+ .1/3: f j^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics U -S- DEPOSITORY Economic Library List No, 9 Washington, D. C, March 1940 COTTON PICKING MA.CH INERT A Short List of References Compiled "by Emily L. Day, Library Specialist in Cotton Marketing This list supersedes three typewritten lists dated June 17, 1936, April 9, 1937, and March 11, ! 1940. It was compiled mainly from Agricultural. Economics Literature, v. 1, 1927 to v. 13, 1939, end Cotton Literature, v. 1, 1931 to v. 9, 1939. Adams, C. F. The hierarchy of cotton. Commonweal 22(21): 489-490. Sept. 20, "A discussion of the possible effects of the mechanical cotton picker on the cropper and the hired man." - Agr. .Econ. Bibliog. no. 64, item 766« Andrews, Stanley. Iron fingers cone to Dixie. Ark. Farmer 39(2l): 6-7. Sept. 1937. 6 Ar42 Brief account -of the attempts during the past one hundred years to perfect a machine which will pick cotton. Another mechanical cotton picker. Amer. Ginnor and Cotton Oil Miller 14(7): 14. Mar. 1937. 72.3~Am35 Describes a machine invested by A. R. Nisbet. Another mechanical cotton picker reported in Texas. Cotton Trade Jour. 18(34): 6. Aug. 6, 1938. 72.8 C8214 Also in Cotton Digest 10(44): 12. Aug. 6, 1938. The picker of a type known as the wind- roll was invented by A. R. rt>et, -and is being tried in Texas. - 2 - Arthurdale co-op signs contract to manufacture ..cotton pickers. Rust "brothers decide to join manufacture of their cotton-picking machines to co-op trac- tors; signing of contract result of three months of negotiations. Farmers Union Ho raid (n.s.) 13(8): 1. Aug. 1939. 280.28 F224 ■The pickers are to "be manufactured at Arthurdale, West Virginia "by the Arthurdale Farm Equipment Corporation. Barnwell, Mildred G. Picker progress. Checking up on 1937 status of one cf the big stories of 1936. Textile World 87(7): 81. June 1937. 304.8 T315 The present status of cotton picking machinery is noted. Barnwell, Mildred G-. Rust cotton picker means gradual motorization, but not violent economic' upheaval.. Textile World 86(10): 1806-1808, 1873, illus. Sept. 1936, 304.8 T315 Bealle, James S. Dixie needs no cotton picker. Forum and Cent. 97(4): 224- 229. Apr. 1937. "The Southern farmer has no great need for a cotton picking machine. He can arrange for his cotton to "be. picked for loss money under the present system." cBennett, Charles A.: .Ginger discusses. the mechanical picker problem. Machine can't yet "remove trash of conjecture from lint cf fact." Cotton Trade Jour. 18(37): 7. Aug. 27, 1938.. 72.8C8214* Extracts from address at Greenville, Miss., Aug. 23, 1938. Also in Cotton Digest 11(4): 12-13. Oct. 29, 1938. Bennett, Charles A. The relation of mechanical harvesting to .the production of high grade cotton. 5pp., processed. [ Washington, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 'Bureau of Agricultural Engineering] 1938. 1.9 En36R Address before the 32nd annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, June 29, 1938, at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Calif* Better picking methods add money to value of lint sold. Experiments, show how "right" methods of picking bring premium at Stoneville Station under gov- ernment supervision. Miss. Co-op News 9(2): 2. Aug. 1937. 72.8 M6? Bryan, Jack. The Rust foundation. South. Workman 67(12): 361-366. Dec, 1938. 275.8 So82 Quotations are "taken from the Memphis (Term.) Press-Scimitar of August 24, 1938... and from bulletins of the Company, and printed here for the record." The purpose of the Foundation is to use proceeds from sale of the picker to uplift Southern workers* . Burgess, A. F. , and Rogers, Frank E. , jr. Modern cotton picking. Agrarian cClemson Agr. Col. ] l(l): 21, 37-38. Dec. 1938. 276,8 Ag8 Mechanical harvesting of cotton is described. - 3 - . Butler, Eugene. Cotton picker - saint or devil? Progressive Farmer (Tex. ed.) 51(9): 3, 47. Sept." 1936. 6 T311 Discusses the many changes which the Rust cotton picker and other labor saving machinery may make in the agriculture of the South. "After considering the advantages and disadvantages and striking a "balance, it seems to the writer that even though the coming of mechanical choppers. and pickers may displace Labor temporarily and threaten us with over production, it is likely to "benefit Southern agriculture in the long run." Carlson, Oliver. The revolution in cotton. Amer. Mercury 34(134): 129-136. Eeb. 1935. Libr. Cong. Description of Rust Brothers mechanical cotton picker, and a discussion of the social and economic implications involved in large, scale' production and use of this invention. Extracts in Reader's Digest 26(155): 13-16. Mar. 1935. Abstract in Einanc. News 3(16): 17.. Apr. 27, 1935. Carlson, Oliver. The South faces disaster. Amer. Mercury 37(145):- 1-3. Jan. 1936. Libr. Cong. "An almost immediate revolution in cotton production is at hand: the mechanical picker, when introduced in Australia, as well as here, will destroy the Anerican small producer, wipe out the Southern tenant farmer, mechanize the entire industry, cut production costs from fifty to eighty per cent, yield enormous profits to its first users, and throw millions of the South* s most helpless population out of the only employment which they understand." The author describes the increase in cotton production in foreign countries, especially Australia. Cavanagh, J. R. Will. steel fingers and drops of water free the South from picking drudgery? Amer. G-inner and Cotton Oil Miller 12(ll): c4i, 8, illus. July 1935. 