f-f/6 7 2. Bulletin No. 72. y U. S. pEPART^UA 1 OF AGRICWL OF FICE *5F EXPERIMENT ^STATION VO V AC TRUE, Director. FARMERS' READING COURSES. BY L. H. BAILEY, M. 8., Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. M Bulletin No. 72. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, Director. 310 FARMERS' READING COURSES BY L. H. BAILEY, M. S., Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. s. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Statu Washington, D. C, October 16, 1 Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith an article hy Prof. L. H. Bailey. M. S., professor of horticulture in Cornell University. on farmers* reading courses in the United States. Professor Bailey is prominently identified with the university extension work in agri- culture connected with the College of Agriculture of Cornell Uni- versity, one of the most successful features of which is a farmers' reading course, and has had occasion to study this interesting work in other States. As an important phase of the general movement among our agricultural colleges to go outside of their class rooms and pro- mote the education of our farmers along the lines of their art. the farmers* reading courses are now attracting widespread attention, and I feel sure that a bulletin showing the scope and methods of this work will be cordially welcomed. I therefore recommend the publication of Professor Bailey's article as Bulletin No. 72 of this Office. Respectfully. A. C. True, Din ctor, Hon. James Wilson, v , r , tary of Agrieultitri . CONTENTS I 'age. Introduce try and historical 5 Existing reading-course systems 8 Pennsylvania 8 Michigan 10 New Hampshire 11 Connecticut 13 New York 1 (i West Virginia 18 South Dakota 19 ( >ther ventures 20 Reflectii nis upon the reading c< airses 21 Appendix 25 Z FARMERS' READING COURSES. INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL. Among the agencies for diffusing knowledge and developing enthu- siasm among farmers the reading course has come to be an important factor. In the movement for the education of the people the estab- lishing of colleges for farmers was important and far-reaching. We are now feeling, however, that it is not enough that colleges be main- tained for those who desire to patronize them. Those who can not or will not come to the college must be reached. Education is seized of the missionary spirit; and this spirit is that impulse which passes under the general name of university extension. No apology is needed for the extension movement; yet there are those who say that persons who will not make the effort to learn of their own volition should be left in ignorance. There are certainly two considerations which make it imperative that such persons shall be taught — the consideration of altruism, or regard for one's neighbors; the consideration or the desire that the State shall prosper. If prog- ress is desirable, then the extension movement must abide. Every farmer should be awakened. I suppose that it will never be possible to discover which was the very first reading-course movement for farmers. One can not read far in the history of the agricultural colleges without finding germs of the idea — the desire that farmers be given more and better reading matter. This idea was expressed before any of the agricultural colleges came into being. It was thought, however, that the normal work of the college would spread sufficiently the reading habit. But so many farmers do not go to college and are not touched by it, and so much new knowledge has come into the farmer's horizon, that some special machinery is needed to carry something of the college influence to the farm. This machinery embraces itinerant lectures and experiment station bulletins and reading courses. As early as 1882 President James Mills, of the Agricultural College of Ontario, outlined a reading course for farmers. The council of agriculture and arts for the province cooperated in the enterprise. Certificates were offered to those completing required courses of 5 6 reading. These certificates were of first, second, and third class: and six libera] prizes or scholarships were offered, one for the first class, two for tlic second class, three for the third class. A few persons look iij) the reading and passed creditable examinations upon questions which were submitted to them; but the prizes went mostly to ex- students of the college, and the Dumber became ><> small after a time that the whole enterprise was dropped. Commenting recently upon this early experiment. President Mills says: "I think that a simpler course, with some instruction at convenient centers by one or two per- sons competent to talk on elementary science in its relation to agricul- ture and on agriculture proper in its various branches, would be more generally acceptable and might reach a considerable number." At present the Canadian provinces do not have farmers' reading courses. To show the character and scope of this early Canadian venture I transcribe the "Course of reading for the second-cla>s certificates," as printed in the report of the college for 1882: 1. The plant. — Relations of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms to each other; nature and sources of plant food; composition of the most important crops grown in Ontario; period of highest nutritive value; chemical changes in the ripen- ing of fruit, grain, and fodder crops; influence of climate on perfection of growth. 2. The soil. — Physical and chemical properties of soils; classification of soils as determined by these properties; comparative fertility of different varieties of soil: active and dormant ingredients of soils; best means of converting dormant into active. Chemical and physical conditions affecting the barrenness and fertility of soils: causes of unproductiveness; power of different soils to hold manures; influence of frost, aspect, elevation, and climate on the productiveness of soils. 3. Manures. — Production, management, and application of farm-yard manure; con- ditions which influence its quality; comparative values of cattle, sheep, and horse manures; green-crop manuring; composts. Properties and uses of artificial manures; lime, plaster, salt, bone dust, and min- eral superphosphates as manures; circumstances under which each should and should not be used; times and modes of application; how to avoid the waste of such ma- nure-; in the soil: their action on seeds and young plants; favorable and unfavorable action at different stages in the growth of crops; action of nitrates and ammoniacal manures on cereals, roots, and grasses; special action of salt when used alone, and also in connection with other manures. Night soil and animal manures; combinations of manures for certain purposes; manures which impoverish the soil; quantities of manures to be used on various soils with different crops; general principles regulating the selection of manun 4. Tillage operations. — Deep and shallow plowing, fall and spring plowing, subsoil- rolling, fallowing, etc.; advantages and disadvantages of each: preparation of land for different crops, as fall wheat, spring wheat, barley, oats, peas, and maize; differences in cultivation of light and heavy soils. 5. Seed and sowing. — Quality of seed; importance of using clean and pure seed: effect of age on the character of crop, its rapidity of growth, and liability to disease: quantity of seed per acre: methods and depth of sowing: change of seed, why necessary. (i. Roots. — Cultivation of roots and tubers — turnips, mangolds, carrots, beets, and potal 7. Green fodders. — Oats and peas, tares, lucern, sainfoin, prickly comfrey, clovers, etc.; their comparative values; the management mosi appropriate for each; manage- ment of pastures. 8. Rotation of crops. — Crops which each kind of soil is adapted to produce; suc- cession or rotation of crops; importance and necessity of rotation; principles under- lying it; rotations suitable to different soils, climates, and Bystems of forming in Ontario; their effects on the land. 9. Drainage. — Principles of drainage; effects on soil and subsoil; laying out and construction of drains. 10. Exhausted lands.— Cawee of exhaustion; how avoided: best means of restoring and enriching impoverished land. 11. Breeding of animals. — Principles for guidance in stock breeding; reproductive powers — how strengthened or weakened; pedigree influence — how intensified or reduced; loss of size in pedigree stock; how to control good or bad qualities; main- tenance of constitutional vigor; common causes of barrenness in male and in female : special aptitudes of certain breeds for different conditions of soil and climate; prin- ciples which regulate special peculiarities, such as early maturity, rapid production of flesh, production of milk, growth of wool, etc. Horses. — Most valuable breeds of horses for this province; the leading characteris- tics of each; type of horse required for farm work; breeding, feeding, and general management ; common diseases and their treatment. Cattle. — Characteristic points — merits and demerits of Shorthorns, Herefords, Polled Angus, Ayrshires, Jerseys, Devons, Galloways, and Holsteins; in and* in breeding; breeding in the line; results of each system; grade cattle; milch cows — points of a good milch cow; general management; economy of good management; conditions affecting quantity and quality of milk. Common diseases and remedies. Sheep. — Characteristics of different breeds; long-wooled, medium-wooled, and short- wooled sheep; crosses between different breeds compared; influence of breed, climate, food, soil and shelter on the quantity and quality of wool — evenness, luster, yolk, fineness of fiber, felting power, etc.; feeding; winter and summer management; management of ewes before, during, and after lambing season; rearing of lambs. Swine. — Characteristics of the most important breeds of pigs; management of sows and stores; bacon curing, etc. 12. Food and feeding. — Composition and properties of the most important varieties of feed and fodder available to the Ontario farmer; classification of foods; chemical results in the use of different foods; "heat-producing" and "flesh-forming" ingre- dients of food; best methods of combining these in feeding, so as to secure desired results; points to be observed in order to obtain the full value of natural and artificial foods; increase of value by preparation of food; shelter and warmth as means of economizing food; chemical changes produced in malting of barley; its action and value as a feeding material; "good and bad systems of feeding." 