IK » - April 1945 E-65A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE A REVIEW OF THE INSECTICIDAL USES OF ROTENONE AND ROTENOIDS FROM DERRIS, LO>TCHOCARPUS (CUBE AND TIMBO) , TEPHOSIA, AND RELATED PLANTS. Part X: SIPHONAPTERA By R. C, Roark, Division of Insecticide Investigations 1/ CONTENTS Page Introduction 2 Dolichopsyllidae: NosopsyHus fasciatus (Bosc) (Syn. , Cerato-ohyllus fas ci etas Bosc) rat flea 2 Hectopsyllidae: Echidnophage gallinacea (Westw. ), sticktight flea 3 Hystrichopsyllidae: Leptopsylla segnis Schonh. 3 Pulicidae: Cediopsylla simplex (Bak.), rabbit flea 3 Ctenocephalides can is (Curt.)» dog flea 3 Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche) , est flea 3 Ctenocephal ides spp. ■ 6 Hoplopsyllus affinis Bak. 6 Pulex irritans L. , human flea 6 Xenopsylla brasiliensis Bak. and X. chaeopis (Rothsch.), oriental rat flea 7 Unidentified species of Siphonaptera 7 Literature cited 10 Junior-Taut h»r- inde;£ P 14 Insect- index 14 1/ The manuscript of this publication was read in the following research divisions of the Bureau, and helpful suggestions were contributed: Fruit Insect Investigations, Truck Crop and Garden Insect Investigations, Cotton Insect Investigations, Insects Affecting Man and Animals, Cereal and For- age Insect Investigations, Control Investigations, and Insect Identifi- cation. The reviewers in these divisions m ere, respectively, D. L. Van Dine, W. H. White, R, W, Harned, F. C. Bishopp, C. M. Packard, L. A. Haw- kins, and C. F. W. Muesebeck end the specialists on Siphonaptera in his Division (insect Identification). ..... -2- _. INTRODUCTION This is the tenth in a series of papers designed to review all avail- able information on the insecticidal uses of rotenone and the rotenoids. Part I reviewed tests with derris, cube, timbo, Tephrosia , Mundulea, and their constituents on members of the Coll erabola, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Odonata, Isoptera, Corrodentia, and 'tfallophaga. Apparently no tests with the rotenone plants on Thysanura, Ephemeroptera, or Plecoptera have "been recorded. Part II reviewed' the tests that have been 'made on Thysanoptera; Fart III, the tests made on Homoptera; Part IV, the tests on Hemiptera; Part V, the tests made on Anoplura: Part VI, the tests on Coleoptera; Part VII, the tests on Lepidoptera; Part VIII, the tests on Hymenoptera; Part IX, the tests on Diptera; end Part X, the present paper, reviews the tests and recommendations for use on Sinhonaptera. DolichOpsyllidae Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc) (Syn., Ceratophyll'us fasciatus (Bosc), the rat flea (See Gilmer (12) under Ctenocephelides canis (Curt.) on page 4.) . Craufurd-Benson (6) in 1938 discussed the selection of a standard insect for the laboratory testing of liquid contact insecticides, espec- ially derris preparations, by an immersion method. The rat flea was tried, but, unfortunately, the derris insecticide was not sufficiently toxic to give clear results. Pleas might provide suitable material for laboratory work, as they ean be reared in the laboratory in large numbers throughout the year; however, their mobile activity makes them difficult to handle. < > — T— Hectopsyllidae . » Echidnophage gaxxinacea (Westw.), the sticktight flee (See Little (19) under Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche) on page 4 , and Schwartz and Shook (.33) under Cediopsylla simplex (Bek.) on page 3 .) Wells, Bishopp and Laake (40) in 1922 reported the results of tests of powdered derris root against certain external parasites of animals. In one test puppies rather heavily infested with the sticktight flea, as well as with the dog and cat fleas, were each treated ^ith 1 gm. of undiluted derris. In a few hours dead dog end cat fleas "began dropping off the hosts and the following day all specimens were dead, but many sticktights remained attached. ' Bishopp (2) in 1931 reported that derris is exceedingly effective in destroying fleas on animals. Dogs and cats may be freed from stickti^hn fleas by applying derris. In 1937 Bishopp (3) wrote that derris povner '-ill kill sticktight fleas. When derris is applied to dogs and cyts to control