B. E. P. Q. 594 Effective October 1, 1951 LIBRARY STATE >OARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICTJ7TURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DCESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE FUMIGATION APPROVED AS A CONDITION FOR CERTIFICATION OF MANGOES UNDER PUERTO RICAN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE QUARANTINE MO. 58 Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by sections 301.58-2 and 301.58-3 of the regulations supplemental to Puerto Rican Fruit and Vegetable Quarantine No. 58 (7 CFR 301.58, 301.58-2 and 301.58-3), issued under section 8 of the Plant Quarantine Act of 1912, as amended (7 U.S.C.161), and being satisfied frcm the evidence submitted that the movement from Puerto Rico of mangoes which have been fumigated in accordance with the procedure out- lined below will not result in the dissemination of injurious insects likely to affect such fruit, the following administrative instructions are hereby issued, to appear as § 301, 58- 3d in Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations: § 301. 5 8- 3d Admi nistrative instruct io ns authorizing the movement of mangoes from Puerto Ric o afte r approve d fumiration . (a) Removal from pr^ hibited status. Mangoes that have been subjected to the approved treatment provided for in paragraph (b) of this section are hereby removed from the prohibited status established by § 301.58-2, and are included in the list for which movement from Puerto Rico into or through any other Territory, State, or District is authorized by § 301. 58-3. (b) Approved tr eatment, (l) The approved treatment shall consist of fumigation with ethylene dibromide in an atmospheric fumigation vault, which vault and its equipment have been approved for that purpose by the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. The dosage shall be applied at the rate of 6 ounces of ethylene dibromide per 1,000 cubic feet of space, including the load. The oxposure shall be of 2 hours duration, calculated from the time that all of the fumigant has been introduced into the chamber. The air and fruit temperature shall be 50° F. or above. The ethylene dibromide must be applied in the liquid state and volatilized within the sealed fumigation chamber by direct contact with a highly heated metal surface over an electric hot plate" or other suitable heating medium. The gas shall be circulated within the chamber continuously for the 2-hour period by an electric fan or blower. (2^ Mangoes to be fumigated may be packed as for shipping in crates with shredded packing material. When fruits are individually wrapped in paper the wrappings must be removed before fumigation. .'hen loaded in the fumigation chamber the crates or other containers shall be separated at least 2 inches on all sides by wooden strl a or other means. The chamber shall not be loaded to more than 50 percent of capr.cil (3) Both the fumigation and the subsequent handling of tl preprmtory to shipment must be under supervision of a plant qu-\r~ntine in- spector of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Fumigated mango B UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllilllllll I 3 1262 09314 8244 must be safeguarded against reinfestation during the period prior to ship- ment in a manner satisfactory to the inspector* Certification of mangoes for shipment will be b?sed on both the treatment and compliance with the prescribed post-treatment safeguards* (U) All costs of treatment ~nd prescribed post-treatment safe- guards, other than the services of the supervising inspector, shall be borne by the owner of the mangoes, or his representative. (5) While the prescribed treatment is judged from experimental tests to be safe for use with mangoes, the Department assumes no responsi- bility for any damage sustained through or in the course of treatment* This section shall be effective October 1, 1951. (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, as .amended, 7 U. S. C. 161; 7 CFR 301.58-2 and 301.58-3) The purpose of these instructions is to '•■uthorize the interstate move- ment frcm Puerto Rico under certification of mangoes that have been given an approved fumigation treatment. Heretofore such movement has been prohibited. This newly authorized treatment therefore removes a restriction previously imposed. In order to be of maximum benefit to mango shippers, the newly authorized procedure should be made available as soon as possible. Therefore, pursuant to section A of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003) it is found upon good cause that notice and public procedure on the fore- going administrative instructions are unnecessary, impracticable, and con- trary to the public interest, and since those instructions relieve restric- tions they may properly be made effective andor aaid section 4 less than thirty days after their publication in the Federal Register. Done at Washington, D. C, this 7th day of September 1^51. Chief, Bureau of Ento mology and Plant Qu ^r^ntine