Circular N Vnvember i United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. THE CHINCH BUG. Blissua U ucopUrw Say. I Bj I'. M. \\ i Ban n. In Ckorgt of Cereal and Foragi Trued Tnvettigati INTRODUCTION. I''<'\\ insects, and certainly no other Bpecies of the natural order to which this one belongs, have caused such enormous pecuniary losses baa the chinch bug {Blissus leucopterus Sa\ | (fig. l i. No other inseel native to the Western Hemisphere has spread its devastat- ing hordes over a wider area of country (see map, fig. 7> with more fatal effects to the staple grains of North America than has this one. But for the extreme susceptibility of the very young to destruction by drenching rains and to the less, though not insignificant, fatal effect during rainy seasons of the para- sitic fungus Sporotrichum globuLiferum Speg., On both the adults and young, the practice of raising gram year after year on the Bame areas, a> i-~ followed in some parts <<( the form, much. vuthor-a Li ■ ■ d iii i i illustration.) mted Mates, would become altogether un- profitable. Some of this insect's own habits, emphasizing as they do the effects ^i meteorological conditions, are among the most potent influences that serve to hold it within hounds by giving its tendency to excessive increase a decidedly spasmodic character. 9917— Cir. Il:i— 09 1 DESCRIPTIONS OF THE DIFFERENT STAGES. T/k egg (fig. •'!, a, b). — The average length of the egg is three one-hundredths <>f an inch; in shape it is elongate-oval, the diameter being scarcely one-fifth the length. The top is squarely docked and surmounted with four small, rounded tubercles near the center. Fig. 2.— Chinch bug: Adults of short-winged form, much enlarged. (Author's illustration.) When newly deposited the egg is pale or whitish and translucent, but with age it acquires an amber color, and finally shows the red parts of the embryo within, and especially the eves toward the tubercled end. The size increases somewhat after deposition, and the length will sometimes reach nearly four one-hundredths of an inch. Larval stages (fig. 3, c, d, e, f). — The newly hatched larva, or nymph, is pale yel- low, with simply an orange stain on the middle of the three larger abdominal joints. The form scarcely differs from that of the ma- ture bug, being but slightly more elongate; but the tarsi have only two joint-, and the head is relatively broader and more rounded, while the joints of the body are subequal, the prothoracic joint being but slightly longer than any of the rest. The red color soon pervades the whole body, except the first two abdominal joints, which remain yellowish, and the legs and antenna', which remain pale. After the fust molt the led becomes bright vermilion, contrasting strongly with the pale band across the middle of the body, the pro- thoracic joint is relatively longer, and the metathoracic shorter. The [Cir. J 13] FlG.3.- Chinch bug: a. b, Eggs; c, newly hatched larva, or nymph; f intennse are dusky, l>ut the legs are Btill pale. After the second nmli the head and thorax are quite dusk} and the abd >n duller red, bul the pale transverse band is still distinct; the wing-pads become apparent, the members are more dusky, there is a dark-red shade on the fourth mid fifth abdominal joints, and, centrally, a distincl circular dusk} spot, covering the lasl three joints. The lastsiagt larva (fig. '■>. cf). In the last-stage larva, or nymph, Bometimes called the "pupa," all the coriaceous parts an- brown- black, tin- wing-pads extend almost across the two pale abdominal joints, which an- now more dingy, while the general color of the abdomen i> < I i iiltn gray; the body above is slightly pubescent, the members are colored as in the mature bug, the three-jointed tarsus is foreshadowed, ami the dark horny spots al tip of abdomen, both above and lichiu . an- larger. Tin adult. There arc two forms <»t" the fully developed insect, but it is not known thai the young of these two forms differ in any respect. One of these forms is known as the long-winged form and i- the only form that occurs over most of the country between the Rocky Mountain- and the Allegheny Mountain-, and i- the one originally described. This form is illustrated in figure l. The second form is much like the first, with the exception of the wings, which are more or less abbreviated, as shown in figure '-'. This form occurs along the seacoasts and in the Bast extends inland along the lower lakes to northern Illinois. It i- not abundant, however, wesl of a line drawn from Toledo, Ohio, to Pittsburg, Pa. Throughout the territory in which this short-winged form i- found there are also intermingled with them individuals of the long-winged form. Both of 1 1) esc forms may he described a- black, with numerous hairs al>o black, and with the under wings while. The upper wings