/ R/m2- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Division of Farm Population and Rural Life PUBLICATIONS Relating to FARM POPULATION AND RURAL LIFE Issued at the Various State Colleges of Agriculture Washington, D. C. Dec. 1, 1932 r This list of publications includes research bulletins published by the State Experiment Stations and some bulletins pub- lished by the Extension Service of the various State Colleges of Agriculture. The list is issued for the purpose of showing. the chrono- logical development of the subject of rural sociology in research and extension rather than for the purpose of helping to distribute bulletins published at the various colleges. In fact, many of the bulletins are not avail- able at all, having been exhausted for some length of time. The teachers of rural so- ciology will be able better to develop their own projects of research and extension by careful perusal of the development of studies at these colleges of agriculture. The star is placed in the margin op- posite studies which have been made in coop- eration with the Division of Farm Population and Rural Life of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. ALABAMA Mimeograph "...--, • -. ':-.' .... ' ' ..''.'" * Living Conditions and the Cost of Living in Farm Hones of Selected Areas of Alabama. July, 1924 * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Homes of Alabama.. March, 1926 * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Homes of Alabama. August, 1926 ARKANSAS Farm Standards of Living in Faulkner County, Arkansas Bui. 279, Arkansas Experiment Station (in -press) CALIFORNIA ■ : ., A Study of Farm Labor in California. Cir. 193, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Univ. of California, March, 1918 How California is Helping People Own Farms and Rural Homes Cir. 221, Agric. Exp. S ta. , Univ. of California, August, 1920 Colonization and Rural Development in California Cir. 247, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of California, June, 1922. COLORADO Children Working on Farms in Certain Sections of Northern Colorado Bui. Series 27, No. 2, Colo. Agric. College-, November, 1926 * Successful Farm Families of Colorado Bui. Series 26, No. 3, Colo. Agric. College, April, 1927 CONNECTICUT The Rural Church Jul. 54, Ext. Ser., Conn. Agric. College The Country Theater "-.•■" Bui. 80, Ext.- Ser,, Conn. Agric. College * Social Participation in a Rural New England Town; Bur. of Publ. Teachers College, Columbia Univ. , 1927 The Genesis to Farming Occupations in Connecticut Bui. 161, Storrs Agric. Exp. Sta., 1929 . Mimeograph • Family Case Analyses, Vols. 1 to 5 . Conn. Agric. College, 1928-1932 Rural Community Analyses, Vols. 1 to 4 Conn. Agric. College, 1928-1931 - 2 - * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Hone6 of Lebanon Town, New London County, Connecticut. May, 1925 ILLINOIS Dramatics for Farm Folks Cir. 373, Agric Ext. Ser. , Univ. of Illinois Organizing for Rural Home Talent Tournaments Cir. 376, Agric. Ext. Ser., Univ. of Illinois Local Unit Organization Among Farm People Special Mimeographed Cir. Agric. Ext. Ser., Univ. of Illinois An Inventory of Local Groups in which Farm People Participate College of Agric, Univ. of Illinois (in press) The Nature of Local Group Organization among Farm People in Illinois College of Agric, Univ. of Illinois (in press) Social Forces Affecting Rural Organization in Illinois College of Agric, Univ. of Illinois (in press) Mimeograph Opinions of 433 Farm People as to the Desirability of Local Organization Among Farm People. College of Agric, Univ. of Illinois The Nature of Local Organization Among Farm People College of Agric, Univ. of Illinois INDIANA Giving the Tenant a Chance Bui. 134, Ext. s er., Purdue Univ., June, 1S25 IOWA Rural Social Survey of Orange Township, Blackhawk Count y Bul. 184, Agric Exp. Sta. , Iowa State College, December, 1918 A