B. E. P. Q. 571, Revised Effective July 2k, 1953 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL BEE SAPCH ADMINISTRATION EUREAU OF grnX*pi£»Y AND PLANT QUARANTINE FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS: LIST OF APPROVED PACKED MATERIALS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THEIR USE On June 26, 1953, there va3 published In the Federal Register (13 F. R. 3^64) a notice of proposed rule making concerning an amendment of administrative instructions listing approved packing materials and instructions for their use, effective January 1, I9I+9 (7 CFR 319.37 -l6a, B. E. ?. Q. 571). After due consideration of all relevant matters presented, and pursuant to the authority conferred upon him "by § 319.37-16 of the regulations supplementary to Nursery Stock, Plant and Seed .■: tine No. 37 (7 CFR 319.37-16) under section 5 of the Plant Quarantine Act of 1912, as amended (7 U. S. C. 159), the Chief of the Bure . Entomology and Plant Quarantine hereby amends @ 319. 37-l6a to read aa follows : § 319.37-l6a Administrative instructions: list- of approved y materials and Instructions for their uso . (a) The following materials , when free frcm sand, soil, or earth, unless otherwise noted, and when they have not been previously used as packing or otherwise with Lj plants, aro approvod as packing tnaterials for use in connection with shipment of restricted plant materials imported in accordance with ii 319.37 to 319.37-23: Buckwheat hulls. Charcoal (inspection is difficult when this matorial is used, It should bo uced only whore its particular qualities aro especially desirable and other approved packing materials are unsuitable). Coral sand from Bermuda, when free from surface soil, and cor tilled as such uy the Director of Agriculture of Bermuda. Excelsior. Exfoliated vormiculite. Ground cork. Ground peat. Sawdust. Shavings. ...;num moss. Vegetable fiber when free of pulp, including coconut fiber and Osmunda fiber, but excluding sugarcane fiber and cotton fiber, (b) In addition, the following material is approved as a packing material for use in connection with lily bulbs from Japan imported in accordance with § 319.37-3: Subsoil from Japan treated with an insecticide of a kind and in an amount deemed by the Chief of Bureau as adequate to destroy Phyllobrotica spp. and other insect pests, when certified by an authorized official of the Plant Protection Section, Japanese Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, as having been dug from at least 2 feet below the soil surface, sifted, dried, and stored so as to Prevent contamination with insects and plant diseases, and treated with an insecticide as presented by the Chief of Bureau, (c) In cases of emergency an inspector nay approve for use for specific shipments packing materials other than those listed, after he has determined that such materials are free from sand, soil, or earth and that their use does not involve a risk of introducing plant pests. Should the inspector determine that any unlisted packing material accompanying a specific shipment of restricted plant material is objec- tionable, the shipment may be refused entry. (d) Regulations governing the entry of hay and straw packing material are contained in this Department's Bureau of Animal Industry Order 371 (9 CFR 95.21 and 95.22). Such material is restricted entry from countries where rinderpest or foot-and-mouth disease exists. Any such material offered for entry without having met the conditions of § 95.21 (9 CFR 95.21) is required by i 95*22 (9 CFR 95.22) to be disin- fected or burned. The provisions of this Bureau of Animal Industry order are net applicable to hay or straw mats, Jackets, or casings. (e) All restricted material from Europe and Canada must bo free from willow withes. Such material, when not free from willow withes, will be refused entry until the withes are removed and destroyed. Such material, when accompanied by willow withes, may be held in customs custody for a period not exceeding ho days, during which period the permittee or his agent, after making satisfactory arrangements, may remove and destroy the withes under the supervision of, and in a manner satisfactory to, an inspector, after which the shipment may be handled in the usual way. The purpose of this amendment is to reauthorize the use of Japanese 3ubsoil as a packing material, provided it has been dug from a depth of 2 feet bolcw the soil surface; has been sifted, dried, and stored so as to prevent contamination with insects and plant diseases; has been treated with an insecticide of a kind and in an amount deemed by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine as adequate to destroy insect infestations that night be present; and has been so certified nose plant quarantine officials. During the past two shipping Be&sonflj numerous tests have been made with DDT-treated Japanese subsoil. Bulbs shipped and stored in such a mixture have bloomed satisfactorily. - 3 - (Sec. 3, 33 Stat. 1270, sec. 9, 37 c tat. 318; 7 U. S. C. 1^3, 1-2. Interprets cr applies sec. 5, 37 Stat, 31-, ae amended; 7 U. 5. C. 151- This amendment shall be effective July 2h, 1953, when it shall supersede 7 CFE 319.37 -l6a, effective January 1, 19^9. Dene at Washington, D. C, this 13th day of July 1953. Chief, Bureau of Z^tomology ancTpjant r \ uarantine . iiMmiiiiiiiii 3 1262 09313 7148