this flea it must be "brought into contact with the insects, because the sticktights do not move around and come in con- tact with the powder. Hystrichopsyllidae Leptopsylia segnis (Schdnh.) (See Guimaraes (13) under Xenopsylla brasiliensis (Eak.) on page 7.0 Pulicidae Cediopsylla simplex (Bak.) Schwartz and Shook (33) in 1928 recommended that, for combating fleas on rabbits, the animals be dusted with pyrethrum powder, powdered naphthalene, or powdered derris root. Species known to attack rabbits in the United States are the true rabbit flea, the dog flea, the cat flea, the human flea, and the sticktight flea. Ctenocephalides can is (Curt.X, the dog flea Ctenocephalide s felis (Bouche) , the cat flea (See Schwartz and Shook (33) under Cediopsylla simplex (Bak.) on page 3.) Wood (42) in 1912 reported that a prepc ration made by soaking 2 pounds of crushed fresh derris root in 2 imperial gallons of boiling -4- water for a few hours, and then adding 1 Quart of this stock solution to 1 gallon of water, readily killed fleas on dogs bathed in it. Dogs suffering from mange should not be treated with derris solution. Mclndoo, Sievers, and Abbott (23) in 1919 reported tests with derris against the dog flea. Eight dogs 'badly infested with fleas were dusted thoroughly. The material was applied with a shaker and -well rubbed into the hair with the hands. -At the end of 48 hours" no living fleas- were observed. Several deed ones were seen still clinging to the* hairs. These workers concluded that, ierr-is powder, used as a dust under rractical conditions, is efficient against dog. fleas. Gilmer ( 12 ) in 1923 reported tests made with derris' powder, also with a derris extract saidr to contain 161 percent of active derris and 84 percent of inert substances, apparently pyridine." Bath these products were manu- factured by a British company.' '^he tests included the following mixtures: Derris powder 10 percent, tobacco dust "90 percent; derris powder 7.5 percent, tobacco dust 92.5. percent; derris powder 100 percent; derris powder 20 percent tobacco dust 80 percent; and derris powder 7.5 percent, tobacco dust 67.5 percent, powdered sulfur 25 percent. The experiments were of two general types — those performed with ih& derris powder as furnished, and those with the liquid derris extract. The- tests were made on cats, dogs, and T ~hitp rats. The fleas included the rat flea ( Ceratophyllus ) Nosopsyllus fasciatus ( : Bosc)) end the dog and cat fleas. AH the dusts were effective tut the use "of the liquid preparation on animals is not recommended. Wells, Bishopp, and Laake (40) in 1922 reported that a series of tests with several breeds of dogs indicated that the minimum dosage necessary to destroy all fleas completely was 0.87 gm. of a mixture of equal parts of derris and cornstarch per animal. 'When the quantity of derris was reduced to 0.2 gm. , 100-percent kill was not realized:. After these preliminary experiments, a mixture of derris and cornstarch, in the proportion of 1:3, wefi applied to all the animals in the hospital at the time — 48 dogs end 9 cats. Using his thumb and finger, the operator put the material elon,e the back and neck of each animal. An average of slightly less then 2 gm. per animal was applied. These animals, on which both dog and cat fleas were present, were treated on December 4, and subsequent* examina-tions up to December 10 showed no living fleas. Mclndoo and Sievers (22) in 1924 reported that at Tallulah, La., a commercial preparation of powdered derris was' used on three dcgs infested with fleas end it was found to be efficient. Little (19) in 1931 reported the results of 27 experiments "*ith the powdered root of Tephrosia virginiana against fleas- infesting cats and dogs, There were four species involved in the infestations'— the cat flea, the sticktight flea, the human flea, and Hoplopsyllus af finis (Bak.), th- t first-named species being - most numerous. The insecticide was applied as a -5- • • ' dust end as a dip. The dusts were either diluted with equal parts of starch or were used undiluted. The dip was used at the rate of 1:800. The quantity of dust used ranged from 2 to 4 or more gm. per