m.i±AiK)N jftcfrrn-\33\ CO < NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1331 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE BOUNDARY-LAYER CONTROL ON A FULL SCALE SWEPT WING WITH AIR BLED OFF FROM THE TURBOJET By P. Rebuffet and Ph. Poisson-Quinton Translation of "Recherches sur l'Hypersustentation d'une Aile en Fleche Reelle par Controle de la Couche Limite Utilisant le Prelevement d'Air sur le Turbo -Reacteur." la Recherche Aeronautique, O.N.E.R.A., No. 14, March-April, 1950. Washington April 1952 UMVERSITYofp,^ D 0CUME/VT9ncn° R,0A ^sv, LLEiF 32611 _ J U$U Z>'-> NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1331 INVESTIGATIONS OF THE BOUNDARY -LAYER CONTROL ON A FULL SCALE SWEPT WING WITH AIR BLED OFF FROM THE TURBOJET* By P. Rebuffet and Ph. Poisson-Quinton SUMMARY The following account reviews the various stages of a research program relative to the high-lift devices on a swept wing by combined suction and blowing (jet action), with ejectors fed by air bled off (extracted) from the turbojet. After reviewing the essential principles of the boundary-layer control obtained by comparison with theory, the electric analogies and the wind-tunnel tests as well as the essential elements of ejector operations, the writers describe the tests made in the large tunnel at Chalais-Meudon on a full-scale model of the SO 6020 wing. They comment on some results relative to take-off and landing and examine the airplane -turbojet energy balance. The writers emphasize that this investigation has been carried out in a remarkable spirit of teamwork and particularly their chief collab- orators Messrs. Mirande and Ravailhe, Jousserandot and Chevallier. They have also drawn on the unpublished reports of Messrs. Lebrun, Legras, Nieviaski, Ponteziere of the O.N.E.R.A. and of Mr. Chiaffiote of the Hispano-Suiza Company. NOTATION S reference area Vq speed at infinity *"Recherches sur l'Hypersustentation d'une Aile en Fleche Reelle par Controle de la Couche Limite Utilisant le Prelevement d'Air sur le Turbo-Reacteur." la Recherche Aeronautique, O.N.E.R.A., No. 1^, March- April, 1950, pp. 39-5^. NACA TM 1331 s width of blowing slot Z local chord I geometric incidence i aerodynamic incidence q v , q m , q flow volume, flow mass, and flow weight V Q mean speed of suction flow tube coefficient of flow q c q = 7Zr~ (expanded to 15° C, 760 mm of mercury) SV C q 'j C "j C flow coefficient of injection suction and blowing C^ momentum flow coefficient c area of mixer cross section _ ^m area of injector cross section S' area of diffuser outlet section S q m v £ 2 S a area of mixer section Sm L __ length of mixer (circular ejector) D diameter of mixer u _ mass flow of suction fluid _ ^ m mass flow of engine fluid q 1 momentum flow at blowing slot ^m V momentum flow at ejector " q' m V' e = flow of kinetic energy at blowing slot ^m Y^ flow of kinetic energy of engine jet q' m y t 2 INTRODUCTION The airfoils suitable at sonic speeds are generally characterized by a low C Zjmx , which is still further reduced by the sweptback form of the wing. NACA TM 1331 These two factors led to the study of high-lift devices designed to develop high C z on modern high-speed aircraft, to improve the landing as well as the take-off. The control of the boundary layer responsible for the separation of flow and the limitation of Cz has been studied for a long time on thick airfoils, without combining the suction or the jet action with a modification of the airfoil camber. The power involved and the flows (suction or blowing) were considerable. Numerous technical studies have been made especially by the Germans (ref . 1) during the war, on more suitable airfoils and with partial-span flaps; some were flight -tested. In France, certain airplane firms included in their research program on high-lift devices, the study of suction or jet action, and it was proposed to combine the two methods by utilizing injectors. The S.N.C.A.S.O. had considered, since 19^6, the construction of a scale model of the large tunnel at Chalais-Meudon, for the SO 6008 bis airfoil. The jet airplane affords, moreover, a new possibility of boundary- layer control by suction or by jet action (blowing). The first solution has been the subject of several studies (refs. 2, 3)> the second, more recently, was tested by the Hispano- Suiza firm. The aerodynamical department of the O.N.E.R.A. has, since 19^-6, correlated the research data on boundary -layer