^tcmf<\\\SM'iL RM H57D18b RESEARCH MEMORANDUM FLIGHT MEASUREMENTS OF AIRPLANE STRUCTURAL TEMPERATURES AT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS By Richard D. Banner High-Speed Flight Station Edwards, Calif. UNIVERSrrv OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT GAINESV/lXE,FL326J,.70noSA NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON June 7, 1957 Declassified July 22, 1959 1^0 V33 ^^'f 57J:»v.^; NACA RM H57Dl8b NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS RESEARCH MEMORANDUM FLIGHT MEASUREMENTS OF AIRPIANE STRUCTURAL TEMPERATURES AT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS By Richard D. Banner SUMMARY Skin and structural temperatures have been obtained on the X-IB and X-IE research airplanes under transient aerodynamic heating condi- tions at speeds up to Mach numbers near 2.0. Extensive temperature measurements were obtained throughout the X-IB airplane, and temperature distributions are shown on the nose cone, the wing, and the vertical tail. Temperatures for the X-lE wing leading edge and internal wing structure were compared with similar data for the X-IB. No critical skin and structural temperatures were obtained on the two airplanes over the range of these tests. Simplified calculations of the skin temperatures in the laminar- flow regions of the nose cone and the leading edges agreed favorably with the general trends in the measured data. The flat-plate skin- temperature calculations in the turbulent-flow regions agreed favorably with the measured data on the nose cone and at the midsemispan station of the wing but overestimated the vertical-tail skin temperatijres and also the upper wing skin temperature near the wing tip. The relatively low values of the upper skin temperatures that were measured at the wing tip were believed to be caused by separated -flow effects in this region. IfJTRODUCTION In the design of supersonic aircraft, aerodynamic heating is becoming increasingly important. Analytical studies and controlled testing represent the basic methods utilized in the design of complex structiores to withstand the effects of aerodynamic heating. Concurrent with the basic research studies, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is conducting a program at the NACA High-Speed Flight Station at Edwards, Calif., to investigate the skin and structural temperatures actually experienced by airplanes during flight at super- sonic speeds. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results of NACA RM H57Dl8b this program to the present time. The resiilts of simplified calculations of the skin temperatijres are compared with the measured data in the regions of the fuselage nose cone and the wing and vertical-tail skins and leading edges. SYMBOLS b/2 wing semi span c chord length hg^^ average heat-transfer coefficient, Btu/sq ft-hr-^ h^ pressure altitude, ft M Mach number P local s\irface ^ress^xce , Ib/sq ft Poo free-stream static pressure, Ib/sq ft q^^ free-stream dynamic pressure, Ib/sq ft r recovery factor T skin temperature, 'r T adiabatic wall temperature, °F Tm free-stream stagnation temperature, T were based on a constant spanwise heating input, laminar for the leading edge and turbulent for the 66-percent -chord line; and the same variations due to thickness are seen in the calculated temperatures. The data in figure 5 also illustrate the differences in the skin temperature with chordwise position. Both top and bottom skin tempera- tures were measiired at several chordwise positions at about midsemispan and near the tip of the wing. These data are presented in figure 6. In this figure the calculated temperatures were estimated on the basis of zero angle of attack. No detailed consideration is given to the effects of angle of attack on the measured temperatures; however, from an overall standpoint it should be recalled from figure 2 that the angles of attack were positive during the flight and were on the order of 2° to 10°. The data of figure 6 illustrate several interesting trends. First, notice the chordwise temperature gradients that are shown at the mid- semispan station. The higher temperatures are experienced at the leading edge and the trailing edge (which at this location is the outboard tip of the flap), and the lower temperatures are experienced on the thicker skinned wing box section. Secondly, note the differences in temperature between the top and bottom skins at the two span stations, the bottom skin temperature being higher in both cases. At the tip station, the fairly large differences seen between the top and bottom skin siiggest that the flow might be partly separated in this area. NACA RM H57Dl8b The approximate calculations, which were based on the assumption of laminar flow over the leading-edge section and turbulent flow over the remainder of the chord, give a fairly good overall estimate of the skin temperatiires at the midsemispan station. At the tip station the calculations agree fairly well with the bottom skin temperature; however, they indicate an overestimate of the top skin temperature, probably because of the flow effects previously mentioned. An example of the internal temperatiires that were measiired thro\agh the wing is seen in figure 7» Shown in the figure are the front wing spars at about midsemispan on the X-IB and the X-IE. The temperatures were measured at the locations shown by the black dots on the structures, and the values are given on the right-hand side of the figure. The higher temperatures shown for the X-IB were measured on the skin a slight dis- tance from the spar. In order to give an indication of the temperature rise that has taken place in the internal structure, it is worthwhile to mention that the ambient air temperatures were between -70° F and -90° F and that the assumed turbulent adiabatic wall temperatures were on the order of 200° F for the highest Mach numbers shown here. The measured internal tempera- tures are relatively low and show only slight temperature gradients across the thickness of the X-IB wing, the lower temperature being obtained on the spar center line. Essentially no