animal. Perfect results ^ere obtained, except in some instances in the control of the sticktight flea. Owing to their sedentary habits, sticktights were occasionally missed, end if a flea received only a light dosage it might be paralyzed and still live on the host. Dusts were more satisfactory than dips. The insecticide proved to be effective for about 3 days. This was found by dusting a dog and taking it daily into a flea-ihfested barn and observing the fleas that got on it. Several commercial flea powders were tested in comparison, but none proved to be so effective* Undiluted derris, however, was more effective. Galli-Valerio and Nicolle (ll) in 1932 reported that a proprietary dust containing derris gave good results against the dog flea on foxes. Hanson (14) in 1932 reported that a mixture of 1 part of fresh, finely • ground derris root and 2 parts' of flour, talc, or some other carrier, applied as a dust, is a good remedy for the control of Ctenocepha.lides can is (Curt.), the usual species of flea found on foxes. lAar'covitch (24) in 1933 published directions on how to combat household pests'. " For the control of the dog flea and the cat flea, it is stated that dry powdered derris is effective and should be si'fted into the fur, De Bussy et al. (6) in 1935 reported the results of tests with derris powder (2 percent rotenone) in the Netherlands. At Utrecht, Klarenbeek and others investigated the effect of' derris on parasites of dogs, cats, and foxes. The derris ponder, mixed with 40 parts of French chalk, may be rubbed in and gives satisfactory results against fleas. The authors freed dogs from the dog flea by rubbing in a derris powder having an 8-percent content of rotenone diluted 1:160. p Wil'baut and Stork (41) in 1935 recommended derris powder for the control of the cat flea and the dog flea. De Bussy et al. (4) in 1936 reported that the use of derris powder to kill vermin on dogs and cats, and also for the disinfestation of homes infes- ted with dog or cat fleas, was steadily increasing in the Netherlands. Bishopn (3) in 1937 issued information on fleas and their control. There are three kinds of fleas that commonly become serious pests of man in the United States. These are the dog flea, the cat flea, and the human flea. The d'og and cat fleas are very similar in appearance and feed interchangeably on dogs and cats. These are the fleas responsible for house invasions in the Eastern States. The human flea may live on many different " animals. Often it is associated with hogs and breeds in the litter in hog houses. It also lives on dogs, cats, and wild animals, such as coyotes, badgers, and skunks. This is the flea most frequently found annoying man in the Mississippi Valley, in Texas, and westward to the Pacific coast. Do-^s and cats can be kept practically free from flees by occasionally applying derris powder next to the skin along the back and neck and on top of the head. If the animals have free ^t'bom* -6- run, this treatment must be repeated every 2 weeks. A level teaspoonful is enough to kill every flea on a large dog. For smeller animals the amount should he reduced according to the size of the animal. Most derris powders are effective. Their insect-killing value depends largely on the amount of rotenone they contain. They should have at least 0.5 percent of rotenone. Much of the derris powder nor on the market contains 4 or 5 percent of rotenone. This may he diluted with talcum powder so as to bring the rotenone content down to 1 percent. Derris kills slovly, therefore do not expect to see the fleas drop off dead immediately after an application. > | Stewart (37) in 1939 wrote that the careful rubbing of pyrethrum powder into the fur of cats and dogs stupefies the_ fleas, which may be brushed off onto a piece of paper and burned. Fresh derris powder has also been used in the same way rith good results. McDaniel (21) in 1940 recommended derris dust (0. 