NATION-WIDE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE VETERANS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation / UK\7L all employers every- where to list their job openings with UDE1D — President Truman * * * RAPID REEMPLOYMENT of our discharsed servicemen is a matter of high national importance. * the success or failure of a veteran's readjustment to civilian life depends ultimately upon his get- ting a suitable job — promptly and without unnecessary shopping around. All employers, as well as the agencies of Government, share respon- sibility for seeing to it that the veteran's and displaced war worker's search for employment is not made unnecessarily burdensome. Of all the Federal agencies concerned with the veteran's problems, the USES has the primary responsibility for expediting his employment. Furthermore, it is the only agency of the Government which has the fa- cilities to speed up the veteran's and displaced war worker's reemploy- ment. It can eliminate wasteful and unnecessary job hunting. It pro- vides information about and placement on jobs in the home town or across the country. It is a vital reconversion tool. But the USES cannot create jobs. That is the function of private em- ployers. The USES can play its vital role in speeding the readjustment of the veteran and the displaced war worker only if employers through- out the Nation list their job openings with local offices of the USES. Such action is doubly advantageous. It helps job seekers everywhere in the country to apply for the best available job with a minimum effort; and it helps employers everywhere in the country to interview and employ persons best qualified to fill their job openings. In the interest of expediting the reemployment process, I urge all employers everywhere to list their job openings with the USES * * * — From a statement to the press by President Truman. £ it WHAT IS the USES? EACH LOCAL USES OF- FICE IS A COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT CENTER * * * THE LOCAL OF- FICE MANAGER IS A MID- DLE MAN ON EMPLOY- MENT PROBLEMS— HE BRINGS THE WORKER AND EMPLOYER TOGETHER * * * ALL USES OF- FICES TODAY OFFER A 6- POINT ACTION PROGRAM. THE USES IS A NATIONAL SYSTEM OF PUBLIC EM- PLOYMENT EXCHANGES WITH MORE THAN 1700 LOCAL OFFICES * * * THE VETERANS EMPLOY- MENT SERVICE IS AN IM- PORTANT PART OF THE USES * * * USES IS THE WORLD'S LARGEST FREE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. WHAT Program the 6-point Does! GEARED TO THE NEEDS OF JOB SEEKERS, EMPLOYERS, AND THE COMMUNITY, THE 6-POINT PROGRAM PROVIDES JOB PLACEMENT SERVICES FOR VETERANS AND ALL OTHER JOB SEEKERS IN ALL THE DIFFERENT SKILLS IN INDUSTRY, TRADES, AND SERVICES. IT PROVIDES EM- PLOYMENT COUNSELING AS NEEDED. THE 6-POINT PROGRAM ALSO SUPPLIES LABOR-MARKET INFORMATION TO JOB SEEKERS, EMPLOYERS, AND THE PUBLIC; PERSONNEL SERVICES TO EMPLOYERS,- AND CO- OPERATES WITH CIVIC GROUPS AND LABOR ORGANIZA- TIONS IN COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT AND VOCATIONAL PLANNING. THE 6-POINT PROGRAM IS THE USES IN ACTION. 1. Placement of the JOB APPLICANT MEN AND JOBS DO NOT GET TOGETHER AUTOMATICALLY. USES SPECIALISTS HAVE THE "KNOW HOW" TO MATCH JOB QUALIFI- CATIONS AGAINST JOB REQUIREMENTS, AND THEY ALWAYS SEND QUALIFIED WORKERS TO EMPLOYERS WHEN AVAILABLE FOR THEIR FINAL SELECTION. AN EMPLOYER'S JOB ORDER PLACED WITH ANY ONE OF THE LOCAL USES OFFICES IN 3* THE*#^ §Sg*S NATIONAL NETWORK PROVIDES THE LINK BETWEEN HIMSELF AND THE GREATEST NUMBER OF QUALIFIED JOB SEEKERS. WHEN LABOR DEMANDS CANNOT BE MET LOCALLY, THE USES ACTIVELY RECRUITS WORKERS OUTSIDE THE COM- MUNITY. THE RESOURCES OF USES OFFICES FROM COAST TO COAST ARE AT THE CALL OF EMPLOYERS AS WELL AS WORKERS. BY USING USES, EMPLOYERS CAN DO HIGHLY SELECTIVE HIRING WITHOUT HAVING TO INTERVIEW LARGE NUM- BERS OF JOB APPLICANTS FOR EACH JOB OPENING. 