Rural Social Survey of Lone Tree Township, Clay County Bui. 193, Agric Exp. Sta., Iowa State College, March, 1920 * The Social Aspects of Rural Life and Farm Tenantry, Cedar County, Iowa Bui. 217, Exp. Sta., August, 1923 Rural Social Survey of Hudson, Orange and Jesup Consolidated School Districts, Black Hawk and Buchanan Counties Bui. 224, Agric Exp. Sta., Iowa State College, November, 1924 - 3 - * Cost of Living on Iowa Farms Bui. 237, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Iowa State College, June, 1926 * Standard of Living on Iowa Farms Bui. 238, Agric. Exp, Sta., Iowa State College, June, 1926 * The Population of Io^a - Its Composition and Changes Bui. 275, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Iowa State College, November, 1930 Value of Family Living on Iowa Farms Bui. 281, Agric. Exp. Sta., Iowa State College, June, 1931 Better Meetings Bui. 178, Ext. Ser. , Iowa State College, September, 1931 How to Obtain Books Bui. 180, Ext. S er . ( i owa state College, January, 1932 Program Helps - A Service for Community Programs Special Bui., Iowa State College, August, 1932 Mimeograph * Cost of Living in Farm Homes in Several Areas ef Iowa. April, 1924 Iowa's First Century - A Study of Trends Cir. CD-19, Iowa State College, January, 1932 One-Act Plays - A Selected List Cir. CD- 20, Iowa State College, August, 1932 An All-College Rural Life Lay Program Cir. CD-32, Iowa State College, April, 1932 The Iowa Extension Program in Rural Sociology Cir. CD-33, Iowa State College, April, 1932 The Year 2000? - A Challenge Cir. CD-38, Iowa State College, May, 1932 A Balance Sheet of Country Life Cir. CD-47, Iowa State College, July, 1932 The Iowa Farm Bureau Adult Chorus Cir. CD-49, Iowa State College, August, 1932 Adventures in Cooperation Cir. CD-53, Iowa State College, September, 1932 Living While We Work - Using 24 Hours Cir. CD- 54, Iowa State College, September, 1932 The Preliminary Report of the Cultural Arts in Rural America Cir. CD-56, Iowa State College, 3ctober, 1932 - 4 - KANSAS Mimeograph * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Homes of Selected Localities of Kansas. August, 1925 KENTUCKY * Cost of Living and Population Trends in Laurel County, Kentucky Bui. 301, Agjbic. Exp. Sta. , Univ. of Kentucky, March, 193G Social and Economic Effects of Land Speculation on Farm Families in Central Kentucky Bui. 300, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Kentucky, March, 1930 A System of Scoring Kentucky Rural Communities • Ext. Cir. 188, College nf Agric, Univ. of Kentucky, April, 1930 The Standard of Living of Farm Families in G-rayscn County, Kentucky Bui. 316, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Kentucky, June, 1931 Mimeograph * Cost of Living in Farm Homes, Mason County, Kentucky, January, 1924 * Cost of Living in Farm Homes in Several Areas of Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. March, 1924 * The Cost of Living Among Colored Farm Families of Selected Localities of Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. January, 1925 Louisiana * Some Factors in Town and Country Relationships Bui. (R e search) Tulane Univ. of Louisiana, September, 1922 * Examples of Community Enterprises in Louisiana Bui. (Research) 3, Tulane Univ. of Louisiana, October, 1923 MARYLAND Mimeograph * What Farmers Say About Marketing Eastern Shore Potatoes and what Farmers Suggest for Better Marketing. November, 1928 ■ MASSACHUSETTS The Town Common Bui. 7, Ext. Ser., Mass. Agric. College, June, 191b Mobilizing the Rural Community Bui. 23, Ext. Ser., Mass. Agrrc. College, September, 1918 - 5 Part-time Farming; in Massachusetts ...-.-.