge will be made for rent, fuel, and electric current at such time and in accordance with such regulations as the President may here- after establish. MEDICAL CARE. 18. Employees injured will be compensated in accordance with such regula- tions as are prescribed by law. 19. All employees in cases of illness or injury will receive free medical care and attendance in the hospitals, except in cases of alcoholism or venereal disease. If medical attendance is furnished in quarters, a charge may be made under regulations to be prescribed by the Governor. Employees will be charged for medical care and attendance furnished members of their families at the hospitals and at their quarters at such rates and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Governor. LEAVE REGULATIONS. 20. All employees who are citizens of the United States, and aliens whose compensation is more than .$75.00 per month or 40<" per hour, shall be entitled to leave privileges. 21. Leave will be divided into three classes, viz: (1) annual leave, (2) cumu- lative leave, and (3) travel leave. ANNUAL LEAVE. 22. Twenty-four days annual leave will be allowed each employee for each year after entry into service and. if not granted prior to the close of the year, is forfeited and may not be accumulated, except that any annual leave remaining to an employee's credit in a year in which he is granted cumulative leave may be added to the cumulative leave if taken within two months after the close of his service year. 23. The sendee year shall date from the day on which an employee's pay in the permanent organization begins. 24. Absences of one-half day or more, when regularly authorized, will be charged against annual leave; also absences on account of illness or injury, upon the certificate of an authorized physician in the service of the Panama Canal, except that in the following classes of cases no payment shall be made for time lost, but the time shall be charged against the annual leave : (a) Illness due to the fault of the employee, as venereal disease and alcoholism. (b) Injury due to the employee's wilful intention to bring about the injury or death of himself or another. (c) Elective surgical operations to relieve conditions existing prior to service on the Isthmus. 25. In the case of hourly or per diem employees annual leave on account of sickness or injury shall be based upon a day of eight hours. 26. Not more than fourteen days annual leave may be taken during the first six months of a service year. In case of illness or injury in the first six months, to cover which no annual leave remains to the employee's credit, the time lost MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1859 will be charged against the annual leave remaining for the year, and payment will be made after completing ten months of the service year. After the entire twenty-four days annual leave has been used, additional leave in that service year on account of illness or injury will be deducted from the cumulative leave for that year and when the cumulative leave becomes due the employee will be paid. 27. After exhausting both annual and cumulative leave for the year, additional absence on account of illness or injury will be without pay, except such com- pensation as may be prescribed by law for employees receiving personal injuries. CUMULATIVE LEAVE. 28. Thirty days cumulative leave will be allowed each employee paid on a monthly or annual basis for each year of his service, and twenty days to each employee paid on an hourly basis. This leave will be due after completing ten months' service each year and may be taken when the employee's service can be spared. It may be taken annually or left to accumulate to the credit of the employee, provided, however, that leave may not be accumulated for more than three years. If it is not desired to take the entire leave accumulated, the leave earned for the first year, or the first and second years, may be taken, pro- vided that no employee, except at termination of service, may be granted more than ninety days leave with pay at one time. Employees will be paid for cumulative leave at the rate earned when the leave became due at the end of the tenth month of each respective year. 29. In case an employee serves part of a year on the monthly or annual basis and part on the hourly basis, he will be allowed twenty days cumulative leave, except that if he has served eight months or more on the monthly or annual basis during the year he will be granted thirty days cumulative leave. TRAVEL LEAVE. 30. Employees who travel to points outside the tropics, when on cumulative leave, will be allowed seven days additional leave (or travel leave) with full pay. Travel leave may be allowed approximately once a year and is not cumu- lative. 31. Employees will be compensated for travel leave and annual leave taken in conjunction with cumulative leave at the rate earned when cumulative leave last became due. 32. After accumulating leave for three years, an employee ceases to earn additional cumulative leave until he is granted all or part of the cumulative leave already earned, unless he shall enter on cumulative leave within two mouths after competing the third year, or be ordered by the Governor to defer taking leave for official reasons. 33. When an employee's services are terminated on account of misconduct or unsatisfactory service, any annual leave due and travel leave will be forfeited, and cumulative leave will also be forfeited unless written notification has been given that the employee has accumulated the leave, or the four months period within which the employee may enter on leave has passed. Such written notice must be given by employees as soon as possible after cumulative leave becomes due. 34. When an employee's service is terminated, a cash payment in commuta- tion of leave will be made to him for the number of days' cumulative leave due. plus the annual leave due. In the event of bis death his estate will be paid the sum due. 35. Employees must enter on cumulative leave within four months after the date when it becomes due. except when accumulated, or unless otherwise author- ized by the Governor. 1860 MINUTES OP ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 36. Employees must report from leave within one week after the authorized leave expires or forfeit pay for the leave. In case of unavoidable delay, the Governor will decide whether the circumstances warrant an exception to this rule. 37. No restrictions are placed on the localities where leave may be spent. 