V/A-C/hrfA'j;«ji' If E- < NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1295 GAS FLOW WITH STRAIGHT TRANSITION LINE By L. V. Ovsiannikov Translation 'Ob Odnom Gazovom Techenii s Priamoi Liniei Perekhoda. " Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika. Vol. XIII, 1949. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE UBRAm RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA Washington May 1951 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMI-HTTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MElvlORANDUM 1295 GAS FLOW WITH STRAIGHT TRANSITION LINE* By L. V. Ovsiannikov On the basis of the solutions ohtained by S. A. Chaplygin (reference l) , an investigation was made of the limiting case of a gas flow when the constant pressure in the surrounding medium is exactly equal to the critical pressure for the given initial state of the gas; the results are presented herein. For a jet flowing out of the opening in a vessel with plane walls, it is sho'v/n that equalization of the flow in the jet is attained at a finite distance from the start of the free jet, the line of transi- tion being a straight line . 1. According to Chaplygin (reference l), every problem on the determination of the subsonic flow that is satisfied by some condi- tions reduces to the solution of the system S9 2T ^ P at (1-T) ^^"2aT(l-T)P^l^ •^ y (1.1) or the equivalent system St 2T 50 ^t (l_T)P^'f ST ^ _ 2aT(l-T)P+l 50 5
■ T ^max
Chaplygin (reference l) gives the solution of the problem of
the flow of a gas jet out of a vessel with plane walls forming an
single of 180O into a medium with pressiire pq = constant in the form
* '■ . d - ) - — sin 2n0 (1.3)
T(i-T.)P (l-t)P
1 + / i -^ x„ cos 2n0
^ " ^nO J
2n0 (1.4)
where this solution satisfies the following boundary conditions
(fig. 1):
ij; = - 2 Q on ABC
\tr = I Q on A'B'C
In equations (1.3) and (1.4), Q is the relative quantity of
flow in the gas jet and C is an arbitrary constant depending on
the choice of the origin from which the values of cp are computed.
The magnitudes z^, z^q' ^^'^ ■% ^"^^ defined by the equations
NACA TM 1295
(n = 1,2, . . .)
where yn('^) is that solution of the hypergeometric equation
t(1-t) Yn" +[2n + 1 (p-2n-l)T Jy^^' + pn (2n+l) y^ =
which is obtained for t = 0> Tq denotes the value of t cor-
responding to Pq.
In Chaplygin's investigation, it was assumed that T -^To^cc. In
this case, equations (1.3) and (1.4) converge everywhere in the region
of flow and give the proposed solution of the prohlem. The case
where Tq = a is considered in the following development:
It is recalled that the fimctions Zn(T) and xn(T) for
O^T^a satisfy the following inequality of Chaplygin:
^-d--^) nl/3 (l-T) "" Va(l-T
q ='\/2p2 (l+2|3) = constant
2. It shall he shown that the potential of the velocity cp given
hy equation (1.4) for T — >Tq
(a) increases without limit if TQ«=ca
(b) remains finite if T q = a
WACA TM 1295
It shall "be assiimed that the limit T — ^Tq is effected hy
moving along some streamline. The following notation is introduced:
e =^
P(0^'^j''"n) = > - — - Xn cos 2n9
It is readily seen that for O-^^-
■ a, then -^ ^ "^ 1 <
For the potential cp at the points of the x-axis (9=0), the
following expression is obtained from equation (1,4):
1 r dT
2J T(l-
T)P (l-T)PL
1 + P(0,TjTo)
On the basis of the inequalities of equations (1.6) and (1.7)^
for the magnitude of P(0,TjTq),
Va.(l-T) /__ri^ 1-T /
n=l n=l
/ a-T
\ 1 Zn
/ , ^ -no
Assertion (a) now follows in an obvious manner from the second
of inequalities (2.2) because z^/z^^q — >1 for t — >Tq and the sum
of the series with the general term z^/hz^q therefore increases
without limit; whereas the coefficient preceding the term, because
Tq ^ a, approaches a positive limit.
From assertion (b), it is seen that
i ^n = _ log(l-^) = - log
_ To(l-To)2ii_
1 -
MCA TM 1295
ty virtue of which, for Tq = a as T— »a in equation (2.2) on the
left, the first component approaches zero and the second component
approaches a finite magnitude equal to
The same reasoning, together vith the first of inequalities
(2.2) is repeated for P(9,Tja) for 9^0, so that the assertion
is completely proven.
3. From the previously proven houndness of the velocity potential
it follows that at a finite distance from the opening BB', the jet
is intersected Toy a certain line L along which t = a, so that the
velocity is equal to the velocity of sound. It will now he shown that
at all points of L, 9=0.
First, it will be observed that along any fixed streamline,
9 veiries monotonically, as is true of the boundary streamline, and
the trsmsformation (9,t) — >^(9,i|/) is a single sheet transformation
at every interior point of the flow region. Next, by fixing some
value ^' = W for which |ij/|< ± Q, the limit is approached as
T— .^a and 9q ~ lim 9 is set for t— ♦a and if = f; this lirndt
exists because of the finiteness of 9 ana the monoticity of its
Approaching this limit in equation (1.3) for i|f = t yields
. Z / n
®o -0 - -^}= - ^ if 9o>o
^ -^ . _ 00 _ ^ _ sin 2n0o = <
-«0 -(-1-^)= + !" 90>0
that is, in all cases for Qq / 0, \^\ = p- Q, which contradicts the
assumption that l^irl^-^ Q. Hence, the equality 9 = must hold.
It will now be sho-vm that the line L is straight: Along L,
9 = constant) this result is readily obtained if the previously con-
sidered transition to the limit is carried out in equation (1.4).
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It is sufficient to note that every displacement in the plane xy
is connected with the corresponding displacement in the plane cpV hy
the relation
, cos 6 ,_ sin ,, /-z T \
dx = -y- d,p - ^^^^-^ dt (3.1)
from which it follows that in a displacement along L in the
xy-plane, dx = 0, because in a displacement along L in the
cpvjr-plane, according to what was previously proven, 8 = and
dp = 0. The line L in the xy -plane is thus a straight line
perpendicular to the x-axis.
The equalization of the jet occurs along the line L. Behind
this line the jet hecomes uniform, flowing with constant velocity
everywhere equal to the velocity of sound.
The distance of the line L from the edge of the opening a^tlII
be computed. Along the boundary of the jet, ij; = constant and
T = a = constant, so that at the points of this boundary, equa-
tion (3.1) assumes the form
dx = S2±± p d9
Vcr S^
Substituting the expression for (p (equation (1.4)) taken
for T = a yields
dx = -^ — 7-T7- ) 2xn(a) sin 2n0 cos d0 (3.2)
nV (l-a)P^
Inasmuch as
2 sin 2n0 cos = sin (2n+l)0 + sin (2n-l)0
integrating equation (3.2) from x = x-g, 0= — «, to x = x^, =
^L ~ ^B -
Q \ 4n , V
1-a)!- Z_^4n^-1
^^' • n=l
NACA TM 1295
If h denotes the rndth of the jet where it is uniform, then
Q = V^j.(l-a)P h, so that the required distance is finally obtained
in the form