UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CT ATE PLANT BO ARD^GRI CULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF SNTOIiOLOGY AND PLAINT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. June 22, I95I B.E.P.Q, 57S-19 SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING RC'^UIRSIIFNTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS LOUISIANA The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Louisiana and has been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Louisiana gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedures. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant-quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the State Entomologist, State Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Box ^153» Capitol Station, Baton Rouge U, Louisiana. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Vashington 25, D. C. ho. K. f^Y^-L Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantines Louisiana nursery-stock shipping requirements - 2 - L0UISIA1TA Summary of G-enera.1 Nursery- Stock Shipping Requirements (Rules and Regulations Issued Under Authority of the Louisiana Fruit and Crop Pest Law of 1910) Definition of Uursery Stock. — All field-grown florist stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, cuds, fruit pits and other seeds of fruits and ornamental trees and shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, except field, vegetable, and flower seeds, bedding plants and other herbaceous plants, "bulbs, and roots. G-eneral Shipping Requirements. — Each container of nursery stock moving into Louisiana must have attached a valid nursery-inspection certificate of the State of origin. Eursery stock may be held for inspection, whether certi- fied or not, and if found infested with any injurious pest such stock may be destrojred or otherwise treated hy direction of the State Entomologi ste Common carriers are required to report to the State Entomologist any un- certified shipments and to hold them for inspection and disposal. Citrus -Tursery Stock ■ (Regulations, August 22, 19^7) Any person desiring to ship citrus nursery stock into Louisiana must file with the State Entomologist a copy of his inspection certificate on which the certifying official of the State of origin must state that the nursery is located in a section in which quick decline of orange is not known to occur. The applicant must also obtain from the State Entomologist an affidavit which must be filled out, signed, and returned to him. A Louisiana citrus tag must be attached to each shipment or movement of citrus nursery stock into Louisiana. Such tags may be obtained from the State Entomologist at cost. Iouisiana plant quarantines - 3 - Summary of State Plant Quarantines Camellia Flower Blight (Regulation, revised effective Aug. 23, 1950) Infected Areas California: Entire State Georgia: That property known as 3629 Tuxedo Road, located in the Tuxedo Park Community, Atlanta Louisiana: Entire parishes of Caddo and Ouachita North Carolina: Entire county of Brunswick Oregon: Entire State Regulated -products, — Balled or potted camellia plants with flower "buds showing color or open flowers; and cut camellia flowers. Conditions governing movement. — Balled or potted camellia plants with soil attached and cut camellia flowers may not he moved from the infected areas into or within Louisiana. Barerooted camellia plants with "buds showing no trace of color may be moved into or within Louisiana from the infected areas under proper certi- fication from the State of origin. Regulated products from States not maintaining restrictions against the designated infected areas may he shipped into Louisiana provided that the grower, dealer, or nurseryman furnishes affidavit certifying that he has not received or will not receive any camellia plants with dirt on roots and flower buds showing any trace of color, or any camellia flowers from the designated infected areas. Resale of hailed or potted camellias from the designated infected areas shipped into the Louisiana parishes of Caddo and Ouachita will he permitted, provided (l) such plants are not stored on or sold from proper- ties located within l/h mile of any infected property, and (2) while in sales yards in these parishes, the plants may not he mulched with any material previously used for mulching purposes. Louisiana plant quarantines - k - Onion Diseases (Certified Onion Bulbs Regulation Ho. 7. effective August 15, I9U9) Each container of certified onion bulbs shipped into Louisiana must have attached, by a lead seal or mechanical sealer, an official tag, issued by an authorized official of the State or Territory of origin, declaring the true quality of bulbs in the shipment. The