UBRARY TATE PLANT BOARD I June 1943 E-598 Ul'IT^D STATES D'-:-A"-Ty plT Or AG 7^1 CULTURE BUP.MIT 0? jji^TOrOLCGY AID FUiTT CV.JdKTIivE A EF/IElf 0?' T:^ Ii-iS3CTICID.iL US3S 0? HOT^llCKE A>iD ROTEI'OIDS FRa: DE'RiaS, LO^iCKOC^PI-lfS (CUBE A;.;D TB:E0), TSPIT^OSIA, AW) REL^ITED ?LA:''TS PART V: ANOFLURA By R, C, Roark, Division of Insecticide Investigation; COl'TTS^TS Introduction - - - i\jioplura: - _ - _ Haenat omyz idae- Hae:..atopi:iid.ae- Pedicv.lidae - - Insect index - - - Literature cited - Junior-avithor inde:?: i-a.p-e 12 — / The manuscript of this publication v/ac read "by the follovring leaders of research dii-lGions of the Bureau, v.ho contributed helpful suggestions: D, L, Van Dine, Fruit insect Investi^cations j V', H, Yihite, Truck Crop and -'jarden Insect Investigations; R, Plarr^ed, Cotton' Insect Investigations; F. C. Bishopp, assistant chief of Bureau, fon:ierly in charge of Insects x\ffecting Man and .Animals; C, F, W, Mu.esebcck, Insect Iddntification; L, A, rla-v^cins. Control Investiga- tions; and C, Packard, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations, The s.ssistanco of specialists in the Division of Insect Identification in classifying the insects mentioned as to order and fanily is gratefi^lly 8.ckno7/'l edged. - 2 - INTRODUCTION This is the fifth in a series of papers designed to review all available information on the insecticidal uses of rotenone and the rotenoids. Part I reviewed tests with Derris , loiichocarpvis , Tephrosia , and Mundulea , and the products isolated from them, on members of the orders Collembola, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Odonata, Isoptera, Corrodentia, and Mallophaga, Apparently no tests with the rotenone plants on Thysanura, Ephemeroptera, or Plecoptera have "been recorded. Part II reviewed the tests made on Thyscvnopteraj Part III, the tests on Homopteraj Part IV, the tests on Hesmiptera; and Part V, the present paper, reviews the tests on Anoplura, AHOPLURA. Haematonyz idae Haematomyzus elephant is Piaget, an elephant louse In 1957 EJ. Jacobsen -vnrote R. C. Roark as follows:". ... at the local 2oo [Bandoeng, Java], we received last year a young elephant from Sumatra, v.hich was infested mth the elephant's louse H, elephant is . After we had tried different insecticides and cattle dips in vain, we used an extract of derris ar: it is manufactured by a local factory. The parasites disappeared after the first application and the elephant has remained free of them since. Although this case is of no practical use in general, it shows once more T;hat an efficacious insecticide derris is." Haematopinidae Haematopinus adventicius N eum, ( syn, , H, suis (L,), the hog louse h» asin i (L.J (syn,, H, macrocephalus Burrn,), the sucking horse louse eurysternus (Nitz.'J, t"he short-nosed cattle louse The United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry (_27), in its annual report for 1935 reported that a single application of a mixture of 1 part of derris powder (containing 5 percent of rotenone) and 99 parts of kaolin vjas found to be effective against the hog louse. Mien used as 0,5 percent of derris in kaolin, the porider ims also effective against hog lice, Wille et al, (32) in 1937 described the use of cube in dips against H, eur^-'sternus on cattle and H, suis on pigs. The dips were obtained either from an extract prepared by soaking the chopped roots in Tra.ter for 48 hours, or from a powder finely ground so that 85 percent passed through a sieve of 0,074-ram, mesh. Their practical application v/as studied in 1936 by J, F, Mitchell, who stated that the powder yielded a dip that vra.s more saponaceous, and therefore penetrated better, than that from, the extract. Dips made T.dth the pov.der did not keep for more than 48 hours, a disadvantage owing to the number of animals to be treated, vmereas those made vdth the extract kept for a week. The addition of l/2 pound of soap - 3 - per 100 gallons of Trtiter ms recoiranended and also that of l/2 pomd