are whitish, with a black spot on each. They are about one-fifth of an inch or less in length and may be easily recognized by the accom- panying illustrations (figs. l. 2, -\. I. -I \-m\ \i. BttSTORI . Over the territory covered by the long-winged form, as previously given, the insect has two generations each year. The young of the first generation appear in May and dune, and those of the second generation in August and perhaps as late as September. The adult insects (figs. I, 2) pa— the winter among matted grass, fallen leaves, and other rubbish, and come forth from their hiding in spring and [t/ir. 113] spread to the grain field, where they deposit their eggs. After the eggs are hatched the old bugs die, and the young hatching from these Fig. 4. — Corn plant 2 feet tall infested with chinch bugs. (Author's illustration.) eggs cluster upon the plants and begin at once to live upon the juices. Figure 4 illustrates a corn plant with the chinch bugs clustering upon ii. The egg-laying season extends over a considerable period [Clr. n:;| ami chinch bugs of all ages, sizes, and colore are found intermingled. I'. , August the majority "I" the firel generation have reached the adull Btage, ai which time the i ire deposited for the second generation, which hatches and matures I i K » • the previous one, oearlj all indi- viduals reaching their lull development l>\ late fall or earl] winter. In i he eastern pint ion of the country, where the short-winged form prevails, it i- doubtful if there i^ more than a single generation annu- ally. This short-winged form differs \rer3 much in it-, habits from the long-winged form, tin- firel passing the winter in the meadows, which it usually attacks in preference to grain crops, while with tin- Long- winged form, during the period known as the [ndian summer, the developed I >hlt-- maj he observed flying about, evidently searching fiii- winter quarters. With the short-winged form these migrations t 1 and from tin 1 places of hibernation air impossible, the insects being totally incapable of flying because of their short wings. A hint of this characteristic maj he witnessed in the case of the exclusively long-winged form, for in migrating from one field in another, even though t'ullv half of the individuals may have I'ulU developed wings, ample for flight, t hey often t ravel on foot with the young, even going considerable distances from one field to another. Throughout the Middle West . t hen. where this insect doe- its great- est injury, the crops suffer from tun attacks annually, although the later one is seldom not iced. It must he remembered, however, that, although attracting little or no attention, this later attack i- of the utmost importance, for. if there are hut feu of the second generation developing to adults, there can he no serious outbreak the following spring. If. on the other hand, there ai-e enormous numbers of adults developing in t he fall and going into winter quarters, t here i- a proba- bility that, with weather during April and Ma\ favorable for their development, t here will he an excessive abundance t he following year. It must he remembered that each female of the species is capable of laying from 1 to 500 eggs, and she will scatter them during a period of from two to three week-. The time required for the i'L"^ to hatch i- from a hoi it ten days to three weeks, and it requires about fort} days for the young to become fully developed after hatching from the egg. IIIBI.KN \ I li )\ While the matter of winter quarters has been previously mentioned in a genera] way, the winter habit of the pest i- of such importance that this phase of its life history i- deserving of full explanation. Again and again serious and destructive outbreaks of the pesl in wheat fields have been traced directly to the influence of shocks of corn fodder allowed to stand ill the fields throughout the winter. The chinch bugs which Hocked to these corn shocks the previous autumn (Or. US] 6 were protected throughout the winter, migrating from them in the spring and spreading over the wheat field. In .other cases destructive outbreaks have been traced directly to woodlands bordering upon the fields, the chinch bugs beginning their destruction along the margins of the fields nearest to the woodlands, having passed the winter among the fallen leaves. So, too, have destructive outbreaks in the Middle West been traced to the matted grass and fallen leaves border- ing hedges of Osage orange (fig. 5). The farmer must understand that it is to such places as these that the chinch bugs flock in the fall, and whatever measures can be effected to prevent their wintering Fig. 5.