38. Any employee transferred from the present force to the permanent oper- ating force will be paid at the time of transfer, in addition to his regular com- pensation, the amount he would have received in payment for leave had he been separated from the service at the time of transfer. 39. Leave may be taken only at the convenience of heads of departments, who may direct an employee to accumulate his leave if necessary for the conduct of the work. 40. Leave without pay may be granted by the Governor to all employees, including laborers, for such period as may be prescribed by him. OFFICE HOURS AND HOURS OF LABOR. 41. Office hours and hours of labor will be fixed by the Governor within the limits prescribed by law. 42. This order shall take effect from and after the 1st day of April, 1914. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 2 February, 1914. [No. 1888.] Executive Order. to establish a washington office of the panama canal, to provide tempo- rarily for the organization, officials and employes thereof, and to continue in force for the panama canal rules, regulations, and executive orders which may have been made for the isthmian canal commission. By virtue of the authority vested in me it is hereby ordered : Section I. That an office of The Panama Canal is established in the City of Washington in the District of Columbia. Section II. That the Washington Office of The Panama Canal shall be the office of general records in the United States, and shall succeed to the custody, care and preservation of all the records and files of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, to be retained and preserved in the United States on and after April 1, 1914, and shall also succeed to and become chargeable with all property of every kind and character purchased for the Washington Office of the Isthmian Canal Commission, which is on hand April 1, 1914. Section III. That the Washington Office of The Panama Canal sh-ill be the headquarters and the principal office of the Purchasing Department of The Panama Canal. The head of the Purchasing Department of The Panama Canal, under the direction of the Governor, shall have administrative control of the Washington Office of The Panama Canal. He shall be subject to orders and supervision of the Chief of Engineers of the U. S. Army to such extent as may be directed by the Secretary of War. He shall be General Purchasing Officer for the Panama Canal, and shall also act as the Chief of the Washington Office of The Panama Canal. Section IV. That until further ordered, the Washington Office of The Panama Canal shall have the same organization as to offices and departments (except the Office of the Assistant Examiner of Accounts and the Disbursing Office) as MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1861 the Washington Office of the Isthmian Canal Commission shall have on March 31, «1914. The number, class and salaries of officials and employes in each of the offices and departments, except as hereinafter provided, shall be the same as those authorized for the Washington Office of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion on March 31, 1914, and any change in the salary of any position, or in the number of positions in any office or department, shall be made only as now- provided by law. The officers and employees, except as hereinafter provided, shall perform the same class of duties that they may be assigned to on March 31, 1914. Section V. That the Assistant Auditor provided for in Executive Order No. 18S5, dated January 27, 1914, shall be appointed April 1. 1914. His salary shall be fixed by the Governor. He shall perform such duties of the Accounting Department to be performed in the United States, as may be assigned to him by the Auditor, and also such other duties of a general nature as may be assigned to him by the Chief of the Washington Office of The Panama Canal. On and after April 1, 1914, there shall be transferred to the Assistant Auditor, and he shall be charged with the custody, care and preservation of, all records and property of the Disbursing Officer, and of the Assistant Exam- iner of Accounts of the Isthmian Canal Commission, with wbich those officers shall be charged on March 31, 1914. The Chief of the Washington Office may, however, transfer to and place in the custody of the Disbursing Clerk, hereinafter provided for. such of the property and records above described, as he may deem to be essential to enable the Dis- bursing Clerk to properly perform his duties under this order, but the Disburs- ing Clerk shall not be permitted, without specific authority from the Chief of Office, to keep a separate set of records and files. He shall be required to rely upon, and consult when necessary, the records and files in the office of the Assistant Auditor, in verifying the legality of claims and accounts submitted to him for payment, or to verify the details of any collection for which he is required to account. Disbursements will be made by the Disbursing Clerk only after examination of the claim or account in the office of the Assistant Auditor. Such of the officers and employees employed in the office of the Assistant Examiner of Accounts and the Disbursing Office of the Isthmian Canal Com- mission on March 31, 1914. as the Governor determines to retain, shall be trans- ferred to and employed in the Accounting Department in the United States, and their salaries fixed at such amounts as the Governor deems just and reasonable. There shall be a Disbursing Clerk for that part of the Accounting Department in the United States, who shall perform similar duties to those that are required to be performed by the Collector and Paymaster on the Isthmus, in so far as there are such duties to be performed in the United States, and shall be subject to the same supervision by the Assistant Auditor, as the Collector and Pay- master on the Isthmus are by the Auditor. He shall give bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Governor, or by his authority. Such of tbe officers and employes as are transferred to and employed in the Accounting Department in the United States, shall be distributed between the office of the Assistant Auditor and that of the Disbursing Clerk, respectively, as the needs of the service require. They shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by proper authority. They shall be subject to similar finan- cial responsibilities, and to the same general rules and regulations that have been prescribed for like officers and employes employed in the Accounting Department on the Isthmus. It is the purpose of this order, and it shall be so construed, as to require the Assistant Auditor of The Panama Canal to examine all claims and accounts before their payment by the Disbursing Clerk : to carry on all general corre- 1862 