• Bui. 266, Mass. State Co liege Mimeograph * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Homes of Selected Localities of Massachusetts. November, 1925 MICHIGAN The Rural Cemetery Special Bui. 175, Mich. State College * A Study of Town-Country Relationships-. •• Special Bui. 181, Agric. Exp. Sta'. , Mich. State College, October, 1928 Public Health and Educational Services in Michigan Special Bui. 207, Agric. Exp. Sta., Mich. State College, January, 1931 Services of Institutions- and Organizations in Town-Country Communities Special Bui. 208, Agric. Exp. Sta., Mich. State College, February, 1931 Activities of Churches in Torn-Country ■ Communities' Special Bui. 226, Agric' Exp. Sta. , Mich. State College, August, 1932 MINNESOTA Making a Living on a Timber. Farm Special Bui. 65, Ext . .JSer. , Univ. of Minn. , .November, 1922.'- A Study of Dairy Farm Organization in Southeastern Minnesota Tech. Bui. 44,.Univ-. of Minn. , November, 1926 * The Marketing Attitudes of Minnesota Farmers Tech. Bui. 45, Univ. of Minn. , December, 1926 Family Living on Successful Minnesota Farms Bui. 240, Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta., November, 1927 * Services of Rural Trade Centers in Distribution of Farm Supplies Bui. 249, Univ. of Minn., October, 1923 Factors Affecting Expenditures of Farm Family Incomes in Minnesota Bui. 243, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Minn. , July, 1928 Incomes and Expenditures of Village and Farm Families in Minnesota Bui. 253, Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. , March, 1929 Incomes and Expenditures of Minnesota Farm and City Families Bui. 255, Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta., June, 1929 - 6 Farm Trade Centers in Minnesota, 1905-29 Bui. 269, Minn. Agric. Exp. s ta. , September, 1930 Relationship of the Farm Hone to the Farm Business Bui. 279, Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta., July, 1931 ** • . . Growth and Decline of Farm Trade Centers in Minnesota, 1905-1930 Bui. 287, Minn. Agric. Exp. s ta. , July, 1932 Mimeograph * Family Living in 25 Farm Hones of Asi:ov, Pine County, Minnesota, for the Year Ending December 31, 1925. June, 1927 • MISSOURI . * Rural Population Groups Res. Bui. 74, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Mo., March, 1925 * Community Relations of Rural Young People Res. Bui. 110, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Mo., October, 1927 * Contacts in a Rural Community •■ Res.- Bui. 125, Agric. Exp. Sta. ,. Univ. of Mo. , .August , 1929 Community Organization in Missouri Cir. 209, Agric. Ext. Ser. , Univ. of Mo. , September, 1929 * Social, Economic and HomemalriLng Factors in Farm Living Res. Bui. 148, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Mo., July, 1930 The Analysis of Social Data Res. Bui. 155, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Mo., July, 1931 Rural Community Trends Res. Bui. 161, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Mo., October, 1931 Mimeograph * Living Conditions and the Cost of Living in Farm Eones of Selected Localities of Missouri'. November, 1924 ; MONTANA * A Social Study in Ravalli County, Montana Bui. 160, Univ. of Mont. Agric. Exp. Sta., September, 1923 * The County Library in Montana Bui. 219, Univ. *f Mont. Agric. Exp. Sta. , • January , 1929 * Rural Community Halls in Montana Bui. 221, Univ. of Mont. Agric. Exp. Sta. , January, 1929 7 - * The Sural Community Club in Montana Bui. 224, Univ. of Mont. Agric. Exp. Sta. , January, 1930 * Rural Contributions to Urban Leadership in Montana Bui. 262, Mont. State College, Agric. Exp. Sta., May, 1932 NEBRASKA * Reading Matter in Nebraska Earn Hones Bui. 180, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., June, 1922 * The Nebraska Farm Family Bui. 135, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., February, 1923 * Nebraska Farm Hones Bui. 191, A:;ric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., May, 1923 * Nebraska Farm Tenancy - Bui. 196, Agric. Exp. s t a . , Univ. of Neb., October, 1923 * Landlords of Nebraska Farms Bui. 202, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Univ. of Ne". November, 