control, checked the wind-tunnel data against those obtained in potential flow by electric analogy, and made a theoretical study of the effect of sinks (suction). These two comparisons made it possible to orientate the experimental investigations, since the purpose of the boundary -layer control is to assure a potential flow under certain provisions to be specified later on. These basic researches had to be made on a Chalais-Meudon mock-up which permitted: Operation at a Reynolds number near that at landing, the mock-up having the dimensions of a flying airplane Testing of components at full scale Allowance for certain number of contingencies imposed by a product similar to that of a real airplane NACA TM 1331 It was advisable to make this study on a concrete case. The earlier projects of the S.N.C.A.S.O. were computible with the program of the O.N.E.R.A., the control devices were applied to a swept wing model of the SO 6020 type. Besides, bleeding off air from the turbojet made it possible to reproduce at Chalais-Meudon, the image of the air- plane, by dissociating first the airplane from the turbojet, which was installed outside of the tunnel, thus, assuming a safer operation as well as a more accurate way of recording the drag, that was to be determined simultaneously with the lift. It was, nevertheless, possible to measure the thrust of the jet, with due regard to the air bleeding from the turbojet. The study at Chalais-Meudon had to be made in competition with the O.N.E.R.A. through: The S.T.A., engine section which had put the Nene Hispano-Suiza turbojet at the disposal of the O.N.E.R.A. The Arsenal de 1' Aeronautique, which had lent the turbojet support frame and the corresponding control cabin The Hispano-Suiza Company that constructed the collector for the air bleed and assumed the control of the turbojet for the dura- tion of the tests The S.N.C.A.S.O. which, manufactured the model at the request of the O.N.E.R.A. and made the study and perfected it Lastly, the airplane section of the S.T.A. which underwrote the tests Chalais-Meudon About 45 to 50 men were involved in this undertaking, which included: 51^ polars and pitching moments 2000 hinge moments 31500 pressure measurements on the wing (700 pressure gage negatives) 85O photographs speed and temperature measurements NACA TM 1331 PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATION OF BOUNDARY- LAYER CONTROL BY HIGH-LIFT DEVICES Of the multitude of systematic studies by the O.N.E.R.A. on this subject (ref . h) simple guiding ideas can be enumerated: It is known that the maximum lift of an airfoil is limited by the break away of the boundary layer from the upper surface. This separa- tion has its origin in the appearance of a pressure gradient and is accentuated with the incidence or with the deflection of a flap. The remedy is to reduce the peaks of the speed increase by acting on the curvature of the center line of the profile or else to prevent or limit this separation by controlling the boundary layer. In the first method, the fluid is assumed perfect and yields an incurved profile center line, in a kind of downward deflection of several flaps, hinged front and rear. The Peres -Malavard electric analogy method affords a very fruitful study of the best distribution of the increase of speed over the upper surface of an airfoil) for a given lift coefficient, it is possible to increase the camber of the mean line for distributing the peaks of the speed increase accompanying each variation incurvative due to the flap setting. The most dangerous increase, which appears at the leading edge can be reduced by a deflection of the latter which puts the stagnation point back at the nose of the airfoil. This deflection must be such that the increase at the nose and the droop are of the same order of magnitude. In viscous fluid the maximum lift is limited by the separation downstream from the peaks) it can be remedied by boundary-layer control either by suction or blowing. Both methods have a secondary effect on the circulation around the airfoil: source effect for suction which is theoretically calculable, or the induction effect for blowing. It has been shown that the lift increase was proportional, respectively, to the induced flow and to the momentum flow. This secondary effect, negligible as long as the fluid is separated, remains apparent only after elimination of the separation. In other words, plotting the lift increase ££7. against