of sodium carbonate to coimteract the hardness of the v/ater» For complete control of the parasites cattle usually required tv/o dips, xrith. an inter- val of about a fortnight, twice a year, except v.hen seriously infested, in vyhich case a third pair of dips ims necessary'. The effective concentrations of ground root containing 6.8 percent of rotenone, and of extract containing 5,5 percent of rotenone rrere, respectively, 1:3,000 and 1:15,000 for H. eurystemus , and 1:2,000 and 1:8,000 for H, suis . The groxmd root and the extract r/ere equally effective, and vrere in no Vvuy inferior to other dips. The Southern Rhodesia Director of Veterinary Research ( 25 ) in 1950 reported that lice, H, eurystemus . on cattle v/cre controlled by the application of derris. Schroeder (24) in 1937 reported tests of derris against cattle and horse lice. The follov.dng species v/ere dealt vdth: E, asini , H, eurystemus , and Lino gna thus vituli (L,), He concluded that a derris- tripoli-earth mixture containing l/8 of 1 percent of rotenone is an efficient insecticide in controlling both Anoplura and Mallophaga on cattle and horses, Tephrosia virginiana root v;as found to be as effective as derris vvhen the rotenone concentration %ms the same. From 1 to 4 ounces of dust, depending on the size of the animal, v/?.s sufficient to give good coverage. No evidence v.as found to indicate that the rotenone or sulfur dusts had any effect on the eggs. Thus subsequent applications are nccessari'- to effect complete control. The cost of derris in a dust vdth a rotenone content of 1/8 of 1 percent v;as only 1-1/4 cents per pound. In general, sulfur as used in these tests 'ms less efficient than dusts containing rotenone, although in some instances infestations v.rere reduced BO percent. In 1937 R. W, ?fells, in a quarterly report to the Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals, of the Bureau, described a method of appljring rotenone effectively to an animal r.-ithout i.'-etting it, Ke found that a solution of rotenone in carbon tetrachloride, l/2 gm. to 100 CO., ims promptly and remarkably effective on both Mallophaga and iUioplura when sprayed lightly into the animal's coat Tvith an ordinary tin hand sprayer held at a distance of about 4 inches. Six animals viere sprayed vdth the solution, five of v;hich vrere moderately infested wit}i Mallophage. and one vdth H, eurystemus . Wells concluded that the method is rapid, simple, and promptly effective on lice, but that their eggs are not vulnerable. About 100 cc, of the solution T/ere required to treat a large animal thoroughly. Babcock (_3) in April 1940 reported on the control of the short- nosed ox louse at Sonera, Tex, A dip containing 2,5 pounds of cube (5 percent rotenone) and 50 pounds of sulfur in 1,000 gallons of v/ater kills all lice present but not the eggs. At least a 17-day interval bet^.veen dippings is essential. In a paper published in L'.arch 1940, Babcock (_2) recommended a dip com.posed of 100 pounds of v/ettable sulfur and 10 pounds of cube or derris (5 percent rotenone)in 1,000 gallons of T.^ter, In the vat this mixture remains effective at least 5 or 6 days. - 4 - Linognathus pilif erus Bvirm,, a sucking louse of dogs Wells, Bishopp, and Laake (3l) in 1922 reported that all sucking lice, L, pilif eru s, and their eggs on a dog vrere killed by 2 gm, of a mixttire of 1 part of derris and 3 parts of corn starch; also, -with a 1:1 mixture of derris and flour. The authors concluded that derris powder is very effective against Anoplura on dogs, one treatment accomplishing the destruction of all stages. DeBussy et al, (6) in 1935 reported derris pav^der to he excellent against this louse on dogs, Linogna thus vitul i (L. ), a long-nosed cattle louse See Schrocder (24) under Haemtopin us eur^^stemus on page 3, Wells, Bishopp, and Laake (31) in 1922 reported that pure derris powder and a 1:1 mixture of derris and flour, applied v/ith a shaker, using ahout 1 ounce per aniinal, killed all sucking