B. E. P. Q. 567 Effective February 9, 19^3 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AIHCNISTRATIQH BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY Aim PLANT QUARAN [ UBRARY REQUIREMENTS OF STATE PLANT BOARD MEXICAN FRUITFLY REGULATIONS REIMPOSED Introductory Note Due to the finding of a small number of adult Mexican fruitflies In the Texas area regulated on account of this insect, permit requirements c interstate movement therefrom of regulated citrus fruits have been ordered re- sumed on February 9, I9U8., These permit requirements were temporarily suspended at the beginning of the harvest season on September 1, I9U7, ponding reappear adult infestation. Grove inspection and sanitation procedures and the require- ments for packing-house operation have continued while permit requirements were suspended . This action is for the purpose of reinvoking requirements that are needed to assure against spread of the Mexican fruitfly when it is present in adult form and likely to lay eggs on citrus fruit cf the current season's crop. Restoration of the requirements is therefore necessary as soon as surveys cr traps disclose the first appearance of adults of this insect. The first few adults of the season were observed recently. To accomplish the purpose for which they are intended these requirements must be restored immediately. For the reasons stated, it is found upon good cause, pursuant to the provisions of section k of the Administra- tive Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238), that notice and public procedure on thi3 order are unnecessary, impracticable, and contrary to the public interest, and good cause is found for issuing the order effective less than thirty days after publi- cation. § 301.6U- 3f Administrative instructions ordering the resumption of permit requirements for interstate movement of citrus fruit3 from the regulated or . - - The Chief of "rhe Bureau of Entomology "and Plant Quarantine, having determined that natural conditions exist with respect to the area regal "ice of Quar No. 6k on account of the Mexican fruitfly (7 CFR 19^5 supp. 301. 6k to 3OI.6V7, incl.) which make it necessary to resume all permit requirements relative to inter- state movement of regulated citrus fruits from the r t dis- semination of thi3 insect, hereby restores all permit requirements for state movement of such fruits from such regulated areas, effects a.m., February 9, 19W$, until due notice of the lifting of such permit requ I t have been given. These administrative instructions cancel and supersede B.E.P.Q. 565, effective Ler 1, 19^7 (12 F.R. 5833). (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, 39 Stat. 1165, kk Stat, 2?0; 7 U. S. C. 19^0 ed. 7 CFR, 19V, Supp., § 301.6V 3 (a).) Done at Washington, D. C, thin k+h day of February 19U9. Chic:' . IVERSITY OF FLORIDA 11 11:111 1! mi 3 1262 09313 7106