the flow parameter Cq or the momentum Cjj, yields a curve with asymptotic direction from the critical flow assuming the readherence of the boundary layer. Above this value, the profile can be regarded as functioning in perfect fluid for which the laws {£Cz, flow) are linear. Experience indicates that it is not important to exceed the readherence flow from the energy point of view, because the lift increases only very little. NACA TM 1331 The first wind-tunnel test was made on wings with drooped nose fitted with flaps and slotted suction or blowing slots in the droop. Experience has proved the efficiency of the boundary-layer control for obtaining readherence, the maximum lift being no longer limited except by the separation at the leading edge. The applications are difficult owing to the over-all dimensions of the suction or blowing channels and to the practical impossibility of mounting auxiliary compressors in the airplane. To make it practi- cable, it is necessary to utilize a part of the engine power installed on the airplane and to reduce the dimensions of the air ducts along the span. This is the reason why our studies on the application of boundary- layer control were oriented from the beginning toward the employment of compressed air, making it possible to distribute the blast along the wing span through a small size duct supplied by air drawn from the compressor of the turbojet. The compressed air can be expanded directly in a blowing slot but this method poses problems difficult to solve: discontinuity of stressed skin covering at the upper surface, control of the width of a very fine slot before being rigid, and especially the correct distribution of the flow along the wing span. Lastly, the ejector, in spite of its low energy efficiency, has the advantage of simplifying the wing structure considerably and at the same time assuming the boundary-layer control by suction followed by blowing at two points of the profile. EFECTORS Definitions In general, an ejector (fig. 1) consists of: An injector supplying the "primary air" characterized by the velocity head p 1 (dynamic pressure) A suction chamber and suction cone where the sucked or "secondary" air enters A mixer whose speed and temperature are equalized A diffuser terminating at the blowing slot WACA TM 1331 It is characterized by the geometric parameters A. and the letter B indicates that, the leading- edge slot is plugged . At constant incidence the readherence of the boundary layer to the first and second flap is manifested by a sudden increase in C z ; beyond the flow of readherence the linear law (C z , C^) prevails, which corresponds to the action on the potential flow. The unit curves (C z , i) undergo a translation of the ordinates with increasing Cu, but it seems that the incidence of C Zmax decreases as a result of the stalling of the leading edge which proceeds from a critical value of the maximum speed increase connected with the leading- edge radius. A series of tests was run on this wing element with varying leading- edge radius. 10 NACA TM 1331 For a given contour, the stall produced for a given C z is so increased considerably as the leading-edge radius is increased. The analysis of the pressure distributions shows the great increase of admissible critical speed increases, when the radius increases. The solution of the combined flat mixer and multiple circular injectors was recently attempted on the metal wing element SO 6008 bis. The model was tested in the wind tunnel at Cannes. According to the first results obtained, there is a net improvement of C^ (of the order cf 30 percent), which is manifested by a more effective control of the boundary layer. The practical construction of flat mixers reveals itself, as predicted, much easier than that of multiple circular ejectors. THE SO 6020 MODEL AT CHALAIS-MEUDON The 10-percent thick wings copy the outside form of those of the SO 6020; they are joined to a fuselage, modified only in the front and rear parts, the length of the actual fuselage being unsuitable for the wind tunnel. The construction is of wood, but with due regard to the placement of the essential components of the real wing structure. The wing has an adjustable leading edge and two flaps (fig. 10), the setting a,j_ is controlled by electric jets and measured by teledynes. Cemented strain gages afforded the over-all measurement of the hinge moment of the flaps a^_ + 09. A series of static pressure