1924 * Tenure and Farm Investment, in Nebraska Bui. 205, Agric. Exp. s ta. , Univ. of Neb., February, 1925 * Steps to Nebraska Farm Ownership Bui. 210, Agric. Exp''. Sta., Univ. of Neb., February, 1926 * Cost of Feeding the Nebraska Farm Family Bui. 219, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., June, 1927 The Use of Time in Farm Homes Bui. 230, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., December, 1928 * Cost of Clothing the Nebraska 'Farm Family Bui. 248, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., August, 1930 * Housing and House Operation Costs en Nebraska. Farms Bui. 264, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., November, 193l' * A Summary of the Standard of Living en Nebraska Farms Bui. 267, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Neb., January, 1932 Mimeograph * A Thousand Nebraska Farn Families and their Homes in Ten Survey Areas January, 1924 * Reading Matter in Nebraska Farm Homes. February, 1924 - 8 NEW HAMPSHIRE Nate Ridge, The Problem of a Typical Back-Town Community Cir. 68, Ext. Ser. , Univ. "of Her Hampshire, April, 1927 Mimeograph * Living Conditions and Family living in Farm Homes of Merrimack County, New Hampshire, April, 1926 NEW YORE * The Standard of Life in a Typical Section of Diversified Farming Bui. 423, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Cornell Univ., July, 1923 * Social Areas of Otsego County Bui. 422, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., July, 1923 The Movement of Farm Population Bui. 426, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., March, 1924 The Cost of Living in a Small Factory Town Bui. 431, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., September, 1924 A Population Study of Three Townships in Cortland County, New York Memoir 111, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Cornell Univ., March, 1928 A Survey of Sickness in Rural Areas in Cortland County, New York Memoir 112, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., March, 1928 * Rural Population of New York, 1855 to 1925 Memoir 116, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., June, 1928 Sizes of Purchasing Centers of New York Farm Families Bui. 472, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., November, 1928 The Relationship Between Roads and Agriculture in New York Bui. 479, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., May, 1929 A Comparison of the Cost of Maintenance of Large and of Small County Boards in the United States Bui. 484, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., June, 1929 Rural Population, Tompkins and Schuyler Counties, New York, 1925 Bui. 487, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., June, 1929 * Village Service Agencies, New York, 1925 Bui. 493, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., August, 1929 Social Relationships of Slaterville Springs - Brooktondale Area, Tompkins County, New York Bui. 501, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., March, 1930 - 9 - An Economic Study of Food Consumed "by Fam and Village Families in Central New York Bui. 502, Agric. Exp. s ta. , Cornell Univ., April, 1930 A Partial Sociological Study of Drydcn, New York, with Special Emphasis on its Historical Development Bui. 504, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., May, 1930 The Money Income of Farm Boys in a Southern Ecw York Dairy Region Bui. 512, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ. , September, 1930 The Family Finances of 195 Farm Families in Tompkins County, New York, 1927-28 Bui. 522, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ. , May, 1931 The Sociology of a Village and the Surrounding Territory Bui. 523, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., May, 1931 The Communities of Schuyler County, New York, 1927 Bui. 524, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., June, 1931 * The-. Social- and Economic Areas of Yates County, New York Bui. 529, Agric. Exp. Sta., Cornell Univ., October, 1931 The Country Theater Farm Reading course Lesson 153, January, 1920 Improving the School-Building Facilities of One-and-Two Teacher Districts, .Through Measurement " * Cornell Univ. Ext. Bui. 52, June, 1922 Play Production for the Country Theater Cornell Univ. Bui. 82, April, 1924 (Revised- October , 1930) Rural Health Cornell Ext. Bui. 187, November, 1929 The Library of the Open Road Cornell ExU Bui. 188, November, 1929 The Behavior of Children and Adults - A Course for Parents and Teachers Cornell Ext. Bui. 218, December, 1931 Mimeograph * Living Conditions and Family Living in Farm Homes of Schoharie County, New York. May, 1925 The Sociology of the Family Cornell Exp. Sta., December, 1929 - 10 - NORTH C.iiOLi:-.'. * Rural Organizations Bui. 245, IT. Car. Agric. Exp. Sta. conducted jointly "by the State Dept. of Agric. and the N. Car. State College of Agric. Engineering, August, 1922 Living Conditions Among White Land- Owner Operators in Wake County 3ul. 258, Agric. Exp. Sta., IT. Car. State Coll. of Agric. , June, 1928 Farm Family Living Among White Ovner and Tenant Operators in Wake County, ITorth Carolina Bui. 269, Agric. Exd. Sta., N. Car. State Coll. of Agric, September, 1929 Factors Influencing Living Conditions of White Owner and Tenant Farmers in Wake County Tech. Bui. 37, Agric. Exp. Sta., IT. C a r. State College of Agric, March, 1930 Migration of Sons and Daughters of White Farmers in Wake County, 1929 Bui. 275, Agric. Exp. Sta., IT. Car. State Coll. of Agric, June, 1930 * Economic and Social Conditions of ITorth Carolina Farmers IT. Car. Coll. for Women, IT. Car. State Coll. of Agric. and Eng. , Univ. of IT. Car. ITORTH DAKOTA * Cash and Share Renting of Farms Bui. 171, Agric. Exp. Sta., N. Dak. Agric. College, February, 1924 Rural Changes in Western ITorth Dakota Bui. 214, Agric Exp. Sta., N. Dak. Agric. College, June, 1928 * Social Organizations and Agencies in ITorth Da2-cota Bui. 221, Agric Exp. Sta., IT. Dak. Agric. College, August, 1928 * Rural Community Clubs in ITorth Dakota Bui. 251, Agric. Exp. Sta., IT. Dak. Agric. College, August, 1931 Community Clubs - Factors Essential for Success Cir. 107, Agric. Ext. Ser. , IT. Dale. Agric. College, October, 1931 Mimeograph * Annual Family Living in Selected Farm Homes of North Dakota. August, 1928 - 11 - OHIO . Farmers' Clubs in Ohio Agric. Ext. Ser. , Univ. of Ohio, 1917 Some Rural Social Agencies in Ohio A;ric. Ext. Ser., Univ. of Ohio, 1922 * Some Town-Country Relations in Union County Bui. Sociology Series No.. 1. Ohio State Univ., June, 1924.. * The Social and Economic Relations of the Farmers with the Towns in Picl'away County Ohio Bur. Business Res. Monograph No. 9, Ohio State Univ., June, 1927 * The Rural Health Facilities ef Ross Count--, Ohio Bui. 412, Ohio A-;ric. Exo. ,Sta. , October, 1927 The Movement of Open Country population Bui. 457, Ohio Agric, Exp. Sta. , Univ. of Ohio, November, 1930 Family Living Expenditures on Ohio. Far is Bui. 468, Ohio A Tic. Exp. Sta., November, 1930 The Movement of Open Country Population in Ohio Bui. 489, Ohio A^ric. Exo. Sta., September , 1931 Mimeograph • ... * Sources and Uses of Income Among 300 Farm Families of Vinton, Jaclrson, and Meigs Counties, Ohio, 1925. May, 1928. Movement of Open Country Population in Two Townships of Northeastern Ohio Rur.,1 Sociology Mimeograph No. 3. January, 1928. Movement of Open Country Population in Three Townships of Southeastern Ohio Rural Sociology Mimeograph No. 5. January, 1929. * Farm Family Participation in Lodges, Grange, Farm 3ureau, 4-H Clubs, School and Church. November, 1930. * Farm Equipment for Communication and' Household Conveniences as Found en 610 Ohio Farms, Madissn and Union Counties, Ohio, January, 1931. The Acequacy of Farm Standards of Living Ohio State