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. aponden.ce in relation to claims and accounts required to be conducted by the Accounting Department in the United States; to prepare all vouchers and certify to the validity of all claims and accounts before they are submitted to the Disbursing Clerk for payment; to furnish to. the Disbursing Clerk all necessary data to enable that officer to make reply to any exceptions that may be taken to his account by the Auditor for the War Department; to keep all general records required to be kept in the Accounting Department in .the United States; to make all reports as to statistical data required to be sent to the Auditor on the Isthmus; to give an administrative examination to all accounts of the Disbursing Clerk before they are transmitted to the Auditor; to make an administrative examination of all claims which are to be submitted to the Auditor for direct settlement ; to keep a complete record of all collections to be made and all moneys received by the Disbursing Clerk; to certify to the cor- rectness of the Disbursing Clerk's accounts for collections; to see that bills collectible are issued and collections made in all proper cases; to have charge of all general files wbich are required to be kept by the Accounting Department in the United States; and to perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Auditor, or the Chief of the Washington Office. Section VI. That any person holding appointment or employment in or under Washington Office of the Isthmian Canal Commission on March 31, 1914, shall be eligible for appointment to, or employment in a like position in or under the Washington Office of The Panama Canal, created by this order, and all except those employed in the Accounting Department, will be considered to be transferred and appointed to such like position in or under the Washing- ton Office of The Panama Canal, as of April 1, 1914, without further order or appointment. The oath of office shall be taken by all officials and employes of the Washington Office. Section VII. This order shall remain in force as a provisional order only, for the establishment of the Washington Office of The Panama Canal, until an order for the permanent organization of such office shall have been made Section VIII. All rules, regulations and executive orders, not inconsistent with the provisions of this order and the Executive Orders of January 27. and February 2, 1914, heretofore made for the Isthmian Canal Commission, and ap- plicable to conditions that will exist under these orders, shall be and are hereby continued in full force and effect, as rules, regulations, and executive orders for the government of officers and employes of The Panama Canal and the transaction of the business of The Panama Canal. Woodrow Wilson The White House, 2 March, 191),. [No. 1897.] 2. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot of November 1, 1913, authorizing the Chief Sanitary Officer to furnish peg legs in eases not covered by the regulations governing the treatment of per- sons in the hospitals, when such action is in the interest of the Com- mission, was f ormalty confirmed : Resolved, That section 4 of sub-division A of the regulations gov- erning the treatment of persons in the hospitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission, adopted at the 124th meeting of the Commission, is amended to read as follows: MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1863 Any employee furnished any special appliance or apparatus, such as spectacles, etc., shall be required to pay the cost thereof, plus ten per cent, unless such special appliance or apparatus is made necessary by injuries sustained or illness contracted in the performance of his duty ; Provided, hoicerer. That the Chief Sanitary Officer is authorized to furnish peg legs at the expense of the Commission to either an employee or non-employee in any case in which he considers that the interests of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Canal Zone Gov- ernment will be benefited thereby. 3. By letter ballot of September 15, 1913, the Commission adopted the following " Rules and Regulations Prohibiting the Passage or Presence of Floating Craft, except those belonging to the United States or the Panama Railroad, in that section of the Panama Canal known as Culebra Cut, between Gamboa and Pedro Miguel Lock," and the same were formally confirmed : By authority of the President of the United States, as expressed in Executive Order of July 25, 1910, the following rules ;ind regulations are adopted by the Isthmian Canal Commission for the purpose of facilitating work of excavation and canal construction, and the same shall have the force and effect of law when approved by the Secretary of War : Section 1. Without special permission in writing, signed by the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission, no owner, master or operator of any floating craft of any kind or character whatsoever, except such as may belong to or be chartered by the United States or the Panama Railroad Company, shall cause or permit such craft to enter, navigate or be present within that portion of the Panama Canal known as the Culebra Cut, which lies between Gamboa and Pedro Miguel lock. Section 2. For the better enforcement of these rules and regulations the officers and agents of the United States and the assistant engineers, superin- tendents and supervisors employed under them by the authority of the Isth- mian Canal- Commission, shall have power and authority to arrest and take into custody, with or without process, any person or persons who may commit any of the acts or offenses prohibited by section l.of these rules aud regulations or who may violate any of the provisions of the same. Section 3. As ordered by the President of the United States, any person vio- lating the provisions of these rules and regulations shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the district jail for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. 4. The Chairman presented statements showing the appointments, promotions, and other changes in personnel on the Isthmus: (a) In the Department of Construction and Engineering for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 20: May 3. 10. 17, 24 and 31 : June 7. 14. 21. and 2S ; July 5, 12*, 19 and 26; August 2. 0, 16, 23 and 30: September 6. 18, 20 and 27; October 4, 11, 18 and 25: November 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29; December 6, 13. 20 and 27. 1913; January 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31; February 7. 14, 21, and 2S ; March 7. 14 and 21. 