^i/\f/V'TM^3s|f NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1386 REMARK ON THE THEORY OF LIFTING SURFACES By Aldo Muggia Translation of *Sulla teoria delle superfici portanti. ' Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, VOL 87, 1952-1953. r:?crrv nr n nnm/. RY 117011 _w;ILLE, FL 32d! i-/ui i uc<-\ Washington January 1956 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1586 REMARK ON THE THEORY OF LIFTING SURFACES* By Aldo Muggia SUMMARY First of all, a brief synopsis of the Weissinger method, as it applies to a rectangular wing, is set forth, in order to show how lifting siirface theory is applied in this simple case and to show that his idealization of the vortex system is justifiable in this particular instance. By building on this framework and merely adding a few approximations and unrestrictive \inderstandings, it is demonstrated how the same sort of vortex system can be devised, and can find sanction, for the treatment of the lift problem presented by any thin wing of arbitrary plan form. 1. To begin with, let attention be directed to the aerodynamics of a lifting surface (which is a suitable idealization of an actual wing) having the simple physical property that it departs but slightly from the flat siirface S, which is the projection of the lifting siu-face on the xy-plane. Furthermore, this surface is to be considered Immersed in an incompressible fluid of density p and to have a free-stream pressure and velocity denoted by p and V^^, respectively. This impinging stream is assimaed to be directed along and have the same sense as the positive X-axis. In the right-handed Cartesian coordinate system employed here (see fig. 1) it will be assumed that the z-axis is in the direction of the vertically downward pointing vector, as illustrated. On the basis of the above-stated hypotheses, it is legitimate to assume that the perturbations to the free-stream uniform velocity V^ that axe produced by the presence of the lifting surface, will be small. Consequently, it follows that the local pressure p will be an harmonic f\inction (a solution to Laplace's equation) of the position-coordinates x, y, z, and, in addition, the overpressure at such a point will be dependent upon the potential cp describing the behavior of the local incremental velocities, through means of the relation P - Poo = -PV. ^ *"Sulla teoria delle superfici portanti." Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, vol. 87, 1952-1955. Introduced by Carlo Ferrari, Active National Member, at the Session of 15 May 1955. NACA TM 1586 The pressure jump occasioned by passage from the underside to the topside of the surface will be a certain unknown function of the points of S; call it f(x,y). The value of this function must become zero along the edge of the surface S, and thus one may write that the overpressijre is given by P(x,y,z) -P. = i;^/^ f(x',y')z dx'dy' r5 where ^f f + (y - y'f + 2 z Upon invoking the stipulation that one must have (p = at an infinite distajice upstream from the surface, it is seen that the sought potential will have the form r \ ^ [^ ^ r r f(x',y')dx'dy' Now let it be assumed, for convenience' sake, that the equation denoting the leading edge of the lifting surface is to be taken as X = X]^(y) and that for the trailing edge as x = X2(y), while, likewise, as is customary, the semispan is to be denoted by b. Then, upon carrying through a few obvious transformations it is possible to rewrite the expression giving the perturbation potential as (p(x,y,z) = -— ^ r dy' / ^ ^ ^^ r f(x,y')2 2-'xi(y') [x - XQ(y')J + (y - y') + z !'■' f(x',y')dx' Uy' Now let attention be focussed upon that region of space which is composed of all points which have quite small absolute values for the vertical coordinate |z| and which when projected upon the xy-plane fall within the S region; let this portion of space be labeled the 2 control volume. For points within Z, therefore, one may replace the cp function with the cp* approximation (and thus it will be per- missible to substitute ^— for ^ on the surface of the wing) pro- oz oz / vided the quantity standing within the ciirlicue brackets is of small enough size. Further, it is to be noted that for wings with sufficiently large / 2 2 2" spans, the value of y(x -x') +(y-y') +z