/?. FATIGUE CF SANDWICH CCNSTRUCTJCNS^J" fCR AIRCRAFT A 7 LAN <** St * 1 ' (Aluminum Facing and Aluminum Honeycomb Cere Sandwich Material Tested in Shear) December 1949 This Report is One of a Series Issued In Cooperation with the AIR FCRCE-NAVY-CIVIl SUBCOMMITTEE on AIRCRAFT DESIGN CRITERIA Under the Supervision of the AIRCRAFT COMMITTEE r -^Q^^k[t& of the MUNITIONS BOARD - ^« No. 1559-H DEPOSITORY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison 5, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin FATIGUE OF SANPWICH CONSTRUCTIONS FOR AIRCRAFT^ (Aluminum Facing and Aluminum Honeycomb Core Sandwich Material Tested in Shear)^ By FRED WERREN, Engineer Summary and Conclusions A limited number of tests have "been made at the Forest Products Laboratory to determine the shear fatigue properties of an assembled sandwich panel with aluminum facings and perforated-aluminum-foil honeycomb core material. Repeated tests were made at a ratio of minimum to maximum loading of 0.1, The results of the tests and the S-N curves obtained from them are presented. The shear and shear fatigue properties in the LT plane (fig. l) are different from those in LR plane, and the results of tests in each direction are given. The shear strength in the LT plane is almost twice as great as the shear strength in the LR plane, but the fatigue properties are proportion- ately better in the LR plane. If equal repeated shear stresses vrere applied to a specimen in each plane, however, the specimen with deformation in the LR plane would be expected to fail first. The results of the series of tests in the LR piano indicate a fatigue strength at 3° million cycles of approxi- mately 36 percent of the static strength for the condition of loading used. —This progress report is one of a series prepared and distributed by the Forest Products Laboratory under U. S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics No. NBA-PO-NAcr 00619, Amendment No. 1, and U. S. Air Force No. USAF-PO- (33-033) 48-^lE. Results here reported are preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. 2 -This is the eighth of a series of reports intended to offer a comparison of the shear fatigue properties of different sandwich materials. The follow- ing FPL reports discuss the shear fatigue properties of: 1559 "Cellular Cellulose Acetate Core Material" 1559-A- "Aluminum Face and Paper Honeycomb Core Sandwich Material" 1559-3 "Aluminum Face and End-grain Balsa Core Sandwich Material" 1559-0 "Aluminum or Fiberglas-laminate Face and Fiberglas Honeycomb Core Sandwich Material" 1559-L "Fiberglas-laminate Face and End-grain Balsa Core Sandwich Material" 1559-3 "Aluminum or Fiberglas-laminate Face and Cellular-hard-rubber Core S andwi c h Mat e rial " 1559-3 "Cellular Cellulose Acetate Core Material with Aluminum or Fiberglas- laminate Facings" 1559-0 "Fiberglas-laminate Facing and Paper Honeycomb Core Sandwich Material" Rept. No. 1559-H -1- Agriculture-Madison In the IT piano, the fatigue strength at 3") million cycles is about 23 percent of the static strength. Introduction If plates of sandwich construction are designed so that their facings are olastically stable, the most critical stress to which the core is subjected is shear. The consideration of the effect of repeated shear stresses on the material of the cores and on the bands between the core and facings is, there- fore, important. The general testing procedures and nomenclature applied to these tests are similar to those used by the Forest Products Laboratory in testing aluminum facing and paper honeycomb core sandwich material.^ Description of Material and Specimens Three panels of the sandwich material were furnished to the Laboratory by the manufacturer .2 The honeycomb core material consisted of 0.00^-inch perforated aluminum foil formed into 3/8-inch cells of hexagonal shape, and weighed about 5-1/2 pounds per cubic foot. The core was cut to a thickness of 0,500 + 0.005 inch and was bonded to the O.C20-inch aluminum facings with an adhesive especially formulated for bending metals. The core and facings were assembled and cured in a press at 10 pounds per square inch at 300° F. for 20 minutes. Specimens were cut from the panels with a metal-cutting band saw to a width and length of 2.00 and 5*67 inches, respectively. The specimens were cut in two directions with respect to the core orientation to permit applica- tion of shear deformation in (l) the LR plane and (2) the LT plane (fig. l) . The specimens were glued to the l/2-inch shear plates with Adhesive Y,-2 with a final cure at 10 pounds per square inch and 300° F. for 1 hour. The results of 33 fatigue tests and 2k control tests are presented in this report. Testing All tests were made in accordance with the methods described in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 1559-A.