List cf Publication* en THE SEASONING Cf WOOD July 1945 No. R44C UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin T A 3 L E ? CONTENT This list includes publications that present the results of research of the Eorest Products Laboratory on experimental and applied kiln drying, physical properties, air drying, and steam bending. Page Instructions for obtaining publications 2 List of publications on the seasoning of wood: Technical notes 3 Mimeographs 4 Arti cles in trade and technical press 6 Additional Government publications 17 Miscellaneous 19 Partial list of books on seasoning 20 Other publication lists issued by the Eorest Products Laboratory.. 21 R446 -1- INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBTAINING PUBLICATIONS Publications available for distribution at this Laboratory are narked with an asterisk (*) . Single technical notes, reprints, and mimeographed reports nay be obtained free upon request from the Director, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison 5, Wisconsin. A bound volume of the technical notes only, containing the notes listed here and notes dealing with other subjects, in all more than 100 notes, may be purchased for 31.00. (This volume does not include the reprints and mimeographed reports mentioned in the list.) Remittance should accompany your order in the form of certified check or postal money order made payable to the U. S. Treasurer. If money order is used, it should be drawn on the Post Office at Madison, Wis. Federal 3-overnment bulletins, circulars, and leaflets, if not available for free distribution at this Laboratory, may be purchased at the price indi- cated from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Send money order, draft, or cash; stamps or personal checks are not accepted. Trade journals containing articles herein listed may often be purchased from the publishers or may be consulted in various libraries. The Forest Products Laboratory reserves the right to furnish only those publications which in its judgment will give the information requested. Blanket requests or requests for a large number of copies of any indi- vidual article will not be filled except in unusual cases. R446 LIST 0? PUBLICATIONS OK THE SEASONING- 07 WOOD Technical Notes *3vll *D-5 *D-6 *D-12 *D-13 *7-13 •F-15 *124 *128 *140 *148 *156 *166 *175 *180 *181 *186 *199 *208 *213 ♦218 *219 *221 *225 *228 *229 *233 *234 *238 *239 *240 •2-il *248 *251 *252 Method of determining moisture content of wood. Correct moisture content of lumber. Government publications of general interest on wood and trees. Uneven coatings on wood cause warping. Casehardened lumber and warped products. Moisture content of wood at different humidities. Effect of time of cutting timber on its durability. Materials used in dry kiln construction. Moisture content and storage affect strength of boxes. Stresses in laminated wood construction. Care and use of the hygrometer in kiln drying. Humidity table for v/et and dry bulb hygrometer. The yellow stain on hardwood. Hardwood and softwood drying schedules. Comparative strength of air-dried and kiln-dried wood. Coatings for minimizing changes In the moisture content of wood. Coatings that prevent end checks. Differences between heartwood and sapwood. Reversible circulation internal fan kilns. Detection and relief of casehardening. Weights of various woods grown in the United States. Stickering of western softwoods for air seasoning. Weathering and decay. Cause and prevention of blue stain in wood. Aluminum coatings for moisture proofing of wood. Comparative decay resistance of heartwood of different native species when used under conditions that favor decay. Approximate air seasoning and kiln drying periods for inch lumber. Longitudinal shrinkage of wood, A duff hygrometer for measuring forest fire hazards. Instrument for measuring wood equilibrium moisture content. A hundred definitions pertaining to wood and other forest products. Shrinkage table for softwood lumber. Computed thermal conductivity of common woods. Prevention and control of decay in dwellings. Fiber- saturation point of wood. H446 -3- ♦192 ♦475 ♦769 * 399-8 Mimeographs The care of wood electrotype backing, by M. 3. Dunlap. 