lice, L. vitul i , on calves. Mixtures of derris vrith flour in the proportions of 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20 killed all but a few of the lice, A mixture of equal parts of derris and sodium fluoride killed all lice and their eggs. The authors concluded that derris pov-der is very effective against Anoplura on cattle, one treatment accomplishing t}ic destruction of all stages, Babcock (l) in 1938 recomraended a dust containing not less than l/8 of 1 percent of "rotenone for the control of cattle lice in Texas, especiall the long-nosed cattle louse or so-called blue louse, (L. vitul i ) , From 1 to 4 ounces of this dust should be worked into the hair of each animal, depending on its size, A suitable rotenone dust is made by diluting derris or cube with kaolin or talc, Polyp lax spinulosus (Burm, ), a rat louse Gilmer (_9), in the 1922 report of the Minnesota State entomologist, reported tests made with derris powder, and v-dth a derris extract said to contain 16 percent of active derris and 84 percent of inert substances, apparently pyridine. Both these products were manufactured by a British cojp.pany. The rat louse vra.s the common louse infesting these animals, Derris pov/der acted with surprising rapidity, the rats usually being practically free of lice vathin 3 to 5 hours. It T,ias applied by rubbing small pinches into the fur, Derris mixed mth tobacco dust acted more slowly and tvro or three applications v/ere required to remove all lice, C-ilner stated that the use of the liquid derris extract on animals is not to be recommended, Solenopotes capillatus End, I'Tells, Bishopp, and Laake (51) in 1922 reported the results of tests of pov/dered derris root against certain external parasites of animals. Calves infested with Sole nopote s c apillatus were dusted T.dth mixtures of derris with flour i'^rthe propo'r'n.ons of 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20, The 1:1 miiture, when 1-3/4 o\mces per animal v;as used, killed - 5 - all lice, "but the Yfeaker mixtures xrere not 100-percent effective. The authors concluc'.ed thr.t '■lerris pov/der is very effective aga.inst imoplura on cattle, one treat; lent destroying all stages, Eaematopinidae (unidentified species) Metcalf and flint (21) in 1926 siiirmcrized current information on derris. For checl-ine.- sheep lice in mnter vfier. dippint; cannot be dene safely-, dustinrr pyrethrm or derris into the t/co1 is recornr.enc'ed, C. 3. Dibble, of the Michigan State Colle^^e Extension Service, in a livestoc'c- insect-pest calender (post card) issred in 1938, recoir-nended that in cold r/eather derris poTy-der be used for combating; lice on cattle. The treatment should be repeated in 14- da;/3. Wells (30) in April 1938 reported derris powder to be effective against cattle lice. It vvas found t]-at derris pov-der diluted ^-.nth tripoli earth to l/l6 of 1 percent cf rotenone is inadequate to kill all the lice, but som.e dead lice "uTere found. From this test, :m6. in ^rie'w of the tests performed last year, it is ccncluded that dilution should not be greater than l/8 cf 1 percent of rotenone. Because of the. sr.all difference in cost 01 rotenone content, l/4 of 1 percf^nt is judged to be the propor dilution for general recommendation. Such a content T'ould compensate for lack of thoroughjiess in application, Pedic'i.ilidae Pediculus humanus capitis Deg., a head louse Bry&nt (5) in 1909 stated that the Zulus use the e::tr;:ct of the leaves of Tephrcsia macrcpoda for destroying head lice, T, diffusa is s i:r.:i.larly empl oyed . Fhthirus pubis_ (L,), the crab louse, or pubic louse Little (_20) in 1951 reported that the povrdered root of Tj3phrosia _vir_giniana vfe.s effective against the crab louse but did not affect the eggs. Unidentified species of imoplura Descourtilz (s), vritiug of the flora of the imtilles in 18oS, reported that the poY/dered root of Gelega sericea v^s used to destroy verr.in on children but ■'.vas i\ot so effective as sabadilla, and stated that