- The failure of fatigue specimens tested to produce shear deformation in the LR plane was a combination of buckling of the cell walls and of diagonal tension (fig. 2). The diagonal-tension cracks originated relatively ^Additional information on the panels and on the adhesives used in these tests is given in Appendix 1. Rept. Ho. 1559-H -2- early in the test and always had their inception at one of the perforations in the cell wall. These early cracks almost always occurred in the cell wall of single thickness. Slight huckling of some of the cell walls was also evident almost from the "beginning of the test. In spite of the early frac- tures and buckling, the load dropped off only slightly until shortly "before the final failure. Usually the final failure was a progressive buckling and diagonal- tension failure of the cell walls, and the specimen would not hold the load. There was no sudden failure or drop off in load such as has been experienced with several other core materials. The failure of the specimens that were tested to produce shear defor- mation in the LT plane was considerably different from that mentioned above. The final failure was a combination of (l) buckling of the cell walls, (2) diagonal- tens ion failure of the core originating at the perforations* and (3) glue-line failure between core and facings. It appeared that the glue- line failure occurred after the other two types, and the specimen failod more rapidly once the bond had begun to fail. As with the LR specimens, however, the failure was progressive until the specimen would no longer hold the load. It was noted that the initial buckling appeared limited to the single cell walls but that the diagonal-tension cracks originated at the perforations in both the single and double walls. The failure of the control specimens tested in the LR plane was due to buckling of the cell walls. If the load was carried on beyond the maximum, the result was a further collapse of the cell walls. In specimens tested in the LT plane, the failure was also due to buckling of the cell walls. The double cell walls buckled noticeably at the maximum load, and the buckling was followed by progressive buckling and a slow drop in load. In each case, the load appeared to increase at a uniform rate until the maximum load was reached. Presentation of Lata The results of the individual fatigue and control tests are presented in table 1. Values are calculated as in Forest Products Laboratory Report No» 1559-A. It is evident that the shear strength in the LT plane is almost double that in the LR plane. The results of the fatigue tests are plotted in figure 3» and- an S*-H curve is plotted through the points representing the two planes tested. Analysis of Data From an examination of the construction of the core material (fig. l) , it can be seen that the cell walls of double thickness are in an LT plane. Therefore it appears that the strength in the LT plane would be greater than that in the LR plane, provided the glue bond between core and facings is satisfactory. This was confirmed in static tests wherein the bond did not Rept. Ho. 1559-H -3- fail« Since the fatigue characteristics in the two planes might "be completely different in such a construction, however, tests in both the weak and the strong direction seemed advisable. The S-N curve associated with the weaker direction (LR plane) is an indication of the shear fatigue properties of the core in that direction, and the bond between core and facing appeared to be satisfactory. Failure was due to diagonal-tension cracks originating at the perforations in the cell walls and to buckling of the cell walls (fig. 2). Although no diagonal- tension failures were visible in the static tests, the effect of repeated stresses resulted in the tension cracks at the perforations, where there is a zone of stress concentration. In specimen A6-2-13, one such diagonal- tension crack was observed at about 3 million cycles, and additional onos at about 13 million cycles. Nevertheless, the specimen withstood more than 30 million cycles without complete failure. For specimens tested in the LT plane, the failure was different than that above, and the resultant S-N curve reflects a combination of failure of the core material and failure of the bond between core and facings. A comparison of the data and the two S-N curves indicates that the LR plane, within the range tested, is still the critical plane as far as fatigue is concerned. Even though the curve for the LT plane is lower, these percentage values are based on a higher control strength. As an example, a specimen from panel 2 subjected to stresses in the LR plane at a maximum repeated shear stress of 100 pounds per square inch would be expected to withstand about 200,000 cycles before final failure. A similar specimen ttt the same panel but subjected to the same repeated shear stress in the LI! plane would be expected to withstand almost 2 million cycles. The above comparison is of course limited to the type of loading used in these tests. It is important to repeat here that the perforations In the cell walls are a point of stress concentration and that when the core material is subjected to repeated shear stresses, a few diagonal- ton si on