r ^'^•V §t 7'4 /^ PP^ W/ 7 5 MDDC - 1145 UNITED STATES ATOMIC E NERGY COMMISSION SOME EXCITATION FUNCTIONS OF ALPHAS AND DEUTERONS ON BISMUTH by E. L. Kelly and E. Segre University of California This document consists of 2 page. Date of Manuscript: June 18, 1947 Date Declassified: July 15, 1947 This document is for official use. Its issuance does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies ul iiic sctme ui bluiiiiir cuuieid and liile and by the same author(s). Technical Information Division, Oak Ridge Directed Operations Oak Ridge, Tennessee SOME EXCITATION FUNCTIONS OF ALPHAS AND DEUTERONS ON BISMUTH By E. L. Kelly and E. Segre Asa part of a systematic investigation of excitation functions, the absolute cross sections for the reactions (Qf,2n), (a,3n), (d,p), (d,n), and (d,3n) on bismuth will be presented. See graphs. The tech- nique used is the usual one of bombarding stacked foils, with some improvement of the definition of energy and measuroment of current. The improvements consisted of a collimating slit system that produced a beam of 2 per cent straggling or less, and a means of continuously recording the beam current during bombardment of the stack of foils. The (a,3n) reaction on Bi leading to the formation of At^'° has been identified. At^'° has a half-life of 8.3 hr, decaying by K-capture to Po"°, accompa- nied by emission of 1.0-Mev gamma rays. per cent, if it exists. Branching decay of At by alpha emission is less than 1 The integrated mass stopping power of Bi, Cu, Ag, Ta, Tl, and U have been redetermined with respect to Al, using 36-Mev alphas. The tabulated results are listed in Table 1. The unexpected rise of the (d,n) cross section above 13 Mev is taken to indicate the presence of the (d,2n) reaction. An attempt will be made to disentangle the (d,2n) cross section and identify the resulting product. Table 1. Substance Energy range Integrated mass stopping power relative to aluminum Cu Cu Ag Ag Ta Ta Bi Th Th U U 36-28 27-15 36-28 27-15 36-28 27-15 36-6 36-28 97 -IS 36-28 27-15 0.801 0.781 0.671 0.650 0.548 0.516 0.488 0.505 n 477 0.487 n.472 MDDC - 1145 [1 2 ] MDDC - 1145 fr ?■ < o m t: c lO ■a o \- o z tii (n m CO tn o 1.40 1.20 1.00 O e ° At^'^a.Sn) « 8. 0« 8 • o • • .V Q OS i» e »« OB o o" 8 n nffi o ® n J • ° o At^" (a,2n) i eo 24 28 32 36 40 ENERGY OF BOMBARDING ALPHAS IN Mev Figure 1 0.11 0.10 0.09 o o o o 3 o o „ 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.0 5 0.04 0.03 0.02 c °0 RaEld ,P) . Po^'Otd.n) _ Po"°(d,3n) o" o n O o ° = " ■ 1 c o " " O o -0° o O - c 0.01 - r. ° o n 9 3 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 £ 8 10 12 14 16 ENERGY OF BOMBARDING DEUTERONS IN Mev 20 Figure 2 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08907 9783