13. Diseases of crops. — When plants are most liable to disease; causes of disease; chlorosis; fungoid diseases, as bunt, smut, rust, and mildew; remedies. 14. Orchards. — Planting, cultivation, pruning, grafting, etc.; best varieties of fruit trees for different soils and climates of Ontario; diseases and insect pests. 15. Forestry. — Planting and cultivation of forest trees, shade and ornamental trees, etc. 16. Entomology. — Common insects injurious to vegetation; their habits and the best means of checking and preventing their ravages. Books of reference. — Hand Book of Agriculture, embracing soils, manures, rotation of crops and live stock, Wrightson; First Principles of Agriculture, Lawson and Tanner; Report of the Ontario Agricultural Commission; The Canadian Fanner's Manual of Agriculture, Whitcombe; Xew American Farm Book, Allen; Farming for Profit, Read; Talks on Manures, Harris; Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and 8 Geology, Johnston and Cameron: The Chemistry of Common Life, Johnston and Church; Ilnw Crops Feed, Johnson; Bow Grope Grow, Johnson; stuck Breeding, Miles; The Complete Grazier, Yonatt and Born; The Livestock of the Farm, Prin- gle; Illustrated stock Doctor and Live stock Encyclopaedia, Manning; Manual of Cattle Feeding, Armsby; The Shepherd's Own Book, Youatt, Skinner, and Randall; American Shepherd, Morrell; The Horse in the Stable and the Field, Stonehenge; Harris on the Pig; Annual reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario; Harris's Insects Injurious to Vegetation. Without making further excursion into the history of the subject, I take up 11 review of all the existing farmers' reading courses in North America, arranging them chronologically. This account is intended to be complete up to September 1, 1899. EXISTING READING-COURSE SYSTEMS. PENNSYLVANIA. The director of the experiment station, in his report to the presi- dent of the college in 1891, suggested a reading course as a means of popularizing station work. In July, 1892. a reading course was estab- lished in connection with the Pennsylvania State College: and this course is the most famous single venture of its kind. The- Pennsylvania reading course was modeled upon the Chautauqua plan. It was first known as the "Chautauqua Course of Home Read- ing in Agriculture. " The college provided books, and gave the readers examinations whenever the participants were ready to take them. Man} T of the students found it difficult to read the books understand- ing^, and a modification of the plan seemed to be desirable. The next move was to give assistance, through correspondence, to Students who found the books to be difficult. The name of the enter- prise was changed to the " Chautauqua Course of Home Study in Agriculture. " More than 3,000 students were registered in this course. This plan also had its faults: (1) It was impossible to secure suitable text-books: (2) it was found to be a very difficult matter for most stu- dents to pursue the study of books by themselves and to sift out the essential from the nonessential parts. The next movement was to send out printed lessons on particular subjects treated in the books. These lessons were first issued in Novem- ber, 1897, covering seven text-books. The lessons were designed to bring the subject-matter of the books up to date, to describe simple experiments, to illustrate the subject, to suggest the important or fundamental matters. The experiment was successful, and in the win- ter of 1898-99 Lessons were issued on sixteen books and on farm book- keeping, making seventeen subjects. In L898, the name of the enter- prise became "Correspondence Courses in Agriculture," and this title it now hear-. The lessons are Bent to the reader one at a time. Accompanying each lesson is a list of questions to be answered. The replies are sent to the superintendent of the reading course at the State college, and another lesson is then mailed to the reader. In this way the superin- tendent keeps in touch with the student. He can also exercise some control over the student by withholding lessons when the questions are not faithfully answered. Three of the lessons are reprinted in Exhibits A, B, and C, at the end of this paper. In 1898-99, the Pennsylvania correspondence courses are five in number: (1) Crop production; (2) live stock production; (3) horticul- ture and floriculture; (1) dairying, and (5) domestic econonty. Each course consists of seven distinct subjects or books, making thirty-five books in all. On March 1, 1899, the total enrollment, including the Chautauqua students, was 3,116, of which number 460 have received instruction by means of the lessons. To these more than 1,800 lessons have been sent. Over 1,100 examination papers had been graded during the pre- ceding fifteen months. During the past college jeav the time of the superintendent and others aiding in the work of the courses was so fully occupied with college work that practically no effort was made to further increase the membership or to extend the usefulness of the correspondence courses. Notwithstanding this, many applications for enrollment are constantly being received, showing that the practical agriculturists appreciate this method of instruction. There are stu- dents in most of the States, and there are. some in foreign countries. A large proportion of the students are men of mature years, the ages ranging' from 15 to 75, the average of recent enrollments being about 33 years. The course is under the management of George C. Watson, professor of agriculture, State College, Pennsylvania. The books which are used in the various courses in Pennsylvania are as follows: 1. Crop product ion. — Plant Life on the Farm, Masters; Soils and Crops, Morrow and Hunt; Manures and Manuring, Aikman; Fertility of the Land, Roberts; Tile Drainage, Chamberlain; The Soil, King; Farm Bookkeeping (no text). 2. Live-stock production, — Stock Breeding, Miles; Horse Breeding, Sanders; Swine Husbandry, Coburn; The Domestic Sheep, Stewart; Poultry Culture, Felch; Feeds and Feeding, Henry; A Book on Silage, Woll. 3. Horticulture and floriculture. — Propagation of Plants, Fuller; Principles of Fruit-Growing, Bailey; Plant Life, Masters; Greenhouse Management, Taft; Manures and Manuring, Aikman; Insects and Insecticides, Weed; The Spraying of Plants, Lodeman. 4. Dairying. — Milk and its Products, Wing; Dairy Bacteriology, Russell; Milk: Nature and Composition, Aikman; Cheddar Cheese Making, Decker; Feeds and Feeding, Henry; Testing Milk and Its Products, Woll and Farrington; A Book on Silage, Woll. 10 5. Domestic economy. — The Souse Comfortable, Ormsbee; Disposal of Household Wastes, Gerhard; ( Ihemistry of ( lommon Life, Johnston; Chemistry of Cookery, Williams; Boston Cook Book, Mrs. Lincoln; What to Eat and How to Serve it, Herrick; Gardening for Pleasure. Henderson. The following supplementary list is suggested: Cattle Breeding, Warfield; Capons for Profit, Greiner; Practical Poultry Keeping, Wright; An Egg Farm, Stoddard; The Horticultur- ist's Rule-Book, Bailey; Handbook for Farmers and Dairymen, Woll; Breeds of Live Stock, Sanders; American Standard of Perfection (Poultry); Land Draining, Miles; Ornamental Gardening, Long; Farmer's Veterinary Adviser, Law; House Plans for Everybody, Reed. MICHIGAN. The Michigan Farm Home Reading Circle follows the earlier system inaugurated in Pennsylvania. It was started in December, 1892. There are five classes; (1) Soils and crops; (2) live stock; (3) garden and orchard; (4) woman's course; and (5) political science. Any three of these classes constitute a course. The readers are regularly enrolled as members. (See enrollment cards, etc., in Exhibits F to J.) Enroll- ment is free for Michigan readers, but $1 is charged to nonresidents. When a member has completed the reading of a book he may send to the secretary for questions, which have been prepared to aid him in making a report to the secretary on that book. If the report is satis- factory, a certificate signed by the president of the college and secretary of the farm home reading circle will be issued, showing that he has com- pleted that book. A certificate is sent upon completion of each book, and also upon the completion of the class. When a member has completed any three of the classes, and has sent in a satisfactory report on the same, he is considered to have completed a course and then will receive a suitable diploma. (Exhibit K. ) The reports or examinations, as they may be called, are not necessaiy unless the reader desires credit for his reading, but they help to fix in the mind the most prominent truths brought out in each book. A large majority of the members take advantage of this feature of sending reports for examination. The work is confined mostty to Michigan, but there are members in several States and provinces. On March 1, 1899, there were 302 mem- bers. This figure does not represent the total number of readers, however, since the course is being taken by many granges, farmers* clubs, and organizations instituted for the particular purpose 4 of under- taking the reading. In many eases several members of the family are taking the reading, but only one person maybe enrolled as member. For the first three or four years the reading circle met with only indif- ferent success, but by persistent advertising and careful attention 11 to correspondence it has grown steadily, and is now in a prosperous condition and is doing much good. The circle is in charge of Prof. II. W. Mumford, Agricultural College, Michigan. The books in use in the Michigan Farm I Ionic Reading Circle are as follows: 1. Soils and crops. — First Principles of Agriculture, Voorhees; Soils and Crops, Morrow and Hunt; Fertility of the Land, Roberts; The Silo and Silage, Cook; Tile Drainage, Chamberlain, or The Soil, Kino-. 