72.8 Am35 The Rust Brothers cotton picker is described and its advantages are discussed. Chew, A. P. Cheaper cotton-picking. Earn Jour. 51(8): 12. Aug. 1927. 6 E2212 Clark, Allen ?. Ingenious drive distinguishes mechanical harvester. Machine Design 4(8): 11-14, illus. Aug. 1932. Describes the Gyracotn harvester designed by Geo. R, Mycrcord and Associates, Chicago. "Mechanical cotton pickers, to be successful, must gather a good majority of the ripe cotton and substantially nothing else, and in ac- complishing this, must not injure either the cotton or the various parts of the plant; they must operate efficiently in cotton with green leaves and in that with dead leaves and stems; they must be capable of operating - 4 - efficiently in nest types raid sizes of plants, "but need not "be capable of handling abnormally large or snail plants inasnu.cn as these are rela- tively for; in number; and they nust be so constructed that no oil can get on the cotton," Co-op nenber has invented cotton picker. Mid- So. Cotton News 14(6): 6, illus. Jan. 1937. 72.8 C8295 The picker invented hy L. C. Stukenborg is described. Cooperatives will make Rust cotton pickers. Hoosier Farrier 24(8): 10. Aug. 1939. 280.82 1176 "The Arthur dale Farn Equipment Corporation of Arthurdale, T7est Virginia, managed "by the American Co-operatives, Inc., a group of farner cooperatives operating throughout the Middle West and Canada, which is nor; doing ah out . $18,000,000 worth of "business annually, is going to produce the famous cotton picker, invented "by the Rust Brothers of Memphis, .Tennessee." Cordell, W. H. 'Dark days , ahead for King Cotton. North Amer. Rev. 240(2): 284-292. Sept. 1935. ' "The effect on sharecroppers and tenants of the acreage reduction program and the results of the adoption and use of the Rust Brothers* mechanical cotton-picker are described." Cordell, William, and Cordell, Katliryn. The cotton picker - friend or Frankenstein? Common Sense 5(G): 18-21. June 1936. Libr. Cong. This article, authorized "by the Rust brothers, is on the mechanical cotton picker, its significance, and the efforts of the inventors to "discover some means of lessening the fearful impact of this machine upon the tenants." The article includes a description of the machine (including a sketch of it) and statements as to its low cost of operation and the amount of cotton which the machine can pick in seven ond one-half hours as. contrasted with the amount picked. by human labor, , Cotton picker. Cotton Digest 5(ll): 9-10. Dec. 24, 1932. 286.82 C822 Describes the mechanical cotton picker invented by the Rust Brothers. Cotton picker. Another new machine. Cotton Digest r Houston] 10(l7): 9. Jan. 29, 1938. .286.82 C822 "The development of a mechanical cotton picker.. .was announced by A. H. Kannauer, president of the Cotton Harvester Corporation of America." Cotton picker does job of seventy- five men. Pod. Mechanics 70 (4): 513. Oct. 1938. 291.8 P81 Also in Agr. -Indus. Monthly 6(3): 21, Dec. 1938. Cotton picker does work of 60 nen. Pon. Sci« Monthly 12l(l): 56, illus. July 1932. 470 P81 Describes a machine exhibited in Chicago, which was equipped with headlights and could be used at night. - 5 - Cotton picker. Ma.chino-vs.-nan Jitters exaggerated in the South, Newsweek 12(7): 32. Jfcug. 15, 1938. 230.8 Ne The outlook for use of the Rust cotton picker is noted. Cotton picker portents. Business Week, no. 365, p. 15. Sept. 5, 1936. 230.8 Sy8 Describes the demonstration of the cotton picker in Mississippi, as well as the machine itself. It is held that the "Significance of the invention ranges from the world-empire of cotton to our domestic social set-up." According to this article the Rust "brothers do not intend to sell any of their pickers, except to Russia, which has already taken two machines. Markets for the machine are already opening up. "Four machines will "be used this fall at Clover Kills, a motorized Mississippi plantation* 1 ' The rates at which the pickers will "be leased are given. Cotton picker tried here. High growth causes difficulties but Rust principle proves correct. Ariz. Prod. 14(18): 3. Dec. 1, 1935. 6 Ar44 Invention of John D. Rust will no doubt be practicable for low-growing cotton of. the South. Dickinson, Roy. ; Men and machines. The Rust brothers of Memphis propose an advertising question that demands an answer. Printers 1 Ink 174(12): 17, 20-21. Mar. 19, 1936. 238.2 P932 "Undoubtedly in our present problem the answer to unemployment- is not to sma.sh the machine itself, to refuse to make any new inventions, but to have men interested in purchasing power do some intelligent and far- reaching resea.rch. . .Certainly men crea,te machines to serve and not to enslave them. With "better thinking on the part of the owners, machines can be made to perform the true function for which they are so eminently fitted." Dilemma of a modern man of conscience. Christian Cent. 53: 485. Apr. 1, 1936. Lihr. Cong. Not seen, Farm: Drought and machinery present two great problems. U« S. News 4(35): 5, Aug. .31, 1936. Includes a. discussion of the cotton picker invented "by John and Mack Rust, Federal council of churches of. Christ in America. Dept. of research and educa- tion. The cotton picker. Fed. Counc. Churches of Christ in Amor. Dept. Res. and Ed. Inform. Serv. 15(24): :l-2 3 June 13, 1936. This article on the Rust cotton picker and its significance is "based on an article "by William and Kathryn Cordell - The Cotton Picker - Friend or Frankenstein? - in Common Sense for June 1936. Forsyth, W. H. Cotton stripper reduces cost in Texas. South. Cult. 91 (3): 9, illus. Mar. 1, 1933. - 6 - This article considers the stripper or picker as a threat to cotton production in Georgia, as it is not adapted to conditions there, hut increases competition from the southwest. Future of American cotton in question. In two years U. S. production drops from 60 to 40 per cent of total world crop. Share-croppers raise issue. Threat of pickers adds to difficulties already confronting millions of farm tenants. Amer. Observer 5(8): 1, 8. Oct. 21, 1935. Gantz, H. L, Methods of harvesting cotton are brought to trial. Tex. Coop. News 13(1 ): 7, illus. Jan. 1, 1933. 