1914. (I)) In the Department of Civil Administration for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26; May 3. 10. 17, 24 and 31 ; June 7. 14. 21 and 2S; July 5, 12, 19 and 1864 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 26 ; August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4, 11, 18 and 25; November 1, S, 15. 22 and 29; December 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1913; January 3. 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; February 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; March 7, 14 and 21, 1914. (c) In the Department of Sanitation for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26: May 3, 10, 17. 24 and 31; June 7, 14, 21 and 28; July 5, 12, 19 and 26; August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4, 11, 18 and 25 ; November 1, 8. 15, 22 and 29 ; December 6, 13, 20 and 27. 1913 ; January 3, 10, 17. 24 and 31; February 7, 14, 21 and 28; March 7, 14 and 21, 1914. (d) In the Subsistence Department for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; May 3, 17, 24 and 31 ; June 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; July 5, 19 and 26 ; August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4, 11 and 25 ; November 15, 22 and 29 ; December 6, 13 and 20, 1913 ; January 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; February 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; March 7, 14 and 21, 1914. (e) In the Quartermaster's Department for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; June 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; July 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4, 11, 18 and 25 ; November 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 ; December 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1913 ; January 3, 10, 17. 24 and 31; February 7, 14, 21 and 28; March 7, 14 and 21, 1914. (/) In the Department of Law for the weeks ending April 5, 12 and 19; May 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; June 14 and 28 ; July 26 ; August 2 and 16 ; September 6, 20 and 27 ; October IS ; December 6 and 13, 1913 ; January 31 ; February 7, 1914. (g) In the Department of Examination of Accounts for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; June 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; July 5, 12, 19 and 26; August 2, 9. 16, 23 and 30; September 6, 13, 20 and 27; October 4, 11, 18 and 25 ; November 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 ; December 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1913 ; January 10, 17 and 24; February 7, 14, 21 and 28; March 7, 14 and 21, 1914. (h) In the Department of Disbursements for the weeks ending April 12 and 19 ; May 3, 10, 17 and 24 ; June 7, 14 and 21 ; August 2, 9, 16 and 23 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4 and 25 ; November 1, 15 and 22, 1913 ; January 3, 10 and 17, 1914. (/) In the Panama Railroad Commissary Department for the weeks ending April 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; May 3. 10, 17, 24 and 31 ; June 7, 14, 21 and 28 ; July 5. 12, 19 and 26 ; August 2. 9. 16, 23 and 30 ; September 6, 13, 20 and 27 ; October 4, 11, 18 and 25 ; November 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 ; December 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1913 ; January 3, 10, 17. 24 and 31; February 7. 14, 21 and 2S; March 7, 14 and 21. 1914. (;') In the Quartermaster's Department, Balboa Agency, for the weeks end- ing April 5, 12. 19 and 26; May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31; June 7, 14, 21 and 2S; July 5, 12, 19 and 26 ; August 16, 1913. All of which were ratified and approved. 5. The Chairman presented statements covering changes in the status of employees on duty in the United States for the periods from January 1. 1913, to June 30, 1913, inclusive, and from July 1, 1913, to December 31, 1913, inclusive, all of which were ratified and confirmed. 6. The following amendment providing for the licensing of chauffeurs for automobiles, adopted by letter ballot of January 26, 1914, was formally confirmed : Be it enacted by the Isthmian Canal Co?mnission, That Section 8 of the ordinance adopted by the Isthmian Canal Commission at its IGOth meeting held on April 15, 1911, and approved by the Secretary of MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1865 War on April 26, 1911, providing for the licensing of chauffeurs for automobiles, be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : The Head of the Department of Civil Administration is authorized to revoke for cause any license issued under the authority of this ordinance. 7. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing W. R. McCann, supervisor, First Division, to accumulate 19 days leave with pay, spent by him on official business during the 42 days leave of absence with pay granted him effective July 10, 1913, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That 19 days of the time spent by Supervisor W. R. McCann, between July 27 and September 1, 1913, on duty for the Isthmian Canal Commission, which period of 19 days was lost from his duly granted leave of absence in the United States, by reason of orders directing him to perform duty during his leave of absence, and to return to the Isthmus within a certain time, may be accumulated and granted in any future leave of absence which may become due him. 8. The following resolution, adopted by letter ballot, authorizing Clinton N. McPherson. conductor, Second Division, to enter January 30, 1914, upon 42 clays' leave of absence with pay, was formally confirmed : Resolved, That Clinton N. McPherson, conductor, Second Division, be granted 42 days' leave of absence with pay, effective January 30, 1914, which ordinarily would not be due until February 18, 1914. 9. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That the parent or guardian of any pupil attending a Canal Zone school who has been guilty of intentionally, willfully, or maliciously damaging or destroying any book or books, supplies, or equipment loaned by the Government of the Canal Zone for such pupil's use, shall be required to reimburse the Government of the Canal Zone for the appraised value of said book or books, supplies, or equipment ; and in the event of failure on the part of such parent or guardian to reimburse the Government of the Canal Zone when called upon to do so by proper authority, the Examiner of Accounts may be directed, with approval of the Chairman, to deduct from the wages of such parent or guardian an amount equal to the appraised value of the book or books, supplies, or equipment damaged or destroyed; or, in the case of a child of a nonemployee, the privilege of attending a Canal Zone school may be temporarily denied pending settlement for the property damaged or destroyed. 