cracks become evident long before the final failure takes place. Prior to testing, it was agreed to discontinue testing any fatigue specimen that withstood 3° million cycles without complete failure, "our such specimens were removed from the machine. It can be seen the plotted points and curves of figure 3 that the endurance limit cannot be accurately determined from these tests. For specimens tested in the LR plane, it appears that the endurance limit might be about 35 percent of the static strength for the condition of loading used; but for specimens tested in the LT plane, there does not appear to be a definite indication that the endurance limit is being approached, even at 3° million cycles. .t. No, 1559-H -**~ Appendix 1 Description of Sandwich Panels The following description of the sandwich panels was submitted to the Forest Products Laboratory "by their manufacturer. Pacings- Pacing thickness Core Core thickness Molded panel thickness Number of panels submitted Molding temperature Molding pressure Preheat time: in press Molding time Core weight Adhesive Yfeight of panels 24 ST clad aluminum alloy 0.020 inch 3/8-0.004 PR (3/8-inch cells, perforated aluminum foil 0.004 inch thick) 0.500 ± 0.002 inch 0.541 ± 0.002 inch 3 300° F. 10 pounds per square inch 3 minutes at zero pressure 20 minutes in steam-heated pressure 5.55 pounds per cubic foot FM-45, composition unknown O.92 pound per square foot Description of Adhesive Adhesive Y , a modified polyvinyl hutyral adhesive. Kept. Ho. 1559-H -5- 1. — -Shear fatjnie strength of sandv/ich constructions of aluminum facings and aluminum honeycomb cores- ^ Fatigue tests Coni trol tests • imen :imum j repeated : shear : stress : Control:Ratio of : strength: maximum : .'repeated : shear : stress to : control : strength ! : Cycles : to : failure : Specimen : 6he (1) : (2) : (3) : (4) : (5) (6) i (7) P.s.i. : P.s.i. : Percent : • i P.s.i. A6-1-1 3 5 7 9 11 A6-2-1 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 PAN 5I 1 — 18 by 24 INCHES — TESTS D I IT I?. PI~"C: 44.8 55-5 63.2 5- • 58.6 134.1 154.1 i.54.1 l<-> 154.1 154.1 154.1 36.0 . 34. c 38.0 87.0 30,381/ . 500 1,20 0,200 30,381,700+ 13,305,700 6,600 A6-1-2 4 6 8 10 12 155.4 155.3 160.8 15'-. 149. Av. . . . 15. . PANEL 2 — 18 "by 28 INCHES — TESTED IN IP. DIFJBC?: 79.1 73.8 68.5 . 114.3 87- 60.6 123. 96.7 57.1 104.5 149.5 149. s 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 52.9 49.4 45.9 42.9 . 58.2 40.5 82.3 64.7 38.2 70.0 513,500 1,650,400 2,162,300 . 19,800 50,100 723,500 100+ ,600 235,300 4,775,900 109,000 A6-2-2 4 6 8 10 12 16 1? 20 Av. . 14* 145. 14€ . 152.9 145.9 146.3 152.0 151.1 151.8 152.7 149.5 Sheet 1 of 2 . :;o. 1559-H Ta"b 1 e 1 . — Shear fati^e strength of sandwich constructions of aluminum facings and aluminum honeycomb cores— (Cont'd) Fatigue tests Control tests Specimen : Maximum . ControliRatio of : Cycles 'Specimen : Shear No. : repeated strength: maximum : to : No> strength : shear ! : repeated failure ! : stress : : shear : ! : stress to : : control : : strength • ; (1) : (2) s (3) : (4} (5) : (6) ■ (7) P.s.i, : P.s.i, : Percent : P.s.i. A6- PANEL 2 — 18 fry 26 INCHES — TESTED IN LT DIRECTION 356,700 : A6~2-2a: 45,100 : 5a: 4,400 : 8a: 107,800 : 11a: 9,000 : 14a: 1,108,000 3,126,900 : Av. 27,000 1,339,300 455,000 78,100 PANEL 3 — 18 fry 28 INCHES — TESTED IN LT DIRECTION 2-la : 123.O ! 286.0 43.O . 3 a 175.9 : 286.0 61.5 4a 223.8 : 286.0 80.0 6a . 140.6 286.0 . 49.2 7a 210.9 286.0 73.7 9a : 109.9 ! 286.0 38.4 10a ! : 96.7 286.0 33.8 12a 191.6 286.0 : 67.0 13a : 103.3 286.0 36.1 15a ': 116.4 286.0 40.7 16a : 158.2 ■ 286.0 55.3 270.6 306.2 289.1 275.9 288.2 286.0 A6-3~la- : : 81.7 : 283.3 28.8 • 9,381,500 A6~3-2a: 277.9 3a 70.8 : 2.83.3 25.0 21,801,900 : 5a: 279.4 4a : 76.5 233.3 27.0 5,190,900 : 8a: 292.6 6a : 37.3 283.3 30.8 4,065,900 : : 7a : 65.2 i 283.3 23.O 31,242,500+ Av. . . . 1 t 283.3 — Fatigue specimens loaded at a rate of 900 cycles per minute in direct-stress fatigue machine. Ratio of minimum to maximum load was 0.10. Control specimens tested at a head speed of 0.01 inch -per minute . Sheet 2 of 2 Rept. No. 155 9-H Figure 1. — Section of a "block of aluminum honeycomb core material made from perforated aluminum foil. Directional orientation referred to as L (longi- tudinal), R (radial), and T (tangential). ZM82307F 2.M 82307 f Figure 2, --Sandwich material with aluminum facings ar.l aluminum honeycomb core after failure in shear fatigue test. Specimen was tested to produce shear deformation in the LR plane. ZM 82098 F Z -C98 F CO a •H u id 4h m cd • CD O -G H CO • +3 c D CO p p O rH CO •H u CD P O o X3 o •H o >> G CD vH G T3 O .G U »H 13 > - i CO N"\ CD U tS bo 3 •H o 3 3 cd G E •H E O 3 -p rH cd E i CD P G cd -H & s Cm Cm U O Pn O e gd pq ON OJ m rO oo A A *> / o/ ^ z o c- # Sj o > g • f $ 3/ / O • 7 O jT s n /• / • :l ft 1 Q J ■^J 1 « y 1 CV| 5 § $ § e § 5 $ 3 (S10U1N03 30 lN3DU3d) SS3U1S Q31V3d3y tV/WlXW 8? CO X UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA mill ill ill Hill llll. I II III II 3 1262 08927 4277