Univ., March, 1931. Some Relationships of the Variable Cash Expenditures for Farm Family Living Ohio State Univ., April, 1931. * The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation from the Farmers' Viewpoint ADril,1931 Sone Trends is Rural Social Organization in Jour Ohio Courtie6. Ohio State Univ., December, 1931 OKLAECUA The Relations of Economic, Social and Educational Advancenent of Earners to their Membership in Organizations Bui. 185, Okla. Agric Ebcp* S^ a . , ihffie, 1929 The Scononic and bocial Aspects of Mobility 01 Oklahoma Farmers Bui. 195, (tela. Agric. Bxp, Ha. , August, 192j * Relation of Town and Country Interests in 3-arfield County, Oklahoma Sol. 194, Okla. Agric. & Mecli. Collage, January, 1930 Some Social Aspects of the Problems of Rural Health in Oklahoma Cir. 78, Okla. Agric. "Exp. Sta. , September, 1931 Farm Tenancy in Oklahoma, 1930 Series 49, Vol. 5, Ho. 5, Okla. Agric. Exp. Sta., October, 1932 P3HFSYLVAHIA Effective Leadership for the Local Club Program Cir. 114, Pa. State College March-, 1923 A Study of the Business Practices of Farmers' Local Cooperative Purchasing Associations in Pennsylvania 3ul. 242, Pa. State College, Juno, 1929 Membership Problems in a Milk-Herketing Organization Bui. 256, Pa. State College, Hay, 1930 Membership Problems in Farmers' Cooperative Purchasing Associations Bui. 268, Pa. Soate College, July, 1931 * Organizations Affecting Farm Youth in Locust Tomship, Columbia County, Pennsylvania Bui. 265, Pa. State College, June, 1931 • SOUTH CAROLINA Organized Agriculture through Rural Communities Cir. 72, Clemson Agric. College, October, 1925 Community Cotton Improvement Cir.; 82, Clemson Agric. College, November, 1S26 The Use of Leisure in Selected Sural Areas of South Carolina Bui. 263. South Car. Agric. 3xp. Sta'., March, 1930 The Play and Recreation of Children and Youth in Selected i.ural Areas of South Carolina Bui. 275, South Car. Agric. Ere. Sta., June, 1931 - 13 - SOUTH DAKOTA. Local Leadership and. the Effectiveness of Extension Work in Reaching Rural People '.'.;'. .• Cir. 35, Ext. Ser. , S. Dak. State Coll. of Agric. & Mech. Arts, December, 1926 '■ • ' ■ \ •■'[. ,-■• ■- : "'■'■'■ , ■. '•' '■■:•. ;•'''•.' * What Farmers Think of Farming Bui. 223, Agric. '■ Exp. Sta.' , S. Dak.- State. Coll. of' Agric. & Mech. Arts, April, 1927 ■ " ■ .'■ ! . * Equalizing Library Opportunities in South Dakota Bui. 233, Agric. Exp. Sta. , S. Dak. State Coll. of Agric. & Mech. Arts, June, 1928 > ?&::& '■■ * The High School Education of Farm Boys and Girls in South Dakota Bui. 250, Agric. Exp. Stav,- S. Dak:. State Coll. of Agric. & Mech. Arts, March, 1930 '"'.." . ;x; .-.-,■:■ :-■ * Rural Health Situation in. South Dakota •" Bui. 258, Agric. Exp. Sta., S. Dale. State Coll. of Agric. & Mech. Arts, April, 1931 — >•■■' * South Dakota Tovm and Country Trade Relations . Bui. 274, Agric. Exp. Sta. , 'S. Dak. State Coll. of Agric. & Mech. Arts, November, 1932 (in press) TENNESSEE Rural Organization - Community, County, Division, State Pub. 10, Ext. Div. , Coll. of Ag-rlcT" , Univ. of Tenn. , November, 1915 Community Organization Univ. of Tennessee, 1921 Social, Economic and Educational Survey of Union County, Tennessee Univ. of Tennessee, April, 1924 ; -- v " Social, Economic and- Educational .Survey of Crockett County, Tennessee Univ. of Tennessee, October, 1924 ' ,.•'..■■' Economic and Social Study of Tennessee ■'•"■■' Univ. of Tennessee, December, 1924 County Jails of Tennessee - A Survey of Forty Five County Jails Univ. of Tennessee, May, 1926 Syllabus on Tennessee, Economic .and Social Univ. of Tennessee, March, 1927 Educational, Economic and Community Survey. of Bledsoe County Univ. of Tennessee, April, 1927 - 14 - Effect of Industrial Development on Rural Life in Sullivan County, Tennessee Univ. of Tennessee, May, 1928 Tennessee, Economic and Social, Part II - The Counties Univ. of Tennessee, September , 1929 Study Outline for Use v?ith Tennessee, Economic and Social Univ. of Tennessee, June, 1930 Estimates of Possible Tennessee Revenues from Certain Consumption Taxes Univ. of Tennessee, Marin; 1931 Mimeograph * Cost of Living in Farm Homes iri Several Areas of Kentudiy, Tennessee and Texas. March, 1924 * The Cost of Living Among Colored Farm Families of Selected Localities of Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas. January, 1925 Hamilton County, Tennessee - Economic and Social. 