72.9 T315F Results of a cotton harvesting experiment on a farm near Shallowater, Lubbock County, Tex. , in which the use of a cotton picking machine and the method, of snapping and picking were contrasted. Gyrator cotton picker. Melliand Textile Monthly 2(ll): 1488-1489.. Fob, 1931. 11 It is claimed for the .machine that one acre of cotton may be picked in. one hour, regardless of the poundage of cotton to the acre." Hand vs. machine. An old story being repeated in cotton picking in the Delta. Textile World 87(11): .2229, illus. Oct. 1937. 304.8 TSL5 Compares the pickers manufactured by Rust Brothers and by the Inter- national Harvester Co. Harvester engineer works thirty years on cotton picker. East. Dealer. in Impl. & Vehicles 3l(2): 26, 28, illus. Mar". 11, 1937. 58.8 Ea7- • . Also in Farm Ma.ch. and Equipment, no. 1839, pp. 7-8, 42. Mar. 15, 1937. Harvester cotton picker invented by T. A. Johnston. is described. Hon, Ralph C. The Rust cotton picker. South. Econ. Jour. 3(4): 381-392. Apr. 1937. 280.8 So84 Describes the operation of the cotton picker invented by John and Mack Rust, Home, Roman.!., and McKibben, Eugene G. Changes, in farm power and equipment. Mechanical cotton picker. U. S. Works Prog. Admin. Natl. Res. Proj, Rpt. no. A-2, 24pp. Philadelphia, 1937. 173.2 W89St no. A-2 Selected references, pp. 23-24. Reviewed in Sci. Hews Letter 33(10): 153. Mar. 5, 1938. Hc-rne, Roman L, Cotton pickers. In U. S. National, resources committee. Sab- committee on technology. Technological trends.nxid national policy, pp. 139- 144. Washington, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1937. 173.2 N214T Reprinted in Rural Amer. 16(l)': 9-12. Jan. 1938. Hurst, W. M. Some types of harvesting machinery reach high state of develop- ment. U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture, 1932: 445-446. "The problems involved in the development of a successf.il mechanical cotton harvester are doubtless the most difficult of any which have con- u 7 - fronted inventors and' designers of agri cultural implements. ..due largely to the physical characteristics of the cotton plant and to the wide variations in soil, weather, and crop conditions under which cotton is grown, There are at present two typos of cotton harvesters in the experimental stage." . • . I. H. C. Cotton picker. Still experimental after 30 years of trying, out success is in sight. Ariz. Producer 15(25): 7, 33. Mar. 15, 1937. 6 Ar44 - Describes the International Harvester Company cotton picker invented "by E, A, Johnson, In the driftway. Nation 136(3543): 613-614. "May 31, 1933.' • Mention is made of a mechanical cotton picker which "when tried out in Louisiana last autumn seemed to many observers, including some tech- nicians, to solve the problem* The new device makes use of a 'wet spindle 1 .., It is said that the new machine will red-ace the cost, of pick- ing cotton, now $10' to $20 a "bale, to $1.70 or $0.35, doing the work of 40 to 100 human -nickers according to the heaviness of the crop.. .Inevit- ably it would end what is left - and there is a good deal - of the old plantation system historically associated with the South." International harvester cotton -nicker. Mfrs. Rec. 106(3): 52, illus." Mar, 1S37. 207.8 M31 ' . ' ' ' , '..•■■.-- • The International Harvester Company of America, Inc. -thinks "the time is still remote when cotton nickers will "be placed generally on the market," Is the mechanical cotton picker a threat? Bedding Mfr. 32(3): 38, 40. Oct. 1936. 309.3 B39 Recent tests of the Rust cotton picker are commented upon, "If this thing is intelligently handled it can prove the greatest boon to the South since the cotton gin." Johnston, E, A. The evolution of the mechanical cotton harvester. Agr, Engin. 19(9): 383-335, 383. Tent. 1933. 58.8 AgS3 Also in Farm Impl, News 59(10): 34-36. July 28, 1938. "An address as the 1933 recipient of the Cyrus Kail McOormick Gold Medal awarded "by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and delivered before the annual meeting of the Society, at Asilomar, Pacific •Grove, Calif., June 29, 1933." The article is concluded as follows: • "To sum up, we know we are now on the right track at last, but we also feel that there is absolutely no likelihood of mechanical cotton harvesters being produced and sold in quantities sufficient to revolutionize agri- culture in the cot ton- growing areas in the near future. "While it is reasonable to assume that .the demand for mechanical cotton harvesters will be stimulated by the increasing scarcity of hand pickers, the high and increasing cost of hand picking, and the necessity of reducing « 8 - thb' cost of production, I cannot emphasize too strongly my "belief that this demand will continue a long time "before mechanical harvesters are used in sufficient numbers to affect seriously the labor situation in co tton T growing areas." Jones, D. L., Hurst, W, M*, and Scontes, D. Mechanical harvesting of cotton in northwest Texas. Tex. Agr. Expt. -Sta. Circ. 52, 31pp. College 'Station-, 1928. On -pv, 27-31 is found a description, with illustrations, of the prin- ciple of the mechanical picker, with the 'forecast that a successful machine will he developed in the near future. Jones, R, F. Reducing cotton production costs by the utilization of improved machinery. Agr. Eng. 10(6): 183-183. June 1929. Among the' kinds of machinery discussed, is the mechanical picker, which is "being worked on, hut as yet not successfully developed. Kile, 0. M, .The new agriculture. 