75-percent rotenone) for combating fleas on animals, in the basement of houses, and on lawns. Animals may be shampooed with a commercial rotenone preparation, care being taken to wash the head first, to prevent the insects from seeking refuge around the eyes and nose. Roubaud (30) in 1940 reported that rotenone, diluted with from 1 to 2 parts of inert materiel, killed all flea larvae in 6 to 24 hours. It was very effective against adult fleas. Crude derris powder, however, had no effect on the larvae. C tenocephalides spp. Van der Laan (18) in 1936 reported that in the Netherlands one of the principal uses of derris is to control vermin (e. g. , Ctenocephalides spp.) on cats and dogs. Hoplopsyllus aff inis ^Bak.) (See Little (19) under Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche) on page 3. Pulex irritans L. , the human flea . • . v • \ v (See Bishopp (3) and Little (JL9) under Ctenocephalides canis (Curt.) on pages 3, and 4, respectively, and Schwartz and Shook (33) under Cedioosylla simplex (Bak.) on page 3. De Bussy, et al. (5) in 1935 reported this species as more resistant than the dog flee to diluted derris powder (rotenone 0.05 percent). Van der -Laan (18) and also De Bussy et al. (4) in 1936 reported that this species is much less sensitive to derris powder than are the dog flea and the cat flea. 1 -7- X enopsylla brasiliensis (Bak.) and X. .'cheo-nis (Rothsch.)' Guimaraes (13). in 1936 gave an account of tests of insecticides against tese 2 species, and also against Leptopsylla. segnis (Sch'onh.), in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Experiments on a small scale showed the most effective formula to be 2 parts of Flit, 2 parts of kerosene, 1 part of creolin, and 20 parts of ^ater. This mixture was tested "by placing infested rats in a cage in a room where the insecticide was atomized at the rate of 1.09 fluid ounces per 1,00' cubic feet of space. On the following day, 76 dead fleas and 212 live ones were counted, the mortality being 26.39 percent. In 2 subsequent* tests mortalities of 75 and 72 percent were obtained by applying the spray at the rate of 3.63 fluid ounces per 1,000 cubic feet. Qflit, made by Stanco Inc., is known to contain derris extractives (see advertisement in Soep 10 (5): 93, 1934— R. C. R.j Unidentified species of Siphonaptera The Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture in 1922 called attention to the work of Bishopp and associates, who found derris to be very effective for use as a dust against fleas. An anonymous writer (l) in 1926 described the preparation of an insecticide spray. from derris root in Malaya. Only fresh root <^as used. A bundle weighing 1.5 catty (l cattyfe 1-1/3 lb.) was sufficient for a 1/4- acre garden plot. The root was chopped up, extracted in 2 gallons of- boiling water, and diluted to a 1:4 solution. When used 'On dogs, it killed the fleas without irritating the skin, but should not be used in the presence of scabies. In 1928 Richardson (28) , in a review of the progress that has been made in the use of insecticides, referred to the excellent results derris had given against fleas on domestic animals. Fulmer (10) in 1930 stated that one of the chief uses for derris was for combating fleas. Howes (17) in 1930 wrote that an infusion of the roots of Tephrosia m acropoda with water was commonly used by early settlers in Natal as a wash for freeing doss from fleas. Schraitt (32) in 1930 reviewed the use of Derris elliptica as en insecticide. When dusted with derris powder, cats, dogs, and rabbits were freed from fleas ™ithin 3 to 5 hours. Bishopp (2) in 1921 reported that fresh derris powder is exceedingly effective in destroying fleas on animals. All fleas on a dog will be destroyed by one application of 1 sn. , or about 3/4 of a level teasDOonful, of the powder. It is suggested that the material be mixed at the time it is -5- used -ith.2 parts of flour or cornstarch, . and then "be dusted into the hair of the animal, especiallv along the hack and neck, pith a shaker. The skir. : :" a cat is much more easily injured with chemicals than that of a dc-_: hence any preparation used should "be weaker "hen used on cats than on dogs. d the animals arc exposed to infested premises treatment 'should "be r eated at In nervals of 10 days. Little (19) in 1931 reported that the -iered root :f Ter-hrcsia v irginiana gave almost perfect results en various species of fleas. Sanderson