orifices was installed in the section AB (fig. 8). Exploratory graphing hooks of the boundary layer are arranged at both sides of slot a^ and in the blowing jet a^. The wool streamers on one wing enabled the flow to be checked, and in particular to follow the readherence on the different parts. Compressed Air for Model The turbojet is housed with its control cabin outside of the wind tunnel (fig. 11). The air is bled off through special pipes which deflect a part of the flow feeding the combustion chambers (fig. 12) and terminate in a double collector. NACA TM 1331 11 The air enters the model through a symmetrical circuit (fig. 8) without introducing momentum, with insertions of flexible elements, that cause no stress at the wind-tunnel balance. At entry in the model, a special joint enables variations of the incidences without vitiating the measurement of the pitching moment. The characteristics p 1 , T' of the fluid (sensibly at rest) before being distributed to the injectors spaced along the span, and also the total flow injected, q'p^ are measured. In all tests the temperature T' is about 50° C, whereas, during bleeding off it may reach 200° C. For equal mass flow, the speed of ejection and hence the momentum flow is therefore much similar. The experimental results must be corrected for application to the airplane. Functioning of the Turbojet Figure 13, made at the Hispano-Suiza test stand, shows the evolu- tion of the principal characteristics of the turbojet plotted against the pressure and the flow bleed-off weight. The tests at Chalais-Meudon were carried out by varying the speed of the turbojet between 6000 and 11,600 rpm. The experimental points corresponding to three speeds are shown on the graph, they are situated on a straight line defined by the total section of the injectors. The diagram contains the network of constant rotational velocities and bleed-off temperatures, the isotemperatures in the nozzle (after the turbine) and, in particular, that which limits the diagram to its upper part. The isothrust curves of the turbojet also included, involve the heat balance. Procedure of Test For a given geometrical form of the model, at an incidence I and a tunnel speed V~o, the inlet pressure at the injectors (and consequently the primary flow of the ejectors) were varied by changing the speed of the turbojet. The airspeed Vq was varied between 18 m/sec and 35 m/sec (3 X 10 6 < Re < 6 X 10 6 ). To each injected flow q'-nj there corresponds a secondary flow uq' which is none other than the flow sucked through the slot a^j the total flow (l + M-)q' p is ejected by the blowing slot a^. The momentum flow is decreased and from it the parameter C^. . 12 NACA TM 1331 The balance measures the three components of the resultant} the elements necessary for the calculation of the pitching moments, hinge moments, and pressure distributions are indicated; the observation and the wool tuft photographs are extremely instructive. Reference Area For computing the lift and drag coefficients, the wing area affected by the boundary-layer control was chosen, as it affords a much easier comparison with the tests in two-dimensional flow. RESULTS OF TESTS Representative Parameters of the Aerodynamic Phenomena Suction and blowing induce flow changes at the wing which are manifested by lift and drag changes. Lift . - Boundary-layer control makes it possible to make the flaps more efficient, and hence to increase the lift considerably. Moreover, the suction entails an increase in circulation resulting in a £C Z = K. Z£q", the coefficient K being considerably higher as the suction slot at the upper surface is nearer to the trailing edge. In our specific case (slot at 57-5 percent from leading edge), this coefficient, given by the theory, is very low (K = 2.38) and the gain in lift is practically negligible for the flows involved (C n " « — — ) . By contrast the rise in \ q 100/ the circulation by the induction of the blowing jet entails a con- siderable increase in the lift Z£z = K' /C^j the coefficient K 1 like- wise increases when the jet approaches the trailing edge, but it cannot be defined theoretically; the effect of blowing being preponderate, it is reasonable to represent the evolution of C z as function of the jet action parameter C^ . Drag . - The suction-blowing combination must be considered: A certain mass of fluid q" m is sucked in at a mean speed Va (it can be obtained by measuring the velocity