10. Upon motion it was — Resolved, That no service rendered after December 31, 1914, shall be counted in rendering an employee eligible for a canal medal or bar. 11. The Chairman presented the following report from the com- mittee appointed in pursuance of the resolution adopted at the 163rd J866 minutes or ISTHMIAN canal commission. meeting to investigate and recommend plans for the maintenance of the Panama Canal : The Committee appointed by you under date of April 26, 1913, in pursuance of the following resolution passed by the Isthmian Canal Commission at its 163rd meeting — •' Re-sol red. That the Chairman appoint a committee of four members of the Commission to investigate and recommend to the Commission plans for the maintenance of the Panama Canal" submits the following as a proposed plan for such maintenance: This Committee was originally constituted as follows : Lt. Col. D. D. Gaillard. Chairman. Lt. Col. Wm. L. Sibert, Colonel W. C. Gorgas, Mr. Maurice H. Thatcher. On August 26, 1913, Col. II. F. Hodges was appointed a member of the Committee. Mr. M. H. Thatcher having resigned from the Isthmian Canal Commission. The Committee held its first meeting at Empire on May 5. 1913, at which meeting it was decided to call upon certain employees of the Commission for suggestions as to the organization of specified units that it was then thought would be comprised in a maintenance organization. All information on file in your office concerning the question under consideration was also asked for. Data obtained as stated above are enclosures to this report. The scope of the report of the Committee depends upon the interpretation of the word " maintenance." Were the canal, after completion, to remain unused, it would not be difficult to outline an organization and make plans solely for maintaining it in readiness for operation, but such a condition is not to be con- ceived as possible. Since the canal is to be operated after completion, to pro- vide an organization for its maintenance separate and distinct from that re- quired for its operation is, in the opinion of the Committee, impracticable in most departments. Certain important features of the work, such as dredging, the repair of buildings, roads, etc.. assume, in great part if not entirely, the character of maintenance. In the case of certain other important features of the work, however, such as the locks, the railroad, the shops, the hospitals, etc., the maintenance is simply incidental to the operation, and is to be performed to a large extent by the operating force. The Committee has found it impossible to separate the functions of operation and maintenance sufficiently to submit a practical plan for the latter which shall be independent of the former. In the preparation of its plan for main- tenance it has therefore held in view, first, the outline of an organization which shall perform all the duties specified in the Panama Canal Act of August 24. 1912. and. second, the creation or retention from construction period of such physical appliances as will be required for the use of the canal after completion. In preparing an organization for the duties as stated above, there are certain phases of the work which might be performed in radically different ways. The most prominent of these items are the hospitals, the shops, and the supply de- partment, as they relate to service for or sale to outside parties. The Committee is of the opinion that the canal management should provide a hospital or hospitals where the canal employees can secure modern medical and surgical aid. In addition to hospital facilities for the canal force proper, such facilities will be necessary for a military force of probably eight or ten thousand men, and many patients not in the government service will need similar care. MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1867 . A material sanitary advantage would result from concentrating all hospital facilities in the Canal Zone under one head. The health officer could thus be informed at the earliest possible moment of the presence in the Zone of con- tagious diseases. Such concentration would also result in economy to the branches of the government service interested. This concentration would involve closing Santo Toinas Hospital in Panama. This could probably be accomplished by agreement with the Republic of Panama. Under the present law there will be in the Canal Zone two independent or- ganizations — that under the civil government and that under the commanding officer of the troops. Both of these organizations report to the Secretary of War as their immediate superior. Ten thousand troops will probably require 300 beds in the hospital ; three thousand canal employees will require about 90 beds; there will probably be required for several years about 100 beds for charity patients, chargeable to the civil government ; and the question naturally arises as to whether this hospital should be administered by the military or by the civil authorities. If the hospitals were turned over to the military authori- ties and canal employees were charged for service received in the hospitals, a material economy would result to the canal government. The great economy of army administration would be that the army personnel of physicians and hospital corps men belonging to the troops stationed in the Canal Zone could be placed in the hospitals and by that much decrease the expense of administra- tion. Attention is invited to memorandum from the Chief Sanitary Officer, attached to this report. It is the opinion of the Commitee that it would be advantageous to the Government for the military authorities to operate the hospital, or hos- pitals, and that canal employees should pay for hospital service. An organization is submitted which shows the pay roll cost of operating a hospital of 300 beds and doing the necessary sanitary and quarantine work on the Isthmus. Such a hospital will provide for the canal employees, their families, and any charity patients that the Canal Zone Government may have to care for. The Chief Sanitary Officer estimates that it will require a general hospital of 1,600 beds to care for the soldiers, canal employees, charity patients, patients at present cared for at Santo Tomas hospital, the insane, and outside pay patients. It is estimated that the income from the general hospital would be about $350,000 per year, and its total operating expense about $500,000, leaving a net expenditure of $150,000. If this hospital were turned over to the military authorities, and the canal government paid