and Peairs (31) in 1931 rrote that fleas are readily controlled with derris ponder and soaps containing derris. % " " Tevis (7) in 1932 TTOte that derris seerr.s. to have special usefulness as a control for fleas on domestic animals. Flint and Metcalf (9) in 1932 stated that pcrders containing derris are the most effective and satisfactory for killing fleas on dogs, cats, i other pets, because they do not make the pets sick. fett and Breyer-Brandwijk (33) in 1932 stated the the Zulus use T erhrcsia rr.acrcr ada as a vermin killer. The leaves of T. vegelii are said to he an efficient parasiticide against fleas, lice, and ticks, and are commonly use! ir. Rhodesia fear this puri ose by .Europeans. The Thongas use a decoction :f the roqt of a species of T epfcrcsle. (probably T. grendiflora ) as a parasiticide. The preparation is .said to have been used for the sane lErpcrse by transport riders in the early days of HataL. John Powell & Company, Inc. (27), in 1932 stated that derris and cuoe ponders, as well as their extractives, ±en comciried with inert carriers make satisfactory flea - orders; .Their action is slcrer than that of pyre thrum powder and. they are effective for a longer period, cut they are no ~:re toxic to fleas than is pyre thru- powder. Spoon (35)TT3te in 1935 that fleas and lice on cats and dog's "-ere controlled by rubbing into the pelt of the animal a mixture of derris (2 percent rot-enone, 6 nercent ether extract) and some neutral diluent, such as talc (l:40). An aqueous suspension of the same derris pon-der 1:300 ■ also be used if the animal is bathed in this suspension. If there is any fear of the animal's being poisoned by licking the treated pelt (although derris is relieved fee be nontoxic to warm-blooded animals), a pasteboard i Liar can ze .fastened around the neck in such a manner as to -prevent this. A flea-infested r:om "-as dusted with a derris powder-talc mixture and left closed over night. He further complaint of fleas ~as received. Sooon (36) ilsc reported -in 1S35 that derris pokier nixed with talc, or some other inert material (1:40 to 1:160, depending on the roienone it t) was effective in ridding cats and dogs of fleas and- lice. T-o products sold the Dutch nark t for ridding household nets of fleas and lice ^ere examined, and found to consist* of derris covrder and talc or kaolin. -9- W. A. Riley (29) in r 1936 discussed the flea problem on fox ranches. Control measures consist of treatment of individual foxes and general ranch sanitation. Animals "brought in should "be inspected and either be given a thorough dusting. with a good flea powder or be dinned. Cats and dogs should likewise be freed from fleas, because they harbor the same species that most commonly infest ranch foxes. Of flea powders, the ones whose active principle is derris have proved most efficient. Special attention should be given to the forehead, the nose, and the areas behind and between the ears. If infestation is heavy, the treatment should be repeated within 2 weeks. D. W, Smith. (34), Trade Comissioner at Batavia, Java, in 1936 reported that a small factory had recently been opened at Bandoeng, Java, for the production of various types of derris insecticides. The new enterprise, known as the "Joho" Derris Factory, markets a variety of insecticides under the trade name of "Desid," an abbreviation of the words "Doodt elk schadelijk insect direct" (kills every harmful insect immediately) . Among the products offered by the factory is Desid Dog Soap for killing vermin (probably fleas and lice) on household pets. Worsley (43) in 1936 reported that Mundulea- bark powder, which contains rotenone, was tested against fleas on dogs and the results were inconclusive — whereas the pyre thrum powder stunned the fleas rapidly, the Mundulea had no immediate effect other than to repel them and, in consequence, no dead fleas could be found. The Bonide Chemical Company, Inc, , Utica,' N. Y.., on November 16, 193? . 