218pp. IT ew York, Macmillan co. , 1932. 281.12 K55 A revolution in cotton production, pp. 120-123. "When the practical power picker arrives, and it is evidently near at hand, we shall see a most extraordinary revolution in the Cotton Belt." Leach, H. G. Humanizing machines-I. The Rust cotton picker. Foram 96(2): 49- 50* Aug. 1936. 110 F77 The author suggests "that co-operating societies he formed of groups of cotton croppers and that these societies rent the Rust pickers cand offer tne services of the machines to the cotton planters. With one sharecropper representing seventy-five "by running the machine, the other s event y- four workers ' thrown out of work* would have the time and divi- dends to provide schools for their children, hospitals, and sanitation and to offer their own hand labor in diversified agriculture and other auxiliary services. Under competent leadership a co-operative community of sharecroppers would gradually jack itself up in its standard of cleanli- ness and living." Lewis, E. E. Black cotton farmers and the A.A.A. Opportunity 13(3): 72-74. War. 1935. The writer comments adversely on the prospects of the llegro agricultural workers under the A.A.A, and also discusses the probable effect of the mechanical cotton picker on the llegro and white workers in the Southern cotton fields, McAllister, Sydney G. Concerning mechanical cotton pickers. Farm Impl. News. 58 (21): 46. Oct. 21, 1937. .53.8 F22 Also in East. Dealer- in Impl. and Vehicles 3l(l7):_16. Oct. 21, 1937; Impl. and Tractor 52(22): 20. Oct. 30, 1937; Farm Machinery .and Equipment 1847: 9, 38. N V, 15, 1937; Farm Ideas l(6): 14. Nov, 1937. A radio broadcast October 8, 1937. - 9 mm "Whether a mechanical cotton picker is" introduced into wide spread use in the South during the next generation is dependent primarily upon tile economic direction taken by the cotton production industry as a result of changing world factors." [McCrory, S. H.] Mechanical cotton pickers reported to /be improving. At "best, machines turn out lint one or two grades lower than hand-picked. .Cotton Trade Jour. 19(6): 1, 8.. Fee. 11, 1939. 72.8 C8214 Machine cotton picking still far off. Prog. Farmer (Ky.-Tenn. ed.) 5l(ll): 3, . 57. Nov.' 1935. 6 T311 The writer "believes that a mechanical cotton harvester would "long since have been in use but for the difficult mechanical" engineering and economic problems involved. The mechanical difficulties, which have not yet been solved, are due to the form of the cotton plant and its habit of maturing its fruit. The defects of the present much-publicized machine are just those which have for the last half-century defied solution by other engineers." _ . .''..'. The machine invades the cotton field. U. S. News 4(36): 11. Sept. 7, 1936. 280.8 Un33A Describes the cotton picker invented by the Rust Brothers, and its first public demonstration near Stoneville, Miss. Comment of Oscar Johnston on the operation of the machine is given. . . . John Ti*. Taylor comments on -the .possibilities of the picker on p. 10, his remarks appearing under the cant ion: " South' s new problem. Cotton picking machine: threat cr promise?" Machine picker saves 2 cents a pound, claim. Cotton Trade Jour. 17(31): 1. July 31, 1937. 72.8 C8214^ Brief statement on cost of picking -cotton by hand and with the Rust cotton picker in a test near Clarksdrle, Miss. Machine picking - and then? Its effect on labor, en cotton Qrovrin^ industry and farming in general. Ariz. Prod. 16(16): 6. Nov. 1, 1937. 6 Ar44 Machines that pick cotton. Tex. Farming and Citricult. 14(2): 8, illus. Aug. 1937. 80 T31 The illustration shews a 1935 model HcCornick-Becring Parmall cotton , picker. McHugh, P. D. Machines pick cotton, but -. Sci. Amer. 159(5): 242-245. Nov, 1938. 470 Sci25 Several typos of mechanical, pickers are described and illustrated. Effects of mechanical picking on quality are noted. Marshall, P. L. Pacts about the mechanical cotton picker. Can a mechanical cotton picker be used in Georgia, ~r will itbe confined to the Mississippi Delta? Ga. Agr. cUaiv. of Ga.3 15(4): 5, 24. Jon. 1938. 276^8 G29 [ - 10 - The mechanical cotton pickeri Cotton Digest 10(5) j 6, 15, illus. Nov. r ^ 1937. 286 .82 C822 The pre sent status of the developmen t of a mechanical harvester is noted. • Mechanical cott on picker. Melliand Teztile Monthly 2(12): 1568, illus. Mar. 1931. Also in Internatl. Cotton Bui. 9(35): 360-361, illus. Apr. 1931. Description, of the Nanauer- Gamble-Berry cotton picking machine. Mechanical cotton picker demonstrated at carnival. Mid-South Cotton Assn. News 11(10): 2, illus. May 1934. A picker to he exhibited at the Memphis cotton carnival May 16-19, 1934, is described. Mechanical cotton picker simple in operation. Mid- South Cotton News 14(7): 6, illus. Feb. 1937. 