— A road between two farms, with neglected hedges on either side affording ample protection for destructive insects during winter. (Author's illustration). about his fields in this manner will be measures of protection to his crop from attacks of their offspring in the following year. In the timothy meadows of New England, New York, and northern Ohio these conditions are of less importance, because there the insects pass the winter largely in the meadows themselves, and do not migrate to or from these places, except to travel on foot. Chinch bugs will stand almost any degree of cold, provided it is continuous and they are fairly well protected from sudden changes. Thus it is that the farmer may be able to take advantage of their hibernation to deal a disastrous blow to their occurrence in his fields during late spring and early summer. [Clr. n.'.] POOD i'i I \ i - Over the western country the major portion of the damage Is thai accomplished in fields of wheat, barley, rye, and corn, the outbreak generally originating in wheal or barley fields and the bugs migrating .•it harvest t" the cornfields. In the eastern pari of the country, where the timothj meadows are the most seriously infested, ilii- is i i«>t i he case, ami he re the migrations are a- likelj to be t" the i i t h\ meadows as to the fields of corn where both ar |ualrj within reach. Rye and <>at- are less liable to infestation. The chinch bugs attach BUgar cane in Mexico, according t<> Mr. Aibeii Koebele. Thej arc known to attack the following grasses: Forked beard-grass I Andropo- gon furcatus) , broom beard-grass I .1. scoparius), oat-grass I Arrhena- (herum), bur-grass I Cenchrus tribulaides) , millet, witch grass (Panicum cap/Mare), barnyard grass (Panicum crus-gaUi), Phragmites sp?, sor- ghum, kaffir corn, large crab-grass ( Syntiu risma sanguinalis), t imol li\ , yellow foxtail I Ixophorus glaucus), green foxtail-grass I I. viridis), Ber- muda grass ( Capriola dactylon), and what is locally known in Florida as St. Augustine grass. Prof. Lawrence Bruner has also found it feeding upon so-called buckwheat (Polygonum dumetorum or /'. con- volvulus). !t will thus be seen that the inseel ha- an ample food supply outside of the cultivated fields. I ikvI'v ( u SKI) MY ( lll\( II BUGS. It would appear that this pesl first made its presence known h\ it- ravages in the wheat fields of the North Carolina farmers, for we are told that "in 1785 the fields in this State were SO overrun with them as to threaten a total destruction of the grain. And at length the crops were 90 destroyed in some districts that farmers were obliged to abandon the sowing of w heat. It was four or five years that they continued so numerous at this time In the vear Isn't, a- stated by Mr. J. W. Jeffeiys,' the chinch bug again became destructive in North Carolina to such an extent that in Orange County farmer- were obliged to suspend the sowing of wheat for two year-. In 1839* the pe-t again became destructive in the Carolina- and in Virginia, where the bugs migrated from the wheat field- at harvest to the corn, and in 1840 there w a- a similar outbreak, and both w heat and corn were seriously injured. In all of these cases, however, there i- no recorded estimate of the actual financial losses resulting from the attacks of the chinch bug. According to l,c Baron, eterom 1' . VoL I, p. 279. Not seen. Quoted from Fitch. 6 Albany Cultivator, iir>t .-eric.-. Vol. VI, \>. 201. -The Cultivator, VoL VI. p. L03. [fir. 118] 8 during the years from 1845 to 1850 the insect ravaged Illinois and portions of Indiana and Wisconsin, and in 1854 and 1S55 it again worked .serious injury in northern Illinois. The writer's earliest recol- lection of the chinch bug and its ravages in the grain fields of the settlers on the prairies dates from this last outbreak. Mr. B. D. Walsh estimated the loss to the farmers of Illinois in 1850 at $4,000,000, or $4.70 to every man, woman, and child living in the State. In 1863, 186', and 1865 the insect was again destructive in Illinois and other Western States, its ravages heing especially severe in 1864, when we have another attempt at computation of the financial loss. Dr. Henry Shinier, of Mount Carroll, 111., who had carefully studied the chinch hug, estimated that "three-fourths of the wheat and one- half of the corn crop were destroyed by the pest throughout many extensive districts, comprising almost the entire Northwest." In criticizing the doctor regarding another point, Walsh and Riley" admit that the estimate was "a reasonable one," and. taking it as a basis, with the actual cash price per bushel, computed the loss at about 30,000,000 bushels of wheat and 138,000,000 bushels of corn, with a total value of both amounting to over 873,000,000. Of course, all computations of this sort are necessarily only approximately correct, but there is more likelihood of an underestimate than of an overestimate in this case. There was a serious outbreak of the chinch bug in the West in the year 1868, and again