.4S211 FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY t FOREST SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SAWMILL IMPROVEMENT PRACTICAL POINTERS TO FIELD AGENCIES SAW LEAD A considerable number of small mlll^— sajrvers do hot maintain the correct lead in the saw. T4ii^^y ;: ~b'e' due-, to in- accurate adjusting for lead, skewing of thehulhr-by the belt pull levered through the mandrel, creep of sills from rain or frost, etc. The result is a saw which dodges in the cut, heats, and performs very much like one in need of hammering. Lead is put in a circular saw to counteract the tendency of the saw to cut out of the log in slabbing and to give clear- ance of the back of the saw on the gig back. Normally 1/8 inch in 20 feet is used, or a saw 4 feet in diameter has the front edge 1/40 inch closer to the track than the back edge. If this saw is run in a perfectly vertical position, the back edge will clip on the board side approximately l/32 inch until the spreader is engaged. Additional lead increases the depth of this clipping. When the front edge is l/lO inch closer to the log than the back edge, the board side contacts the saw about half way back and forces the blade against the log face at the extreme back of the saw, thus effecting a clamp which usually heats the rim and the midportion of the saw, spreader is engaged the pressure may be reli< itial 4 feet of feed under this clamping a^iqn- enough to cause the saw to dodge even when\s£wVn in cants. Apparently as the log passes th: reaching the spreader, the side thrust at is accompanied by a tendency of the saw to volves out of the log, hence the cutting ed^ slightly out of the log. As the spreader isl thrust is eliminated and the cutting edge ca^fo^^- bj[£ is liable to dodge from a true cut if hsating-4*««*^5ccurred. Of the several methods used to measure lead, the follow- ing is recommended for simplicity and accuracy: Stretch a string or fine wire over the track to extend about 6 feet each side of the mandrel, being careful that it is exactly in line with the part of the guide rail that controls carriage align- ment -- the top of the V in this type or the inside edge where flat-topped rails are used. Remove the saw, and clamp the end of an edging 5-1/2 feet in length between the collars. Use a short piece of the edging on the opposite side of the mandrel so that the collars have contact at opposite sides of the Mimeo. No. R899-20 tMaintained at Madison, Wisconsin in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin *See outline in Small Sawmill Improvement Working Plan, March 1930, for explanation of indexing system proposed 3 1262 08926 9764 mandrel. Turn the stick down until the free end is suspended opposite the track by turning the mandrel pulley; do not try to turn by pulling the stick. Measure the distance from the stick to the string, marking the point on the stick from which the measurement is taken. Turn the stick over, by turning the pulley, until the undamped end is again opposite the rail, and measure from the marked point to the string. The distance at the deck end should be l/l6 inch less than at the opposite position. Adjust to the required position by slewing the mandrel, in mills provided with adjusting screws, or by slew- ing the husk when such mechanism is lacking. In slewing the mandrel before adjusting the box nearest the saw, relieve the other boxes so as not to strain the mandrel. The use of lag screws to anchor the husk to the mudsills is not recommended. Bolts from the tie plates or husk should extend through the mudsills and heavy washers should be used at each end of the bolt. A plate or block on the top of each mudsill fixed between the track and husk adds rigidity. Contributed by C. J. Telford, Small-Mill Specialist April 1944. Mimeo. No. R899-20 -2-