2. Live stock. — Principles of Agriculture, Bailey; Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, Curtis; Stock Breeding, Miles; Feeds and Feeding, Henry; American Dairying, Curler; Cattle Breeding, Warfield; The Domestic Sheep, Stewart; Swine Husbandry, Coburn; Horse Breed- ing. Sanders; Guide to Successful Poultry Keeping, Sewell and Tilson; or Farm News Poultry Book, Purvis. 3. Garden and orchard.- — American Fruit Culturist, Thomas; How to Make the Garden Pay, Greiner; Ornamental Gardening, Long; Insects and Insecticides, Weed; Gardening for Pleasure, Hen- derson; Propagation of Plants, Fuller; Home Floriculture, Rexford; or Practical Floriculture, Henderson. 4. Woman's course. — Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking, Abel; Home Economics, Parloa; The Boston Cooking School Book, Farmer; Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning, Richards and Elliott; A Study of Child Nature, Harrison. 5. Political science. — Elements of Political Economy, Ely; Political Economy, Walker; American Commonwealth (1 vol.) Bryce. The following a book shelf," a supplementary list, is recommended; Agriculture and horticulture. — Farmer's Veterinary Adviser, Law; Grasses of North America, Beal; How the Farm Pays, Henderson and Crozier; Storer's Agriculture (3 vols.); Plant Life on the Farm, Masters; Land Drainage, Miles; Facts for Horse Owners, Magner. Political science.— Jevon's Money and Mechanism of Exchange; Epochs of American History (3 vols.); Small Talks About Business, Rice; Farmer's Tariff Manual, Strange; The Sophisms of Free Trade, Byles; The Sophisms of Protection, Bastiat. Miscellaneous. — Letters to a Daughter, Starrat; Common Sense in the Household, Harlan; Amenities of Home; Timothy Titcomb's Let- ters, Holland; Emerson's Essays (2 vols.); Scott's Poems; The Fair Maid of Perth, Scott; Julius Caesar, Shakespeare; Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne; Longfellow's Poems (complete). NEW HAMPSHIRE. In January, 1894, the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts established a nonresident course in agriculture. The course is designed primarily to meet the needs of those farmers' 12 Bona who are unable to leave home to attend college, but who feel the need of the fuller knowledge of their work which the college offers. It has enrolled a considerable Dumber of such students, and also has attracted many young men in cities who intend to become farmer.-. The course is conducted as a correspondence course, books and bulle- tins being sent the student, who studies them and returns answers to examination questions. This nonresident course is free to all. without examination. Stu- dents may work for a certificate or not. Those who work for a certifi- cate send answers to examination questions as fast a- studies are completed. Those who do not work for a certificate submit a state- ment that the requisite reading has been carefully done. The work is divided into exercises, and an exercise is estimated at ten pages of reading matter in book or bulletin. The satisfactory completion of 600 exercises entitles the student to a certificate. Under general con- ditions it is estimated that the completion of these exercises will require about two years. Each student working for a certificate is required to take given general studies, and then to select at least three special studies. The required general studies are soils, tillage, noxious insects, fungus diseases, meteorology, laws of plant growth, farm and house- hold chemistry, and fertilizers. Special studies are dairying and stock feeding, poultry keeping, orchard fruits, small fruits, commercial horti- culture and market gardening, vegetables, floriculture, plant propaga- tion, and forestry. Students not working for a certificate may select any of the above subjects, but it is recommended that they pursue the prescribed lines of general reading in connection with special subjects. The course is in charge of Prof. C. W. Burkett. Durham. X. H. The last circular of instructions was issued December, 1895. The bulletins and books recommended in that circular are herein tran- scribed. It will be seen that the New Hampshire course is very rich in literature. "In addition to the books used for general studies in the course, the college furnishes free bulletins of its own experiment station as well as those of some other stations: also, through the courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture, the valuable series of Farmers' Bulletins issued by that Department. Through the courtesy of the Cornell University Experiment Station this college has been able to furnish nonresident students with the important bulletins on horticulture and kindred subjects issued by that station." 1. General studies. — Soils and Crops. Morrow and Hunt: Talks Afield, Bailey: Fruit Culture. Strong: Agriculture. Wallace: Spraying ( Jrops, Weed: Fertilizer-. Gregory: The Poultry Yard. Burpee: Orna- mental Gardening, Long: Fungi and Fungicides, Weed: Chemicals and (lover. Collingwood: Potato Culture. Terry: The Nursery-Book, Bailey; The Soil, King: Land Draining. Miles; The Beautiful Flower Garden, Mathews; Insects and Insecticides. Weed. 13 2. Dairying and stochfeedmg.- American Dairying, Gurler; Dairy Science, Woll; Cattle Breeding, Warfield; Cattle Feeding, Stewart; Root Cropa for Stock Feeding, Burpee. 3. Poultry keeping. — Poultry Culture, Felch; The Business Hen, Collingwood; The Poultry Yard. Burpee; Capons for Profit, Greiner; Natural and Artificial Duck Culture, Rankin. 1. Commercial horticulturi and market gardening. — Gardening for Profit, Henderson; Success in Market Gardening, Rawson; How to Grow Mushrooms, Falconer: Selection in Seed (Trowing. Burpee; Greenhouse Construction, Tat't. 5. Orchard fruits. — Practical Fruit Grower, Maynard; Field Notes on Apple Culture, Bailey; Fruit Culturist, Thomas; Amateur Fruit Growing, Green; Pear Culture for Profit, Quinn; Quince Culture, Meech; Peach Culture, Fulton. 6. SmaU fruits. — Success with Small Fruits, Roe; A B C of Strawberry Culture, Terry; Grape Culturist, Fuller; American Grape Training, Bailey. 7. Vegetables. — How to Grow Squashes, Gregory; Onion Raising Gregory; Onions for Profit, Greiner; Cabbages and Cauliflowers, Gregory; How to Grow Cabbages and Cauliflowers, Gregory; Celery for Profit, Greiner; A Kitchen Garden of One Acre; How to Grow Melons for Market, Burpee; Potatoes for Profit, Van Ornam; My Handkerchief Garden, Barnard. 8. blowers. — Practical Floriculture, Henderson; The Rose, Ell- wanger; All About Sweet Peas, Hutchins; Pansies, Poppies, and Sweet Peas, Hutchins; Chrysanthemum Culture, Morton; American Carnation Culture, Lamborn; Bulbs and Tuberous-rooted Plants, Allen; Window Gardening. 9. Plant propagation. — The Propagation of Plants, Fuller; Cross- breeding and Hybridizing, Bailey. 10. Forestry. — Forest Planting, Jarchow; Studies in Forestry, Hasten. CONNECTICUT. The Storrs Agricultural College inaugurated correspondence instruc- tion in October. 1896. The work is more nearly a correspondence school idea than a reading course. It is definite college extension of the best order. The extension work is a department of Storrs Agri- cultural College (now called the Connecticut Agricultural College). A two years' course is given, and the student who completes the course satisfactorily attends the commencement exercises at Storrs and receives a diploma of graduation. The course comprises two parte, one for men and one for women. The object of the course is to pro- vide home study as nearly as possible like that prosecuted at college. Ain' resident of Connecticut may enroll, upon the payment of 25 cents 14 and agreement to give three hours a week to the prescribed subjects. Examinations arc conducted through correspondence. The ten stu- dents who pass the most satisfactory examination on the entire course of study, are invited to prepare essays. From these essays the best live are selected to be read by I heir authors at the commencement exercises of the extension department at Storrs. At the commence- ment, certificates or diplomas arc awarded to all who have completed the course, and persons' who are unable to attend receive their diplomas by mail. The two years* term of study is divided into four periods in each year: October and November, December and January, February and March. April and May. Commencement for extension students occurs during the regular college commencement week. Each subject in the course is under the special supervision of one of the college staff, and this officer prepares syllabuses and questions cov- ering his subjects and conducts the examinations therein. When any rural organization has a membership of ten pursuing the course the college agrees, so far as practicable, to furnish one or more lectures. Persons who have completed the regular two years* course may organize into circles of ten or more and apply for further instruction in "subject studies." The college places in the hands of the circle a library of 50 or 100 volumes. By a system of reference cards several courses are outlined, sufficient for a year's reading. One examination paper is forwarded by the department at the end of the year, covering- each subject studied. Courses are provided in general agriculture, fruit culture, market gardening, poultry raising, floriculture, botany, agricultural chemistry, veterinary, foods, sanitation, geology, forestry. English literature, history, and political economy. The first year saw an enrollment of 216 members, and 561 volumes were circulated. The work is growing. In June, 1898, 25 persons received certificates. Two circles of ten or more had completed the course, and to these were sent the first traveling library. The books are kept one year, and they are then sent to the circles which complete the work in the following year. At the present time fully 275 persons are regularly enrolled. The traveling library idea has been very successful. It is a kind of post-graduate course. The readers often receive more benefit from these libraries than from the two years' preliminary reading. The extension work is in the hands of Prof. A. B. Peebles, Storrs. Connecticut. The books used in the Connecticut course are as follows: 1. First year. — {a) For women. — Home Floriculture, Bexford; Easi- est Ways in Housekeeping and Cooking. Campbell; Realm of Nature. Mill; Story of the Plants. Allen. (h) For men. — First Principles of Agriculture. Voorhees; Practical Farm Chemistry, Greiner; Mill and Allen as above. 