in 1871, but in 1874 the ravages were both wide- spread and enormous. Le Baron computed the loss in 1871 in seven States, viz, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Indiana, at $30,000,000. b Riley computed the loss in Missouri alone in the year 1874 at $19,000,000, and added the statement that for the area covered by Le Baron's estimates in 1871 the loss in 1874 might safely be put down as double, or upward of $60, 000, 000. c Dr. Cyrus Thomas, however, estimates the loss to the whole country for the same year at upward of $100,000,000/ The next serious outbreak of the chinch bug of which we have an estimate of the losses occurred in 1887, and covered more 1 or less territory in the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas. In this case the damage was estimated by the United States statistician, Mr. J. R. Dodge, at $60,000,000, the heaviest losses occurring in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas/ This gives us as the estimated loss in the thirty-eight " American Entomologist, Vol. I, p. 197, 1869. '< Second Report Stale Entomologist of Illinois, p, 11!. c Seventh Report State Entomologifll of Missouri, pp. 24-25. 'i Bulletin No. 5, U. S. Entomological Commission, p. 7. < Report of U. S. Commissioner of Agriculture for 1887, p. 50. [Or. li:;j years from 1850 n> i s ^7, both inclusive, the enormous Bum of •7,000,000. There was a serious outbreak in Kansas, [owe, Minnesota, and Illinois, having its beginning probably as earl} as 1892, bul reaching its maximum severity, as in Ohio, in 1896. The loss in Ohio during the years 1894, 1895, 1896, and 1897 could no! have fallen far shorl 12,000,000. If we could have careful estimates of the loss during the last fifteen years if would in all probability Bwell the amounl to considerably in excess of $350,000,000 for the period from 1850 to 1909. (See map, fig / \ Y 1 .• J **^*^. s~'7~\~~^ *~\ ~/f» \ ( v -j 7 \ \ •'"'••v Si\ A \ v s^*y : l~~~^r^~J •••.! /:':•#&. 7C M < t*P"** i / T~ — / ~^-sJ** "*••*• *Hii*«-\ / ^r-v — -i^ \ / / L ~t -L, /.yV^^^i^ijfevl^t^^ - .v;; ;v *« "A*** v • "•">" •'/•'." •*; t; \ • vV •"• V /^sjn :\i!//'}\\\:^\'\''/^i'/:lyytjp^r f .. ^ &M^^^M^^f!^< \ X / I •••5"!i»." , "* , *vjfji ^ _l *~ **v^— -^ix» y ) \ Xv",r« ••£*£*?" \ i -\ T - ~'^^^«V»V \ — -^ / J v^^/jw^-— J ( I \ \ y \ S\ v I *•"•••••• ^| 1 / \ ys \ V\ c \~~ \ fi( \ <—-^— i THE CHINCH B1 <■. Chinch bugs have few Datura! enemies, nunc of which, owing, perhaps, to their repugnanl odor, appears t«> be of an\ verj great importance when it comes to suppressing a serious invasion. They are far more fortunate than mosl insects in escaping the attack- of natural enemies thai exert a tremendous influence in holding other species in (heck. tiik BOBWHRl OB Q1 All Inland, the common "quail" or bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) \< the only bird that can he said to devour the chinch bug in considerable numbers. It is said that from .".mi to inn chinch bugs have been found in the crops of bobwhites; inn. however, i- the largest number found so far by the Biological Survey. As the bobwhite is one of !>!M7— Cir. I l:i — 09 2 I 10 our most highly prized game birds, it is slaughtered annually in tremendous numbers, frequently with no other object in view except- ing for gain. Some also are killed by flying against electric wires, while during severe winters entire coveys are sometimes smothered or frozen under the snow. As a result, the helpfulness of the quail against chinch bugs is greatly diminished. It would seem that as important an enemy of the chinch bug as this bird is known to be would receive protective immunity throughout the agricultural regions and that farmers would see to it that protective laws were not only enacted but also stringently enforced. The following list will show the degree of protection offered the quail by legislative enactment in the States where the chinch bug is the most destructive (see map, fig. (>). The close seasons lor quail in the several States, during which killing is prohibited by law, are as follows: Maine, all the year. New York, December 1 to November 1, except in Dutchess, Putnam. Richmond, Rockland, and Westchester counties, where it is closed until 1910. Pennsylvania, November 15 to October 15. Ohio, December 5 to November L">. Indiana, January 1 to November 10. Illinois, December 10 to November 11. Minnesota, December 1 to October 1. Iowa, December 15 to November 1. Missouri, January 1 to November 1. Nebraska, all the year. Kansas, December 15 to November 15. Oklahoma, February 1 to November 15. Texas, February 1 to November 1 . The breeding season from latitude 38° northward to Canada begins in May and continues through July and occasionally into September. OTHER BIRD ENEMIES. To what extent the birds of the coast region feed upon the chinch bug it