differences are seen on the thick spar construction of the X-IE wing, the heavier type of construction of the X-IE having a temperature -neutralizing tendency due to the higher heat capacity. The thermal lag effect is also seen in figure 6 by the increase in the measured temperatures as the Mach number decreases in the later portions of the flights. Effects of material thickness differences are also seen in the meas- ured leading-edge temperatures. These data are shown in figure 8 in time-history form together with time histories of the assumed laminar adiabatic wall temperatures. The locations at which the temperatures were measured are shown by the dark points on the leading-edge sketches, and the material thicknesses are given at these locations. Values of the average heat-transfer coefficients utilized for the calculated tem- peratures are shown below the sketches. The calculated temperatures are seen to agree very well with the measured data. Maximum temperatures on the same order of magnitude were measured on the wing and vertical-tail leading edges of the X-IB. For comparison, the temperatures that were measured at the rear of the solid leading edge of the X-IE are seen in the middle of the figure. It will be noticed that the maximum measured temperature was on the order of 20° F. The high heat capacity of the solid leading edge is the contributing factor to the small rise in the temperature measured at this location. The calculated skin temperature is shown to agree very well with the NACA RM H57Dl8b measured data; however, this result is not considered significant because the measured temperatures are relatively low. (For example, a 50-percent reduction in the assumed heat-transfer coefficient at this point would produce a decrease in the calculated maximum temperature of 7° F.) The chordwise variation in the vertical-tail temperatures is shown in figure 9 for a time near maximum Mach nimber at near midspan. The temperatures were measured on the skin and spar center lines at the loca- tions shown by the black dots on the sketch. No appreciable gradients are seen in the chordwise variation of the measured skin temperature. Transition from laminar to turbulent flow was assumed to take place at the point where the leading-edge section attaches to the front spar because inspection revealed a relatively large discontinuity in the skin at this point. Skin temperatures calculated from the average heat- transfer coefficients shown and based on these assumptions agree fairly well with the measiured trends in the leading-edge region but deviate somewhat over the remainder of the chord and give a conservative overall estimate in this region. CONCLUDING REMARKS Skin and structural temperatures have been obtained on the X-IB and X-IH research airplanes under transient aerodynamic heating condi- tions at speeds up to Mach n\mibers near 2.0. Extensive temperature measurements were obtained throughout the X-IB airplane, and temperature distributions are shown on the nose cone, the wing, and the vertical tail. Temperatures for the X-IE wing leading edge and internal wing structure were compared with similar data for the X-IB. No critical skin and structural temperatures were obtained on the two airplanes over the range of these tests. Simplified calculations of the skin temperatures in the laminar- flow regions of the nose cone and the leading edges agreed favorably with the general trends in the measured data. The flat-plate skin- temperature calculations in the turbulent -flow regions agreed favorably with the measured data on the nose cone and at the midsemispan station of the wing but overestimated the vertical-tail skin temperatures and also the upper wing skin temperature near the wing tip. The relatively low values of the upper skin temperatures that were measixred at the wing tip were believed to be caused by separated-flow effects in this region. High-Speed Flight Station, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Edwards, Calif., March 6, 1957. MCA RM H57Dl8b REFERENCE 1, Stine, Howard A., and Wanlass, Kent: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic-Heating and Isothermal Heat-Transfer Parameters on a Hemispherical Nose With Laminar Boundary Layer at Supersonic Mach Numbers. NACA TN ^ikk, 195^. NACA RM H57Dl8b RESEARCH AIRPLANES X-IE MfsZ.IO 60 TEMP. GAGES X-IB M~\.9A 300 THERMOCOUPLES Figure 1 M hp.FT Tm "F a, DEG FLIGHT CONDITIONS X-IE X-IB 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 TIME, SEC TIME, SEC Figure 2 10 NACA RM H57Dl8b MAXIMUM MEASURED TEMPERATURES, X- 1 B 153° F lAS-'F I22°F Figure 3 NOSE CONE TEMPERATURES AND PRESSURES, X-IB M = 1.94, t =270 SEC o MEAS. \ LAMINAR I TURBULENT CALC. STA 55.0 THERMOCOUPLES PRESSURE ORIFICES 10 20 30 40 50 60 DISTANCE, INCHES Figure k NACA RM H57Dl8b 11 MAXIMUM SPANWISESKIN TEMPERATURES, X-IB WING L.E., M=l.90, t = 290 SEC 66%c, M = l.32, t=325 SEC o MEAS CALC |LE(r=0.85) ^^^'^ ^66% c (r = 0.90) Figure 5 CHORDWISE SKIN TEMPERATURES, X-IB WING Mco=l.90, T-p = 2l2°F -- 0~ BOTTOM SKIN 200 I50i- TOP SKIN MEAS T/F 100 50 • CALC (a=o) 957ob/2 irzEzzcEr*- <=x=izji:r:jz^ T. m. Jl TOP 'Y BOTTOM %c 100 TOP AND BOTTOM %c 100 Figure 6 12 MCA RM H57Dl8b MEASURED INTERNAL WING TEMPERATURES X-IB ^T.- .081 365J X-IE 1 1 1 1.40 .60 -» -^ 1 40 80 120 Tf F M 2.04 /^l.30 r J 40 80 120 TtF Flgixre 7 T =.081 in LEADING-EDGE TEMPERATURES o MEAS CALC Tg^(r = 085) X-IB WING X-IE WING X-IB VERTICALTAIL 54% b/2 63.3% b/2 MID-SPAN r =.051 in '■ =,62 in BTU BTU BTU 150 250 350 150 230 310 150 250 350 t, SEC t, SEC t, SEC Figure 8 3B NACA RM H57Dl8b 15 CHORDWISE TEMPERATURES -X- IB VERTICAL TAIL M = 1.90. t = 290 SEC o SKIN o SPAR MEASURED — CALCULATED (SKIN) « — I — • r^-* 1 — •- 200r TRANSITION 150 T.'-F ADIABATIC WALL 50 av BTU/SQFT-HR- aur r-LAI LAMINAR 20 o o i TURBULENT 40 60 % CHORD 80 100 Figure 9 NACA - La.igley Field, V« I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08106 577 2 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT 120 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY RO. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE. FL 32611-7011 USA