15 2. Second yeanr. (a) For women, — Household Economics, Campbell, or The Way We Did at Cooking School, Reed; Hygiene and Physical Culture for Women, Galbraith, or Physical Development and Exer- cise for Women. Bissel; Realm of Nature parti, Mill: The Story of Germ Life, Conn. (//) For men. -The Principles of Fruit-Growing, Bailey, or Milk and its Products, Wing; The Spraying of Plants, Lodeman, or Farm- ers' Bulletins of the United States Department of Agriculture on the Dairy Herd, Feeding, etc.; Mill and Conn as above. Five Farmers' Bulletins (Nos. 16, 22, 32, 55, and 58), issued by the Cnited States Department of Agriculture, have been bound in one volume, and make a serviceable treatise on dairy work and stock feeding. Two traveling libraries are now in circulation, as follows: Lihra/ry JVo 1. — Yearbook, 1897, United States Department of Agri- culture: Principles of Modern Dairy Practice, Woll; Horticulturist's Rule- Book, Bailey; Pruning-Book, Bailey; Agriculture (3 volumes), Storer; How to Make the Garden Pay, Greiner; Domesticated Ani- mals, Shaler; Faith and Doubt in Poets, Armstrong; American Com- monwealth, Bryce; Labor Copartnership, Lloyd; Boston Cook Book, Lincoln; Household Art, Wheeler; According to Season, Dana; Familiar Flowers, Mathews; Lessons with Plants, Bailey; Ten New England Blossoms, Weed; Birds of Village and Field, Merriam; Drink- ing Water and Ice Supplies, Prudden: Charles Darwin, Poulton; Justus Von Liebig, Shenstone; Eye Spy, Gibson; With Feet to the Earth, Skinner: Chemistry of Common Life, Johnstone; Sea and Land, Sha- ler; Feeds and Feeding, Henry; Hero and Homespun, Barton: Light Side of Science, Wilson; Good Cooking, Rorer; Hugh Wynne (2 vol- umes), Mitchell: How to Judge a Horse, Bach: Riverby, Burroughs; American Ideals, Roosevelt; Economic Entomology, Smith: House Plants, Hillhouse; Story of the Stars, Chambers: Testing Milk and Products, Farrington and Woll; Beauty of Form, Steele and Adams: First Crossing of Greenland, Nansen; Customs and Fashions in Old New England, Earle; Art Out of Doors, Van Rensselaer; History of Connecticut (2 volumes), Trumbull; The Soil, King: American Liter- ature, Bates; Modern Dairy Practice, Grotenfelt; Milk, Its Nature and Composition, Aikman. Library No. 2. — Yearbook 1897, United States Department of Agri- culture; Horses and Stables, Fitzwy grain; Our Farming. Terry: Pro- ceedings of First Annual Session. National Congress of Mothers; Studio Neighbors, Gibson; American Fruit Culturist. Thomas: Milch Cows and Dairy Farming, Flint: Stock Breeding. Miles: Boston Cook- ing School Book, Farmer: How to Know the Wild Flowers, Dana: Out- lines of Earth's History, Shaler: Window and Parlor Gardening, Jon- son: Eating and Drinking, Hoy: The Business Hen, Collingwood: Poultry Culture, Felch; Social Evolution, Kidd; Chemistry of Cook- 16 Lng, Williams; A-Birding on a Broncho, Merriam; Life Histories of American Insects. Weed; Year in the Fields, Burroughs; Ye Gentle- woman's Housewifery, Hooker; Insect Life, Corns tock; Bulbs and Tuberous-Rooted Plants, Allen; Woman's Work in America, Meyer; This Country of Ours, Harrison; Chats with Girls, Chester; Chemistry of Daily Life, Lassar-Cohn; American Highways, Shaler; Practical Poultry Keeping, Wright; Insects Injurious to Farm and Garden, Treat; Philip's Experiments, Trowbridge; The Horse. Flower; Twen- tieth Century City, Strong; Procession of the Flowers, Higginson; Standish of Standish, Austin; Betty Alden, Austin; Fertility of the Land, Roberts; Rescue of an Old Place, Bobbins; Vegetable Garden- ing, Green; Evolution of Horticulture in New England, Slade; Plant- Breeding, Baile} T ; Garden-Making, Baile} T ; Bird Ways, Miller; Chem- istry of Dairying, Snyder; Dust and its Dangers, Prudden; Story of the Solar System, Chambers; Story of the Earth in Past Ages, Seeley; Citizens in Training, Wells; Flowers: How to Grow Them, Rexford; Biggie Poultry Book, Biggie. NEW YORK. In connection with its extension work in agriculture, Cornell Uni- versity made a beginning at a reading course in November, 1896. The reading was confined to horticultural subjects, because the extension work was at that time confined to that field, and the reading was to be a corollary of the itinerant schools of horticulture which were held in various parts of the State. The motives of the movement were set forth as follows: Most of the reading of farmers is of such a scattered and haphazard character that the reader is unable to obtain any consecutive or fundamental ideas upon the various subjects. It is suggested that each local farmers' club, grange, or horticultural society — or a neighborhood gathering, when other organizations do not exist — take up a prescribed line of reading and thinking for the coming winter. The company which desires to take up such a course should be thoroughly organized, and each reader should secure and own the various bulletins and books which are to be read. At each meeting a prescribed number of pages is laid out to be read before the next gathering. Upon coming together the leader asks a member to read the first para- graph of the exercise or lesson, and to give his opinion of the same. Discussion is then called for. Each paragraph is treated in similar manner. It is obvious that one of the best subjects to select for the first readings is the soil and its management. Three or four meetings could be very profitably spent upon this general topic. From this it would be well to pass to the fertilizing of the land. After this, various special topics could be taken up, depending upon the interests in the locality. Books and bulletins were recommended in (1) soils and tillage; (2) manures and fertilizers; (3) fruits and their cultivation; (4) spraying, insects, diseases; (5) the making of home grounds; and (6) helps for teachers. 17 The mere recommendation of hooks and bulletins to be read was hardly worth the while. A reading' course will not go of itself. Some one must furnish the steam. At this juncture the detail of the work fell to the hands of John W. Spencer, who is a farmer and not college bred. He saw the problem as tanners see it, and he took up the work with tact and enthusiasm. Of the bulletins recommended, two had been prepared with special reference to use in itinerant schools and reading courses, although they were founded upon experiments made at the experiment station. These are "The Texture of the Soil" and "The Conservation of Moisture" (Nos. 119, 120). These bulletins were sent to farmers who Avere likely to be interested in a readi no- course, and correspondence was opened on the subjects which they suggested. As a result of this undertaking, there were 1,500 readers at the close of the reading season, April, 1897. In the winter of 1897-98 the effort was continued with the same bul- letins, and a short essay on the soil was prepared and used as a basis of study and correspondence. Thus arose the Cornell Reading Lesson, w T hich is now the basis of the New York Reading Course. This lesson is a treatise in itself, not a commentary on a book. At the close of the reading season of 1897-98 the list of actual readers or members had been increased to nearly 5,000. This increase was secured wholly by means of the single topic of physical conditions of soils. In the winter of 1898-99 the same plan was continued, but five successive topics or lessons were used, and in this season the actual enrolled readers were increased to 8,605. Of these persons 8,169 reside in New York State, 411 in other States, and 25 in foreign countries. It is confidently expected that the number will be doubled in the next reading season. The gist of the New York plan is to give the farmer a short spe- cially prepared lesson, and then to quiz him on it. The motive is to reach the many, not the few. The farmer who can and will read books can take care of himself, but the one who can not or will not needs help, whether he wants it or not. The idea is to get the rank and file to read books by first interesting them in simple, short, and easily digested matter. When the farmer is once interested it needs only good administrative machinery to keep him interested and to lead him on. The operation of the Cornell plan as now prosecuted comprises: (1) Securing the farmers name; (2) sending him a lesson, with an inclosure containing questions (called a