UBRaRY js/ STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 01 AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D.O. B. E. P. :.— 435 April 1, PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE TERRITORY OP NORTHERN RHODESIA unitee states department .f agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Y7ashir x . .. D. C. B. E. ?. ft. — 435 April 5, 1937 plaot-QUahantine impose restrictions territory or northern ehodesia This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of Northern Ehodesia has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Territory. It was prepared hy Harry 5. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from Government Notice No, 22, February 2, 1933, of Northern Rhodesia- ±he information contained in this circular is "believed to "be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to he used independently of, nor as a suds ti tut e for, the original text of the Ordinance, and it is not to "be interpreted as legally authoritative. The Ordinance itself should he consulted for the exact text. Chief, Bureau / LEE A. STRONG x— ^ /of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PLAHT-QmHAtlTIKE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE TERRITORY OF SORTHEEN RHODESIA BASIC LEGISLATION The Plant Pests and Diseases Ordinance, 1931. Under this Ordinance, the Importation of Plant Regulations of February 2, 1933 (Government Notice No. 22, 1933; were promulgated and published in the Supplement to the Northern Rhodesia Government Gazette of February 10, 1933. Notice No. 22 of 1933, canceled Government Notices Nos. 121 of 1924, 19 of 1925, and 6 of 1929. The following summary was prepared from Notice No. 22. SUMK4H7 Importation Prohibited Importation prohibited of the plants and plant products named in regulation 5, page 3, from all places outside of the Scheduled States (Belgian Congo, Southern Rhodesia., and the Union of South Africa). Importation Restricted The plants end seeds named in regulation 9, page 3, may be introduced into the Ten" tory from places outside of th$ Scheduled States only subject bo pre-' * u .. • ^sior in siting u ?cretary for Agr i eul u\re uud e r s ac n prec an c i onary a ■■ aaa res z ~ hs m ay ie em nece ssary . The plants ?nd s^eds named in reflation 10, page 4, may be imported iu.o tho ,_*;rrJi. terv \f ace:../ - del r/ a ? — -itary certificate issued ^oy an authorized official of the country ,f origin. Importation Unrestricted No certificate shall be required for fruit, bulbs, tubers, garden vegetable seeds, and such portions of plants as cannot be propagated, if not otherwise specifically prohibited or rustric^ed under these regula- tions. - 2 Scheduled States Special regulations govern the importation of plants and plant products from Belgian Congo, Southern Rhodesia, and the Union of South Africa. General Regulations Regulation 1. These regulations may "be cited as the Importa- tion of Plants Reflations, 1933 * Definitions Reg* 2, In those regulations, unless inconsistent with the context, "Scheduled States" mean Belgian Congo, Southern Rhodesia, and the Union of South Africa; "Plant" includes all members of the vegetable kingdom and any part or product of a plant, hut shall not include seed, unless specifically mentioned, nor manufactured products of plants; "Pest or disease" includes any insect, vermin, fungus, parasite, "bacteria, or disease harmful to any plant. Authorized Ports of Entry Reg* 3. No person shall introduce or cause to "be introduced into the Territory any plant or seed except "by mail or through the following ports of entry: Abercorn, Port Jameson, Livingstone, and Ndcla. Regs. 4 to 7. Administrative procedure concerning the importer or consignee* REGULATIONS AFPECTIKG PLANTS AND SEEDS PRO* OUTSIDE TPIE SCHEDULED STATES Importation Prohibited Reg* 8, The introduction of the following into the Territory from places outside the Scheduled States is prohibited, namely; ( a) Plants : Eucalyptus, acacia, conifers, oak, plane, any stone fruits in the fresh state, forest trees (if they can he obtai. within the Scheduled States), plants packed in soil, citrus fruit, dried citras peel (hut not candied peel), citrus budwood or other parts for propagation, excludi citrus trees, and prickly pear other than spineless varieties, (b) Seeds : Peach stones or seed, elm seed, and citrus seed. Importation Subject to Permit Reg« 3. The introduction into the Territory of the following plants and seeds from places outside the Scheduled States is prohibited except with the previous permission in writing of the Secretary for Agriculture, which permission may be granted subject to such precau- tionary measures as the Secretary may deem necessary: (a) Plants: Cotton, tea, rubber, sugarcane, walnut, Castanea, PJLbe s, grapevines, pome fruit trees, coffee, cocoa., banana, lucerne (alfalfa), and citrus. (b) Seeds: Cotton, rubber, lucerne, Castanea, maize, barley, and tomato (from Germany, Italy, and North America only). Phy-to sanitary Certificate Required Reg. 10. The introduction into the Territory of the following plants and seeds from places outside the Scheduled States is permitted; (a) Plants: Pruit; trees, rose plants, woody plants, herbaceous plants, cacti, carnations, chrysanthemums, strawberries, spineless cactus, unmanufactured