reverse side of the tag should show name and address of grower, variety,1 lot number, where bulbs were grown and year grown, and net weight. In order to meet Louisiana certification requirements onion bulbs must be planted in fields not planted the previous year to onions of another variety and at least 1/U mile from fields of onions of other varieties or of the same variety that do not meet varietal purity require- ments for certification. Tiro field inspections must be made, one after seed heads are formed and one at harvest of bulbs, to meet maximum tolerances for onion mosaic (l percent), pink root (10 percent), onion smut (2 percent), and mildew (5 percent). Bulbs must also be inspected once in storage prior to planting. Louisiana plant quarantines - 5 - Phony Peach Disease (regulation, revise! effective July 1, 1937) Regulated products. — Peach and nectarine roots, or peach and nectarine trees with roots, op any kind of trees grafted on peach or nectarine roots. Conditions governing shipment. — Transportation of the regulated products from the infected areas into, within, or from Louisiana is permitted only when the shipment is accompanied by a valid nursery-inspection certificate or permit of the State of origin. Requirements for certification. — Certificates or permits may "be issued only on condition that the nursery and its environs within a mile were inspected and all phony-diseased trees removed and "burned prior to June 3^, preceding the shipment, provided that the presence of the disease within any peach "block of a nursery or adjacent thereto shall disqualify for certification all stock other than rootstock from seed planted the previous winter, Infected areas Alabama: Arkansas: Florida: Georgia: Louisiana: Entire State Entire State Entire State Entire State Entire State Mis si ssippi : South Carolina: Tennessee: Texas : Entire State Entire State Entire State Entire State Counties of Alexander, Franklin, Gallatin, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, i'i'arion, Massac, Pulaski, Richland, Union, Washington, Williamson County of Gibson Counties of 3ullitt, Graves, Henderson, McCracken, Union, Webster Counties of Washington and Worcester Counties of Bollinger, Butler, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Franklin, Gasconade, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Perry, Saint Francois, Sante Genevieve, Scott, Stoddard Uorth Carolina: Counties of Anson, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Robeson, Rutherford, Stanly, Wake County of Bryan a: County of Berks Illinois: Indiana: Kentucky: Maryland: Missouri : Oklahoma: Pennsylvani Louisiana plant quarantines -6- Seed Potato Diseases and Pests (Regulation No. 1, revised effective Oct. 15, I9UU) Restricted material. — Irish potatoes intended for seed purposes. Conditions of movement. — Anyone desiring to grown, sell, or deliver Irish potatoes for seed purposes in Louisiana should (l) register with the Department of Agriculture and Immigration, Division of Entomology, Baton Rouge, (2) notify the Department on "blanks furnished for that purpose of each shipment restricted material "by mailing to the Department filled- in "blanks on or before date of shipment, (3) attach to door of car in which seed potatoes are shipped or mail to the Department in advance of shipment a certificate of the State or Territory of origin affirming that the area where the seed potatoes were grown is apparently free of late "blight or that the potatoes in the shipment were produced in a field ap- parently free of late "blight and were found on "bin inspection to "be appar- ently free of late-hlight infection, and (U) furnish to the Department such other information as may "be required. Each container of restricted material moved into, within, sold, or offered for s^le in Louisiana must have attached by a lead seal or mechani- cal sealer, an official certified seed Irish potato tag issued "by the authorized official or agency of the State or Territory of origin. The tag must also show name and address of grower and the U. S. grade of the seed potatoes. Conditions governing issuance of certified seed Irish potato tags. — The tags will "be recognized only when issued "by the authorized official or agency of the State or Territory of origin, upon determination that the potatoes were planted and grown in conformity with this regulation, inBpected and found within specified tolerances for diseases and pests, handled so as to pre- serve their identity, and tagged to show that the requirements for certi- fication were met. Transit inspection. — Shipments of restricted materials must "be routed into Louisiana to nermit inspection at one of the following points; Baton