72.8 C8295 Describes the cotton picker invented by L. C. Stuckenborg. Mechanical cotton picking. Cotton and Cotton Oil Press 38(40): 10. Oct. 2, 1937. 304.8 C822 Report of "a demonstration of International Harvester's new cotton picker in the Delta." .. . ... Mechanical cotton picking in two years! Arizona trials leave no doubt I.H.C. machine to be complete success soon. Ariz. Prod. 16(17): 7. Nov. 15, 1937. 6 Ar44 Describes the International Harvester Company's machine. Mechanical dickers discussed by chief . Cotton Digest cHouston: 10(48): 10-11. Sept. 3, 1938. 286.82 C822 Statements of Charles A. Bennett are quoted. Mechanization of cotton harvesting. Econ. Rev. Soviet Union 7(15-15): 332, illus. Aug. 15, 1932. "The need for a cot ton-harve sting machine which could f distinguish 1 the ripe from the unripe pods was met ''oj the construction of new types of harvesters." The Meyercord cotton picker. Farm Impl. News 53(17): 12-14, illus. Apr. 28, 1932. 58.8 F22 Mullen, C. W. Steel spindles take place of numb fingers. Kans. Agr. Student 13(4): 106, 123-124. May 1939. 276.3 K13 Discusses the difficulties and ho.rd labor of picking cotton and the advantages of a mechanical cotton picker. Munro, VT. C. King cotton's stepchildren. Current Hist. 44(3): 66-70. June 1936. 110 C93 An .article en the Southern sho.recre-n'ocrs - the organization of the - 11 *■ Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, the cooperative farm started for the "benefit of a for/ evicted 'families of sharecroppers in Tennessee by' Scon Franklin and Sherv/ood Eddy, the Rust cotton picker, and the Rust Foundation organized for "the .pur-pose of utilizing nine tenths of the inventors' profits for the foundation of cooperative farms and educational projects for the white and Negro." John Rust has offered marketing control of the machine to the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. Must pick Pima cleaner. Ariz., prod. 12(15): 1. Oct. 15, 1933. 6 Ar44 New cotton picker. Internatl. Cotton Bui. 13(49): 97. Oct. 1934. 72.8 In8 J. and M. Rust, "brothers of Memphis, Tenn.j have patented a new machine for harvesting cotton. Anew cotton picker. Internatl. Cotton Bui. 15(57): 50-51. Oct. 1936. 72.8 In8 "As nearly as can he determined, the first attempt to develop a mechani- cal cotton picker was made in Memphis in 1850. Since that time some 820 patents have "been taken out at the United States Patent Office for all kinds of cotton pickers... A short time ago the press gave extensive pub- licity to what was termed a 'new mechanical cotton picker', i. e., the Hew Rust Cotton Picker, "but the reader is referred to page 97 of the October, 1934, issue of the International Cotton Bulletin, where a note on this same cotton picker will be found." The recent test of the Rust "brothers' picker is briefly described. New cotton picker in the U. S..S. R. Internatl. Cotton Bui. 11(43): 399. Apr, 1933. 72.8 In8 "This picker has a much higher production capacity than the American tr/o-row cotton picker, and makes a full use of the tractor power possible. It gives an additional operation, that of sorting cotton according to grades." This new six- row picker was designed at the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Mechanization of Agriculture, U. S. S. R. New cotton picker now on market. Mid- So, Cotton News 16(11): 2. May 1939. 72.8 C8295 Also in Ariz. Farmer 18(7): 20. June 10, 1939. Describes the operation of the St. Louis Cottonpicker. New mechanical cotton picker does double duty. Pop. Sci. Monthly 133(6): 91, Dec. 1938. 470 P81 "Each row of cotton is picked oyer twice in one operation as a new and improved model of a. mechanized cotton-picking machine perfected by the Rust brothers of Memphis, Term., runs back and forth across the cotton field." New-model cotton pickers. Rust and International Harvester machines are working on. this year'.s crop. Low. cotton price, high labor cost, and shortage of hands make a market. Business Week, no. 422, p. 26, Oct. 2, 1937. 280. 8 Sy8 - 12 - New picker Ignores green "bolls. Cotton and' Cotton Oil Press 38(33): 18. Aug. 14, 1937. 304.8 0822 Alec in Textila Bui. 52(25): 30. Aug. 19, 1937. Describes a next cotton picker v/ith an electric eye, invented by Charles White ef Mol'ine, 111. New types of cotton hold key to efficient mechanical picking* Daily Hews Rec. C N. Y.] no. 152, pp. 1, 6. June 30, 1938. 286.8 1T48 Also in. Prog. Farmer (Tex. ed.) 53(3): 12... Aug. 1938; Impl. & Tractor 53(14): 12-13, 34. July 9, 1938. Gives extracts from addresses cf Charles A. Bennett and E. A. Johnston at the 32nd annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural En- gineers at . Asilornar, Pacific Grove, Calif., June 29, 1938. Pickett, John E. Cutting farm costs with machines. Pacific Rural Press 122(24): 550. Dec. 12, 1931. 6 P112 Among other machines a mechanical cotton picker is described which is known as the Gyracotn. Picking an acre of cotton an hour. Impl.. and Machinery Rev. cLondon: 63(746): 186, illus. June 1, 1937. 53.8' Im72 Describes the work of a cotton picking machine in the United States. Picking cotton. A mechanical device. Queenslander 66(222): 13. July 16, 1931. Describes the invention of Mr. J. Ecrrier of Brisbane, Australia. Program for picker. Time 27(12):- 60. Mar. 23, 1936. The plan of the Rust Brothers to lease their cotton harvesting machine in order not to throw men out of work is noted. Reynoldson, L. A., and Thibodeaux, B. H. Mechanization in South has been re- tarded by lack of a cotton-picking maohine. U. S. Dept. of Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture 1932: 428-431. Robot cotton pickers. Many problems still to be solved before such pickers .are an accomplished fact. Textile World 89(l): 48. Jan. 1939. 