1923. Drying and conditioning glued joints. Revised June 1935. The sap or moisture content of wood, by S. C. Peck. Revised 1935. Snail sawmill improvement, practical pointers to field agencies: Air seasoning at small mills, by J. S. Mathewson, 1932. * 899-9 Small sawmill improvement, practical pointers to field agencies: A boilerless kiln, by C. J. Telford. Revised 1943. *965 Artificial aging of wood for paneling, by C. V. Sweet and Rolf Thelen. 193:?. *1031 List of dry kiln manufacturers and dry kiln engineers in the United States. 1945. ♦1146 Electrical moisture meters for wood, by M. E. Dunlap. Revised 1944. ♦1174 Seasoning of boech lumber and dimension stock, by R. C. Rietz. 1938. *1231 Moisture condensation in barns, by L. V. Teesdale. 1940. *1263 Technique of developing a drying j>rocess for small stock, by 0. T 7. Torgeson. 1940. *1264 The drying rate of sugar maple as affected by relative humidity and air velocity, by 0. ':1. Torgeson. 1940. *1265 Function and calculation of ventilation in drying compartments, by 0. '•:. Torgeson. 1941. *1266 Simplifying the calculation of the quantity of air required in kiln drying lumber, by 0. W. Torgeson. 1941. ♦1269 Why the drying time of a kiln load of lumber is affected by air velocity, by 0. T, - T . Torgeson. 1941, ♦1377 Forest Products Laboratory urea-plasticized wood (uralloy). Revised 1943. *1278 A primer on the chemical seasoning of Douglas fir; status l!ov. 1933. ♦1360 ' Dry-kiln temperature schedules for aircraft lumber. Revised 1943. R446 -4- Mimeographs (continued) ♦1362 Suggestions and instructions for kiln operators drying aircraft lumber, "by Glenn Voorhies and W, Karl Loughborough. 1943. *1363 Shrinkage of wood. 1941. *1365 Moisture content of aircraft lumber. 1941. *1366 Air-seasoning aircraft stock. Revised 1944. ♦1367 Kiln-dry essentials for aircraft stock. Revised 1943. *1368 Tests for kiln-dried aircraft lumber. Revised 1943. *1369 Kiln-drying defects. 1941. ♦1370 Conditioning and storing air-dried and kiln-dried aircraft stock. Revised 1943. ♦1371 The relief of casehardening stresses in aircraft lumber, by E. F, Rasmussen and Glenn Voorhies. 1943. *1382 Forest Products Laboratory wood plastics. 1941, *1421 How to minimize condensation in unheated rooms, by L, V, Teesdale. 1942. *1423 Seasoning wood for ship construction, by L. V. Teesdale, 1942. *1424 Shrinkage of wood in ship construction, by L. V, Teesdale. 1942. ♦1430 Wood bending in ship building, by E, C. Peck. 1943. *1433 Kiln schedules for black walnut gunstock blanks, by H. H. Smith and 0. W. Torgeson. 1943. *1435 Coatings for the prevention of end checks in logs and lumber, by J. M. McMillen and W, Karl Loughborough. 1943. *1448 Effect of moisture changes on the shrinking, swelling, specific gravity, air or void space, weight, and similar properties of wood, by J. D. MacLean. 1944. * 1474 Furnace-type lumber dry kiln, by 0. W, Torgeson. 1945. ♦1474-A Supplement to R1474, Furnace-type lumber dry kiln: Operation of an experimental unit, by H, H. Smith. 1945. *1478 Steam requirements in lumber dry kilns, by L. V, Teesdale. 1936. R446 -5- Mimeographs (continued) ♦1580 Heat-stabilized compressed wood (staypak), by R. M. Seborg, M. A. Millet t, and A. J. Stamm. Revised 1944, ♦TP-21 Wood utilization in Puerto Rico, by. L. V. Teesdale and J. W. Girard. 