distributions above the lip (or rim) upstream from the slot); a mass q m is ejected through the blowing slot at a speed V s . NACA TM 1331 13 At low incidences for which the speeds V s and V a can be con- sidered identical with their projections on the speed at infinity Vg, we obtain a force -Rx = <3m v s " q" m Va = L 1 + ^ )V s " V a]« m v a (1 + H) ^m in the absence of an exact measurement of V a , it can be estimated equal to Vq with due allowance for the local increase of speed at this position (fig. lk) , on the other hand, the V s ~ UVq and \x = 3- The subtractive term is thus very small and is neglected. Hence q V or 2 _ ^m s _ ^q _ x " 1 2 " s/z " H | P SV ^ s ' L s/z being the relative width of the blowing slot. The drag curves are likewise plotted against C^, which has been computed from Cq 1 by C 2C q ,2 (l + u) 2 with due amount of the variation of \i with the pressure. Velocity distribution near the suction and blowing slots . - Fig- ure Ik shows by way of example a velocity distribution upstream and downstream from the suction slot as well as downstream from the blowing slot, for several values of C^; the boundary layer upstream from the first slot is little affected by the suction, and completely suppressed downstream from it, the pocket of the speeds of the blowing jet indicates on the other hand, that the induction effect accelerates the fluid well above the jet itself. ik NACA TM 1331 Mechanism of Readherence of Boundary Layer It is interesting to follow the successive stages of readherence of the flow over the rear part of a wing for a specific configuration of flaps: nose not drooped, first slot suction aj_ = 25°> second slot blowing, a-2 = ^4-5°, incidence I = 12°. The pressure distributions recorded in the section AB are shown in figure 15, the visualization of the flow by wool tufts in figure l6, and the lift curve (I = 12°) as function of C^ in figure 17. For C|_l = 0, the two flaps have completely separated (phase a). The first flap readheres rather quickly when suction begins, while the flow is still severely agitated over the second flap (100 Cp. = 1.3> phase b); nevertheless, the increment of the lift is appreciable. In the next phase (c), corresponding to 100 C^ = 5»5> the flow has completely separated from the two flaps. The orientation of wool tufts indicates the complete suppression of the oblique flow toward the tip of the sweptback wing. These different phases are manifested in the pressure distribution by a marked increase of speed over the rear part of the profile, which tend toward the theoretical increases of speed, whereas the correlative increase of circulation entails an increase in the speed at the leading edge. If the flow is increased further, there comes a moment where the circulation is such that the maximum increase at the leading edge exceeds the critical value and induces separation. In this phase (d), the lift increases is no longer linear and the curve (C z , Cp) bends inward. When the separation from the wing is generalized (I = 15° and over), another lift increase due to the action on the potential flow and the component of the blowing momentum for increasing flows, is observed. The formation of the total drag as function of C^ is also • represented in figure 17; it increases with C^ as a result of the increased induced drag. If the latter is curtailed, the curves, for which the flow is sound, are sensibly reduced to a unique curve the mean slope of which is that of the theory (-C x = +Cu). Figure 18 shows that the readherence for the C^ is considerably greater as the profile curvature is more pronounced; nevertheless, all curves tend toward one asymptotic direction. A drooped nose reduces the speed increase at the nose as seen from the pressure distributions of figure 19- Its effect on C Zmax is discussed later. NACA TM 1331 15 Cruising Configuration The static tests proved that the aerodynamic resultant is equal to the blowing momentum; this roughly checks with the result obtained in the study of ejectors. The same property is again verified with relative wind as seen in figure 20, where the setting of the polar s is sensibly equal to C^ at incidences for which the flow, without boundary-layer control, remains sound. With boundary-layer control, the polars are sensibly parallel to the induced polar, although the latter is computed by the classical method of Prandtl, not applicable rigorously, to a swept wing. Take-Off Configuration Different