one dollar per day for each of its 100 charity patients, the cost would be only $36,500 to the canal government. The organization for the shops will depend, of necessity, not alone upon the work required in the operation and maintenance of the canal itself, but also upon the work done for the Navy Department and for commercial interests using the canal. The plant which it is proposed to provide for the shops and dry dock is evidently larger than would be needed for the uses of the canal itself, even including the needs of the vessels passing through it. The excess has been provided to meet the needs of the Navy in stress of war. The Com- mittee believes that the expense of maintaining and operating that portion of the plant which is provided to meet such Naval needs should not properly be charged to the cost of maintaining the canal itself. It submits with its report, therefore, an organization for performing only the work necessary in maintain- ing the canal and providing for the needs of the vessels using it. This force could easily be increased to meet any reasonable demand for repair to either additional merchant ships or to naval vessels in time of war. All of the work done by this increased force, as well as that performed by the organization 1868 MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. submitted, for vessels using the canal, would be paid for by the vessels for wbich the work is done. Tbe organization proposed for operating the locks provides for such operation for twelve hours daily. The organization proposed for handling the receipts and disbursement of moneys provides independent organizations for collecting, for disbursing and for auditing. It is assumed that only an administrative audit will be made in the Canal Zone. The salary and duties of the Chief Auditing Clerk and his force are based on a similar organization in the office of the Cbief of Engineers, U. S. Army. A public depository at one end of the canal, with a branch at the other, would greatly facilitate collecting and disbursing funds. In its attempt to state the salaries appropriate to the different positions pro- vided for in the plan for organization, the Committee has endeavored to remain within the limit of 25 per cent in excess of the amount paid for similar services in the United States, this limit being that set in the Act of August 24, 1912, to provide for the operation, maintenance, protection, etc., of the Panama Canal. The salary of the Governor of the Canal Zone is fixed by that law at $10,000 a year. The Committee has, therefore, placed the salaries of the Chief Engineer and of the Chief Sanitary Officer at $7,500 a year. In the case of the last two officials, the Committee believes that no fixed standard of comparison can be found in the United States by which their compensation can be measured. It believes that the sum fixed is less than that which the performance of similar responsible duties in the United States would command, but feels that there should be a reasonable difference between the compensation of these officials and the compensation of the Governor. It believes, however, that in the case of these three officials, who will undoubtedly be required to do a large amount of official entertaining, suitable furnished quarters, heat and light should be provided in addition to the salaries named. In all other cases, the Committee is of the opinion that officials and employees should pay rent for their houses, and should receive no allowances in the way of heat and light, or other per- quisites. The charge for quarters should be small, but enough to cover repairs at least. The Committee is further of the opinion that employees occupying positions on the gold roll should receive the same privileges which they now enjoy in the matter of leave of absence and of sick leave with pay. In the opinion of the Committee all needed fixed accessories are provided in plans that will be consummated during the construction period. While the proposed organization contemplates the operation during the main- tenance period of one sea-going suction dredge, one pipe line dredge, two 15- yard dipper dredges, and the " Corozal ", it is not thought that a dredging fleet of this size will be necessary for any great length of time after the completion of the canal, and it is believed that the estimate for this organization, together with that for the permanent shops, will cover the cost of any organization necessary for dry excavation. In submitting the present report the Committee feels that one important phase of the work of maintenance and operation has not been completely covered : namely — the material and equipment which should be retained after the con- struction period, and the points at which the different units should be located. Owing to necessary changes in its personnel since its original appointment, the Committee has not been able to work to advantage in all matters of detail. Nevertheless, on account of the immediate departure of two of its members, it feels that a report should be laid before the Commission without the further extended delay which would be necessary to a continuance of its studies. The Committee therefore submits its views as thus far formulated, leaving the matter of equipment and material for further consideration by the officials MINUTES OF ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. 1869 immediately concerned in the work. It is estimated that the cost of material in maintaining the Canal will be one-fourth of the pay roll cost. The memorandum from the Chief Sanitary Officer referred to in the report of the Committee follows : I have presented to the Committee a scheme of permanent organization gotten up by Colonel Phillips. I think this the proper organization under present laws n n . : Leave of absence with pay granted 1865 MacDONALD, DONALD F.