the sap of Tephrcsia tcyicaria nay take the place of sabadilla. In December 1916 Le-.njr.ens and Fryer applied for certain British (14) and German (17> 18) pat^^nts covering the use as insecticides of pov/dered Tephro sio. and of T ephro s ia e:;tract, T, vo.';elii is particularly mentioned. The patentees describe the purpose of the invention as follor/s: The o"bjec'c of this invention is to lorovide improved means for the destruction of insects, vermin, and like parasites of various animals and plants, such means "being capable of production and use in the form of preparations as a poT.nder, paste, or liqi^id suitable for ready \i.se as an insecticide poT.ider or vrash for spraying upon plants, trees, and other vegetable groirbh and upon soil, and also e.s a sheep dip, cattle dressing, or v^cish for animals, v/hereby the para- sitic pest is destroyed vdthout any injury ivhatsoever to the plant or anfmial life. In practice, the m.ixture em.ployed Yd.ll contain from 1-1/2 ounces of the compound to 100 imperial gallons of -.:ater for the destruction of small and delicate insects up to 12 ounces of the compoiind to 100 ga.llons of T.xiter for the destruction of the more hardy and vigorous varieties , In January- 1917 Lemmens and Fryer (15, 16) applied for United States patents covering the sane invention, Wardle and Buckle (28) in 1923, in a reviev; of some of the insecti- cidal uses of derris, referred to the successful use of 1:1 mixture of derris pov/der and cornstarch against Anoplura on domestic animals. Derris, used undiluted and also at the rate of 1 part of derris to 3 parts of dry cement powder, Y.'as very effective against lice on cattle and horses. — Kelsall et al. (12_) in 1926. Haseman (lO), chairman of the subcommittee on insecticides and appliances of the American Association of Economic Entomologists, in 1928 reported that derris had proved satisfactor;,'" as a control for some of the pests o£ livestock and poultry. Metcalf and Flint (21) in 1928 summarized current inf on-iation on derris, '.hich is recommended for lice on dom.estic animals. Peyer (22) in 1930, in a review/ of information on derris, recomjnended derris-tobacco dusts for ectoparasites of vertebrate animals, a recoi-nmenda- tion apparently based on the T:ork of Gilmer (9). Schmitt (23) in 1930 stated that derris freed cats, dogs, rabbits, and chickens from lice r/lthin 3 to 5 hours. Killip and Smith (IS) in 1931 reported that vv-ater treated vdth cube XIB.S sometimes u.sed as a sheep dip at Iluanchaco, Peru, In 1931 almost perfect results were obtained by Little (19) on vs.rious species of lice irith poivdered root of Tep hrosia virginiana . Davis (?) in 1932, in a description of derris as a contact insecti- cide, stated that it seemed to have special usefulness as a control for lice on domestic animals. - 7 - ■".-Tatt and 3reyer-Drand\a jlc (29) in 1932 stated that the Znlus \.ise Tephro sia macropoda as a vemin IciTTer, The leaves of _T, yo gel i i are said to be an efficiont parasiticide against lice, and are cor.inonly used in Rhodesia "by Enropeans for this purpose. The Thongas use a decoction of the root of a species of Ter^hrosia (probably T. grar-o iflora) as a parasiticide. The preparation is said to have been used for the same pur- pose by trans'oort riders in the early days of l>^atal, T, diffusa is used as a parasiticide by the Zulus, 3och (_4) in 1934 reported that a derris-soap spray -•.•as rapid in its effect on parasites on birds, dogs, and calwes. This spray ims made by e^ctractin;: derris T'itli .fuel alcohol into a 1:5 solution and adding 100 gm, of this tincture and 125 gin, of soft soap to 7 liters of v-iater. Spoon (26; in 1935 reported that lice on cats and dogs v;ere con- trcllec' by rvvbbing into the hair a raixture of 1 part of derris (2 percent rotenone and 8 percent ether ezctrr.ct) and 40 parts of some neutral diluent, r.v.ch as talc. An aqueous suspension of this derris poivder lioOO nay also be used to bathe tl'.e animal, Hearle (ll_), of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, in 1938 stated that derris po'.rier in dilutions of up tc 10 parts of an inert carrier, sv,ch as cornstarch, v.