\5.L-zi S. R. A.— B. S. 26. March 14, 1919. United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY E. W. Nelson., Chief of Bureau. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. IMPORTATION OF QUAIL FROM NORTHEASTERN MEXICO. NOTICE REGARDING PERMITS. Under authority of law, notice is hereby given that, until further notice, permits issued or which may be issued under the " Regula- tions Governing the Importation of Quail into the United States from Northeastern Mexico," approved and effective November 13, 1916, will authorize the entry of such quail only between February 15 and April 30, inclusive, in each year. D. F. Houston, /Secretary of Agriculture. Washington, D. C., February IS, 1919. 106428—19 WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICH \ 1919 "flliiiliiiii 3 1262 09218 4869