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1829 MEDALS, CANAL: Service rendered after December 31, 1914, not counted 1865 MEDICAL CARE FOR EMPLOYEES 1858 MEDICINE: Practice of, without license unlawful 1797, 1800 METCALFE, RICHARD LEE: Appointed member of Isthmian Canal Commission 1843 MEXICAN NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING: Alumni may be employed under the several executive departments in order to observe certain public works 1798 VI INDEX. MIDWIFERY: Page. Practice of, without a license unlawful 1797, 1800 MINUTES: One hundred and sixty-second meeting, Culebra, April 26, 1912 1793 One hundred and sixty-third meeting, Culebra, April 24, 1913 1813 One hundred and sixty -fourth meeting, Culebra, September 10, 1913 1835 One hundred and sixty-fifth meeting, Culebra, March 27, 1914 1847 MONEY: Rate of interest on borrowed, fixed 1850 NAVY: Purchase of supplies or equipment from persons in, unlawful 1798 NOTARIES PUBLIC: Act authorizing appointment of, amended 1799 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: Establishment of 1853 ORDERS: Executive (President) — August 4, 1911, prohibiting promotion of fights between bulls, dogs, or cocks 1793 September 8, 1911, establishing a postal-savings system in the Canal Zone 1793 September 8, 1911, prohibiting the placing of signs on lands and prop- erty of the United States and the Panama Railroad Co. in the Canal Zone 1795 September 14, 1911, making it a misdemeanor to unlawfully remove packing from journal boxes of locomotives, coaches, etc 1795 September 21, 1911, appointing William H. Jackson an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone 1795 September 26, 1911, amending sections 51, 62, and 526 and repealing sections 63 and 529 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Canal Zone re allowing oral pleadings in district courts, prescribing rules for keep- ing dockets, and allowing courts discretion in taxing costs 1796, October 14, 1911, amending section 10, act No. 9, providing sanitary rules and regulations for the Canal Zone, to require reports of certain diseases to district physicians or district sanitary inspector 1796 October 14, 1911, prohibiting the practice of medicine, surgery, den- tistry, pharmacy, or midwifery without a license 1797 November 3, 1911, amending section 456, act No. 14, of penal code, regulating the carrying of firearms 1798 November 6, 1911, providing that alumni of National School of Engi- neering of Mexico may be employed under the several executive departments of the United States in order to observe certain public works 1798 November 15, 1911, prohibiting the unauthorized purchase in the Canal Zone of supplies and equipment from persons in the Army or Navy. . 1798 November 18, 1911, amending sections 1 and 2, act No. 2, of Canal Zone laws, relating to notaries public • - - 1799 December 26, 1911, amending order of October 14, 1911, prohibiting the practice of medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, or midwifery in the Canal Zone without a license 1S00 January 9, 1912, providing for the reinstatement in the classified service of Paul Brosig -• 1800 January 12, 1912, providing for the taking of a census of the Canal Zone . 1801 INDEX. vn ORDERS— Continued. Executive (President) — Continued. Page. February 5, 1912, providing an inexpensive method for the administra- tion of estates of deceased and insane persons in certain cases, and repealing act 24 of the Canal Zone laws and orders amendatory thereto 1802 February 28, 1912, prescribing maximum speed for motor vehicles and establishing rules of the road for the Canal Zone 1805 April 17, 1912, to prevent trespassing upon reservations in the Canal Zone 1813 May 21, 1912, amending order of May 13, 1911, relative to distillation tax and prohibiting operation of stills after January 1, 1913 1814 June 19, 1912, waiving provisions of eight-hour contract, act of June 19, 1912, as to canal contracts until January 1, 1915 1814 September 12, 1912, consolidating the administrative district of Gor- gona with that of Empire 1814 December 5, 1912, declaring all lands in the Canal Zone necessary for canal purposes 1816 January 13, 1913, amending the order of July 21. 1911, providing for the inspection of steam vessels 1816 February 18, 1913, excepting the area of land known as Las Sabanas from the provisions of the order of December 5, 1912. declaring all lands in the Canal Zone necessary for canal purposes 1817 February 18, 1913, providing that all artisans, citizens of the United States, who have rendered one year's satisfactory service on the Isthmus may be transferred within three years to corresponding positions in the classified service 1818 February 26. 1913, providing a method for the determination and ad- justment of all claims arising out of personal injury to employees en- gaged on the canal or the Panama Railroad 1818 March 19, 1913, providing for the protection of birds and their nests in the Canal Zone 1825 March 20, 1913, amending order of February 5, 1912, providing an inex- pensive method for the administration of estates of deceased and insane persons in certain cases 1826 March 20, 1913, prescribing conditions under which foreign corpora- tions may do business in the Canal Zone 1827 . March 24, 1913, suspending the operation of the order of February 26. 1913, providing a method of compensation for personal injuries to, or for the death of employees 1828 April 15, 1913, providing maritime quarantine regulations fur the Canal Zone and the harbors of the cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama 1835 June 30, 1913, amending order of February 6, 1908, relative to jury trials in the Canal Zone 1842 August 7. 1913, prohibiting the unauthorized use of flying machines. . 1842 August 9, 1913, appointing Richard Lee Metcalfe a member of the Isthmian Canal Commission 1843 August 29, 1913. making it lawful for the defendant in criminal proceed- ings to make a cash deposit in lieu of a bail bond, and amending sec- tion 310 of the Criminal Procedure of the Canal Zone 1847 September 25. 1913, providing for the punishment of deported persons who return to the Canal Zone, and repealing the order of May 2, 1911 . 1848 November 7, 1913, providing regulations relative to the carrying of arms 1849 J VIII INDEX. ORDERS— Continued . Executive (President) — Continued. Page. November 11, 1913, fixing the rate of interest allowed for the use or detention of money , 1850 January 21, 1914, providing a punishment for the corrupt influencing of agents, employees, or servants 1851 January 27, 1914, prohibiting fire hunting at night and hunting by means of a spring or trap, and repealing the order of September 8, 1909 1852 January 27, 1914, establishing a permanent organization for the Panama Canal and abolishing the Isthmian Canal Commission, effective April 1, 1914 1853 February 2, 1914, providing conditions of employment for the perma- nent force for the Panama Canal 1856 March 2, 1914, establishing a Washington office of the Panama Canal and providing temporarily for the organization, officials and em- ployees thereof, and continuing in force for the Panama Canal rules, regulations, and Executive orders which may have been made for the Isthmian Canal Commission 1860 General (Secretary of War) — November 3, 1911, amending act No. 14 so as to provide no charge shall be made for hunting permits issued to enlisted men of the land and naval forces of the United States 1798 January 20, 1914, fixing the total compensation to be paid Prof. Emory R. Johnson and directing the Isthmian Canal Commission to provide funds needed in the execution of this order 1851 ORDINANCES: Providing for licensing — Chauffeurs 1864 Motor vehicles in Canal Zone 1807 PACKING: Unlawful removal from journal boxes of locomotives, coaches, etc., a misde- meanor 1795 PANAMA CANAL: Maintenance of — Committee — Appointment of, to investigate plans 1832 Minority report of chairman 1871 Report of 1866 Passage or presence of floating craft in certain sections prohibited 1863 Permanent organization — ■ Detail of officers under ' 1855 Establishment of 1853 Rules, regulations, and orders of Isthmian Canal Commission continued in force *. 