H7 5. t, ! 5 R. A.-B. S. 5. Issued July 19, 1915. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. Henry W. Henshaw, Chief of Bureau. SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS, AMENDMENT OF REGULATIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF DEER, MOOSE, CARIBOU, SHEEP, AND MOUNTAIN GOATS IN ALASKA. By virtue of the authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture by section 2 of the act of May 11, 1908 (35 Stat., 102), entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for the protection of game in Alaska, and for other purposes,' approved June 7, 1902," regulations 2 and 3 of the "Regulations for the protection of deer, moose, caribou, sheep, and mountain goats in Alaska," made and published July 14, 1914, are hereby amended, effective on and after August 1, 1915, so as to read as follows: Regulation" 2. Limits. — The number of deer killed by any one person during the open season in southeastern Alaska is hereby limited to three. Regulation 3. Sale. — The sale of deer carcasses in southern Alaska is hereby suspended until August 1, 1916. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 30th day of June, 1915. D. F. Houston, Secretary of Agriculture. REGULATIONS AS AMENDED. The regulations for the protection of deer, moose, caribou, sheep, amd mountain goats in Alaska, as amended June 30, 1915, are as follows: Regulation 1. Open season for deer. — The season for killing deer in southeastern Alaska is hereby limited to the period from August 15 to November 1, both inclusive. Regulation 2. Limits. — The number of deer killed by any one person during the open season in southeastern Alaska is hereby limited to three. Regulation 3. Sale. — The sale of deer carcasses in southern Alaska is hereby suspended until August 1, 1916. Regulation 4. Killing deer on certain islands. — The killing of deer on Kodiak Island and Long Island and the killing of deer on the following islands in southeastern Alaska: Duke Island, near Dixon Inlet; Gravina Island, near Ketchikan; Kruzof Island, west of Sitka; Suemez Island, near Klawak; and Zarembo Island, near Wrangell, is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1916. Regulation 5. Kenai Peninsula. — The killing of caribou on the Kenai Peninsula is hereby prohibited until August 1, 1916. The shipment of carcasses of moose and sheep for sale from Seward or other points on the Kenai Peninsula is hereby prohibited, and no carcasses of said animals shall be accepted for shipment to other points in Alaska unless accompanied by affidavit of the owner that they were not purchased and are not intended for sale. Regulation 6. Open season for mountain goats. — The season for killing mountain goats in southeastern Aia^ys ^rqfbjy y^lHed to the period from August 1 to February ] - both inclusive. DOCUMENTS DEPT 1137°— ffi U.S. OSPOSiTCJm 3 "" 510 " : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1915 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lilllll! INMil 3 1262 09218 5411 "1 *-i