^hCl\L-(^^ ^ AEE No. Llkri6 NATIONAL ADVISORY. COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WARTIME REPORT I \ ORIGINALLY ISSUED October 19M<- as Advance Restricted Report IAJI6 WIKD-TUKREL HTVESTIGATION OF ROUMDED HQRBS ABD OF GUARIS ON A HORIZONTAl TAIL SURFACE By Robert B. Liddell and Vemard E. Lockwood Langley Mraaorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution of >■ advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- ., viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 60 DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive in 2011 witli funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/windtunnelinvestOO 7/2- ^A/ yj NACA ARR No. rJ+Jl6 Of^/V^^f' NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS AT3VANGE RESTRICTED REPORT WIND-TUNML INVESTIGATION CF ROTOiDED HORNS AND OF GUARDS ON A HORIZONTAL TAIL SURFACE By Robert B. Liddell and Vernard E ., Loclcwood SUSiMARY An investigation was made to determine the aero- dynamic effects of horn balances with various plan forms and of guards on a horizontal tail s-'orf ace . The results indicate that roimding the adjacent horn and stabilizer edges caused negligible changes in the aerodynamic charac- teristicSj except for the changes resulting from the decrease in the area moment of the horn. The use of guards mo'onted between the stabilizer and horn was found to increase the slope of the lift curves with angle of attaclc cr with elevator deflection. The negative slopes of the curves of hinge moment against angle of attack and elevator deflection increased as the guard area was increased. INTRODUCTION An investigation was made in the LMAL 7- by lO-foot tunnel of the 0.5-3cale model of the left horizontal tail surface of the Grumman TEF-1 airplane vi?ith various horn and stabilizer modifications. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the aerodynamic eflects of changing the plan forms of the horn balance and the adjacent fixed surface. Test results are included to show the aerodjmaniic effects of various guard arrange- ments that might be used on a horizontal tail having a horn balance. For convenience, the results presented in the various figures are listed in table I. Tuft tests of the outboard end of the model were made to determine the air-flo¥; characteristics of four horn and stabilizer modifications . Inasmuch as this Investigation was general, the model was tested at higher angles of attack and with KACA ARR No. LI4.JI6 elevator deflection? much greater than would have been feasible for the actval T3F-1 airplane. 3IKB0LS C^ lift coe.^ficient (L/qS) C-Q drag coefficient (D/'qS) Ciji pltching-i^iorisnt coefficient about mounting axis (:i/q3c) Gj^ elevator hing3-rnoir:3nt coefficient about hinse ® axis (Ile/q^ece-) L tv/ioe the lift of the senispan nodal D twice the drag of the semispan raodel M tv/ice the pitching mordent of the semispan nodel E elevator nior.ent about hinge axis, foot poiuids ; positive when it tends to depress elevator trailing edge q dynamic pressure S total I'.orizcntal-tail area b span of horizontal tail bg span of left elevator c mean chord of the horizontal tail surface "c^ root-mean-sQuare chord of the elevator Sy. total gt-'.ard area (two guards) a angle of attack of the model 