304.8 T315 Russia -nleased by cotton picker test. Cotton Digest 9(l6): 14. Jan. 23, 1937. 286.82 CS22 Comment on "demonstration of the Rust Brothers* mechanical cotton picking machine, (by) Charles Stanley, demonstrator of the machine." Rust, J. D. Lower production cost is answer to cotton problem, Rust asserts. "If King Cotton will mechanize, modernize kingdom, throne will be secure." Cotter. Trade Jour. 19(17): 5, 6 t Apr. 29, 1939. 72.8 C3214 Rust, John. • The Rust cotton picker. South. Workman c Hampton Inst.: 67(12): 366-367. Dec. 1938. 275.8 So32 - 13 - Bust, J. D. The Bust cotton-picker - Will it solve the labor problem? Cotton Digest 8(29): 16-17, illus. Apr. 25, 1936. 286.82 C822 The Bust picker and its operation and use are described. cBust, John:. Bust defends good work of cotton picker. Challenges statement that machine lowers grade of staple. Cotton Trade Jour. 18(32): 5, 8. July 23, 1938. 72.8 C8214 Comments on the address of Charles A.- Sennet t entitled "The relation of mechanical harvesting to the production of high grade cotton" given at the 32nd annual meeting of the African Society of Agricultural En- gineers, June 29, 1938, at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Calif. Bast brothers change original plan to lease cotton pickers. Sci. Hews Letter 32(871): 397. Dec. 18, 1937. 470 Sci24 Plan to sell cotton pickers outright is ngted. # Bust brothers invent- improved cotton picker. Sci« News Letter 30(814): 313. Nov. 14, 1936. An improvement of their cotton picker, for which patents have just been granted the Bast Brothers, is described. Bust brothers plan to manufacture 1,000 pickers a year. Daily News Bee. cN. Y.] no. 169, p. 1* July 21, 1938. 286.8 N48 . .' .. Also in Textile Sul. 54(22): 6. July 28, 1938; Textile 'Age 2(8): 10, 12. Aug. 1938; Textile World 88(9): 32-33. Aug. 1933. Bust brothers promise tandem picker. Cotton Digest c Houston: 9(39): 8. July 3, 1937. 286.32 C822 "A new type double cotton picker, actually two of the old pickers in tandem formation, will be introduced this fall." The Bast cotton picker at work. Prog. Farmer (Car.-Va. ed. ) 5l(ll):. 11, illus. Hov. 1936. 6 P945 Three photographs show the cotton picker in use at the recent Stone- ville, Mississippi, demonstration. Bust picker given public trycut. Cotton Digest 8(48): 9. Sept. 5, 1936. 286.82 C822 Describes briefly a public demonstration of the picking machine in- vented by John and Mack Bust held at the Delta Experiment Farm at Stoneville, Mississippi. Busts are ready to begin mans picker production. Cotton Trade Jour. 19(13): 9. Apr. 1, 1939. 72. 3 C3214" "The Hast Cotton Picker Company, of Memphis, is ready to begin quantity production of a mechanical cotton picker by means of which three men can ' do the work of 100." - 14 - Sanders, P. H. The kingdom of the negro, the male, and cotton. Cotton Trade Jour, (Lntomatl. ed. ) 12(l): 49-50, 51-52, illus. Jan. 2, 1932. 72,3 C32i4~ ';;..:. "The Yazoo-Mississippi Basin, known to the cotton world as the home of 'Delta Staples 1 is breaking on old tradition. - The Mississippi Delta grafts machine— minded. " g . "1 Says machine will pick cotton at $3.50 for 1,500 pounds. Inventor maintains •grade of staple is "better than by hand-picking. Daily News Rec. [1T..Y.: no. 166, p. 16. July 18, 1938. 286.3 JST48 Also in Cotton Trade Jour. 13(32): 6. July 23, 1938; Textile Bui. 54(22): 23. July 28, 1938. The. machine was invented "by A. R. Hi shot, and is "being manufactured . at San Angel o, .Texas. _. . Schoffelmayer, V. E. Cotton sleds popular over South Plains. Large crop, low prices make growers turn. to mechanical harvesters. Dallas Morning News 48(86): 1, 12, illus. Dec. 25, 1932." Also in Cotton Trade Jour.. 13(l): 4. Jan. 7, 1333. "A Dallas News survey., .reveals that about 400 strippers and related, although improved, types of cotton harvesters, have "been in use there . throughout the foil*" Describes advantages of various types of harvesters. Schoffelmayer, V. E. . Is cotton "mass production" coming? How much will the changes in methods of harvesting cotton influence the future of cotton growing?. Will mechanical substitutes replace human. labor? fill "sledding" and. "snapping" "be the reaction to low prices? Cotton Trade Jour. (Inter- nal, ed., 7th) 13(21): 20-21, 79, 98," illus. 1933. 72.8 C8214 A discussion of harvesting methods. Illustrations show various types. of harvesting machines, such as the stripper and the picker. Schoffelmayer, V. H. Sledded cotton in West Texas. Country Gent. 92(6): 13-14. June' 1927. 6 C833 "The mechanical harvester may prove to he as great an advance as was the gin," Scoates, Dan. Cotton-picker progress. Country G-ent. 101 (6): 6, 65. June 193].. 6 C833 Discusses the development of two types of cotton pickers, one of which picks the cotton out of the "boll while it is still on- the plant and the other strips the cotton from the plant, "Loll and all. Scoates, D^n. Mechanically harvesting cotton. Farm and Ranch 46(53): 2. Dec. 31, 1927. 6 T31 ... . . ' . Smith, H. P. Cotton harvesters. Better Crops vrith Plant Food 17(5): 21-23, 41-42, illus. Dec. -Jan. 1931-32. 6 B46 Describes an experiment with harvesting machinery at agricultural ex- periment stations in Texas. Illustration shows type of plant being developed for mechanical harvesting. - 15 - Smith, E. P. Here's the dope on experiments to harvest cotton with machinery. South.. Agr. 65(9): 12-13, illus. Sept. 1935. 