configurations with moderate flap settings are designed for use at take-off. Certain forms are to be discarded for a specific take-off speed, be it that they do not furnish the corresponding C z , or give an incidence too close to separation or give rise to abnormally high drag. A range of take-off C 2 is established for seeking the best forms chosen by the minimum (C x - C x j_) . Figure 21 shows the corresponding network; it is apparent that high Cz necessitate a more pronounced setting. Figure 22 compares the drag of different forms at constant C z and variable o 2 . The C x = f(ag) at the right for C^ = and 100 Cp. = 5 is shown by way of example. For 02=0, the gain in C x is greater than C^, and remains substantially the same when 02 varies. Landing The influence of the three elements that define the profile camber is decomposed, in order to obtain the best Cz max . In the study of the effect of the drooped nose, the continuity of the profile was reestablished by an appropriate setting. Figure 23 shows the role of the drooped nose which, by reducing the speed increase at the nose, delays the separation and consequently lengthens the unit curves C z = f( i) . 16 NACA TM 1331 The best setting t) lies between 15° and 30 . A study was made also on a drooped nose the suction being assured through the wing by ejectors in similar manner to the suction on flap a]_, whose slot was then closed (fig. 10). It could be observed at this occasion that the flap ai overcame the separation, even for a setting of 25 , by induction of the blowing jet. The suction in the droop of the nose, by impeding the separation the forwf a little too. from the forward part of the wing, postpones the incidence of C z Varying only a-|_, the best setting increases with Cq, owing to the prevented separation due to the suction, according to the curves of figure 2k. The effect of the blowing flap cl^ (fig- 25) shows that the optimum is near k0° or ^5° > depending on the values of C^ . dC„ In addition, — - increases considerably with C^; this factor is d 19^5- Deplante: Rypersustentation, commandes Transversales . Technique et Science Aeronautique, no. 2, 19^+6. 2. Sedille: La propulsion par reaction en combinaison avec 1' aspiration de la couche limite. Ier Congres National de 1' Aviation, 19^5* 3- Dupin et Morain: L' alimentation en air des turbo-re'acteurs par aspiration de la couche limite. Technique et Science Aeronautiques, no. 5, 19 Vf- k. Poisson-Quinton: Recherches theoriques et experimentales sur le controle de la couche limite. Vile Congres International de Mecanique Appliquee, Londres, septembre 19^3. WACA TM 1331 21 Injector Suction cone 5l ~S Diffuser Surfoce discharge area S Figure 1.- Test setup of ejector. 0.175 0.15 0.5 X -~ 28 a I 0.75 Suction s,ot a7% ^ 15 1000 1500 2000 p .mm Hg Figure 2.- Parameter of operation of the ejector units used on the S.O. 6020 wing. 22 NACA TM 1331 /Ejector 8^ Circular ejectors (ejectors 6tos] X = 28Cf=0J5~ • Flat mixer (injectors 1 1 to 16) "^^ X= 44 a = 0-75 100 2O0mm Vm /s ' Figure 3.- Spanwise distribution of blowing jet. NACA TM 1331 23 f : Slot width of flap a 2 I -.Circular nozzle t,= 5 mm 2: Flat mixer f 2 = 9 mm Figure 4.- Velocity profile 100 mm downstream from blowing slot. 2k NACA TM 1331 Figure 5.- Metal model; view of inside, cover of flap a^ has been removed. NACA TM 1331 25 ♦ c, 8 -7 0B-I5-45 \z± k 1 L 1 —n - '' / i \ \ 3\ C 7 = 3 \ \ 1 \ C 2 2.73 / 1000^=7.5 -+ C z = 2.5 ^ /n I t\ x/r Wind tunnel El. analo gy 1 30B-I5-45 rr T\ i C z = 2.86 -4 1000^ =7.5 C z = 3 // / \ N // ~t\ -2 ^ / v 7 * -^r ./ \Sf I o\ / b C z =2.5 * It^T P^^f — rr --^" = "" ■ ■-;■=■ * Figure 6.- Comparison of theoretical and experimental pressure. 26 NACA TM 1331 -^ „!poc^-- 5 I00C^.= 2 iboc^,= Figure 7.- Example of high-lift device in two-dimensional flow. NACA TM 1331 27 Sweepback y?=3i° 20' 1/4 chord line Figure 8.- Model S.O. 6020. 28 NACA TM 1331 Figure 9.- Setup in large tunnel at Chalais-Meudon. NACA TM 1331 29 Figure 10.- Section of profile: suction from first flap or the leading edge. 30 NACA TM 1331 Figure 11.- Turbojet and control cabin. Figure 12.- Bleeding off air from turbojet. NACA TM 1331 31 Figure 13.- Characteristics of Hispano-Suiza Nene turbojet operation with bleed -off. 32 NACA TM 1331 Figure 14.- Velocity profile adjacent to suction and blowing slots. NACA TM 1331 33 c p I -5 1 i 1 01 3-25-4J 1=12° > \ L i 1* 1 i \ \ ~ 3 \ .. ■ 1 1 / * 1 1 1 I" 2 1 *\ (< * 1 \ \ _i \ 100 Cu=5.4< lb) ii i-l V v_ -S 00 c u=0 r/Z=l (o]L -30 1 "» j ii 11 11 ; V. -•-- ',0 11 1 1 X£ K r ! F — L. \J ft 1 &^ ^V~~A Figure 15.