Rouge, Bogalusa, G-iDsland, Hammond, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Min&en, Monroe, New Orleans, Rayville, Ruston, Shreveport. Louisiana plant ouarantines - 7 -. Seed Sv/eetpotatoes and Sweetpotato Plants (Certified Seed Regulation No. 9, effective Apr. 1, l^S)) Conditions of movement; — Fo one may move seed sweetpotatoes or sweetpotato plants into Louisiana unless they are certified "by the authorized official of the State of origin as complying with the minimum certification require- ments set forth in this regulation. Certified seed sweetpotatoes or sweet- potato plants shiwed into Louisiana must have attached an official tag of the State or Territory of origin, declaring the true quality of the seed sweetpotatoes or sweetpotato plants in the container. The reverse side of the tag should show name and address of grower, variety of seed, lot num- ber of seed, and year the sweetpotatoes were grown* Certified sweetpotato plants should he tied in "bundles of approximately 100 with official tape issued "by the authorized official or agency of the State or Territory of origin. Conditions of certification, — Seed sv/eetpotatoes or plants grown within an area quarantined by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Immigration "because of sweetpotato weevil infestation are not eligible to "be sold as certified seed sweetpotatoes or sweetpotato plants. The regulation sets forth the conditions to "be met for certification as to locations of plants of seed sweetpotatoes and sweetpotato plants, field inspections for pests and diseases, handling, grading, and storage, and storage inspection. Sweetpotatoes for seed must have "been treated prior to planting with an approved fungicide in an approved manner. Sugarcane Pests and Diseases (Quarantine, effective Oct. 15, 1928) The movement of sugarcane and parts thereof and parts of sugarcane that have "been manufactured or processed (except sugar and syrup) into Louisiana is prohibited except under special permit issued "by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Immigration. A special permit for the movement into Louisiana from other States or Territories of sugarcane and parts thereof or for manufactured or processed sugarcane or parts thereof for experimental or other purposes will he issued by the Department after the shipper has furnished the Department with the names and addresses of consignor and consignee and with satisfactory evidence as to the point of origin, freedom from infesta- tion, or treatment that will prevent introduction of any dangerous insect pest or plant cii sease of sugarcane. ,.^,Mi){fRSITY 0F FLORIDA Louisiana plant !il'llllllllll|||l|| quarantines 3 1262 09314 8137 - S - Sw ee tpo t a to We e vi 1 (Quarantine and Regulations, revised effective Jan. 9t ^950, as amended, effective Mar. 10, 1951> Restricted material. — Sweetpotato roots or tubers, plants, vines, or parts thereof; vines or roots of other plants belonging to the genus Ipomoea; such other plants as may be found to be hosts of the weevil; and used con- tainers. Conditions governing movement. — Restricted material may not be moved from any quarantined area into the weevil-free area of Louisiana unless accomp- anied by an official fumigation certificate of the State of origin and un- less each container bears an official certificate permit tag. Restricted material may not be moved from Louisiana unless accompanied (l) by a valid certificate permit issued by the Department of Agriculture and Immigration, or (2) by valid certificate permit tags or fumigation cer- tificates issued by the Department when so required by the State of destin- ation. Certificate permits, certificate permit tags, and fumigation cer- tificates are invalid when once used to cover a shipment of restricted material. Quarantined area Those portions of the States listed below designated as infested with sweetpotato weevil in their respective State sweetpotato weevil quarantines. Alabama Georgia South Carolina Plorida Mississippi Texas Louisiana: Parts of the parishes of East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Grant, and Sabine; and th-o entire parishes of Vernon, Rapides, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Allen, Evangeline, Saint Landry, Pointe Coupee, Saint Helena, Tangipahoa, Washington,.. Saint Tammany, Livingston, Ascension, Assumption, Saint James, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Charles, Orleans, Saint Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, Iberia, LaiTourche, Terrebonne, Saint Mary, Iberville, West Baton Rouge, Saint Martin, Vermilion, Lafayette, Acadia, Jefferson Davis, Calcasieu, and Cameron. The foregoing summary was reviewed and approved on June 6, 1951 by S. J. McCrory, State Entomologist.