5g elevator deflection relative to the stabilizer, positive when trailing edge is deflected dov/nward NACA ARR ITo. ri^Jlo 'I'C a ^^^ ^ V^^^yCr, = L All slope values quoted are for srall values of angle of attack and flap deflect3.cn. ]\^ETHOD AND APPARATUS A semispan model was moi:nted vertically in the LT.'AL 7- ^7 10-foot t-'iiinel (reference 1) with the ln"board end adiacent to the tunnel floor, which thereby acted as a reflection plane. The model v/as supported entirely by the balance frame with a small clearance at the t-unnel floor in order that all the forces and moments acting on the model could be measured. Tlie flow over the m.odel simulated the flow over a complete horizontal tail consisting of the left semispan of the model joined to its reflection and mounted in a 10- by l[j.-foot tunnel. In order to -nresent results for the full-span horizontal tail, the measured values taken for the tests were multiplied by 2. The test setup is shov/n schematically in figiire 1. Provisions were made for changing the angle of attack and the deflection of the elevator of the model while the tunnel was in operationc The elevator hinge moments were measured by means of an electrical strain gage mounted within the elevator. The Oo5-scale model of the left horizontal tail surface for the TBF-1 airplane was furnished by the k NAG A ARR No. l).\.Jl6 GrtiTj-aan Al:^cra-ft Corporation and conformed to the dimensions ehov/n in Tigure 2, Tlie inodel reprasonted that part of the airplane shown crosshatched in figure 5. T'ne geomet-.'ic characteristics of the model are given in the following tahle : Horizontal tail area^, original configuration HiS] , S/2 J square fee t . , . , 15 . 6 9 Horizontal tail span, h/Z, feet 5 .20 Elevator area aft of hinge line, square fsot 5-93 EJlevator root-mean-square cliord, Cq, feet 1.26o Elevator inovement, d3gree3 ..„.. = .„... t^C Guard area, S_/2 Guard 1, square feet ..... ,,..,... , ^•'^^l Guard 2 (fg - C) , square fast , . . . 0.1j.o5 Guard p, square feet ,......,......, 0.822 Guard 4, square feot ... .....,...„, -!•• 575 The modifications n;.ade on the model dui-ing the tests consisted primarily of a syGte:.natic change in the gap between the horn and .'^tahlll£"er i^ear the leading edge. This modification was mrda hj providing the model with interchangeable horn- and stabilizer -tip blocks of various shapes. Figux'es l\. and 5 shov/ these modifications to the modol and Indicate the method adopted for the designation of the various horn and stabilizer shapes. For comparative purposes, tests v;ere also iaade of the model v;ithout a iiorn and with a full-span stabilizer (EoSq). Pour different guards v;ere also tested v;ith the original horn configuration. The dimensions of each giiard are given in figure 6 and photographs of the guard arrangements are presented as figure "J. For most tests, ti'.e dynamic pressure wus maintained at 16.37 pounds ner square foot. At some high positive angles of attack and positive elevator deflections, values of drag and hinge mojaent too large for the indicating apparatus necessitated a reduction of the tunnel dynai.iic pressure to 12,55 pounds per square foot. These two dynamic pressures correspOiid to velocities, under standard sea-levol conditions, of &0 