quiz); (3) the active organization of reading clubs; and (4) the sending of special inspectors and lecturers to these clubs. There are many ways of securing the farmer's name. The best one has been the paragraphing of the local newspapers. A paragraph calling attention to the reading course has been sent to the country 8087— No. 72 2 18 papers of the State. Public-spirited men have been asked to furnish names. Granges, horticultural societies, and other organizations have aided. When the farmer receives the lesson he is informed that a con- tinuance of the favor is conditioned upon his answering the questions. He is not a member of the reading course until he makes a personal application therefor. Every inducement is offered to persuade readers to organize themselves into small clubs, jmd one of the strongest inducements is the promise of a speaker from the university to those clubs which do the best work. In the past winter three fanners were hired to organize clubs in their respective counties, and the experi- ment was successful. Small clubs are preferred — those of six to twelve persons who meet at the homes of the various members. It is the purpose to send an inspector to the clubs once during the winter, to see how they are getting on. The New York course is free and is maintained from a State appropriation for the extension of agricultural knowledge. The course is in charge of L. H. Bailey, Ithaca, N. Y. Every effort is made to cause the farmer to get the most out of each lesson. The work can not be done hastily nor loosely. After having had a fair trial, the shiftless reader is cut off. In the winter of 1898-99 five illustrated lessons were issued, as follows: (1) The soil, what it is; (2) tillage and underdrainage, reasons why; (3) fertility of the soil, what it is; (4) how the plant gets its food from the soil, and (5) how the plant gets its food from the air. These lessons attempt to state prin- ciples, not directions for practice. At the end of the reading-course season a round-up lesson is published, giving answers to all quizzes. In the coming Avinter these lessons will be used again for the recruits; but others will be prepared for the veterans. Books are recommended for special clubs and special readers. Samples of the lessons are shown in Exhibits D and E. WEST VIRGINIA. Late in the fall of 1897 a u home reading course in agriculture" was offered to the farmers of West Virginia. At the close of the first year, June, 1898, 89 students had been enrolled. Although the course has been in operation little more than a year, 132 readers are enrolled, most of whom are doing good and enthusiastic work. The work in the course is founded upon the reading of books. The course runs in four divisions — crop production, live-stock production, horticulture and floriculture, and rural economy. A regular course consists of any two of the four divisions; or the student may elect any ten books out of the twenty offered. Any student who has completed a subject will, upon notifying the college, receive an examination paper on that subject, to which written answers are to be returned, accompanied with a statement upon honor that the answers are the unaided work of the person sending them. These answers will be 19 graded, and anyone receiving a grade of 75 per cent or more in fche studies of any two divisions will receive a suitable certificate signed by the president of the board of regents and the dean of the college. For this certificate a charge of $1 will be made, which is only sufficient to cover the actual cost of material and engraving. The course is open to any applicant, without fees. The subjects may be taken up in any order desired by the reader. The work is in charge of Prof. T. C. Atkeson, dean of the College of Agriculture, Morgan- town, W. Va. The books used in the West Virginia course are the following: 1. Crop production. — Plant Life on the Farm, Masters; Soils and Crops, Morrow and Hunt; Manures and Manuring, Aikman; The Soil, King; Tile Drainage, Chamberlain. 2. Live-stock production. — Manual of Cattle Feeding, Armsby; Stock Breeding, Miles; Swine Husbandry, Coburn; American Dairy- ing, Gurler; Poultry Culture, Felch. 3. Horticulture and floricidture. — The Propagation of Plants, Fuller; The Fruit Garden, Barry; Practical Floriculture, Henderson; Insects and Insecticides, Weed; Spraying, Lodeman. 4. Rural economy. — Bookkeeping for Farmers, Atkeson; Farm Law, Bennett; How to Cooperate, Myrick; The House Comfortable, Orms- bee; Chemistry of Cookery, Williams. SOUTH DAKOTA. South Dakota uses the Pennsylvania system. The work was founded on the opening of 1899. Five courses are offered, any or all of which may be pursued. Each series or course contains five books on related subjects which are usually so arranged as to develop the subject natu- rally, leading from simpler to more complex problems. In special cases options are offered in the supplemental list, thus varying the course to meet the special needs of the reader. The superintendent endeavors to arrange such courses to meet special needs. When beginning a book the student receives from the college a printed lesson of instruction covering certain parts of the work and making prominent the most salient points. Upon the completion of this section the reader fills out answers to questions asked and mails them to the superintendent, who, upon examination, makes needful suggestions or corrects erroneous impressions when necessary. When the work of one section is satisfactorily completed the instructions for the next section are sent, until the book is completed. The work is in charge of Prof. Edgar A Burnett, Brookings, S. Dak. The courses and the books are these: 1. Crop production. — Plant Life on the Farm, Masters; Fertility of the Land, Roberts; The Soil, King; Manures and Manuring, Aikman; Irrigation Farming, Wilcox. 20 l\ Livestock production. — Stock Breeding, Miles; The Domestic Sheep, Stewart; Feeds and Feeding, Henry; Swine Husbandry, Coburn; Manual of Veterinary Hygiene, Smith. 3. Horticulturi ns were enrolled. After having been in operation four years, the enterprise i- in abeyance, owing to lack of help for pushing it. 21 The Texas Agricultural College offered ;t farmers' reading course for several years, but the announcement has been removed from the college catalogue because of lack of interest on the partof the farmers. Three or four courses were provided, based upon individual needs. In Missouri an effort was made at the Stale University two or three years ago to organize reading courses in agriculture, but it met with insufficient cooperation. However, for the past two years the students in the short winter courses in agriculture and horticulture have organized reading courses, and these have stimulated interest after the students have left college. Through these organizations the University has been enabled to conduct cooperative experimental work. In Tennessee the institute officers take an exhibit illustrating some of the work of the experiment station. Part of this exhibit is a small collection of books called a "Model Farmer's Library." Farmers are asked to look over the books and are encouraged to order them. In Virginia the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute sends circulating libraries to a number of the colored public schools of the State. Each of these libraries contains two or three agricultural books. Back numbers of agricultural papers are distributed from the library of the institute to colored farmers. In Massachusetts catalogues of the best books on subjects connected with agriculture have been issued from time to time. Some }^ears ago an offer was made to the farmers to organize reading courses, but so few availed themselves of the opportunity that the matter was dropped. REFLECTIONS UPON THE READING COURSES. Two distinct ideas are represented in the reading courses outlined in the preceding pages. The older or Chautauqua-Pennsylvania idea is that of a definite, prescribed, self-limited, technical correspondence curriculum, the. completion of which is signalized by a certificate or diploma. The other, or Cornell idea, is that of a flexible, nonlimited, untechnical reading course in which there is no system of counts, and which does not lead to certificatory honors. The former is intensive: it is adapted to the few. The latter is elementary: it is adapted to the many. Each is incomplete. The ideal reading-course system is that which joins the two ideas. Its general work is to touch and awaken every farmer, particularly every poor farmer; it searches out the man who has small opportuni- ties. 'Its special work is to aid the few who are already successful; it accepts the man of fair or large opportunities. If the primary object of a reading course is a mission, the Cornell system would seem to be the better; if the object is technical education, the Pennsylvania or curriculum system is the better. But since the complete reading course is both a missionary and a schoolmaster, it is evident that the two systems should be conjoined. 