is impossible to sa} 7 . However, among the bird enemies of the pest are the prairie chicken, redwing blackbird, catbird, brown thrush or thrasher, meadowlark, house wren, tree swallow, horned lark, Arkansas kingbird, Traill flycatcher, seaside sparrow, savanna sparrow, song sparrow, tree sparrow, and barn swallow. THE EROC Dr. Cyrus Thomas quotes Ross and others as stating that the common frog is an enemy of the chinch bug. While this is probably true, it is nevertheless well known that comparatively few frogs frequent grain fields, as a rule, and thus the benefit derived from their attacks is of too little importance to merit further notice. a From Farmers' Bulletin No. 376, pp. 18-29, 1909. [Cir, 1 1:;| 11 ISM i I KS'KMIKS Of the invertebrate enemies "f the chinch bug the same may be said as of the frog. Thewriter 1 1 a - occasionally found a chinch bug containing a species of Mermis, or "hair Bnake." Occasionally, also, ;i n t -> in;i\ be seen dragging these l>u:_ r - away, while lady-beetles have sometimes been round to devour them, as recorded bj Walsh jiikI Forbes. Perhaps the worst insect enemies of the chinch l>u«, r are to be found among its comparat ivelj near relatives the insidious Bower bug (TripMeps insidiosus Say), (Anthocoris pseudo-chinch of Pitch's Second Report), ;m.\ Thomas as the most efficient of the insect enemies of this pest, while Rile] found that the former also attacked it. Pro- fessor Forbes ascertained, by examinations of the contents of the stomach of a ground beetle (Agonoderus pattipes Fab.), thai one- fifth of 1 1 u v total food of this species was composed <>f chinch bugs. Shimer and Walsh both claim that lacewing flies (Chrysopa spp.) destroy chinch bugs, and they arc doubtless correct. The writer has also M'!\ often found dead chinch bugs entangled in spider webs, although whether killed Tor food or by accident it has been impossible to determine. NATURAL CHECKS OTHEB THAN LNIMALS. There are two natural checks to the increase of the chinch bug other than animal enemies. Oneof these is vegetable in nature, being a fungus, the other meteorological, and the interrelation of the two i> go close that the former is almost entirely dependent upon the latter. It will at once he -ecu that the chinch bug, occurring, does, from but little north of the equator to nearly a latitude of 50 north and from an elevation of upward of 200 feet above the sea level in the Imperial Valley of southern California to an elevation of upward of 6,000 feet in the mountain regions, must he able to withstand almosl every conceivable variation of climatic conditions. map, fig. 7.) So far as the influence of temperature is con- cerned, it i- only in the most unprotected situations that severe winter weather appears to have much effect in regulating the abun- dance of the pest, although frequenl freezing and thawing is known to he fatal to a large percentage of the adults if these occur in exposed situations. Thus temperature may practically he eliminated from consideration. It is also true that the nearly developed insect will withstand not only the humidity of the Tropic-, hut continuous drenching rams of more northern latitudes. It is at the time of hatching that the species is most susceptible to meteorological con- dition-. Frequent drenching rains during the hatching season are fatal to the pest almost to the extent of extermination, ami it is due [Cir. 113] 12 to this more than to any other influence that the chinch bug is kept within the limits of its present abundance and destructiveness. It matters little how great a number of these insects pass the winter in safety, provided there are sufficiently prolonged, drenching rains Fig. 7.— Map of North America showing areas infested by chinch bug. (Author's illustration.) during the hatching period. Again, with an excessive abundance of individuals developing from the first generation, if at the time of the hatching of the young of the second generation there are frequent drenching rains, an outbreak the following year is prevented. Thus it is that although an outbreak may seem inevitable as the [Cir. 113] 13 on for the ravages of the chinch bug draw- near, there is often a radical reduction instead of an increase in [lumbers. The forecasl ing of chinch-bug outbreaks is therefore based wholly upon the fore oasting, months in advance, of meteorological conditions thai are likely to occur a! certain periods. II' the fanner would but watch the seasons, he need no! be taken unawares l»\ chinch-bug outbreaks, ns dry weather during the two breeding seasons is usually sufficient to precipitate an invasion the following year, provided that, al the critical period or time of hatching, rain- do uol destroy the young. The general statement ma} be made thai throughout the Middle Wests » burn over such places. In such cases a flock of sheep, if given the freedom "l tlu- fields during winter and spring, will eat off all living vegetation and trample the ground with their small feet, so that not onlj is all covering for the bugs removed, but j 1 1 — * » the !