and 7^ miles per houj:' and to test Reynolds n^oiiibers of 1,97^^*^'^*^ and 1,720,000, respectively. The Reynolds numbers are based on a model chord of 2.65- feet, (Effective Rejmolds number "- Test Reynolds number x Turbulence factor. The turbulence factor for the LMAL 7- by 10-foot tioriiie 1 Is 1,6.) MCA ARR -fo. rJi Jl6 CORRECTIONS The resiilts have been corrected for the effects of the jet bo-undaries. The corrections which wei'e applied to the angle of attack t.nd the lift, drar;, pitchln^;- monent, and hinge-iao^ient coefficients v/ere : Aa - l.;4.8 X 'L 2 iOr = -O.Olo X 0-r ACt), = 0.00255 X Ct tCm - 0.0069 X Or, ACh^ - O.OOlj.6 X Ct, Ko Gcrrections have been made for the effects of the gap between the root section and the floor or for leahago around the cr.pport strut, RESULTS AFD DISCUSSION Ho rn and s tab ilJ.ser inod if .Lcations . - The aerodynamic characTeristfcZj of i;he horizoutTTl' JalT are presented as a function of ani^le of attack for tv/o elevator deflections in figure 8 and as a frn.ction of elevator deflection for two angles of attack in flg'ujr'e 9' Little if any signifi- cant change in the lift produced is noted for the vai'ious rrcdlfications, e"j:cept for the tc^.3.1 surface without a horn (Eooo). Ihs area of the hern decreased with the successive horn modifications and cauned a proportionate docroase in balancing moment. Thus, rounding the liorn increased slightly the negative slopes of the hinge -moment- coefficient curves, as is shown in figures 3 and 9» I\o improvement in the hinge-momer.t ohpraoooris bics is apparent for a ro-unded horn. Complete data are presented in figures 10, 11, and 12 for the model v;lthout a horn HqS^, for the original configuration H]_S]_, and for modification H3S2, respectively. The slope of the lift curve for the original KACA ARR No. Ti|Jl6 model HiS]_ equals O.OS^' T'^ general, little gain in lift maY be obtained by ceflectin'2; the elevator more than 20° or by Increasing the angle of attack above 16 , except for attitudes of the model in which the elevator d3f]ecticn and angi'.e ox" attack are of opposite sign. The hinge-moment paran:eters are plotted in figure 15 against the ratio of the area iroineut of the hern :o the area moment of the elevator. From this figure, the contribution cf the horn to Ch^, and Chg^ may be do 'ceriTiiued, The values of '^Ghn ^^'^ ^'^h5 obtained are in good agrseinent v/ith the values given in reference 2. Bf f e c 1 3 of guard s . -• The aerodynamic effects of mounting vp.rioac guards on the original model PhSi are shovm in figures I'l and I5 . The guards act as end plates on the airfoil and cause a sraall increase in CLfj and Clp as the guard area is increa3ed (fig. I6 ) . The lift paramet■^J^s inoroase in constant pror)ortion to each other" iho effectiveness ag,, of the eleva'jor is therefore Sxijwn to be constant with increasing guard area. Inasmuch as C^ and 0]ig Incr^oase negatively v/lth an Incroase in guard area (fig, lo)^ the horn area v/ould have to be increased proportionately with the IncL'-ease in guard area if the hinge -Koment parameters are to be kept constant. Since C>, is nositivo. the hinge-moment - a parameters m%\r be expected to become more positive, as, did the lift paraiueters with inci'ease in guar'd