2 Special Services to VETERANS ALL RESOURCES OF THE USES are available to sup- ply special services to veterans. Veterans' employment representatives are stationed in all State and local offices. The Veterans Employment Service works actively to expand and develop job opportunities for veterans. USES makes a special point ..*•; of meetins the job needs of dis- ifr /W£\ '%.kk a bled veterans. fflffe [f-r-t^I AiW; Highly developed methods mm iVrif #s^ i i i. 1 1 i ■Nmflgf 1JL V .f*Jf|£ are usec i to place disabled vet- 'JSllfe ' 1/1 11 -5fe erans in jobs for which they are '&9\: 111 I 'W' qualified, with emphasis on abil- 4jMA ities rather than disabilities. 3 Employment Counseling JOB SEEKERS WITH SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS ARE GIVEN EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING AS NEEDED TO ASSIST THEM IN MAKING AN OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE AND DE- VELOPING A REALISTIC VOCATIONAL PLAN. VETERANS, YOUTH, THE HANDICAPPED, AND OLDER WORKERS DIS- PLACED BY INDUSTRIAL OR ECONOMIC CHANGES ARE THOSE MOST OFTEN NEEDING SPECIAL ASSISTANCE. FOR DISABLED VETERANS, SPECIAL ASSISTANCE IS PRO- VIDED TO HELP THEM MAKE SATISFACTORY JOB ADJUST- MENTS. WHEN IT IS DETERMINED THAT A JOB APPLICANT REQUIRES ASSISTANCE IN MAKING AN OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE, EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING IS OFFERED AS A WAY TO UNRAVEL HIS OCCUPATIONAL PROBLEMS. USES COUNSELORS HELP THE WORKER TO: 1. Consider his aptitudes, experience, and what he would like to do in light of future prospective job opportunities. 2. Determine the additional training required to fit himself for different types of jobs. 3. Reach a practical decision concerning the plan to be followed in obtaining the type of job he wants. 4 Labor Market INFORMATION COLLECTION, analysis, and distribution of current employ- ment information showing trends in labor supply and demand and current and prospective labor market conditions are important functions of each local USES office. The local weather vane on employment conditions, labor market information guides: (1) Job seekers who want to know where the jobs are; (2) employers who want to know where the workers are; and (3) 'ocal civic groups in vocational and industrial planning. SOURCES __ ■— ^"% 7 USERS EMPLOYER RECORDS EMPLOYER ORDER: LABOR UNIONS JOB APPLICA- TIONS SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES GOVERNMENT AGENCIES S E LABOR FEPOR' UNr^ USES EMPLOYERS LABOR UNIONS CIVIC GROUPS AND LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEES SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, GOVERNMENT, AND REHABILITA- TION AGENCIES LABOR MARKET INFORMATION is used as a basis for placement and employment counseling of workers. It is used by schools and colleges in planning vocational programs, by employers in determining location of plant facilities, and by labor organizations in determining apprenticeship ratios and other policies. It is also used by civic planning committees in developing programs to achieve higher levels of employment and for community expansion. Labor market information is a primary USES responsibility in practically every community. 6 5 INDUSTRIAL SERVICES HIGHER LEVELS OF PRODUCTION and employment are goals of every employer as well as every community. Good personnel practices are important in achieving these goals. Proper selection, induction, and in-plant transfer of workers will result in reduction of labor turn-over and are important elements in efficient management. The USES, through its long experience and contact with many employers, has built up many valuable tools for assist- ing employers in improving their personnel practices. Industrial services include various kinds of assistance to help employers select and effectively assign workers and to develop workers to the point of greatest worth to themselves and their employers. Your local USES office will provide these services upon request. Representatives, if desired, are available to discuss with you the various personnel tools which USES offers to your organization. 