- Experimental pressure, section AB of wing. 3^ NACA TM 1331 Figure 16.- Visualization: (a) flaps separated, (b)ai partially separated, (c)a., and cig readhering. NACA TM 1331 35 1 1 r Separation at leading edge J (O \— -b-j 1 = 12 4* 1 AC, &£ (a)^-f" & V, + 1^. I8_ r • 2om/ s VoJ + 28m/ s x 35m/ e OB-25-45 10 ! I00C M Figure 17.- Evolution of lift and drag with C^. 36 NACA TM 1331 Figure 18.- Effect of flap setting on the C M of readherence. NACA TM 1331 37 Figure 19.- Effect of drooped nose. 38 NACA TM 1331 Figure 20.- Flap polar not set. NACA TM 1331 39 Figure 21.- Comparison of take-off configurations. ko NACA TM 1331 4052 Figure 22.- Effect of blowing flap setting on drag. NACA TM 1331 kl Figure 23.- Effect of drooped nose t). k2 NACA TM 1331 Figure 24.- Effect of suction flap setting a-^. NACA TM 1331 ^3 ;o.4o 0B-l5-a 2 i= 6° - Figure 25.- Effect of suction flap setting og. 1000^=13 Figure 26.- Family of polars for a landing configuration. NACA-Langley - 4-23-52 - 1000 cvi bo cm I • 73 ^s ~ .£ h ..„ 01 _i Co — * bp bo~-~ a 3 5 is, e- io"S, ■| 1^5 § S a, J CD >,1d J t; •o g § ° o<-> «ch 01 a ebuff oissc ACA 5 o tn U OQ i K 0, Z 3 ' 5 en a> a < . •52 fcl XI "* o ~* 03 c »k3£: 33 CJ >-l a < 3? CD 3 o fe (JO >>co ^ Z S °° CO ~i >w f-'rt H <■ C CO <- C3 >-r zza w o &« CO IS «H < W U S3 CO f-c ^S > o g i-i ^ > fc, M " g a a; ui ^ HI CD CD J3. CD ^ ° OS ■" a, cu « J= -C 01 cd cd ~ Oh 2 a £ * XI 73 a> in 3 2 w ■S _ oi _r o ^3 c S ca fc, ca t. <3J Q, U Q. OS < H < 3 o oi XI _ o O ^ fci oi = "S o « CJ g fcl XI « o iS c If «- O -| «> a s 2j u T « T3 bfl -^ ai -o a a 5 . O a g ■o 2 3 a O bo •° 3 rt oi xi — -c " c ' — o c 3 m c cassis *-« > Q) rt O >1 u « cj c >> u c 01 a •a < 9 en CO < < z ai .3 o o •2 w 2§ & < < z te - 1.2.2 Edg s CM CM bO •a fa m ITM CM o CJ x l. 60 ^ c CM CM 0, a) c" CD — °p bO bo bo 1. Oh a — .5 c e =*<% 01 c n Com Trai ete W o „ * fa J ) O 3 >,co fc « 2 « fa "* TD < w 3 Jo h i * 3 Mi; o n 1-5 3 01 2 3 O s-, OS rt « 3 H S > o g S fa t 1 fa fa o . CO *-■ §3 - <*< d o< . en Z cd en — 3 o ..2 1 0< in -tj *2 § « . < S u " f ~ en 3 o « ° s I-, SI CD 3 si £ TJ O e 3 3 cd O bo ~h 3 C - O -g g «"•* -. ' C5 C* £ fe Q) , at 0) Hot* 3 1 'S TJ J* CD j!i.o a2« o -a TJ C o -t * -^ s " * P bO CO cd Ed « W — i J= > ^ TJ CD If) h .£ «i 3 o.-. a OS < H < en ii — So. < u < '5 5 o S .S .2 ' ■?■ o o 2 M | 5. M C > s : OgV ^ 3 ■atj^ e Hi- cd a CD CvJ CD W ■S -h ... en -h q — bjj (^V)^ I 1 C r* a. S o u 3L -o fa . o . e4 CJ en oi bo ^ 1& en — ' bD bo^^ CD .3 -J CD — j« 2 =; *« rt i 5 O) P CO Eh^, w o U CD CD « a 3 o fa u :>. cd rt 2* •a S CQ i C Eh O . en < en r_) o W u OS - T M C tr . o Sg T3 ° c 3 3 Id o bo •° 3 cd rt nj cj e* en ^ jh i bo^ CD c i >-* > Q> 3 *• - c si s ° "o „ T3 C K ^ T3 ' C 3 3 i! s> * a bo-- •3.2 g? J3 T3 CD Ifi CD . J3 I OS Q. CJ OJ ™ ^ CD CO ol *»■ OS d. >" ~ h o= 3» H Qi -H . 3 _ en _r cj 3 c 3 cd h cq h cd a. t. a OS < H < "iDtjcn — Soi. b c c J, 3 «j CD « c o c3v "* o o bo _ « ■s l „■ f_ CD Eh o tj -a 3 c c 3 eu ea 3 te - Edge s CO CO CO CM ID CM C o CM -c 3 «j. CM fa en CM CJ en 'h 3 ID 3 CM « c" § S5 CD °D fclfl bo bo Compl Trailir ete Win c c CD m J CD buffet, Pier isson-Quint CA TM 133 cherche Ae 14, 1950, p Wings Sweep Flaps, Compl en Q, 5 o 3 ° CD O <. CD rj os a z os c fa CJ CU i ^dSE. X H OS CJ >l 3 < 3 3 S i cjS 3 W S K s[: o fa CJO >-00 -go co ■£ P Ha H «f c co < « z z z a Eh fa a o co as 3 H < W CJ K co p., fa£- : 3 ° h1« h 2 S en -■=£ S3 3 S % »o; o, 9 CD JJ °- S >. o 3 CJ s CJ t:,cD - 2 -r, 3 av S CD cd a> J3 • CD -H . ° OS •" ti w c CD CD o a u IS t « >, o 73 O c 3 3 M O bO s> 3 ^ 3 a £ 3 S o CJ lH eri S £3 JD cd XJ T3 3 C C 3 cd cd 3 S 5 § f_ ID ID 3 tj a CM bO • T3 ,"61 CO . CD eg 3) c^ T3 c5 en -j - bo bo^— a a > tj > cd ^ cd h* cj ^2 3 CD 3 ° 03 ' "a en < 1.20 « o< a a z 5 C3) .id a < . CD S u2 ■c 2 a c . 3 a > s H a CJ >H 3 < 3 J § e? « cc .CO «22 " > H ^rt E- «r- 3 CO ^ o [J O 3 > < cd C Z Z3 H W fa o S a co a J ^ < fa cj a CO f_i a° fa 05 * fa , o a cj !.« Jh Cd -H 3 a^cD "iia in 3 CD CD CD J3- CD -h cj as — t- c CD ID cd j= £ in CJ cj -~ CD CD 3 x 7* a i3fa 3 . CO *- c -h « o ■-, S 4-t 5 ^c eg . ■g E- 1 ■* c- O g CO ^^ 3 •S ..2" ft !»