area. The opposite is apparently brue if a horn is employed to obtain most of the control-surface balance. This result might be explainod in the follov/ing manner: The airfoil raay be considered as divided into two parts by the solid guard. The portion of che airfoil inboard of the guard has very litblc balance area and, therefore, Ci-, and C'lR a.re negative and wovild become increasingly negative with an increase of guard area. Values of ^Lrr ^^'^ ^Ls a-lso would become increasingly positive as the guard increased the aspect ratio. The portion of the airfoil outboard of the guard, however, decreases in aspect ratio with the addition of guard area. This decrease would cause the positive hinge -m.oxnent parameters for this portion of the airfoil to have little Influence in the determination of the over-all parameter values. NACA ARR Fo. 1J+JI6 7 By the use of figures 13 and 16 it v/ould be possible to find the additional area moment of the horn required for any size of guard, that v^rould be used. These curves would be valid, however, only for guards jncunted at the spaawise station tested. A solid g^^iard at any other spanv;ise location would affect the lift and hinge -noraent parameters differently'-. Tuft stu dies.- The results of tuft studies made on the upper surface of the mcdel for a series of angles of attack at various elevator deflections are presented in figures I7 to 20. Tliese studies were made of the out- board end of the horizontal tail for four horn and stabilizer modifications and are believed to be the fjrst detailed tuft studies made of flew conditions aroimd an imshieided horn. The photographs show that, at negative elevator deflections, little difference e::lst3 in air flow over the top surface of the model for the various horn and stabilizer modifications tested. At positive elevator deflections, hov/over, the effect of the horn on the air- flow characteristics is not localized but affects the alr-flov/ pattern over much of the sujpface shov.n. Separa- tion occurs on all of the elevators surveyed wlien the elevator angle and angle of attack are 3^. (For example, see fig, 18(e).) On the other hand, for the model without a horn at the same attitude a sm.ooth flow over the elevator is Indicated {fig. 17(0)). The distux'bing effect of the air flov; through the horn- stabilizer gap and the hinge cut-out gap is evident from, figures iS to 20. Ro^onding off the stabilizer H1S2 produces a slight im.provem.ent In flov; conditions. CONCLUSIONS The results of an Investigation to determine the aerodynam.ic effects of varying the shape of horn balances on horizontal tall surfaces indicate that: 1. RO'jnding the adjacent horn and stabilizer edges had a negligible effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of the tail surface except for that caused by the decrease in horn area moment. 8 NACA ARR Ko. 1J+JI6 2, A solid horn ;3uard rnomited at the end of the stabilizer increased the rate o.f change of lift with angle of attack and with elevator deflection. The rate of change of hinge mor.ient with angle of attack axid with elevator deflection increased negatively as the guard area va.s increased. Langlej Meraorial Aeronautical Laocratory National Advisory CoTHuitteo for Aeronautics Langley Field, Va. REFERENCES 1. Wenzinger, Carl J., and Plarris, Thomas A.: VVind- Tunr.el Investigation of an N^A.C.A. 25012 Airfoil with Various Arrangements of Slotted Flaps. ITACA Rep. Ko. 664, 1959. 