^as fairly effective against both types of lice on all classes o.l livestock. In addition to the species mentioned herein, it is possible tl\at sorie of tlie "lice" referred to under T.'all ophan;a in Part I of this series [Bureau of ^.Jntonclogy and Plant Quarantine E-579] belong to the order Anoplura, as popular v^riters often fail to distinguish betv;een the tvo kinds of lice. INSECT INDEX Page Anoplura - - 2-7 Blue lov'.se - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 4 Cattle lice- -„---__-_. --_ 4-6 Crab louse -------------------------- 5 Ectoparasites- ------------------------ 6 Elephant louse ------------------------ 2 External parasites ---------------------- 4 Haematonyzidae ------------ — — -- 2 Ha em a t o ny zu s elephantic- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- — - - 2 Haematopinidae ------------------------ 2 unidentified species -------------------- 5 Haematop inu s — advent i cius ------------------------ 2 asin i- 2,3 eury stemus- - - 2,3 mac r o_c_ep halus_. See K, asi ni, suis. See H. advcnti cius . Eead louse -------------------------- 5 Eog louse - -- -- -- - - -- - 2 Horse lice - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 6 Lice on — calves --------------------------- 4 cats = 6,7 cattle - -- -- -- -- -- -------------- - 2,3,5,6 chickens -------------------------- 6 dogs - -- -- -- -- -- -- _-_-„__------- - 3^7 domestic animals ---------------------- 6 horses --------------------------- 3,6 livestock- ------------------------- 6,7 rabbits- -------------------------- 6 Lino gnathus-- plli^ferus- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- '4 vituii 3,4 Livestock pests- ----------------------- 6 Loi" 2-^-03 ed cattle louse- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 Louse- -------------------------- -3,4,6,7 Mallophaga -------------------------- 3,7 Parasites on— birds " 7 calves --------------------------- 7 dogs ---------------------------- 7 Pediculidae- ------------------------- 5 Podic;:lus_ hmanu s c apit is- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 5 "Phthirus _p_ub i s - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 5 Pol^/plapc spinulosus- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 Poultr^^ pests - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 6 Pubic louse- ------------------------- 5 \ Sheep lice ----------------- ------ 5 Short-nosed cattle louse - 2 Short-nosed ox louse -------------------- 3 S olonopotes capi llatus ------------------- 4 Sucking horse louse- - 2 Sucki)ig line - 4 Sucking louse of dog - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 4 Vermin --------------------------- 5,7 LITEPATTjTlE CITED (1) BAECOCi:, 0, G, 1938, The control of cattle licG» U. S. Dept.Agr., Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. E-447, 2 pp. (2) 1940, Progress "beinj^ made in louse control. So\''t]n'Te5tcrn Sheep a:ad C-oat Raiser 10 (6): 7, (3) 1940, Control of short-nosed ex louse. U, S, Dept. -■^-gr".. Bur.- Ent, and Plant Quar. ?Jev-'s Let, 7 (4): 18, (4) BOCK, C. 1934, Derris el^iptica, Deut, Apoth, Ztg, 2: 588-589, (5) DEYAFr, A. T. 1909, Zuli' medicine and medicine-men, Katal Kus, Ann, 2 (l): 1-103, (6) BUSSY, L. ?, de, LA^UT, P. A. -/an der, and JACOBI, E. F, 1935, Resultaten van proeven met .dsrris-poedor on rotencn cp neder- landsche insecten, Tijdschr, over Plantenziel-rfcen, 41: 33-50, ' illus , J also ^j-asterdam Folon Inst,, Afd, Handel- museum, Ber, 91, 25 pp,, illus,; and Indische Mercuur 58: 103-104, 119-121. (7) DAVIS, J. J, 1932, Dorris, Insecticides and their uses, Purdue Univ. Fharm, Ext, Ser. I, 3ul, 52 (7): 27. (8) 'DESCOlP.TILZ, E. 1833, Flora pittoresqijc et medicale des raitillos, ou histoire naturelle des plantes usuelles des colonies francaises, anglaises, espagnoles et portugaises, Ed, 2, v, 3, 370 pp, Paris, (9) GILLiEK, F. M. 1923, Derris as a parar^iticide. Minn. State Ent, I(pt, (1922) 19: - 10 (10) MSE'IA.N, L, 1929, Report of subcommittee ' on insecticides and appliances. Jour, Econ. Ent, 22: 13-15, (11) HEAPLE, E, . 