1925 How the Economic Limitations of' Poorer Agricultural Regions Affect Social Conditions. 1927 Inadequacy of Cost-of-Living Figures as Measures of Standard of Living. 1931 Some Factors in the Retention of Farm Wealth. 1931 County Consolidation. 1931 TEXAS Mimeograph * Housing Conditions Among 947 VTnite Farm Families of Texas. December, 1926 UTAH Family Living Expenditures, Summit County, Utah (1930) Bui. 232, Agric. Exp. Sta. , Utah State Agric. College, November, 1931 VIRGINIA * Rural Organizations in Relation to Rural Life in Virginia Bui. 256, Va. Poly. Inst., Va. Agric., Exp. Sta., May, 1927 The Role of the Church in Rural Community Life in Virginia Bui. 267, Va. Poly. Inst., Va. .Agric. Exp. Sta., June, 1929 The Negro Church in Rural Virginia Bui. 273, Va. Poly. Inst., Va. Agric. Exp. Sta., June, 1930 - 15 - * Young Peoples' Organizations in Relation to Rural Life in Virginia v/ith Special Reference to 4-H' Clubs Bui. 274, Va. Poly. Inst., Va. ,Agric. Exp. Sta. , June, 19301*, •' '/ ' l >' * Membership Relations in Coramuril'ty Organizations (A Study of Factors Affect- ing Organizational Attitudes) , . .-", Bui. 287, Va. Poly. Inst., Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. , June, 1932 The 1929 Institute of Rural Affairs, Proceedings ,..,' f Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Va. Poly. Inst., January,' .193)0 ■'■ 1 , ) r - • .O" ■ ' ' Mimeograph , ,, ^ < ) < , > '; • tf .. ' . ' •'■ " * What Farmers 'Say Abput.iMar Ice ting Eastern Shore Potatoes and What Earners Suggest for Better Marketing. November, 192,8,, i ^ ■ " V '".]. •'< "' ■ V ' ,.,.', -'\ ,,KK WASHINGTON • '• ' ' ; "" * Some Better Things in Farm Life in Washington ,,, ,. t . Bui;,- 195, State College of Washingt'oh', September,' 1925 ' * Rural Social Organization in Whitman County (/ . ',.<■ Bui. 203, State Colleger of 'Washington; 'June; '1926 * Rural Social Organization in What com County ..,.. . / ' Bui. 215, State College of Washington,' June', '1927 * Rural Social Organization of Clark County; , v '"'"/,', Bui. 225/ State Collie" of Washington ^ April,' 1928 * A Study of Farm Migration in Selected C ommuni ties" iri ; the State of Washington Bui. 233,, State College^ of Washington, Juhe', 1929 * Local Rural Leaders in Washington ' '■•' ,L' ,'"<, Bui. <257, , State' 0olleg©;'o'f Washington, September, 1931 WEST VIRGINIA'. "£*!'*'' * French Creek as a Rural Community )t . • ' '' Bui. 176, Agric. Exp. Sta., W. Va. Univ. , June , 1921 " ' i . <*'•'■ * Four-E Club Work in West Virginia ,. . < ; ' Bui. 241, Agric. Exp. Sta., W. Va. Univ., April, 1931 , ' ">' F< 5 "'- ' ' ' " , Mimeograph t , ■■> ' i.. : ■■ ■ * Four-K Club Work in Wqs* i Virginia'. April, 1931'' '' WISCONSIN A Method of Making a Social Survey of a Rural Community ■ Cir. of Information 29, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., January, 1912 Rural Social Centers, in Wisconsin, j, ; Bui. 234, Agric'. Exp. Sta.' , Univ. of Wis., January, 1914 - 16 - Social Surveys of Rural School Districts Cir. 51, .Aerie Exo. Sta. , Univ. of Wis., October, 1914 The Social Anatomy of an Agricultural Community Res. Sol* 34, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wii.", May, 1516 Rural Clubs in Wisconsin Dal. 271, Aeries Exo. Sta. , -Univ. of Wis., August, 1916 The Country Church an Economic and Social Force Sol. 278, Aerie. Exo. Sta., Univ. of Wis., January, 1917 Rural Relations of High ^Schools Bui. 288, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., March, 1918 Farm Tenancy Res. Bui. 44, Aerie. