UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B„ E„ P o Q,« — 471, Revised September 25, 1047 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP TEE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA This digest of the rules and regulations promulgated under the Agricultural Pests Act of 1911 of the Union of South Africa, and subsequent amendments, has teen prepared for the informa- tion of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and ethers interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to South Africa. It deals only with the restrictions applying to importations into the Union from places overseas. The digest was prepared by Richard Faxon ; Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the original texts and reviewed by the Chief Inspector, Plant Regulatory Service, Department of Agriculture, Union of South Africa. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and" it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The Act, Proclamations, Government Notices, ana Regulations themselves should be consulted for the exact texts . C hief, Bureau of Ent omology and Plant Quarantine. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Basic Legislation Agricultural Pests Act (Act No. 11 of 1911, as amended) Proclamations, Government Notices and Regulations. AGRICULTURAL PESTS ACT Act No. 11 of 1911 - To prevent the introduction into and spread within the Union of insect pests, plant diseases and bee diseases and to regulate the importation into the Union of exotic animals. Definitions (1)* "Exotic animal" shall mean any animal (other than man) and any bird, reptile, insect, or other member of the animal kingdom which is not indigenous or native to South Africa, and shall include the eggs of any such animal, bird, reptile, insect or member, but shall not include livestock. "Honey" shall include both comb and extracted honey, and any preparation consisting partly of honey, if the Minister by notice in the "Government Gazette" has applied the definition thereto. "Insect pest" shall mean any insect or other invertebrate which is injurious to plants. "Plant" shall mean any tree, shrub, or vegetation, and the fruit, leaves, cuttings, or bark thereof, and shall include any live portion of a plant, whether severed or attached, and any dead portion or any product of a plant which by proclamation under this Act or any amendment thereof has been included in this definition, but shall not include any seed unless specially men- tioned in the Act, or by proclamation included in the definition of plant . ■^Figures in parentheses refer to "List of References" at the end of this digest. - 2 - (a) The seeds of maize y barley, cotton, lucerne (alfalfa) (Medicago sativa) , tomato, oaks ( Quercu s spp.), chestnuts (Caotanea sppo), elms (Ulmus spp.), tea (Camellia thea). (b) The seeds and flowering or seed heads of all apecies of Arctium. (c) Unmanufactured cotton, including linters and all kinds of unspun cotton waste,, (d) Unmanufactured broomco? n derived from Sorghum, whether fresh or dry, and any broom or brush or other article made in whole or in part from Sorghum. (e) Unmanufactured and leaf tobacco, (f) Unmanufactured cork derived from the cork oak tree. (g) Alfalfa hay, whether fresh or dried. (h) The peel of citrus fruit of any variety, whether fresh or dried. (2) (i) Any dead portion of product of any of the species of Ulmus os Zelkoya on which bark is present, or any log or unmanufactured timber of the species aforesaid, (3) (Any of the above plants which are not prohibited may be imported only under written permit' from the department.) (k) "Plant disease" shall ra3an any bacterial or fungus or other disease which is injurious to plants. Authorized Ports of Entry Capetown, Durban,. East London, Johannesburg, Nelspruit, Port Eliza- beth, Pretoria, and Upington; also Mossel Bay, Port Nolloth, and Simonstown for fruits, potatoes and onions only. (5, 6, and 7) Inspection of Imported Plants All plants, including fruits, tubers s bulbs, and the plant products mentioned above, offered for entry into the Union, together with ■ the packing material or other covering, are subject to inspection on arrival and may be disinfected or otherwise treated as prescribed by the department. (8) If the prescribed treatment is not carried out or is" ineffective in eradicating the pest, x,he plants „ packing material and containers may be destroyed by order of the Minister of Agriculture. (9) Timber is also subject to inspection and treatment if injurious insects: are discovered, A permit is required for timber with bark. (10) IMPORTATION PROHIBITED BEES, or their larvae or eggs, HONEif, used BEE -HIVES, used bee-hive accessories or appliances, or any things which have been used to - 3 - contain Or manipulate tees, honey or beeswax. Any bees, articles, or things' imported in contravention of this prohibition shall be liable to confiscation and destruction. Bees may be imported by the Government. (11) > EUCALYPTUS y ACACIA and CONIFEROUS PLANTS, and PEACH SS'ONSS, (12) ARCTIUM spp. seed and flowering or seed heads, (13) FRESH STONE FRUITS, viz.: apricots, plums, peaches, nectarines, and cherries „ (13) OPUNTIA spp, (13) ALFALFA BAY, whether fresh or dried. (13) CAS^ANEA spp. plants or seeds from North America on account of chestnut blight En dothia p aras itica. (lh) ULMUS spp, and ^LKOVA spp. plants, seeds, logs, or unmanufactured timber, or any dead portion or product of these species on which bark is present, from the United States of America, on account of the Dutch elm disease Cer at ost ome 1 la (Gra pfaium j ulmi , (15) Any PLANT PACKED IN SOIL, except special rooting compost, (ih) ROOTED SUGARCANE PLANTS. (l6) IMPORTATION RESTRICTED OR CONDITIONALLY PROHIBITED BEESWAX - and foundation comb: Import permit required and is subject to inspection on arrival; must be accompanied by con- signor's sworn statement that the beeswax has been heated to 212° F. for 30 minutes. In absence of the sworn declaration treatment after arrival or storage under special conditions may be authorized.