6 So83 Smith, E. P., and ethers. Mechanical harvesting of cotton as affected "by varietal characteristics and other factors, by K. P. Smith, D. T. Killough, D. L. Jones, and LI. E. Byrom. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 580, 49pp. College Station, 1939. References, p. 49. "Luring the past ten years the Texas Station Cotton Harvester has "been improved so that it will harvest 94 to 98 per cent of the cotton from varieties developed for mechanical harvesting* Experiments indicate that an ideal, plant type is one having relatively short, short-noded fruiting "branches, no vegetative "branches, an open type growth, light foliage, storm resistance, and large strong "bolls spread open enough to permit the locks of cotton to protrude from the "bolls in a fluffy condition and "borne singly on peduncles ("bell stems) that will snap easily under tension "but withstand plant .agitation." Smith, H. P., and others. The mechanical harvesting of cotton, by.E. P. Smith, B. T. Killough, M. E. Byrom, D. Scoates, and D. L. Jones. . Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 452, 72pp., illus. College Station, i932. Extracts in Oil Miller and Cotton Ginner 41 (2): B, Oct. 1932. Smith, H. P. Mechanical harvesting of cotton progresses. Earm and Ranch 50(20): 2, 10, illus. May IS, 1931. 6 T31 Smith, H. P. The mechanical picker.. Cotton Digest 7(47): 6-7. Aug. 31, 1935. " 285.82 C822 Also in Textile Bui. 49(2): 7. Sept. 12, 1935. The "stripper" and "picker" types of cotton harvesting machines and the. problems of machine harvesting are discussed. Smith, H. P. Progress in mechanical harvesting of cotton. Agr. Engin. 19(9): 389-391. Sept. 1933. 53.3 Ag83 "Paper presented "before the Power, and Machinery Division at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural. Engineers, at Pacific G-rove, Calif., June 29, 1938." Also in Cotton Trade Jour. 18(42): 6. Oct. 1, 1938; Cotton Digest 11(3):. 3, 11. Oct. 22, 1933. Smith, E, P., .aiid others. Progress in the study of mechanical harvesting of cotton, by H. P. Smith, D. T. Killough, D. L. Jones, and M. H. Byrom. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui, 511, 35pp., illus. College Station, 1935. "The results obtained in the study of mechanical harvesting of cotton are reported and a description is given of the improvements made during the 1932-1934 period." - Bibliog. Trop. Agr., 1936, p. 210. 1937. Smith, E. P. There 1 s many an unsolved problem in the machine harvesting of cotton. P.n.rm Impl. Hews 58(10): 24-26, 40, illus. May 20, 1937. 58.8 T22 "The revolution in cotton harvesting is not yet and will net come - 16 - until a suitable plant has "boon developed, to permit .the cotton harvest- . ing machine to perform satisfactorily.. M Southern tenant farmers? union, A statement concerning farm tenancy submitted to the governor 5 s commission on farm tenancy by the executive council* 27pp % . , processed.' ^ Memphis? 1936 : 282 So82 A short section, pp. 18-?. 9, tells of successful demonstrations of the Rust picker, and its probable effects on labor and upon the family-size farm, and tenants. Soviet cotton picker. Business Week, no, 504, t>. 49. Apr. 29, 1939. 280.8 Sy8 An announcement that "the All-Union Research Institute for Agricultural Machinery cooperating with a Soviet plant has produced the first Russian cotton pickers." . ... Speculating on mechanical cotton pickers. Barren* s 16(40): 20. Oct. 5, 1936. 284. 8 B27 lae fire principles upon which manufacturers are working are listed. "Experience has been that,. .unless the product is taken away from the research departments and put into circulation, the day of its perfection will he definitely delayed." Stanford, J. E, The mechanical cotton picker. South. Agr. 66(10): 11, Oct. 1936. 6 So 88 Describes the Rust Brothers cotton picker, tells what it con do, ond lists the major criticisms expressed by observers at the demonstration held, at Stcneville, Miss., August 31, 1936, Straus, R. K, Enter the cotton picker:' the story of the Rust brothers 1 in- vention. Harper's Mag. 173(1036): 386-395. Sept. 1936. Sketches the history and background of the Rust brothers 1 cotton picker, discussing the Rust brothers' hopes for the . machine , cost of operation, and possible economic and social conscauences. Condensed in Readers Digest 29(174): 43-47. Oct. 1936. T alley, Robert. Cotton's now social problem. Nation's Business 24(ll): 29- 31, 91, Nov. 1935. 285.8 N212 On the Rust cotton picker'. Taylor, A. ¥. The plight of the southern tenant. Christian. Cent. 53(14): 427-428. Apr. 3, 1935. The writer analyzes the situation of the Southern tenant farmer, find- ing that over-capitalization of land, low average per- capita- wealth, the one-crop system and a bad credit system are the main factors contributing to his plight. The mechanical cotton picker and the increase of cotton growing in Brazil and Russia may bring even more calamitous difficulties. - 17 - Taylor, A» W, Rust brothers open new pathi Their machine nay revolutionize cotton industry: their social ideas nay influence profit- seekers. Christian Cent. 53(17): 606-608, Apr. 22, 1936. Plahs of the Bust brothers to introduce their cotton picking machine without lowering labor standards are described. The Llano and Sherwood Eddy cooperative cotton colonies are also described. Test two other cotton-pickers'. International Harvester end Berry machines receive field trials and show varying degrees of success. Business Week no. 379, pp. 29-30, illus. Dec. 5, 1936, The two machines arc described. Spinning tests of cotton picked by these pickers and by the Rust cotton picker are mentioned. These are the new models of the Rust cotton picker. Business Week Sept. 3, 1938, p. 24.' 