6 » USES Cooperation with COMMUNITY GROUPS YOUR LOCAL USES OFFICE is a community institution — the community employment center. It not only brings the worker and the employer together but is of value to the entire community. Some of the advantages grow out of occupational adjustment of workers and personnel assistance to employers. Others grow out of the flow of USES labor market reports showing local employment trends and labor requirements. These reports are useful in facilitating introduction of new industries or in the training of workers to meet expanding require- ments of local industries, trades, and services. USES WORKS with civic planning committees, schools, welfare agencies, and employer and labor organizations in the dove-tailing of employment and in meeting seasonal demand for workers. The method of community cooperation varies. In some communities advisory com- mittees, consisting of management, labor, and public members, are set up specifically to facilitate USES participation in community problems affecting employment. Panels of community advisory committees are often used for the purpose of providing job applicants with information concerning industries, skills, trades, and services, 8 USES and Today's LABOR MARKET v-j DAY TO FIND JOBS for workers — quickly and efficiently — is a basic USES function. It is more important today than ever before. The millions of demobilized servicemen, added to millions who entered the labor market during the war, have resulted in an increase in the civil- ian labor force. After an initial drop following VJ-Day, employment steadied and then began to move upward. But unemployment likewise has been increasing. Behind the scenes there is the human drama of the shift from war to peace — the displacement of workers, returning veterans claiming jobs, returning veterans without jobs to claim, lay-offs due to plant reconver- sion, and the movement of thousands of Americans from one part of the country to another. The day-to-day task of USES under these conditions is much greater than the actual levels of employment and unemployment indicate. What these USES I IF YOU ARE A WORKER Provide — ACCESS TO ALL LISTED JOB OPPOR- TUNITIES, LOCALLY OR ANYWHERE, COAST-TO-COAST * * * HELP IN CHOOSING A NEW OCCUPATION * * * PREFERENTIAL SERVICE TO ALL VETERANS * * * "SELECTIVE PLACEMENT" FOR DISABLED PERSONS * * * ASSISTANCE TO YOUTH IN PLANNING A VOCATION * * * JOB PLACEMENT, EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING, LABOR MARKET IN- FORMATION—AN EFFICIENT, FREE, ALL-ROUND EMPLOYMENT SERV- ICE— THESE ARE SERVICES USES SUPPLIES TO THE WORKER THEY SPELL ACCESS TO ALL AVAILABLE JOB OPPORTUNITIES. U. S. EMPLOYMENT ^^m?^ SERVICE ervices do for YOU IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYER Provide — ACCESS TO THE LARGEST SOURCE OF AVAILABLE JOB APPLICANTS, INCLUDING VETERANS AND OTHER WORKERS * * * CAREFUL LISTING OF JOB OPENINGS * * * SKILLED MATCHING OF QUALIFICATIONS OF JOB SEEKERS WITH JOB REQUIREMENT; * "KNOW HOW" IN REFERF OF THE RIGHT WORKER FOJ _ ASSISW&E IN SOLVING PERSONNEL W^LEMS— THESE ARE USES SERVIOM^AILABLE TO THE EMPLOYER^ jdEY CAN MEAN MORE~SJ><||K EMPLOY- MENT AND TOWAR PRODUC 11 '■'■"'■■■'. ■ :' -' :.>■ :.■■■'■ y- : ^ : ::: : ■ ■:■■■■.. \-: v->£?;-- ' ' : ' ■■:-:■?: -\V^ y M- f>$< 77)/: £mpl oyer HELP YOURSELF. HELP OTHERS. THE BEST QUALIFIED WORKERS ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. BROADEN YOUR SELECTION OF WORKERS BY LISTING ALL JOB OPEN- INGS WITH YOUR LOCAL USES. DO IT NOW! U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16 48223-1 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 10 cents UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08858 9394 -W&M