- No declaration is required for white beeswax, (l6) COTTONSEED, GRAPEVINES'' or other plants of the family Vitaceae, RUBBER PLANTS. ■ : SUGARCANE CUTTINGS, TEA PLANTS, from overseas, are prohibited unless the introduction be supervised by an officer under such precautions as the depart- ment may in each case prescribe, and a written permit has been obtained from the department specially authorizing the introduc- tion (17) . ; BROOMCORN and BROOMS, BRUSHES, etc. , made from broom derived from Sorghum must be free from unshredded stalk, unless treated to the satisfaction of the Department against insect info station. , [lh L and 18) Permit must be obtained for the introduction. (19) - h - PLANTS of any kind, as defined in Section 2 of the Act, including herbaceous plants, all vegetable seeds, as -well as tomato seeds, and all species of citrus fruit and the peel thereof, whether fresh or dried, are prohibited unless a Written permit is obtained from the department specially authorizing the introduction. The number to be introduced by any one person in a calendar year is limited to a maximum of ten rooted plants or one hundred cuttings of one variety in the case of trees, hard -wooded plants, and most fruit- bearing plants. Maize and barley are limited to 10 pounds of any one variety. The importation of citrus trees and of alfalfa seeds and plants is reserved to the Department of Agriculture. Unpermitted plants may be destroyed. (1, 2, 3, 19, 20, 21, and 22) EXOTIC ANIMALS of the following classes: Nematode, Mollusca, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Insecta, Araohnida, Amphibia, Reptilia, Ave3, Manoalia, are prohibited except on the authority of a permit issued by the Department and subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Department may prescribe. (23) TOMATO SEEDS from countries where the disease known as "bacterial canker" (Aplanobacter michiganense ) exists, including North America, must be certified as produced by plants officially inspected in the field and found free from the said disease, or that the seed was produced in an area where the said disease does not occur. (1^-, 2h, and 25) ROSE PLANTS from countries where a virus disease of roses is known to occur, including America, must be certified that no virus disease affecting roses is known to occur on the premises whore they were grown. (lU) POME FRUIT TREES, including ornamental species of Malus, Pyrus and Cydonia, must be certified that the disease known as "fire blight" T~Baci llu3 amylovorus) is not known to occur on the promises where the plants were grown. (lU) UNMANUFACTURED or LEAF TOBACCO must be certified as free from infestation by the tobacco moth (Ephestia elutella) to the best knowledge of the inspector. The Department of Agriculture may grant exemption from this regulation. (lU) POTATOES (Solarium tuberosum L r ): Subject to inspection on arrival. If any bacterial disease is discovered, the package in which it is present, and all packages bearing tho same marks in which 15 percent or more of tho tubers are decayed will be excluded. If warty disease (Synoliytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Pore) is discovered in a package, every package bearing similar marks will be excluded. Shipments must be accompanied by a statement on oath from the consignor declar- ing the country of origin and locality, and a certificate from the Department of Agriculture, or some official institution, certifying - 5 - that, at a date not more than thirty days before shipment, the disease known as potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Scbii'b.) PerCo ) has not been known to exist within 5 niles of the place where the potatoes were grown, or that for nine months prior to the date of arrival the disease has not been known to exist in the county where the potatoes were grown. No permit is required for the admission of potatoes on which customs duty is paid, but for high grade seed potatoes an import permit may be issued and, if the conditions laid down in it are complied with, a rebate of the duty is allowed. (1*0 IMPORTATION UNRESTRICTED Candied citrus peel. (13) Vegetables . All plant products not mentioned above. The admissible fruits (except citrus fruits), bulbs, tubers, and timber (except timber with bark) may be imported without permit, and there is no restriction as to quantity admissible, but they are subject to inspection on arrival ? and to rejection or treatment, as mentioned abovo under "Inspection of Imported Plants." I - 6 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09311 4675 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Section 2 of Agricultural Pests Act (Act No. 11 of 19H, as amended ) . 2. Proclamation No. 282 of 1936 included Items (a) through (h) in the definition of "plant" in section 2 of the Act. 3. Proclamation No. 117 of 19^5 added (i) to the plant defini- tion list, k. Section 9 (3) of the Act. 5. Section 8 of the Act. 6. Proclamation No, 283 of 1936. 7. Proclamation No. l62 of 19^7- 8. Section 10 of the Act. 9. Section 11 of the Act. 10. Government Notice No. 1282 of I9U2. 11. Section 21 of the Act. 12. Section 9 (l) of the Act. 13. Proclamation No. 151 of 1937. 1^. Proclamation No. 286 of 1936. 15. Proclamation No. 116 of 19^5- 16. Government Notice No. 1793, Dec, k, 1936. 17. Section 9 (2) of the Act. 18. Proclamation No. l6l of igkj. 19. Government Notice No. lkk5, July 18, 19^7. 20. Government Notice No. 1792, Dec. h, 1936. 21. Government Notice No, 185,, March 16, 19^5. 22. Government Notice No. 2526, Nov. 29, 19^6. 23. Proclamation No. 115 of 1937. 2h. Proclamation No. 65 of 19^1. 25. Proclamation No. 87 of I9UI.