2. Lowry, John G. : Resonc^ of llingo -Moment Data for Unshielded Horn-Balanced Control Surfaces. ITACA RB No. 3F19, 19^5. KACA ARR No. li|.Jl6 TA3LS I RESUr,T3 Hi VARIOUS FIGURES F'~gvve ■ 5e (deg) Horn stabilizer Guard 3 -3 to 32 and -20 Ho So Hone ■fj., *^1 Si I-I? Si Xj! ■^ -1 ""'4- ■-^1 -T o ^^-1 ^Z i H2 S2 S2 \ /' \ / V / i"-,'. •"f- ^2 Q and 8 -36 to 36 Hq So 1 1 I ^^1 Si i^ P Si % Si S2 ho ^5 S2 S2 .^ / 1 - '■ \ / H), S2 10 -8 to 52 -32 to 32 IT '■"0 ^0 11 i i TV Si I 12 <\/ S2 -1 1 , and -20 ^-^1 Si V i 1 1 1 2 1 /. 15 anc i 8 -56 t ,0 3o h None T_ o V ' N / \ / \ / \ \ / •A- NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 1 ■8a/<7/?ce fra/7?€ NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMIT l£t FOR ALR0NAUTIC8 r/gurc I .- Schematic diagror?? of le5t installot/on. Fig. 2 NACA ARR No. L4J16 ^6.00- 62-45 NATIONAL AOVISURY -6<7/?--a/^Q0MMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS ryP/CAL 3ECT/ON Figure 2~ The O.S-sca/e mode/ of TBF-/ /eft hor/zontol fa// surface. A// d/n7^r?s/or)s are Jn /y)c/?///zer. F'/^ar/9 6. - Details of <^aoircfs UsUcf o/i ^5- scale mode/ r/3F-/ /eft t?^r/zot?t^/ fa// • surface /^r/tf> or/^/r?a/ ta// forr? (//, S^j, Fig. 6c, d NACA ARR No. L4J16 6U(^rd 3 Sec//h/? A-A re) ^ij^rcf J ; y^-y^^^ m60/)/t& ,gaard Ay^ 6uard ^ Section A-A ^trac/?ed ro /7^r/? a/?d ^M/afor. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMIHEE FOR AERONAUTICS NACA ARR No. L4jl6 Fig. 7a c c6 P. 00 •H e 0) (0 to s I I lO r- • G, O U > M C O C|-l I 0) 3 bo NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 7b O •c a *3 c o 0) u 3 NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 7c 0) 3 • C to •H ■f^ T3 c (-. o tti u D O 1 • — ■ c- o — Q) U 3 tlD NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 7d X3 ■n 3 O U O D — c^ 3 NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 8a .J^i-^ ._ Ju*. m:M:::Je Fig. 8b NACA ARR No. L4J16 ' r^ ' - 4 i t 1 t i kr * ' ,<;9 ■ -1 \ ! 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P W \ ' li Su Ni ' \ ^s\ *^ i . fl" i ^ ---: -....-- ■ ; '[ i ;\ ivK l\ i ^w'\*''Os» -^"^^ftJ 1 i :-. i ; - 1 1- 1 t {\ i Yvl ts, 1 V !n^ ^^ "^^ "^ i 1 -'-^^ --If. ' ' ' ' ' \ ! \y^ \\ ' Vi ^^■■K'1^ lU ! 1 ' ' \'\' VSv ■ \ P^ " ^ ' ..,,,, .._ j \ . \|k \ A \i -X 1 cv ^ :-::.^ ^ '- ' ' i i ' ' V\ '^^^L iN ■ iN- ^ -J^ i 1 i . 1 ri::^-zfc -.M'^ i -+--4-i -j~-4--- ' \ \ iil\ '^''MVf ' "^^ i ' r;; -.: - _ 'Jiii I . 1 ^iw \i ^''r ~~*— 1- ilt ' 1 ' 1 ■ 1 '\. x'^rt"^ *». ' i "^ 'x. ' .'- ■■::■■ " " j "L ■■■ V'^Tih.-L-.:^'- U. ^ -..fyf \ ^ "^JiCi-^^ ^" ' ' * " . . f- , / T 1 ■ \ vCr — -'^^Tx^'N^^f :--■ - ii qi ^~ „ - _^ .. j\^j.. t..n-";^-^Ss"t_ .. _L .,_ -; 4^iA n ; + [ -'^si ,ip. - " i- -■^" ' ' j^sJi -h :--■■■: ■ I 1 A -■ - nTifl • -r^--i -S J:s.-4--4- -t- "ID \ y J i_ ■ _,:: Is." ~""t: - -- - _p ■■-^1?^ .-/i^ i-4^9r:^--fe^- ■•■j^-|35r— |- •J? ^8 *4 ■■"■:/l ■■ ,"■ ''8 ' J 1 ' / yt iiyciLM.4:^^^ ' ^-l.-"-_ ±, ^•^ 'Ml ^ '^niit? Cjt\ 6 "■ r- • * : «-i 1 :^ ■ J. • . 