>uu r - are crushed to death. So ii i-> with the matted grass along roadsides and fenc rown with I tor 1 u especially the Virginia worm rail fence (fig. 8). The ease with which the narrow strip of grass land along a post-and-wire fence can be kepi free of matted grass and leaves, as compared with thai along a hedge or rail fence, indicates thai there may be an entomological factor connected with the modern fence that has been overlooked, giving it. in this respect, an advantage over the more ancienl form. A id illustration of the facl that large numbers of chinch bugs may be in hiding among fallen leaves in woods and other places and escape detection is shown by the facl thai a quantity of dried leaves from about a vineyard located on a narrow neck of land about a quarter of a mile from the Bay of Sandusky on the one side, and about i . [Or. 113] 16 miles from tho shore of Lake Eric on the opposite side, was col- lected late in April. At the time of collecting the leaves only an occasional chinch bug was to be observed, but under a warm atmos- phere they began to bestir themselves, and soon demonstrated that there had been a large Dumber ensconced unseen among the dried and curled, dead grape leaves. Shocks of fodder corn, left in the fields over winter, certainly afford protection for many chinch bugs, as will also coarse stable manure spread on the fields before the chinch bugs have selected their place of hibernation in the fall. In short, the first protective measure to be carried out is a general cleaning up in winter or early spring either by burning, or pasturing, or both. SOWING DECOY PI.ATS OF ATTRACTIVE GRAINS OR GRASSES IN EARLY SPRING. Judging from the manner in which the overwintered adults are attracted to hills of young corn, wheat fields, or plats of panic and foxtail grasses, it has always seemed to the writer practicable to take advantage of this habit and sow small patches of millet, Hun- garian grass, spring wheat, or even corn, early in the spring and thus bait the adults as they come forth from their places of hibernation. Their instincts will prompt them to seek out the places likely to afford the most desirable food supply for their progeny, and, if an arti- ficial supply can be offered them that will be more attractive than that furnished by nature, the bugs will certainly not overlook the fact, but will take advantage of it to congregate and deposit their eggs there, whereupon eggs, young, and adults can, a little later, be summarily dealt with by plowing both bugs and their food under and harrowing and rolling the ground to keep the former from crawling to the surface and escaping. The writer has thoroughly tested this method in a case where the bugs, young and old, had taken possession of a plat of neglected ground overrun with panic grass (Panicum crus-galli), which was mown and promptly removed and the ground plowed, harrowed, and rolled before the bugs could escape, thus burying them beneath several inches of soil, out of which they were unable to make their way. As a consequence they were almost totally annihilated, hardly 1 per cent making their escape to an adjoining cornfield. WATCHFULNESS DURING FROTRACTED PERIODS OF DROUGHT. It has always appeared to the writer as though a little watchfulness on the part of farmers during periods of drought might enable them to determine whether or not chinch bugs were present in any con- siderable numbers in their fields in time to interpose a strip of millet between the wheat and corn, to he utilized later as previously indi- [Clr. 113] 17 cated. [nstsnces have come under observation where, in wheal fields overgrown with panic grass and meadow foxtail, the bugs transferred their attention to these grasses as Boon ih the wheal was harvested. In such cases a prompl plowing of the ground would have placed the depredators beyond the possibilit) of doing an) Berious injury. If the weather at the time is hoi and dry . ;i mower ma) be run over the Btubble fields or along the borders of them, cutting off grass, weeds, and Btubble, as the « • j i -< * * may be, leaving them t<> dry in the hoi Bun, when, in a few hours, they will burn sufficiently to roasl all bugs among them, and. while nol destroying ever) individual, this will reduce their numbers to BuCh an extenl thai they will be unable to w ork anj Berious injur) , l>li I n I I I •» "I REACHING i 111 si II BUGS IN MBADOW8 There is, however, Borne « l< nil >i in regard to the practicabilit) "f applying these measures in timothy meadows. Meadow hind- can be burned over with perfect safety to either the grass or