22 A giveo amount of money will reach more persons in the elementary or Cornell system. If hinds are not at hand for the publication of Lessons, existing bulletins may be utilized, or the reader may be asked to luiy the Lesson, and the expense of it would be Less than the buying of books. The Lessons or the bulletins have more local and personal application than books do. There i-. or should he. Less. of detail in them. But every effort should be made to lead the reader into the Larger horizon of book reading. As fast a- persons arc ready for books, supply the lists and suggest graded courses. For those who go far enough in the reading and study of books a certificate or diploma may be provided: but this diploma should never carry with it an academic decree. Organization of the readers is a prime requisite. This is the expe- rience of every reading-course movement. The flame of interest is kept burning if there is more than one person to tend the tire. Small circles or clubs are relatively more effective than large one-. Twenty person- ; - perhaps an outside number for greatest efficiency. If a grange or other society takes the reading course, and its members are many, it is well to consider the dividing of the membership into two or more clubs or subcircles. Several small clubs in a community engender emulation. In a small circle every member takes a part in the discussions. The literature must be distributed promptly at the appointed time. This is particularly important if independent lessons are used, for the circle depends upon a lesson for new subject matter at the session. The reading matter should be promised for a definite time, and with- held until that time. The circle may devote as many sessions as it desires to each lesson. It is of the greatest importance that these reading courses avoid the discussion of question- of mere practice. They should teach the rea- sons why — the general or underlying truths. The superintendent of a reading course cannot know the local and personal conditions which underlie methods of practice, and the greater part of his energies would be dissipated if he attempted to discuss them. But the members of the circle- or club- should be encouraged to make applications for themselves of the principles under discussion. It is far better to eluci- date a very few underlying principles and to encourage the application and illustration of them on each farm than to cram the mind with any amount of mere information and advice. We often attempt to teach too much. A promise of a visit from some person officially connected with the reading course act- a- a powerful stimulus. Such visit should be regarded a- a premium on efficient work, not a- a matter of course. One visit each winter will be sufficient to keep up the interest, particu- larly if it is made rather late in the winter, when enthusiasm usually 23 begins to lag. The reading course La an excellenj supplement to the farmers' institute. The ideal Legacy of an institute is a reading course. ( me or two of the speakers might be delegated to organize Buch courses, and also to visit and inspect clubs or circles in the neighborhood. The questions which are Left over from the institute 4 may form the basis of discussions at the clubs, and the clubs may keep the spark of interest and inquiry alive until the next institute. Finally, it should be said again that the reading course must be pushed. It will not run itself, unless it runs into the ground. It is not enough to offer the people the privilege. The movement must be kept alive. It must be made attractive and useful. In justice, every farmers' read- ing course should be run by a person whose head and heart and hands are not full of college or experiment-station work; but in every case so far the fact has been just the reverse, and it will be some years yet, no doubt, before the movement reaches that influence and standing which call for specially trained men. The men who have labored with the reading-course movement are all doing full work without it. The}' take it up gladly and hopefully, without remuneration. This spirit is one of the distinguishing marks of the agricultural colleges and experi- ment stations, and it is one of the most hopeful things in our agri- cultural status. APPENDIX In order to still further exhibit the work and methods of the reading courses, representative documents used in various States have been selected and are presented herewith. Exhibit A. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Correspondence Courses in Agriculture. Chamberlain' 1 s " Tile Drainage" Lesson No. 1. tiie theory. The practice of removing surplus water from the land was practiced at a very early time, but not until comparatively recent times do we have records of anything like systematic drainage. The early drainage was undoubtedly for the improvement of sanitary conditions and for the removal of surface water. About one hundred years ago systematic drainage was attempted in England for the removal of both surface water and stagnant water within the soil. This met with success and general favor, and may be said to mark the beginning of modern drainage. While many good effects of drainage have been known for a long time, yet many important results were wholly overlooked by those who may well be called pioneers in modern drainage. That surplus water should be removed to make the soil mel- low, to make the soil warm, to make the soil fertile, to lengthen the season of culti- vation, to enable plants to better withstand drought, are some of the phases of drain- age that have been studied most in recent times. A superabundance of water in the soil is detrimental to plant growth for the follow- ing reasons: (1) It excludes air. (2) It absorbs heat. (3) It prevents chemical action from making the plant food available. (4) It delays cultivation. (5) It causes winterkilling or heaving of crops. (6) It increases the ill effects of drought. (1) A certain amount of water is necessary for the germination of seeds. Seeds in germination use or absorb oxygen and generate considerable heat. Soil from which the air is excluded can not furnish the necessary oxygen for germination. (See Plant Life on the Farm, p. 77.) Roots of plants need air. (See Tile Drainage, pp. 9, 10.) (2) A wet soil is a cold soil. The only means of warming a wet soil is by applying heat at the surface. This heat applied at the surface will evaporate water, which, in turn, is a cooling process. To remove surplus water by evaporation is not only a slow process, but uses up a vast amount of heat that should be utilized by growing crops. (See Tile Drainage, pp. 17, 18.) 25 26 (:->) In nearly all arable soils there is a large amount of plant Eood that can be made available by cultivation and the admission of heat and air. Through the agency of chemical action a considerable portion of tins plant food may be made available that otherwise would lie inert. (4) A superabundance of water necessarily shortens the period of cultivation. Soils can not be cultivated profitably while they are wet. The period of cultivation, then, can not extend through the season of drying. This frequently seriously inter- feres with the period of growth of ordinary crops. (5) Each year much damage is done throughout the country by winterkilling, or " heaving out," of wheat, clover, grass, etc. This can only take place when the soil contains a considerable amount of moisture. Dry soils do not heave. (See Tile Drainage, p. 22.) (6) Land that suffers from excessive moisture during a portion of the year usually suffers most through drought. Drainage not only prevents the ill effects of excessive moisture, but also modifies the ill effects of drought. (See Tile Drainage, p. 25.) In studying drainage, water may be studied under four heads: (1) Water flowing over the surface. (2) Hydrostatic water. (3) Water held by capillarity. (4) Hygroscopic water. (1) Flowing water, if in small quantity, should be removed by drainage after pass- ing slowly through the soil. Streams of water should not be allowed to How con- tinually over the soil, except in permanent water courses. (2) Hydrostatic water, or stagnant water, is that which is held in the soil by impervious subsoil, and naturally escapes by evaporation. This may be removed by drainage* if a proper outlet be provided. The surface of the stagnant water is spoken of as the w T ater table. When the soil has an impervious subsoil without artificial drainage the water table may be at or even above the surface of the soil, if the precipitation is greater than the evaporation. In time of drought the water table is lowered, but that does not fit the land for the growth of crops. Loam or clay soils, under these conditions, become too compact for plant growth. (See Tile Drainage, pp. 10, 11.) (3) Water held by capillarity is that held in a porous soil by virtue of the power of water to raise itself in small tubes. This action is very similar to the rise of water in a sponge, blotting paper, or oil in a lampwick. The amount of water held in this manner is not detrimental to plant growth, and would not be removed by drainage. (See Tile Drainage, pp. 9, 10.) It has been found by actual trial that ordinary arable soils have the power of absorbing by capillarity from 35 to 70 per cent of their weight of water. It is also well known that thoroughly drained soils have much greater capacity for holding capillary water than those that are undrained. (See Tile Drainage, p. 25.) The average of a large number of tests of drained and undrained soils shows that drained soils will hold about 12 per cent more water by capillarity. Ordinary soils weigh from 3,000,000 to 4,500,000 pounds per acre for the first foot. Bearing" in mind that 1 inch of rainfall weighs about 113 tons per acre, some idea of the vast amount of water stored in the soil by capillarity for the use of the plant may be obtained. The question of supplying water for growing crops is each year receiving more attention than ever before. (4) Hygroscopic; water is water absorbed by fine, dry soil from the atmosphere. The moist condition of the dust in the road, or a fine, fallow field in the morning, is due to this moisture. Plants may use water so absorbed from the atmosphere. ■21 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE C0LLEG1 CORRESPONDENCE C0UBSK8 i\ A.GRICULTURE. "Tile Drainage" Question Paper No. I. students will discuss freely the following topics, nol confining themselves to the lesson, but use information gained from other sources. Write freely on the questions as topics for discussion rather than questions to be answered briefly. All answers \<> be written without direct aid of the hook or the lesson. Send answers to the superintendent as soon as completed, when other lessons will bo forwarded. In no case will a succeeding lesson be sent until the questions of tl it- previous lesson are answered. (1) Discuss the history and development of drainage. (2) Explain how the removal of surplus water tends to make the soil mellow. (3) What effect does the removal of the water have on the temperature of the soil ? Discuss fully. (4) In what way does the removal of w r ater by drainage furnish growing crops with water in time of drought? (5) How may drainage increase the fertility ? (6) In what way is an excess of moisture injurious to germination ? (7) Compare hydrostatic water with that held by capillarity. (8) Of what use is hygroscopic water? (9) Of flowing, hydrostatic, hygroscopic water, or water of capillarity, which is of the greatest importance to field crops ? (10) How may drainage lessen the ill effects of winterkilling of wheat, clover, grasses, etc.? Exhibit B. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. The Chautauqua Course op Home Study ix Agriculture. Miles' " Stock Breeding " Lesson No. 2. — Heredity. The ability of parents to transmit to their offspring the characteristics of the parents has for a long time been generally admitted. Although there are many exceptions to this law, yet facts show that it is not only constant in its action but extends to every feature of the organization. Within certain limits the progeny always resemble their parents. If this were not so there would be no constancy of species, and stock breeders would have no assurance that the progeny would be adapted to the same uses as their parents. The young of the sheep might more nearly resemble the dog than its parents, the pig resemble the lamb, etc. That the young always resemble their parents, within certain limits, is evident to everyone, and we need only to recall familiar illustrations to remind us that in cer- tain classes or breeds the close resemblance of the progeny to the parents is very marked. Almost any species of wild animal will nicely illustrate this point. Their characteristics are well fixed and change slowly with changed conditions. The dis- tinguishing characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring. While the early breeders used the old adage "like produces like," modern breeders use the word heredity to mean essentially the same thing. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 11, 12.) The law of transmission or heredity is by far the most important law recognized by stock breeders, and its importance is more likely to be underestimated than to have 28 too greal importance placed upon it. Practical breeders depend upon this law more than any other, and probably more than all others, for the improvement of their flocks and herds. The best animals of the besl breeds are used for breeding purposes, however these may have acquired their special excellence. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 1:5-18.) Any character, whether good or bad, possessed by an animal, may be transmitted to its descendants wholly or in part. Not only may those characters inherited from ancestors be transmitted, but those developing with the individual through a change oi food, climate, habit, or other causes may influence the progeny. (See Stock Breed- ing, pp. 11. 22, 23.) Ancestral characters are more likely to be transmitted than those acquired by the animal due to laws of variation or unusual conditions. (See Stock Breeding, Chap. II.) Traits and acquired characters may be transmitted with a fair degree of certainty. Illustrations of this kind are familiar to nearly everyone. The training horses to trot, dogs trained to hunt a particular kind of game, the increased disposi- tion of cocks to fight are illustrations of this kind. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 14, 15, 59.) Mutilations are rarely transmitted, but with more frequency when the mutilated part becomes diseased. Docking lambs and cutting off the tails of pigs for many generations has not produced tailless or short-tailed breeds. However, many authen- tic cases are on record where blemishes or defects caused by mutilation have been transmitted. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 58, 60, 61.) Certain diseases become hereditary and present characteristics that may be sum- marized as follows: (1) They are transmitted by the male as well as the female parent, and are doubly severe in the offspring if both parents are affected by the same disease. (2) They may be developed in immediate progeny and in subsequent generations as well. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 32, 71.) (3) They may not appear in the same form in each generation, but in analogous diseases. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 25, 26.) (4) Hereditary diseases appear to a certain extent to be independent of external conditions and the causes that tend to produce nonhereditary diseases. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 26, 27.) (5) They develop most readily at critical periods of life and under circumstances conducive to impaired health or when the vital powers are unusually low. (See Stock Breeding, pp. 23, 26.) (6) As a rule they are less effectually treated by ordinary remedies than other diseases. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Chautauqua Course of Home Study in Agriculture. " Stock Breeding," Question Paper No. Students will discuss freely the following topics, not confining themselves to the lesson sheet, but use information gained from other sources. Write freely on the ques- tions as topics for discussion rather than questions to be answered briefly. Send answers to the superintendent as soon as completed, when other lesson sheets will be forwarded. In no case will a succeeding lesson sheet be sent until the ques- tions of the previous lesson are answered. (1) Explain how constancy of species depends on heredity. 2 Why is the law of heredity of more importance to the stock breeder than other laws? 29 (3) (Jive illustrations of acquired characters that have Keen transmitted, and dis- cuss the way in which this change has been brought about. (4) Discuss fully the law governing the transmission of mutilations. Give illustrations. Why do certain diseases tend to become hereditary more than others? (6) Explain why hereditary diseases develop most readily at critical periods of life. 7 How may characters produced l.y food he transmitted ? Give illustrations. (8) Give illustrations of heredity appearing In succeeding generations in analo- gous diseases. Explain why ancestral characters are more likely to be transmitted than acquired characters. Exhibit C. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Correspondence Courses in Agriculture. Ormsbee's " The House Comfortable" Question Paper No. 3. Students will discuss freely the following topics, not confining themselves to the lessons, but use information gained from other sources. Write freely on the questions as topics for discussion rather than questions to be answered briefly. All answers to be written without direct aid of the book or the lesson. Send answers to the superintendent as soon as completed, when other lessons will be forwarded. In no case wdll a succeeding lesson be sent until the questions of the previous lessons are answered. (1) Give size of convenient kitchen for farmhouse. Discuss advantages and dis- advantages. (2) If the floor is painted, give a good preparation to use, and describe method of applying. (3) How can dishwashing be made easiest ? If the dishes are drained by any device for the purpose, give a plan of the drainer and describe subsequent treatment. (4) Give the best method of keeping the kitchen range black and clean. (5) How would you have the walls and ceiling of your kitchen finished, if you could choose ? Give reasons. (6) What schemes have you for making the work of your kitchen easier? (7) How do you keep your kitchen free from flies in summer? (8) Discuss means for removing the odor from cooking from the kitchen. Exhibit D. CORNELL READING COURSE FOR FARMERS. Reading Lesson No. 1, November, 1898, bv L. H. Bailey. The Soil: What it is. 1. The basis of soil is fragments of rock. — As the earth cooled, the surface solidified into rock. The processes of nature have been constantly at work in breaking up this rock and making it into soil. 2. Weathering is the great agency in making rocks into soil. — Rain, snow, ice, frost have worn away the mountains and deposited the fragments as soil. Probably as much 30 material has been worn away from the Alps as still remains, and this material now forms much of the soil of Italy, < rermany, Prance, and Holland. Ourown mountains and hills have worn away in like manner. :;. Weathering is stUl active. — All exposed rocks are wearing away. Stones are grow- ing smaller. The soil is pulverized by fall plowing. 