1860 Tolls rates fixed 1815 PANAMA HARBOR: Maritime quarantine regulations established , 1835 PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY: Agreements with commission — Payments by commission for — Demurrage claims ou extra cemeut steamers authorized 1844 Telegraph and telephone services reduced .* 1811, 1845 Wharves and docks reduced 1830 Relocation Division, changes in personnel approved 1810, 1833 INDEX. IX PAY ROLLS: Page. Approval of regulations covering 1845 Head of department of law authorized to approve, for payment 1843 PEG LEGS: To be furnished in certain cases 1863 PHARMACY: Practice without a license unlawful 1797, 1800 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM: To be furnished artificial limbs 1845 PHOTOGRAPHS: Military works — Not to be taken from flying machines without consent of Chief Exec- utive 1843 PHYSICIANS: Regulations governing treatment of persons by, amended 1808 Treatment of officers and men of United States Navy and Marine Corps provided for 1808 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM: Establishment of, in Canal Zone 1793 PROCLAMATION— PRESIDENT'S : November 13, 1912, fixing Panama Canal toll rates 1815 PROPERTY: Panama Railroad — Placing of signs on, prohibited 1795 United States — Placing of signs on, prohibited 179& PUBLIC WORKS: Mexican National School of Engineering alumni permitted to observe 1798 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT: Establishment of 1853, 1860 QUARANTINE, MARITIME : Regulations established 1835 QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT: Changes in personnel approved 1809, 1832, 1833, 1864 QUARTERS: Employees 1858 Family, for dentists 1811 RAFAEL,' NEIRA A.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1829 REGULATIONS: Birds, protection of 1844 Hospital, amendment of 1862 Maritime quarantine 1835 Prohibiting the passage or presence of floating craft in certain sections of the canal 1863 RESERVATIONS: Trespassing on, prohibited 1813 RESOLUTIONS: Artificial limbs to be furnished William Phillips . 1845 Demurrage claims on extra cement steamers to be paid 1844 Dentists, to be allowed family quarters 1811 Employees — Leave of absence — Accumulative — Limit removed 1830 W. R. McCann allowed 19 days 1865 X INDEX. RESOLUTIONS— Continued. Employees — Continued. Leave of absence — Continued. Page. Accrued leave to be paid for at termination of actual service 1807 Granted, with pay — Close, Joseph A 1829 Hobart, Francis A 1806 Jervey, Maj. J. P 1807 Kersey, Harry A 1829 McPherson, Clinton N 1865 MacDonald, Donald F 1829 Rafael, Neira A 1829 Schildhauer, Edward 1807 Smallwood, Thos. H 1806 Sneed, J. W 1806 Stratton, William J 1829 Volk, Rev. P. Jose 1806 Williamson, Llewellyn P 1843 Wilson, Lieut. Col. E. T 1829 Hospitals — Regulations amended — Governing treatment of persons in 1808 Relative furnishing special appliances or apparatus 1862 Treatment of officers and men of United States Navy and Marine Corps provided for 1808 Law, department of, vouchers and pay rolls covering expenses to be ap- proved by head of department 1843 Licenses — Liquor — Applicants to receive 1811, 1830 None to be granted after July 1, 1913 1832 Medals and service bars — Service rendered after December 31, 1914, not to be counted 1865 Panama Canal, committee appointed to investigate plan for maintenance of . 1832 Panama Railroad Co. — Payment of rental for wharves and docks by commission reduced 1830 Physicians — Regulations governing treatment of persons amended 1808 Treatment of officers and men of United States Navy and Marine Corps provided for 1808 Saloons, location fixed . 1810 Schools, Government to be reimbursed for destruction ofbooks 1865 Vouchers and pay rolls, regulations governing approved 1845 ROADS: Rules of the road established , 1805 SALOONS: Location in Canal Zone fixed 1S10 Number not to be restricted : 1811 SANITATION: Department of, changes in personnel approved '. 1809, 1832, 1864 Permanent work, report of investigating committee regarding 1869 Rules and regulations requiring report of certain diseases 1796 SCHILDHAUER, EDWARD: Leave of absence with pay granted 1807 SCHOOLS: Government to be reimbursed for destruction of school books 1865 INDEX. XI SERVANTS: Page. Corrupt influencing of, unlawful 1851 SHOPS: Organization for 1867 SIGNS: Placing of, on lands and property of United States and Panama Railroad Co. prohibited 1795 SMALLWOOD, THOMAS H.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1806 SNEED, J. W.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1806 STILLS: Operation after December 31, 1912, to cease 1814 Output to be measured 1814 STRATTON, WILLIAM J.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1829 SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT: Changes in personnel approved 1809, 1832, 1864 SUPPLIES: . Unlawful to purchase from persons in the Army or Navy 1798 SUPPLY DEPARTMENT: Establishment of 1853 SURGERY: Practice without a license unlawful 1797, 1800 TAXES: Distillation, collection provided for 1814 TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE: Amount of payment to Panama Railroad by commission reduced 1811, 1845 TOLLS, PANAMA CANAL: Rates fixed 1815 TRANSPORTATION: Employees 1857 VEHICLES: Animal-drawn, taxes and licenses for 1831 Motor — Maximum speed prescribed 1805 Ordinance providing for licensing and regulation of, amended 1807 VESSELS, STEAM: Order of July 2, 1911, regarding inspection amended 1816 VOLK, REV. P. JOSE: Leave of absence with pay granted 1806 VOUCHERS: Approval of — ■ By head of department of law, authorized 1843 Regulations governing 1845 WASHINGTON OFFICE: Changes in personnel approved 1809, 1832, 1864 Temporary establishment of 1860 WHARVES: Rental paid Panama Railroad by Commission reduced 1830 WILLIAMSON, LLEWELLYN P.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1843 WILSON, LIEUT. COL. E. T.: Leave of absence with pay granted 1829 o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08543 7076