clover, if done while ilif ground is frozen, bul there is danger of injury if burned over in spring, and it is Bomewhal doubtful if the hibernating chinch bugs would be killed unless the surface of the ground \\ a- heated to a degree thai the grass and clover plants would hardly l>e a hie to with- stand. Infested areas of meadow land could be plowed, it is true; hut the work would have to be done very carefully, else the grass and stubble would be left to protrude above ground along each furrow and con- stitute so many ladders by which the chinch bugs could easil) crawl out and make their escape. Where the ground will admit of sub- soiling, Or where a "jointer" plow can he used, this latter difficulty can be easily overcome. Usually, however, the chinch bugs work too irregularly in a field to permit of plow ing under infested areas w ithoul disfiguring the field too much for practical purposes, especially in the case of meadows, unless it be where the bugs have migrated en masse from an adjoining field, when a narrow strip along the border can often he sacrificed to good advantage. In many instances the drastic measure of turning under a few outer rows of corn with the plow would have saved as many acre- from destruction. In the majority of cases it is the fault of t he farmer himself that t hese measures are nol effective, a- he will seldom take the trouble to burn the dead leave-, grass, and trash aboul his premises at the proper time, ami when there occurs an invasion of chinch bugs, instead of resorting to heroic and energetic measures to conquer them on a small area, he USUall) hesitates and delays in order to determine whether or not the attack i- to !„• a Berious one, and by the time he has decided which it i- to he the matter has gone too far. and the chinch bugs have taken possession [fir. 113] 18 of his field. This is especially true in the West, where the bugs breed exclusively in t he fields of \\ heat and remain unobserved until harvest . when they suddenly and without warning precipitate themselves upon the growing corn in adjacent fields. Ju fighting the chinch bug promptness of action is about as necessary as it is in lighting fire. ELIMINATING CHINCH BUGS FROM TIMOTHY MEADOWS BY CROP ROTATION. Iii several instances where chinch bugs have become especially destructive to timothy meadows over considerable areas of country, it has been found that these outbreaks were attributable to the fact that these sections of country were largely given over to dairying. The dairymen and stockmen found it more desirable to allow timothy pastures and meadows to remain more or less permanent, with the result that the chinch bugs gradually became so excessively abundant as to destroy the grasses on these areas. In a number of instances it was found that where the prevailing agricultural methods were changed and the infested grass lands were broken up and devoted to other crops, the difficulty was eliminated, as the new meadows were not attacked. This shows that throughout the country where the short-winged chinch bug attacks timothy meadows a rotation crop will be found an efficient measure in overcoming the difficulty witli a reasonable degree of permanency. UTILITY OF KEROSENE IX FIGHTING CHINCH BUGS. In lighting the chinch bug there is at present no more useful sub- stance than kerosene, either in the form of an emulsion or undiluted. From its penetrating nature, prompt action, and fatal effects on the chinch bug, even when applied as an emulsion, it becomes an inex- pensive insecticide, while it has the further advantage of being an article universally found in every farmhouse, and is therefore always at hand for immediate use. The emulsion has the further advantage of being capable of sufficient reduction in strength to preclude injury to the vegetation while still strong enough to be fatal to insect life. Diluted and ready for use, the emulsion is prepared as follows: Dis- solve one-half pound of hard soap in 1 gallon of water, preferably rain water, heated to the boiling point over a brisk fire, and pour this suds while still hot into 2 gallons of kerosene. Churn or otherwise agitate this mixture for a few minutes until it becomes of a cream- like consistency and, on cooling, forms a jellylike mass which adheres to the surface of glass without oiliness. For each gallon of this emul- sion use 15 gallons of water, mixing thoroughly. If applied to growing corn, it will be best to use the emulsion either during the morning or evening, say before 8 a. m. or after 5 p. m., as at these times it will be less likely to affect the plants than if applied in the heat of the day. [Cir. l i.".J L9 Where mi invasion "I i In- eliineh I > 1 1 l_t is in progress from a field < f wheat i<> an adjoining field of corn, as an illustration, the marginal rows of corn can l>e frequently