4. The particles of soil "/•< worn J ( angethe b. — The reader will say that nature does not practice tile-drain- Perhapsnot; but thenahe has more kinds of crops to grow than the farmer has, and if she can not raise oaks on a certain piece of land she can put in water lilies. We shall have an entire less. >n dev< >ted to drainage and tillage, and also one to manures and fertilizers. It is for the present to say that the roots which are left in and after the crop is harvested are very valuable in improving the soil. This icularly true if they are tap roots — if they run deep into the soil. Clover - holes into the soil, letting in air. draining it. warming it. and bringing up its plant food. Roberts reports v Fertility of the Land. p. 345 that a second growth of clover, two years fr - gave a yield of air-dried I 417 ponn and of air-dried roots _ - pounds in the first 8 inches of Boil Add to this latter figure the weight of roots below S inches and the stubble and waste, and it is seen that the amount of herbage left on the clover field is not greatly less than that taken off. In this instance the roots contained a greater percentage of nitrogen and phosphoric acid than the tope, and about the same percentage of potash. Make an estimate of what proportion of the plant growth you raise is actually taken off the field. Figure up, as accurately as you can. the part left in stubble, leaves, and refuse. Even of maize, you do not remove all from the field. This calculation will bring up the whole question of the kind of root system which each sort of plant has. Have you ever ma - examination of the roots of potatoes, maize, wheat, clover, cabbages, buckwheat, strawberries. Canada thistles, or other crops? From what part of the soil do these plants secure their nourish- ment? What power have they of going deep for water? What proportion of them ■:? Because the roots are hidden, we have neglected to examine them. 10. Tht soil is or available slowly. — Roberts s mpiled the analyses of 49 representative s oils made by American chemists the following is the result: "The tables reveal the fact that even the poorer soils have an abundance of plant food for several crops, while the richer soils in tome - - have sufficient for 200 to 300 crops of wheat or maize. The average of 34 analyses gives to each acre of land. S inches deep. 3.217 pounds of nitrogen. 3.936 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 17.597 pounds of potash, and this does not include that which is contained in the stones, gravel, and sand of the soil which will not pass through meshes of one-fiftieth of an inch, which, by weathering and tillage, slowly give up their valuable constituents." Roberts, Fertility of the Land, p. 16. | Fortunately, this great store of plant food is locked up. else it would have leached from the soil or have been used up long ago. By careful husbandry a little of it is made usable year by year, and the better the management of the land the more of this is available to the plant. When the farmer has done his best to get out of the land all that it will give him. then he may add fertilizers for larger results. Plant food is available when it is in such condition that the plant can use it. It must be both soluble and in such chemical form that the plant likes it. Plant food which is not soluble in rain water may still be soluble in soil water | which contains - Lerived from the humus > , and the acid excretions from the roots may render it soluble. But solubility is not necessarily availability, for, a- we have said, the mate- rials must be in such combination that the plant will take them. Thus, nitrate of soda (NaNQg is available because it is both soluble and in the form in which the plant wants it. But nitrite of soda >~a>~0_ is not available, although it is soluble — the plant does not like nitrites. 11. A • mat probably be in (he form most _ :i is abundant. It is approximately four-fifths of the atmosphere and it is an important content of every plant and animal: yet. it is the element which is lifficult t<> secure and to keep and the I - - to buy. Thi~ - the greater part of it is not in a form to be available and because, when it is available, 33 it tends t«> leach from the soil. It is available when it is in the form of a nitrate one pari of nitrogen, three parts of oxygen, united with, one part of some other ele- ment (NaNOj, nitrate of soda; KX<>.. nitrate of potash or saltpeter; Il\<>. nitric acid, etc.) . The process wn examination and are not to be made public. We should be glad of any comments on these lessons. It is hoped that readers will form themselves into little clubs, to meet once or twice a month, to discuss the problems raised by the lessons. Those who answer the questions will receive future lessons. Have you ever observed the influence of weather upon soft, slaty rock jutting out on embankments and railroad cuts? Have you ever taken a glass of muddy water from a flowing stream and allowed it to stand until the sediment had settled? What is this sediment? Imagine a branch of this stream bringing rotted slate rock and another bringing fine sand. When mixed in the main stream and deposited on some bar or over- flowed field, what kind of soil would the mixture make? What is inorganic matter? What is organic matter? 8087— No. 72 3 34 Why are soils from which a thrifty forest growth has been removed capable at once of producing good farm crops? Have you ever .observed lichen (sometimes called "moss") growing on bare rock or on a tombstone? If any great amount of lichen should become mixed with the disintegrated rock, would it be humus and form a weak soil that might produce an order of plants a little larger and stronger than lichen ? As the higher order of plant- come in and die down and mix with the soil, would the process increase the productive power of the -oil? In instances in which soil has been removed by grading, could a new soil be well made by adding commercial fertilizer alone? What would you apply first to such land'? If humus in soil under cultivation is perishable, ought it not to be the farmer's first care to keep g 1 the quantity first found in the virgin soil? In addition to the humus returned to the soil in manure, from forage fed to stock. and by plowing under stubble and roots, do you think it a good plan to sow some cover crop in corn rows at last cultivation, and on oat and wheat stubble as soon as the crop is off, for plowing under the following spring ? What are good crops for this purpose? Which of these are leguminous plants? Name all the kinds of leguminous plants you know. Why is it advised to plow under the green crops as soon as the land can be worked in the spring? Do you think a rotation of crops helps the soil to bear the strain of successive cropping? If so, why? Are you aware that plant food exists in the soil in both available and unavailable forms, and that when plants have used up most of the available part we call the soil worn out ? Is it true that your soil is capable of being made an active laboratory in which changes will take place and some of this unavailable plant food be made usable ? Are you aware that when the texture of your soil is poor, or, in other words, when your laboratory is out of order, the best commercial fertilizers or stable manures will not give the best results ? Do you know that heat and air are important agencies in the changes going on in the soil, as they also are in the changes in a barrel of cider or in the yeast in a pan of dough ? Does standing water on soil have a detrimental or beneficial effect on the heat and air? Why? How can you make the soil laboratory do the best work? Name, ; post-office, . Exhibit F. Application for //>< mbersnip [Michigan) . , 189— . I hereby state that my desire is to be enrolled as a member of the Farm Home Reading Circle of the Michigan Agricultural College. < Occupation, . Age, ; sex, . < ftass or classes selected. . Remarks, . Name in full. : post-office, : county. ; State. 35 No membership fee to residents of Michigan. Nonresident fee, $1. If you do not already receive the bulletins issued by the Michigan Experimenl station, and desire to receive them, please till oul the blank below. Please place my nafne <>u the bulletin mailing list. Name in full, ; post-office, ; county, ; State, . [Si/e of slip, (5 by 4 1 , inches. Janes on the back for filing entries.] Exhibit G. Postal-curd acknoioledgment. Agricultural College, Mich., , 189- M- Your application for membership in the Farm Home Reading Circle has been received and accepted. You are hereby notified that you have been enrolled as a member, and we shall endeavor to make our future relationship mutually pleasant and profitable. Yery respectfully. Secretary of the Farm Home Heading Circle. Exhibit H. Membership card. 189—. This is to certify that is a member of the Farm Home Reading Circle, Michigan Agricultural College, and has completed . Signed : President of the College. Secretary F. H R. < '. [Size, 5| by 3 h inches. ] Exhibit I. Order for books (Michigan) 189- To the Secretary of the Farm Home Reading Circle, Agricultural College, MicJdgan: Inclosed please find for the following books: Name in full, ; post-office, ; county, ; State, Extra blanks furnished upon application to the secretary. Cash must accompany order. [Size, 6 by 4^ inches. Space on the back for filing entries.] M. 36 Exhibit J. Portal-card acknowledgment of book order. Agricultural College, Mich., , f#y — . Yniii' favor inclosing for books is at hand and will receive our prompt attention. h sometimes happens that we are out of the books.ordered by members of the Farm II <.ni«' Reading Circle. In such cases we order direct from the publishers, and mem- bers do not receive their hooks as quickly as they otherwise would. Very respectfully, Secretary Farm Home Reading Circle, Agricultural College, Mich. Exhibit K. Michigan diploma. STATE OP MICHIGAN, FARM HOME READING CIRCLE DIPLOMA. Know all men by these presents: That is a member of the Farm Home Reading Circle of the Michigan Agricultural College and that he is entitled to this diploma, having completed a c< >iu 'se of reading prescribed by the secretary of the Farm Home Reading Circle under the direction of the State board of agriculture, and satisfactorily sustained the examinations. President Michigan Agricultural Collegi Secretary Farm Home Reading Circle. Agricultural College, , 189 — . [Size, 8 by 10 inches, with ample margin. It has an underprint, in green scroll, " .Michigan Agricultural College."] UNIV ERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08927 7726 II