1937, in a letter to R. C. Roark, submitted advertising literature which stated that their proprietary derris products, Bonide Dog Zop Shampoo and Flea Killer and Bonide Flezix Flea Powder, were effective against fleas on dogs and cats. William Coooer and Nephews, Inc., Chicago, 111., in a letter to R. C. Roark dated November 16, 1937, stated that their proprietary products Kur-Maige, Pulvex, Pulvex 6-Use Dog Soap, and Sopex, all of which contain derris powder or derris extractives, will control fleas. Hearle (15) , of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, in 1938 recommended derris for fleas on cats, dogs, ; nd foxes. Herri ck and Griswold (16) in 1938 recommended derris and cube for eliminating fleas from cats and dogs. Best results ^ill be obtained from an undiluted powder containing 4 or 5 percent of rotenone, A small amount of the powder, rubbed into the animal's fur, will generally kill ell fleas present; furthermore, the powder seems to be helpful in keeping a new supply of fleas from getting on the animal. Merino and Otanes (25) , of the Philippine Department of Agriculture and Commerce, in 1938 wrote thct derris dust is effective against fleas. It should be dusted and rubbed on the bodies of the infested dogs or cats. It may also be dusted on infested premises. -10- Metcelf end Flint (26) in 1928 stated that dry pondered derris sifted into the fur of pets controls fleas. In 1939, these authors wrote as follows; The "best treatment of pets is frequent dusting with derris powder containing at least 0.5 percent of rotenone, or washing '-n.th derris soaps. Although derris kills slowly, it is very deadly to fleas and harmless to the pets, should they lick it off their coats. On hogs, #iich often become grossly infested, a cheaper treatment by snrinkling their bodies lightly with crude petroleum, fuel oil, miscible spray oil, or crankcese oil may be used. A thorough spray- ing of rooms with a high-grade rotenone, pyrethrum, or Lethane spray will often check an infestation in its inoipiency. These sprays, or dusts of derris or pyrethrum, will also help to keep fleas off of one's legs or bed, temporarily. Mats or rugs on which pets sleep should be laundered or shaken frequently, or dusted at intervals with derris or pyrethrum powder. Fenne (8_) in 1940 recommended derris and cube dusts and sprays for the control of fleas. R. C. Roark, in a typewritten compilation of information on proprietary insecticides containing rotenone or rotenoids in 1940, included Antrol Flea Powder (1.25 percent rotenone) and Bee Brand Flea Powder (l percent rotenone) as products designed especially for combating fleas. Tick Insect Dust and Tick Insect Spray are also represented as effective against fleas. Flit, a pyrethrum product containing 1 percent of derris extractives, is recommended by the manufacturer for fleas on dogs and cats. LITERATURE CITED ANONYMOUS 1926. De derris elliptica ^ortel. Landbou^, Nijv. en Handel Korte Ber. 16 (18) : 151. BISHOPP, F. C. 1931. Fleas and their control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmer's Bui. 897, revised, 16 pp., illus. 1937. How to control fleas. U. S. Dept. Agr. 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Otanes, F. Q. See Merino, G. , 25. Peairs, L. M. See Sanderson, E. D. , 31 Shook, W. B. See Schwartz, B., 33- Sievers, A. F. See Mclndoo, N. E., 22, 23. Stork, M. N. See Wibaut, N. L., Ul. INSECT INDEX Page Cat flea 2-6 Cediopsylla simplex - ------------------------ 2,3,6 Ceratophyllus fa3ciatus ---------------------- 2,k Ctenocephalides - - cards- ------------- __--_.---- 2,3,5,6 felis 2,3,6 spp ------- _ 6 Dog flea - 2-6 Dolichopsyllidae- ------------------------- 2 E chidnophaga gallinacea ---------------------- 3 Fleas 2-10 Hectopsyllidae -------------------------- 3 Hoplopsyllu s af finis ----------------------- k,6 Human flea ---------------------------- 3,^,5,6 Hystrichopsyllidae ------------------------ 3 Leptopsylla segnis ------------------------ 3,7 Lice 8,9 Nosopsyllus fasciatus - ---------------------- 2,h Oriental rat flea -_----_---_-_----- 7 Pulex irritans -------------------------- 6 Pulicidae ---------------------------- 3 Rabbit flea - 3 Rat flea 2,k Siphonaptera- -------------------------- 7 Sticktight flea 3,^,5 Ticks - 8 Vermin ^,5,7,8,9 Xenopsylla -- brasiliensis - - - 3,7 chaeopis --------------------------- 7 -0O0-- 3 1262 09230 4129 I