1945. Articles in Trade and Technical Pres s ♦Laminating structural timbers: Some words of caution, by C» M. Hunt. South. Lbrinan. , Apr. 1, 1944. . . Same. Report R1449. Speeded up kiln drying schedule for aspen boxing and crating lumber, by H. H. ' Smith. Wood Products, Mar. 1944. ..Same. Kiln drying schedule for aspen boxing and crating lumber. Barrel & 3ox & Packaging, Jan. 1944. Production, seasoning, and shipping of balsa, by L. V. Teesdale. The Timberman, Sept. , Oct. , Nov. 1943, ♦Comparative resistance to vapor transmission of various building mate- rials, by L. V. Teesdale. Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning, Dec. 1942. ♦Resin-treated, laminated, compressed wood, by A, J. Stamm and R. M. Seborg. Published in Amer. Institute of Chemical Engrs. Journal, June 25, 1941. ..Same. Report R1268. ♦Estimated footage reduction in kiln drying air-dried hardwoods, by R. C. Rietz. South. Lbrman. , Aug. 15, 1941. ♦Drying rates of blue-stained and bright lumber, by T, C. Scheffer. South. Lbrman. , Mar. 15, 1941. The hygroscopic and antishrink value of chemicals in relation to the chemical seasoning of wood, by E, C. Peck. Indus. & Eng. Chem. , May 1941. Molding wood to man's will, by P. J. Champion. Amer. Forests, Apr. 1941, Better furniture through improved seasoning practice, by R. C. Rietz. Southern Furniture Mfrs. Assn., High Point, N. C. 1941. ..Same. How they're modernizing kilns to meet 1941 production schedules. Furn. Mfr. , Feb. 15, 1941. Variation in equilibrium-moisture-content in a typical large Douglas-fir storage shed, by R. C. Rietz. West Coast Lbrman. , Dec. 1940. R446 -6- Articles in Trade and Te chnic al Press ( c o n t i nue d ) Kiln schedule for extracting red pine seed from fresh and stored cones, "by R. C. Rietz and K. 1. Kimball, Jour. Forestry, May 1940. ♦Uniformity of air distribution in a lumber dry kiln, by 0. W. Torgeson. South. Lbrman. , Apr. 15, 194C. ..Same. Report R1267. Chemical seasoning of wood, results of recent research, by Rolf Thelen. Canada Lbrman., Jan. 1, 1940. ♦Chemical seasoning of overcup oak, by W. Karl Loughborough. South. Lbrman. , Dec. 15, 1939. ..Same. Report R1282. Effect of five kiln temperatures on the germinative capacity of longleaf pine seed, by R. C. Rietz. Jour. Forestry, Dec. 1939. Seasoning of wood., by J. S. Mathewson. Indus. Arts & Voca. Education, Sept. 1939. Air seasoning of eastern hemlock lumber with reference to building con- struction, by J. S. Mathewson. Northern Hemlock & Hardwood Mfrs. Assn. , Oshkosh, Wis. 1939. ♦Comparative resistance to vapor transmission of commercial building papers, oj M. Heinig, L. V. Teesdale, and C. 3. Curran. TAPPI Papers, Series XXII, 1939. ♦Condensation problems in modern buildings, by L. V. Teesdale. Lor. Cooperator, May 1939. ..Same. Bldg. Supply News, Apr. 1939. Northwest Arch., Mar. -Apr. 1939. 111. Soc. Archs. Monthly 3ul. , June- July 1939. Heating & Ventilating, Air Conditioning, Apr. 1939. Report R1196, 1941. Moisture and shrinkage relationships in wood, by ?.. C. Rietz. Cold Storage Locker Operator's Conference Proc. 1939. Copies of the Proceedings are available from Prof, Marvin A. Schaars, Rm, 20'';, Agr. Hall, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., for 75^. Insulation and vaporproofing of cold storage buildings, ^oy L. V. Teesdale, Cold Storage Locker Operator's Conference Proc. 1939. (See reference above. ) ♦Condensation problems in farm buildings, by L. V. Teesdale. Report R1186, 1938. ..Same, Agricultural Engineering, Sept, 1939. R446 -7- Articles in Trade and Technical Press (continued) Relation of air conditioning to sash and door troubles, by L. V, Teesdale. ITatl. Assn. Woodwork Jobbers Proc. , 1938. Influence of kiln temperatures on field germination and tree percent in northern white pine, by H, C. Rietz. Planting Quarterly, Oct. 1938. Wood seasoning and moisture control, by Rolf Thelen. Jour. Forestry, Sept. 1938. Shrinkage of wood in the home, by J. S. Mathewson. Wood Constr. , Kay 15, 1938. Research in condensation, by M. S. Dunlap. Automatic Heat