1938* Insects and allied parasites injurious to livestock and poultry in Canada, Canad. Dept. Agr, Pub, 604 (Farmers* Bui, 53), 108 pp., illus, (12) KELSiilX^A,, SPITTAXL, J. P., GORHM:, R. P., and "KL^LKER, G. P.' 1926, Derris as an insecticide, Ontario Ent. Soc, Ann, Rpt, (1925) 56: 24-40. (13) ICILIIP, E. P., and SL'ITE, A. C, 1931, The ^■!se of fish poisons in South America, Smithsn, Inst, Ann. Rpt, 1930: 401-408. (14) LEBT'EHS, G. J., and FRYER, P. J, 1917, Im.provements relating; to insecticides, sheep dips, animal mshes, and the like, British Patent 105,525; issued April 19, 1917, (15) and FRYER, P, J. 1917, Insecticide, sheep dip, and the like, U, S. Patent 1,242, 954j issued October 16, 1917, (16) and FRYER, F. J. 1917, Insecticide, sheop dip, animal vra.sh, and the like, U, S, Patent 1,242,955; issued October 16, 1917. (17) and FRYER, P. J, 1920, Jiittcl zur Vertilgiang von Insekten and sonstigen auf Tieren Oder Fflanzen i-rohnenden Parasiten, German Patent 321,317; issued May 29, 1920, (18) and FRYER., P. J, 1920, Mittel zur Vcrtilgung von Insekten una sonstigen auf Tieren Oder Pflanzcn rrohnenden Parasiten, German Patent 327,583; issued October 11, 1920, (19) Little, V, A, 19S1, Devil's shoestring as an insecticide. Science 73: 315-316. (20) 1931, A preliminary report on the insecticidal properties of devil's shoestring, Cracca virginian a Linn, Jour. Econ, Ent. 24: 743-754. (21) I-ETCilLF, C' L,,'and FLim, T¥. P. 1928, Destructive and Useful Insects: Their Habiteand Control, 918 pp. New York, - 11 {?.Z) PEYEPv, IT. 1930. Eine neue insektizid vdrkende Droge: Der ris elliptica ^ Chen. Ztg, 54: 724. (25) SCMTT, W. 1930, Derris ellipt ica Benth., ein vegetabilischer imd v.ngif tiger Insecticidlief erant, Angew, Bot. 12": 453-463. (24) SCI-IROEDER^ li. 0. 1937, Tests of Derri s, Tephrosia, and sulfur against cattle and horse lice, ~"U, S, l3epTr,~Agr. , Bur. Snt. and Plant Quar. l^evrs Let, 4 (6): 25, (25) SOUTHERN RHODESIA \^TERJHAEY .RESEi\RCII 1930, [Derris vs, lice.] Rhodesia South,, Dir. Vet, Res, Abridged Rpt, 1929: 3, (23) SPOOII, ¥, 1935, Derrispoeder tegen de rv.nderhorzel en tegen ongedierte bij hond en kat, Nederland, Indische Bl, v, Diergeneesk, 47: 23-31; also in j.ijdschr, v, Diergeneesk, 62:533, (27) Ul'IITED STATES DSF^^RTIVEIIT CF .:C-RIC17.TI.'RE, BUP,EL-IJ OF ArII2w'.L Il-IDUSTRY 1935, [Derris.] U, S. De'ot. ..gr,. Bur, iiiiim, Indus, -Jan. Rpt, 1955: 55, (28) "iCJlDLE, R. and BUCKLE, ?, 1923, The Principles of Insect Control, 295 pp. Manchester, (29) mTT, J. K., and BRSYEIt-BP^i'Dr.T JIC, M. G, 1932, The medicinal and poisonous plants of southern Africa, 314 pp., illus, Edinburgh, (30) 1938, Derris povfder effective against cattle lice, U. S, Dept, Agr,, Jur. Ent, end Plant Quar, ITev/s Lot, 5 (4): 18, (31) BISHOP?, ?. C, end L/uICE, E, 17, 1922, Derris as a proiiiising insecticide. Jour, Econ, Ent, 15: 90-95, (32) VffLLE, J., 0C:J..'P0, J. A., TaEBERBAUER, A,, and SCHOFIELD, D. 1957, SI cu.be (Lonchocarpxis nicou) y otros barbascos en el Peru, Liiiia, rcru, Estac,' E:cpt, Agr, de La t'olina Bol, 11, 117 pp., illus. [Abstract in Per, Appl, Ent. (A) 25: 760-761,] JUMOR-ATH'KOI-i II-JDSX * 12 • References are to Literature Cited) Bishopp, F. C, See Wells, F., 31 Breyer-BrandT/ijk, 11, G, See V/att, J, M, , 29 Buckle, P. See V&rdle, R. A,, 28 Flint, W, F, See I.5etcalf, C, L,, 21 Fryer, P. J, Sec Leninens, G, J,, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Gorhan, R, F, See Kelsall, A,, 12 Jacobi, E, F, See Buss^/, L, ?. de, 6 Laake, E. V.'. See Vcells^ R. W,, 31 Laan, P, A. van der. See Bussy, L, de, 6 OcaiTipo, J» A, See Yi'ille, J«, 32 Schofield, D, See V.'ille, J,, 32 Smith, A. C. See Killip, E, P,,'l3 Spittall, J, P. See Kelsall, A,, 12 Walker, G, P, ' See Kelsall, A., 12 Weberhav-er, A« See Fill©, J,, 32