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S, - -^ - 1 \ ^. ^, \ V f^V> , N^ ^sK _^.j ^i-" , t i 1 X \ N. ^, ■ K >- ~N. -.is l,%4 1 \ . ^v ^ \ i ^-^ 1^- "^^ ''^ :^-:; '^ - ^- N ' N ^ \ ^-'] [ N- " ^' "-- ^^- . ! ■ . X . ^ '^^.^S >4 1 1 \ ■ - -r3 |- i ■' i - ■ 'i ■ N[f ^y .-.'^v S >-<^ \- - % 1 . ^/?" i f " _i_ 1 ^ ■-J "^J "^- u '^-t ^ --= . _ -.(iq - ^^-^' ^^^__^-- ■ \ -.N . N ^^.< ^^^ Y ,^ I r^ ^,, N. ^'., ^N ^•-^ ■^, ^ .^ 1 / - " S ^v < X \ N, - - ;= ?^ M ^ X^ ^s. X, \, i Vf 7:-^ L^, I •~'*h 1 ^"'XS - \ IX 1 N, ■> ■'-- ": f-^1 i ^ - ■ i ■*- -+- - ^rK -^p — ^d4 , -\ -- . :_, ' h |^\ V ^ ^J "^ ■- ! i q/; ' / ti i "^ XX ^. \ X • & -i nv:^c i / //^ ! - t--- , \\ V X, i x ^^ i i + i tr ^^ ^ ^ ;5 "^ A^^ ^. ^^r r^f^"^ '.^T^-^-^^-,- -.-1- --v \ ^s >,--^- ^'■ H --f/" j Jl 11 1 \ \ X S. !■■ ^-^ -" 1 :IP^ -^^ ^ *Si- it" VH-^ ITv ^^ it- ~ 1 ! ::' \ ■'^, X s,, : ;i / i r= ■ ^ ^. N::, p&j- ■-■•-_-, -L- -4« : -(-I lt± L ^«. ^^ -::-a iTiTTj, 7^ -r 1 i) \ ^, -"7 - "f L_L -^ r^""' ' ' '^ '^< '^ , L- • 1 \ ^ ":- ; , lO - I ; ' ■' ' )x ^^ i_ J^^.. ^^^^ij pjp^jpj^ y,,,J^^__ -^-^ -4- ... _55 ~^ ni"^' If: ■" ii i^ \ ^" -- : ip. :^L _s- _^ii i^^Tgr"" ^§^1^2. ij2zi^E rKsiiiiS ils ywi^'V? /:>;'^?;';v7^|<^ (g> ir:';*^ ->+ :: i-tq^ijj.^iJt-'kTiniipmu^r "' '^'\ ^ - "^^ -' i 1 1 i : : r ^- ... . H-^ h - -^ 1 r "^ "^^i • i — ^ i Fig. lie NACA ARR No. L4J16 zri^i^ f-^'TS i n'TiT :^- ! [ r : i ^ if NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 12a '.f._.5L ■--fj^j^l^-trE^,— !"-><— .i^r- i-^-- U^ m w m * m. .i.4_:;_ W^^^t , : NiltO TWHAtADVPSSBV AfiMWiUjJLJJ .^xiAsj^xxij'.. a ^ ftfx:^ 1 ii«ftft'i141i"fr!!tStU^r^r4 , t , ) ,t I I tHt , 1,. I i/E: iiite iMiz^:^^ /.-kij^^ _4?4- A' ^ ^^ ^'l a,t.il„H. i t ill I- JH ,tl^lrk4Ultti .1 ttHti Fig. 12b _NACA ARR No. L4J16 NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 12c Fig. 13 NACA ARR No. L4J16 NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 14a T7i4ff# ■fli ■^It ^ydddu^.. guards.^', 0(igm^l xtdjLtiom }i^%^'^f(^{fi^ Fig. 14b NACA ARR No. L4J16 f- ! e y \^' ' f '" \ 11 4I/J 1 1 M u^^-~^ />V .' O/l/d-k/y^Vl^^T^ ■/'7 V-:-i - : t- 1 -^ M"^ b 'T" ~^ — 1 r-- ■ ^ ^ : f A (i,mrt^ /■ -H-+-- 1 \ - - ^ -" - "- ■- ; /^ 1 i !» ■(^ /i> \ 1 . . ■--- - ^: 1 fji "^L'f^m Z , - --■^i<' ^ ^ 1 -4 J 1 ty ^ \i-^ ilv T/j(/^r/Y 3 '^■jh^\^ "^^ -t-'T-H --^. -p -j ".^ ^/i."-}?}?^ ^ ri:tYK .^^ • ^ t^ :- - 1, /ll -' i i ] r i =* ' ^ \ - t ' \ I ^l^^^'^^-rii ^ ' \ L ji. E-- 1 /^4==-^-+.^i N Ajr:4f.y<^,^ ,%'/?} Sf^/k -■^ f)^ ' ItT -^ ^ ■ ■ "gi^- ; 1^ i "^ -. - : ;■- -.MfC' !\^ t - 1 >- V /As^' yr^/" K J ■=■<:? ^ -.:.- £■:: ., - f NJ ! ti' ^^\ \ I 1 i . - ^ L ^Aj % ^^N : 1 ' ■ ■ : ' -; :-ll^'{ T^^'^+^^ . K }\K' . -f- • -.. , -f- , -T-.-; '-■^ |v if"' [ ''\\ r^!^^-a*4^'°''i^A \ ' "•- -" i " --"- ^"K^/)jl'i - ^fes i j.i^^'- V\\ "* =1:^1'/ ; ,L : ;_ _ - P^-^^4. i^s=^h 1 K\\ i- -^0 - '^ V^ - 1] .-,.._- ^-p-^ 5 .Vy-.^^^ ,^9^- ^ ^ ---.:■-: E^&^^r^ f -"■""- - -"""^ ^- f r;i!t^( ^ ^ " "^"" ^ ■ ■r f j : -- - \ ' i,.^-3(,>^ "\ v( \\V' ^■^- ; -^ •> ■ '-: ' ' \ ' - ' ' j^U i t Lii^'^'Sl-f^ 1 ' \ W ■ 'uT f ■ ' " ' 'I /} '■ ' ^3l