does not vary to any marked degree as one ranges over the values of x' of interest, provided the distances y(y - y') + z remain large enough, while on the other 1/ 2 2 hand, if the distances y(y - y') + z are small, then the value that X - x' I takes on in the E control zone can be represented to good approximation by use of its average value p ^(y) where the chord distribution function Z (y) is defined as Uy) = X2(y) - x^(y) NACA m 1586 Thus, in analogy to what was done in the case of the rectangular wing, it will be legitimate to make the approximation that |/(X - X')2 + (y - y')2 + z2 ~ ^^ _ xo(y']]2 + (y _ y.)2 ^ 2 z provided the point with coordinates (x,y,z) is so situated that it makes the relation hold true. If this is true, it follows, in consequence, that rx2(y') i- -, pX2(y') / f(x',y')(x - x')dx' = X - xo(y') / f(x',y')dx' from which one obtains the desired definition for XQ(y') as rX2(y') rX2(y') r^2\y ) x'f(x',y')dx' / x'7„(x*,y')dx' X (y.) ~ ^^i^y') ■■ ^i(y') ° rX2(y') px2(y') / f(x',y')dx' / 7 (x',y•)dx' ^x-L(y•) ^xi(y>) The interpretation of the relationship just deduced is as follows: The proper XQ(y') abscissa coordinate to choose at each profile section through the wing is the one which corresponds to the location of the barycenter of the circiilation for that section. In other words, it is the barycenter of the moments of the vector forces fl taien about the points P(x',y'), where i is the unit vector in the direction of the X-axis and where P is the radius vector out to any arbitrary general point in the S region at which the circulation-function value is 7y(x',y'). Thus, to close approximation, one may select the Xq abscissae values according to the rule xo(y') = xi(y') + i l(y') NACA TM 1586 while, when applying the boundary condition, it will be necessarj'-, in addition, to make use of the potential values (or the Induced velocity values) which appertain to the locations (x,y,0) for which it is true that x(y) = XQ(y) + I z(y) = x^Cy) + J ^(y) This resiilt, which has been deduced by aid of the above-mentioned list of specific observations and series of approximations, may be arrived at by examination of the general equations applying to lifting surfaces. This result is important, for example, in those cases where one wishes to obtain the distribution of circulation (and thus of the lift) which exists out along the span of swept wings (refs. 3 and 4). Translated by R. H. Cramer Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc , NACA TM 1586 REFERENCES 1. Reissner, E,: Note on the Theory of Lifting Surfaces. Proc . Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 35, no. h, Apr. 19i^9. 2. Lawrence, H. R.: The Lift Distribution on Low Aspect Ratio Wings at Subsonic Speeds. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. I8, no. 10, Oct. 1951, pp. 683-695. 3. DeYoung, John, and Harper, Charles W. : Theoretical Symmetric Span Loading at Subsonic Speeds for Wings Having Arbitrary Plan Form. NACA Rep, 921, 19^8. k . DeYoung, John: Theoretical Antisymmetric Span Loading for Wings of Arbitrary Plan Form at Subsonic Speeds. NACA Rep. IO56, 1951. (Supersedes NACA TN 2l40.) 10 MCA TM 1386 Figure 1.- Orientation of coordinate axes and definitions of integration areas. NACA TM 1586 11 Figure 2.- Location of the bound vortex line and areas of integration. NACA - Langley Field, Va. a o c s 2 * ; ^ 2 1 . -' c "^ ■ C m a> 03 -« 'O --i »-* 5 CO u 0) c- S ■§ 5 s ii <° <» > 2 Z <; T) H 'H "Co o o o ■" ho >J ■a 0) O 0) ii ^ OQ ■t; 3 o >. s 2 i w o i! 62-03 fc, TJ C l-t 0) n S I* - o eo) S bo" _ QQ C l» 2 « ? I! > i Si "" h CO tH (h ■ — « o. S o •o . 2 * 01 iS ^ ii to •-' 3 < li -r^ H ^ < z »-i „^ »-i e>i ■» D. S o S o c JS •a . 2 * m -2 -* ^ ™ O ._3 3 .»*■ -tJ — I zi un n en ™ in K So §s T3 ^ ca 13 o (h fH Cd CO •-• -a "O »-' " ^ ' Q, w <; OS SO '-' Tl /-\ s ■ 2f- (b to i; CO 2 ti S c CO •a o S ra .2 N — ^ bo5 o • 3 ^ o , W ^ r1 " <2 T3 < — Z Z K fc<;£xi Z ii 00 s a o o o -" bo b - >>= o "^ 03 ■" in S S ■gSS ET £ 5 s =3 |3 oi: S .2-= 3 t, -o c t. £, t. C £ ? o ■" ^- S ® 5 m is a "■ tJ S "1 '^ .ffi'VERSITY OF FLORIDA j 1262 08106 S 4 1 IRRA: MLLE:fL 32611-7011 USA IJNIVSR3ITY OF MINNESOTA AERO. LAB. ROSKJlOJNr aeSEARCH CENTER BUILUING 704-i ROoSMOUNT, MINNESOTA iTT: .'KOPhl'SOK B.M. LEADON U-V n xim