280.8 Sy8 Pictures of The picker arc given. Tractors and cotton pickers. Oil Miller and Cotton C-inner 46(4): 7. June 1935, 307,3 0i5 The article suggests the economic pjid social significance of in- creasing use in the South and Middle Test of farm machinery to replace farm, labor. A cotton picker that is "80^ perfected" is mentioned. Ulm, A. H, A revolution in cotton picking. Nation's Business 15(5): 66-63. May 1927. 286,8 17212 "The nest surprising thing in cotton this year - not even excepting its price - is that several million bales of cotton, not picked oz r hand, have gone to market from farms in the south since the beginning of the present cotton season. More then a half million bales were gathered by a distinctly machine method. This fact is of more significance perhaps than any other event in the history of cotton since Whitney *s invention of the cotton gin in 1733." U. S. Dept. of, labor. Bureau of labor statistics. Machines for the harvest- ing of cotton. U. S. Dept. Labor. Bur. Labor Stat is. Monthly Labor Rev, 25(5): 31-33. Nov. 1927. 153,6 BS7I/I Gives descriptions of a cotton nicker of the spindle type, a cotton stripper or boiler, and a cotton cleaner devised and now being tried out by the Internationa]. Harvester Company, Walker, H. 3. Mechanical cotton harvester experience in California. Agr, Engin. 19(9): 392. Sent. 1933. 53,3 Ago 3 "Presented before the Power and Machinery Division at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, at Pacific Grove , . Calif • , June 29 , 1938 . " Waterman, W, Mechanical picker is next step for improving American cotton. Cotton Digest cHouston: 10(52): 3, 14-15. Oct. 1, 1938. 285.32 C322 The Qyracotn harvester is described and the type of plant needed for mechanical harvesting is considered. Also in Agr. Engin. 19(9): 39.3-394. Sent. 1933. - is - ■ WateirooJii W, Some needs in cotton harvesting development. Agr. Engin. 19(9): 393-394, Sept. 1938. 58.8 Ag83 "Paper presented pefore the Power and Machinery Division at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, at Pacific Grove, Calif., Jure 29, 1938." Westbrook, E. C. Cotton nicker - friend or foe. Prog. Earner (Ga. -Ala. -El a. ed.) 51(10): 12, illus. Oct, 1936. 6 P945G The author concludes that in his opinion, "if the southeastern states continue to work toward one variety cotton communities in the production of quality cotton, the southeastern cotton will soil for enough above the machine-picked western cotton to enable it to compete successfully." Weybright, Victor. Two men and their machine. Survey Graphic 25(7): 432-433. July 1936. 280.8 C37G "The Rust brothers once picked cotton for a living. Now that they have invented a mechanical picker they seek a way to launch it without bringing catastrophe to the cotton worker, " Whittam, William, A new cotton picker. Textile Recorder 53(629): 40, illus. Aug. 15, 1935, 304,8 T311 The mechanical cotton picker, invented by J. D. and I.!. D. Rust, is described, Wiley, .Clarence A. The Rust mechanical cotton picker and probahle land-use adjustments. Jour. Land & Public Util. Econ, 15(2): 155-166. May 1939, 232,3 J 32 The writer does not believe that the effects of the introduction of the mechanical cotton picker will "be as dire as have been painted by various writers and even the inventors of the machine themselves. The major part of the article is devoted largely "to (l) a detailed compara- tive analysis primarily to see the pro snoots of an early and wide intro- duction of the machine; (2) to weigh the extent of the land-use adjust- ments on the basis of comparative costs; and (3) to point out that intro- duction of the machine possibly will be slow even in areas adopted to machine farming because of limitations imposed by -(a,) expense of readjust- ments in the size _ of the farm unit, (b) the difficulties presented "ay cooperative operation of the machine, and (c) the availability of low- paid hand -nickers, " Wolf, George. Mechanical picker is still ahead. Amer, Cotton Grower 4(3): 20. Aug. 1933. 72.3 Am32 The Rust Brothers "hope and intend to have pickers on the market for the season of 1939." Other types of pickers ore still. being tested. Wolf, George, jr. The Rust cotton picker still a Question. Amer. Cotton Grower 11(5): 8-9, 12. Oct. 1, 1936. 72.8 An32 Describes the three general cla.sses of automatic cotton picking « 19 - machines that have "been invented since the Civil War - seven hundred and fifty patents have "been issued since that tine - none of which has proven itself in field tests. Contains also a description of the Rust cott< picker, and lists valid objections to the work of the picker. ;on ZC3-lI0I.il C LIBRARY LISTS No. 1. State trade harriers; selected references. March 1939. No. 2, The frozen food industry* selected references, January 1937 to March 1939. April 1939. No. 3 t High drafting in cotton spinning; . selected references. April 1939. No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No. 6. Periodicals relating to shipping. October 1939. No. 7. Electrical properties of cotton; some references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA > urn ii imii 3 1262 08926 6505