^ gJ-'-T' i i i \ ( \ 1 i \\\ -"p ^ 1^ 1 ^^ 1 ^ f=- [ ifj --^ ' ' ' f\\l^ \\ :-:---:--- ;'?V( 1 j _-t— j;;^ :J'' - t J t U v ' \\\ . i. i^d/lO ^c^S*^ .' L : ' \\\ \ ^\\ x^JA- l^"! j j J - : s - \V\ v \\\ isj ' ^ 1 * li W L V \l\ ^ r -i = ' ^ lin v\ S^^ 11 \ MV " 1 ' tt 1 n ^ Vw\ fe ~ {* 1 Vli t ' v\ 'r "3 ••flV-/h/i ' \ w \ ^ W» /// j^ Sv'T^ ' ■ - ■ \ S \ ■ ' Nw'nL ' - "^^^ ' fe-tJ'i i - - ^ I ' i ^lA^f— i-fS*^ ' felt [ t I ' \ vl \ / ^A '^"^ Ai %Y^r -r^:-^ H- -^-^ ,-t- ^^rt- . / ^^ ^pC ^ r ^-qXc? A\\ / >Ts-s-^ 1 N'i-f' ^*- ^^ ' -//■ V(v 7p , -- 1 ]■ ■ V\V 1 . . - - --j- ARsj , ■•■"■"• ./<3. i \ NA \^'^ \ Nr V 1 - V p«\ .'4 ! N.TIJftAI AhVISimf 1 ^- iV ''y \ I 1 1_ \_ r:nMMttlFF Ff r iFiBniuin^if n I ~ ^.^lj^ -^ - - ' ' ! • : ' > ^^ "^ k"^ ^ •:: . t-F// ., , VV ^ ,. 1 ./fc 1 '0^ 1 : - - - - - ■ + N^ it-tjl 1} Tt - - ■ -^- . -..it-^ S._ _, .ic 5 Ju J oi _y V, ii, ,. 1 ; i,.l , 1 y s * *^„ 4^L 0/5 >3-rf-.- ^O - -^ Q., -f<^ --^^--2. ^Y) ^- ^7^^ 7^ ^/lor ^3^ m zS 32 "" ' Annh^'^^ni (Tftu^M.; t^' ld°q r NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 14c pspg^rp p^^F^^ ^Ut mu .^''\'^'f^$^ -f-fef- "ms- ^^ ^- rV^ jt gua v \ i r ?. - 1 : : - ; --r-::±" -£'J^^ C:--r-f t -4^-e- ^g|i|z^^2^ SIl . ,j^ ^^ i_. iSG _jii "TWTTONAlTAimSDRy gt ieBiAtBONMl TIC: i--;-i --Kt:i bnt i: x-i- Si^fedi4ymk:>l^ Fig. 15a NACA ARR No. L4J16 Ek^0tij'iiij^:f^^ -5m tC) iS^i^i^/n±pn0^ ^^ I NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 15b Fig. 15c NACA ARR No. L4J16 jgure NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig, 16a t;^pjC?/7^^^ \ £ pjt?n^. ^ pJtPPQ -*^ -us o O o o ^^D /avz? ^^b ^ ^ ^ "^ 5^ ^ o ^ CO ^ Q ^ ^ I 0) ^1 1^ Fig. 16b NACA ARR No. L4J16 ^ ^ § I 1 5^ ^ '^^J pUD ^^O K JACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17a a = -8^ a = 0< a = 8^ a = 16' a 24^ 32' (a) S, -32' Figure 17.- Tuft study over upper surface of 0.5-scale model of TBF-1 left horizontal tail surface. Modification NqS^; q = 16.37 pounds per square foot except for tests with asterisk in which q = 12.53 pounds per square foot. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17b a = -8< a = 0' a = a = 16' ""^Km^ "* i ^^9| 1 1 ili a = 24' a = 32' (b) 8g - -16 ". Figure 17.- Continued. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17c a = -8' a = 0< a = 8^ a = 16' a = 24' a = 32' (c) Sg = -8 Figure 17.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17d a = -8^ a = 0< a = 16' a = 24' a = 32' (d ) Sg - 0° Figure 17.- Continued, NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17e ^^^^^ fc^J" SfliC Jt-MmS&^M ■ B^B a = a = 0^ a = a = 16' n MP* a = 24' a = 32' (e) Sg = 8? Figure 17.- Continued I NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17f a = -8' a = 0< a = CL = 16' a = 24< a = 32* f) Sg = 16' Figure 17.- Continued I NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 17g ■ ^^ -^■1 " C C I^^W^^^^^^^B — -- " a = -8^ a = 0^ ! a = 8^ a = 16' a = 24° a = 32° (g) Sg = 32°. Figure 17.- Concluded. \ NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18a a = -I a = 0< ^■-•m.^. ^B » -^ ^"1 ■■j' -J ■■ £ * ' 1 i ijy^B '^HlmH a = 8^ a = 16' kIB f r k •ii. :.^ ; ; : ^ ^1 41 - 4. : V -: - — r - " •■ - ' ^ ^ - - - _ -. '_ -_ 1 .1- V NACA ■ ' = 24* = 32' (a) Sg = -32°. Figure 18.- Tuft study over upper surface of 0.5-scale model of TBF-1 left horizontal tail surface. Original surface H]_S,; q = 16.37 pounds per square foot except for tests with asterisk in which q = 12.53 pounds per square foot. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18b ». — ^ a = -8^ a = 0' a = 8^ a = 16' ^J "1 ^ «^^^s a =. 