■§ •c 2 1 a, § ■a q. (-• cd . < - £ « •3.2 gs? J2 TJ CD in CD . J3 I « n, OOl CO CD CO o" ■* K d. 3 ° en 3 3 a cd 5 c 3 — P 3 o 3 a cd JU i « ?E S ^cd y >,o cd c TJ ° c 3 3 cd O bD . cd J. CD ^3 V, 60- cd tj a a« « 8 ' ? p bo en « c . ^3o '«" x: t. o ? ti « .2 o " id w 3 --c ra aj t^ en — CD CD bOJ= ^i M O S ^S £ OT 3 O) -♦ H CO -H — _ en _- o 3 3 3 cd c-t cd (h ' cd a >-i a a < h < cd c o CD 3 £3 Sic •3,— CD c -2 cj n ~ U O QJ c' ? "" o o bo .-> .5 S cj §23 3 cd w TJ TJ 3 C C 3 cd cd 3 C o B c o o 3 o J-. cd *x s\ en tj 3 g cd en ;— 1 bo o cd c T bo-gx, U > QJ « O a, cSs OTJ >, 3 cd OJ TJ S §2 2 " £ cd „. cj x: £ cd Cjg'c? j^ 5 3 CD * ""5 T3 ■gal 5 ID 3 c tj a - b CO CO < < z 2 c '5 3 8° il CD .5 o o ■S <° 3% < o < 2 I CO CO < U z ■S c o 3 So 11 — « ■2.2 o o •2 M 2% < 2 I ■H O CO CO <: o < z c ' •S3 >, c <3 o 3 8° 11 « .- •2.S o o ■S » 2§ < o < 2 < z .^ >> 4-* e h n •a e 3 3 ■— ■ o ,£ CU o o ■M CD ^ 3 < a) -*-' e >> em c CD u C o 3 c .O 3l < 2 N bo eg MJ t-» .- W rM o O 3 fe 73 > CO eg 1 £ 0, ai a U — o •o £ 3 cj ft cci in n T _ t O en oo c 3 co CO cu < a 5 s x lo c H cj < 0) X -3" o < 0) O c ft Z a . « o > hhm(h a Kg: o >* JJ a < z 2« H oS w •" o w OJ a-P W 73 -c H O S ° Dm CO CO D . CO H o-S C r - ®< d o< . «Z« en ^ 3 ■S er "5 = 2 o CO 3 ! _. o o 3 I- en CO CO (0 ft in g 33 co UOD >>ca a H Z «£ f co H « <«;o z z a o W en - 3 ° R JB p FROM TH1 I'Hypersu r Controle evement d' co . < « 2 » hn-B £ "d x; i u « — K a ° °> (1, 3 CV01 CO 0J " o co a rt ft-*K d • So Q j=-oj -i a.<2 ? « 3 h "* a ySi2 CO x; j= co n u rt m ■35a DK < H < " S h XI U G c?° rt cj ■ «t-t >> O 73 O c C 3 CO o tm x> £ rr; cj .A « xi 73 bo-" oj -a a, 8 ' * S h ° | -a " S a u « SSs Cu CO M 3 c .2 CO C :j S3 in •" c ' ■" 3 u c .X. — * cj C XI § ° n k CJ O cj c^ 3 ?• o o CJJ -H .2 S oj o ■*-■ CJ X! CO » ■o "o a c c a co m a «* B « | § B S o o 5 O H ■" CO "" ii co a « « CO in ^ j- i bo^5 cj c i in ? at « o Qj c S S ■a c _§• 3 « ^ OJ _ T3 : §£ J=^ 0J "*5 -a c * a S t3 a ^ I • M . CJ c N M C a -h K „ en . OJ — op bfl^ a a -5 g -s&= 5 £2 ® ■s|«l 6 co fc. U o ^ U co eg co"q. 5 o 6h U c?> —J a> ■2 S § ° 03 i •a in < CJ o < a ft z ^aS£ ^0J o. < - a c a a co w o >< S < 3 -J - a 0> < a w 's ffi 1 H O b. OO >>co fa Z co « a co r h "- 1 73 < rf ceo <«; z z a o z a ™ w o &a co a a M < w u a CO (-. h a o o a Q o u a a t-i a 8^ <.§6 s J -2 B oj 3 . xh 73 CJ _ 3 0J cd ra y] g«i! ««< Si" Sic a> ° E a u cj a t, > . co y c r - o< . in Z oj en ^~ 3 ■£ cr ■5 c 5 ° 10 ^ — CJ « .2 u XI 01 g CO CID — c c "" ° •> eg a ? ga 2 a" ' co u 01 g a oj J3 ?73°a c H > B 3 CJ o u CO '—I e3 CO CO H CJ * rt — W 1-H - °i3 B w £3 :2 § '■§2 ! »>c3 i r< ;2 s ! CJ1-C I co 73 O c 3 S 73 " •2 o| Cfl O qj 5 S 3 73 73 C S 3 CO ^ 01 _ 73 Sc a> O m-i a- * t, CO'-. 3 a-oi w iia in a 0> O) 01 X!' 01 — ' cj a ■" 01 01 CO JC3 £ CO CJ CJ ^ oi oi a ££5 - .S t. "0- J3 73 01 ir> 01 . JL5 I a a u °> a ■* a a. • So ^S a » 01 .— , — < oi c " o CO \j "a 3 CO c 3 a o a c a CO U CO u oj a >m a a < H < 3 cf .2 S u to CO c si £3 c "o o B c O is C3 In a n 73 73 a c c 3 CO CO ^-i CO 3 O XI en a co „, cj j= Ji 01 5 .£ c oi > ""5 -a ^-« "SSI s oi a c 73 a so P» W • in T-i er Co ings (1.2.2 a. 01 c Oi -~~ S? bo^ bD bD^ a 3 5 C C a oi C*. 01 ■? s 3 ° Cj" CJ C co Com Trai ete W 3* Ol en J o3 et, Pi n-Qu TM 1 Wings Sweep Flaps, Compl w a £■ S 5 o ebuff oissc ACA i. CJ a i a ft z CJ ^01 a, < - jjS ■52 ■B "* o ■-* iS ° ^a3c eg 01 1 CM T-i a 1) hfr a — ' c ^ o u CO a C Cj a s S 5 n CO a o cn Si CO *j CO ci § ^ w U co oi a >> OJ ^ a ■2 S a a a o a u ■M O ^ "3 M < 0) o < cc a 2 2. 1 " S o> a co -. ■ Oj a < . OJ S •S2 O ^ a c ^aSc a a CJ >H a < n i §!» - a OJ < a w O tti UO >>co U Z co » a <■ ceo < « z z z a 01 JX t- a a ^ w o & a co a a H < w u a CO f_, O a 3 a a . o g a u S a t. > t, co -a 3 a 'S w iia in a cj 01 01 xi- 11 — t o CS « t. c II II ca X! JS CO CJ CJ ^r oi oi a £E5 9 — S eg »< d c^c co Z oi ft en -a £ 5 CO ft o S ■O fit ti c ^ « r< O) ^ p- •3.3 2 5? Xi 73 u m "2 c 3 ° in a _, CJ o 3 c •« cj .2 11 c c?° a CO C3 G E CJ QQ a C IM CO ill a n. CJ p * CJ bl CO >-. "O >. o « S 73 O c a 3 CO o bo XI 2 n X t. o ■g 73 « 0) O Oi .co*" o, •* a q, — 'S P ° ^ 15 h en oi *"* * ■Z _ en _- u a c a CO Cm CO Pt oj a, u o, a < h < « 5 ■nbf .2 a E lo CO c »| fS3 C XI cj 81 & c' ?■ "" o o bo _ -h .2 S cj > u a Job O w o 3 co f 73 73 — C C 3 41 B ^ c o S S ci o , 3 CJ (m " co fcj '« « CO m a i bo o oi c Y 1 bD'C* 73 I lM S oi CO O OJ c 3 3 •o C^ 3 CO ^ OJ _ 73 S §2 »o 2 CO 3 o X. en a co „, cj X 2 D ^ ,a * J 73 'S C « ' ■ 5 -a ' »-« ?s| s oi a E 73 a •H O o « a i, 8 ° < < z 3h XI 8 ° < < z CO CO 'If 01 .3 *j « St, JO o o ■e m 5 i* S H < z a; .3 o a •2 w g , o *j t" 1 — c < u 3 33 xi 8 ° u ^_.