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., February, 1919 The Rural Connunity Fair Bui. 307, Aerie. Exo. Sta., Univ. of Wis. , Kovonber," 11919 * Rural Primary Groups Res. Bui. 51, Aerie. Exp. Sta., Ur.i'v. of Wis., December, 1921 * Service Relations of Town and Country Res. Bui. 58, Aerie. Exp. Sta., Univ, of Wis. , December , 1923 * Rural Religious Organization Res. Bui. 60, A^ric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., June, 1924 * Service Institutions for Town and Country Res. Bui. 66, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. 'of Wis. , December, 1925 Rural Community Organizations Handbook Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., June, 1926 * Special Interest Groups in Rural Society Res. Bui. 84, Agric. Exp, Sta., Univ. of Wis. , December, 1927 * Making Rural Organizations Effective Bui. 403, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis., October, 1928 * Rural Organizations and the Farm Family Res. Dal. 96, Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Wis. , November, 1929 What One School Did and How it Did it Univ. of Wisconsin Bui. 1914 Modernizing an Old Farm" House Univ. of Wisconsin "ul. (Reprinted from .Third annual report of Wisconsin Country Life Conference) ■ • * 17 - Play Days in Rural Schools Cir. 118, E x t. Ser. , Coll. of jigrlc. , Univ. of Wis., September, 191$ Social Surveys of Rural School Districts Cir. 122, Ext. s er. , Coll. of Agric. , Univ. of Wis., February, 1920 Country Life Clubs Stencil Bui. 65, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Feb., 1923 Why Wot Have a Play? Special Cir. Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Feb., 1927 Why Not Eave a Debate? Special Cir. Ext. Ser., Coll.. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Feb., 1927 Hone Talent Tournaments Cir. 221, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., May, 1928 Goose Honey Special Cir. Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., June, 1928 Conductine the Business Meetine Cir. 227, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., October, 1928 Sural Standards of Divine in Dunn County, Wisconsin Stencil Bui. 104, Ext. Ser., Coll, of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Sept., 1930 * Sural Standards of Divine in Walworth County Stencil Bui. 105, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Sept., 1933 Standards of Divine Cir. 241, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Wisconsin and American Country Dife Association, September, 1930 * Sural Standards of Divine in Dane and Green Counties Stencil Bui. 106, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., Jan., 1931 * Sural Standards of Divine in Portaee, Danelade and Sawyer Counties Stencil Bui. 108, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., March, 1931 Better Divine in Home and Community Cir. 247, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., July, 1931 Citizens' Survey Special Cir. Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., December, 1931 The Social Hour at the Community Meetine Stencil Cir. 122, Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Univ. of Wis., September, 1932 Sural Health Special Cir., Ext. Ser., Coll. of Aerie, Uriv. of Wis., October, 1932 - 1C - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 111 ii urn mi mil mi mi mi i 3 1262 08921 5445 First Wisconsin Country Life Conference Univ. of Wisconsin Bui., February, 1C11 Second Wisconsin Country Life Conference Univ. of Wisconsin Bui., February, 1G12 Rural Social Development. Third annual report of the Wisconsin Country Life Conference, Univ. of Wisconsin ?ul., January, 1913 Rural Social Froblens Fourth annual report of the Wisconsin Country Life Conference, Univ. of Wisconsin Bui. , January, 1914