24' a = 32' (b) Sg = -16°. Figure 18.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18c a = -8' a = 0' a = 8^ a = 16' a = 24* a = 32* (c) S^ = -8* Figure 18.- Continued. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18d a = -8^ a = 0' a = 8' a = 16' a = 24' a = 32' (d) 8g « 0°, Figure 18.- Continued. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18e a = -8'^ a = 0< a = 8^ a = 16' 1 i * • ' ': - <• h hi «.' ^ i <- r -, 1 L _ NACA lA'/Sfe - •" ~ a = 24< a = 32< (e) 8g = 8° Figure 18.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18f a = -8'- a = 0< a = 8' a = 16' I Hi a = 24* a = 32' (f) S, 16' Figure 18.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 18g M P g| •l 1 J \ m M^gKm a = a = 0< a = 8*^ a = 16' a = 32' (g) Sg = 32' Figure 18.- Concluded fel NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19a a = -I a = 0^ a = a = 16' ^^HP WKf^tk hW^ti Mjft' 5-?"^ -Ft V V. ^ V ^ /VACA = 24< a = 32' (a) S, -32^ Figure 19.- Tuft study over upper surface of 0.5-scale model of TBF-1 left horizontal tail surface. Modification H-|^S2; q = 16.37 pounds per square foot except for tests with asterisk in which q = 12.53 pounds per square foot. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19b a = -i a = 0< a = B"- a = 16^ a = 24' b) S, a = 32' Figure 19, = -16°. Cont inued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19c a = -8^ a = 0' a = a = 16' a 24' NACA 32' (c) S, Figure 19.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19d a = -8^ a = 0' a = 8' a = 16' a = 24' a = 32' (d) Sg = 0°, Figure 19.- Continued; NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19e a = -I a = 0< a = 8' a = 16' ^^K^4ll^ ^^Bw^ a = 24' f (e) Sg = 8°. Figure 19.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19f a = -8' a = 0' ^i^ k Fi;: ■t^'o. H fc a = 8^ a = 16' : — ^ ^ _ .1 f i \ 1 , # s / >i ' ^ ' * *■ r NACA a = 24< a = 32' (f) Sg = 16° Figure 19.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 19g a = -8' a = 0' « liil a = 8^ a = 16' a = 24< a = 32* (g) 8e " 32°. Figure 19.- Concluded. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20a a = ■8' 16' a 24^ = 32^ (a) 8g = -32°. Figure 20.- Tuft study over upper surface of 0.5-scale model of^TBF-1 left horizontal tail surface. Modification HjSg; q = 16.37 pounds per square foot except for tests with asterisk in which q = 12.53 pounds per square foot. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20b a = 0' a = 8^ a = 16' a » 24' a = 32' (b) S^ " -16' Figure 20.- Continued. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20c a = a = 0< a = 8' a = 16' a = 24' a = 32' (c) S, ■8°. Figure 20.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20d a = 0' a = 8'- a = 16' = 24' 32' (d) S, 0°. Figure 20.- Continued. NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20e a = -8^ a = 0< a = 8^ a = 16' a « 24^ a = 32^ (e) 8^ = 8' Figure 20.- Continued., NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20f a = -8' a = 0* a = 8^ a = 16' = 24^ a = 32' (f ) Sg = 16' Figure 20.- Continued NACA ARR No. L4J16 Fig. 20g a = -8° a = 0' 1 a = 8^ a = 16' a = 24' ifc^ = 32' (g) Sg = 32°. Figure 20.- Concluded. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08104 9495 120 «,MB„!.'^ OePARTMR 1 20 MRSTf>,P|?^''^'»JT ^l^^'Z^'^'^'^'^Bf^Y 32611-7077 uj^