ft I Witt' I U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin MADISON, WISCONSIN SCHOOL OF FORESTRY U \ UNIVERSITY OF FLORiOA NEWLY DISCOVERED MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURAL UNITS OF WOOD FIBERS By GEORGE J. RITTER Senior Chemist and R. M. SEBORG Assistant Chemist R loii Published in INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY December, 1930 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/newlydiscOOfore HEWLY DISCOVERED MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURAL UNITS OF V/OOD FIBERS^ By GEO. J. RITTER and R. M. SEBORG Results published by Ritter (1_) regarding the dissection of wood fibrils by chemical means showed that the smallest structural units of the wood fiber which had been isolated at that time were fusiform bodies. They are short, spindle-shaped units which, when arranged parallel to one another with an overlapping of the pointed ends, form the fibrils. The fibrils are long, slender, fi lament-like structures, arranged to form the fibers. Careful microscopical examination of the fusiform bodies after various treatments suggested that they are composed of still smaller structural units. At the tine of the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Des Moines, Iowa, December 1$29> sufficient progress had been made in the study to warrant the following prediction (2); It is quite probable that still smaller microscopic building units in the fusiform bodies will be discovered in the near future, and that the source of the optical properties described in the preceding paragraphs will then be found in the newly discovered uni t s . Recently, separation of the fusiform bodies into smaller units was accomplished at the Forest Products Laboratory, but suitable photo- micrographs of the results were obtained only after much experimentation and difficulty. Materials The materials used in this study consisted of two batches of mixtures of fibrils and fusiform bodies which were prepared from delignified i.hite spruce fibers. One batch was prepared by the sulfuric acid method; the other, "by chlorination in the sunlight. —Presented before the Division of Cellulose Chemistry at the 80th Meeting- of the American Chemical Societ", Cincinnati, Ohio, September 8 to 12, 1930. R10$U Procedure and Results Small samples of the mixtures containing fibrils and fusiform bodies were treated on glass slides with phosphoric acid (~Jo percent) at approximately 75° C TThen slight pressure was applied to the cover glass over the specimen, the fusiform bodies separated into smaller units. The newly discovered units (Figure 1) are spherical in form when detached from the mother unit. They are approximately 0.^5 micron, or U5OO A. in diameter, which is nine times the length of the cellulose micelle revealed by the X-ray diffraction pattern. Since these units have not been observed in the fusiform bodies, their original form is unknown, but from observed optical properties it would seem that the shape is other than spherical. Optical P r operties Previously described structural cellulose units (2) showed between crossed Nicol prisms an increasing degree of sharpness in the angles of minimum and maximum luminosity with decreasing size of unit. In other words, the parallelism of the crystalline structure which exhibits the effect in polarized light was greater in the smaller units. Such a condition would be expected from the fact that there is less opportunity for variation in the parallelism of crystalline arrangement in the smaller than in the larger units which are composites of the small ones. It was found, however, that between crossed Nicol prisms the isolated spherical units were uniformly luminous in all positions, indicating a random arrangement of the crystalline structure. Such a disarrangement in the internal structure of the new units would result during the deformation of an angular body to a spherical one. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that it would be impossible to build up a solid structure with spherical units. The results herein described suggest a future study in which the spherical units may be isolated under minimum swelling conditions, so as to reduce the possibility of deforming them. If the same units can be obtained by such a method, which the writers believe is possible, their optical properties should be similar to those of the fusiform bodies. Literature Cited 1. Hitter, Ind. Eng. Chera. , 21, 28^ U92S). 2. Hitter, J. Forestry, 28, 533 (1930) , R109U -2- Figure 1. — Spherical units. 7°0X. |C1\L R «^.'. T , r ° F F L O R ID A 3 1262 08927 9144