cork, and broomcorn (if the straws are detached and the crowns upon which they originate be ■completely cut away). ubrabv STATE PLANT BOARD ~ 4 - (b) Seeds Tea seed, tobacco seed, coffee seed, cocoa seed, acorns, and any other seed or plant not specially prohibited or restricted elsewhere under these regulations: Provided, That each consignment thereof shall be accompanied by a certificate in the Form A. Importation Unrestricted feeg. 10 cont'd. No such certificate shall be required in respect of fruit, bulbs, tubers, garden vegetable seeds, and such portions of plants as cannot be propagated, the importation of which is not otherwise specifically prohibited or restricted under these regulations. PRESCRIBED FORM OP PHYTO SANITARY CERTIFICATE (form A) This is to certify that I, (name, title, and address of authorized official), have today and immediately prior to shipment thoroughly examined a representative sample of the living plants or plant products for which this certificate is required, contained in the following consignment s) , (description, including name and address of exporter and consignee), stated to have been grown at (locality where grown) , that the said plant or plant products have /have not been inspected in the field, that (any other remarks), and that I have been unable to discover evidence of the presence of any insect pest or plant disease in said shipment, except as follows: In particular, the following pests or diseases have been looked for and not found: --..-..•--.-.---.«.*..-- The consignment covered by this certificate has been treated in the following manner: ----------------------- Date of issue Place of issue Signature of official. Official seal - b Plants and Seed From Scheduled States Herniations 11 to 15 concern the conditions affecting the int redact ion of plants from the Scheduled States of Belgian Con^o, Southern Rhodesia, and the Union of South Africa. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH POTATOES IviAY BE IMPORTED Shipper's Declaration of Origin and Wart Disease Certificate Required Beg* 16, (1). No person shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the Territory from outside the Scheduled States any potato tubers unless each consignment is accompanied "by: (a) A statement on oath from the consignor in the prescribed form; and (b) A certificate from the Department of Agriculture of the declared country, or a certificate in the prescribed form from some official institution of that country which the Secretary for Agriculture has agreed to recognize: Provided, That such certificate shall not be required in respect of a. consignment from any country: (i_) If the Government thereof has certified to the Government of Northern Rhodesia that the said disease has not been known to exist in that country, and if that Government has undertaken to inform the Government of Northern Rhodesia of any outbreak, and if information recording an out- break has not been received; or (ii.) If the consignee produces from the Department of Agriculture or other aforesaid recognised insti- tution of the declared country of origin a certifi- cate dated within nine months previous to the day of arrival of the potatoes concerned to the effect that the specified disease has not been known to exist, as far as it is aware, in the Shire, county, department, or other such territorial division comprising the place or places in which the potatoes are declared to have been grown, but, if so required, the consignee shall deliver up an attested copy of the certificate herein provided for. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 16 (l) neither the certificate declaring the origin of the potato tubers nor that referring to wart disease shall be required in respect of potatoes iinlililiiUMiii 3 1262 09242 2194 imported from outside the Scheduled States into the Union of South Africa and partly or wholly re consigned to Northern Rhodesia. Reg. 17. Any consignment of potatoes imported from any source, if found on inspection to "be infested with the root knot eelworm (Het- erodera marioni ( radicicola) Cornu), or with any other species of eelworm injurious to plants, or with wart disease, will he destroyed. PRESCRIBED CERTIFICATE .FOR POTATOES Official 7/art Disease Certificate To Accompany Shipments of Potatoes to Northern Rhodesia The undersigned, under authority of the Department of Agriculture °f , hereby certifies that the potato disease known as wart disease, and ascribed to the fungus Synchytrium endobioticum (Senile.) Perc. , has not, as far as is known to the Department of Agriculture, been known to exist within 5 miles of -------------------- in the district of-------------------.----------. Signature Title Address Date and official stamp or seal. SHIPPERS DECLARATION OE ORIGIN FOR POTATOES To To Accompany Shipments of potatoes to Northern Rhodesia be Completed Within 30 Days of the Wart Disease Certificate I, the undersigned, , member of the firm of t consignor of cases, each containing net weight of potatoes, for purposes and marked , to be shipped per steamer , from to , do hereby declare that the potatoes herein referred to were all grown at , in the district of in Signed (Signature of Shipper) Declared at , this day of , 19 , before me. Name and title of officer administering oath.