Baved, even niter the l>u'_ r - have massed upon the plants, l>\ spraying or sprinkling them freerj with kerosene emulsion, being careful n< >t to L, r et much of it directly into the crown of the plains and using a sufficient quantity so that the emulsion will run down the outside and reach such bugs as are about the base of the plants. This treatment will kill the bugs clustered upon the corn, and in case of those on the waj to the field, while it will not keep them out. it will cause a hall in the invasion, and thus "jive the farmer an opportunity to put other measures in operation, one of which will include the use of kerosene in another manner. If a deep furrow i> plowed along the edge of the field, running the land side oi t he plow tow aid the field to he protected, I he furrow w ill form a temporary harrier to the incoming hordes. 1 III 1 1' \ nr DBBFL1 PLOWED FURROWS SUPPLEMENTED n no i -I 01 KEROSENE nil i BION In dry weather the sides of the furrow can he made SO steep and the soil bo finely pulverized that when the chinch bugs attempt to crawl up out of the furrow the\ will continually i"ll hack to the bot- tom, where they can he sprinkled with either kerosene alone or with the much less expensive emulsion and killed. In case of showery weather, which prevents the side- of the furrow from remaining loose and dr\ . the bottom can he cleared out with a shovel, making it more smooth and the sides more perpendicular, thus rendering it so much easier for the hu\ a migrating army of chinch bugs come under the writer's observation hut that might have been saved from very serious injury by the prompt use of either of these measures, though under some conditions the farmer might find it advantageous to apply some of the other methods of protection here given. In all of the following methods crude petroleum may he substituted for coal tar if the former is more easily obtainable. [Ctr. 118] 20 THE SURFACE AND COAL-TAR METHOD. The objections made by farmers to the use of most of these bar- riers is that the finest pulverized soil soon becomes incrusted by even the slightest rainfall and the bugs then pass over it without difficulty, while harriers of boards are expensive. It is feasible to eliminate both by simply smoothing off a path along the margin of an infested field where such an one adjoins the one to be protected. This can be done with a sharp hoe, and as the margins of wheat fields usually become compacted, it is but little trouble to thus clear off a path a foot or more in width, smooth as a floor, with the surface almost as hard. Along this path circular post holes are sunk, as in the bottom of furrows, and a train of coal tar is run between them, being so arranged that it will reach the post hole at the edge farthest from the field from which the bugs are migrat- ing. The bugs, on reaching the train of coal tar, will follow along until they reach the post hole, while those meeting with the post hole will usually divide and, following around it, join with the flow of bugs moving along the train of coal tar. The result is that they become congested in the acute angle where the coal-tar train is intercepted by the post holes. Those in the apex of this angle can not turn back, and thus are continually pushed into the post holes by those behind. As the bugs, varying from the red larvae of the younger stages to the almost black ones of the last stage, mass along the line of coal tar, they have much the appearance of a reddish-brown stream running into the holes. From these holes there is no escape and here the bugs can readily be killed b} T sprinkling with kerosene. The slightest train of coal tar is sufficient to obstruct the passage of the bugs, and light rains will not affect its efficiency. In dry weather these trains of coal tar soon become covered over wit li dust and must be renewed; but in showery weather there is no dust, and if the coal tar is renewed daily or, at most, twice each day, it will accomplish its work and nothing further will be needed than to kill the bugs that have collected in the post holes. This measure is inex- pensive and can be promptly put into operation if the coal tar is at hand. The writer has been able in this way to effectively protect a field of corn bordered on two sides by a wheat field literally overrun with chinch bugs at harvest and during a time when light showers were occurring, frequently several times each day. THE RIDGE AND COAL-TAR METHOD. Differing quite materially from the preceding are the various com- binations of coal tar and ridges of earth, smoothed and packed along the apex, or, instead of the ridge of earth, 6-inch boards, such as are ordinarily used for fencing, placed on edge and the upper edge coated [CIr. 113] frith tar. Forbes has reported excellent results from the application of a line of coal tar put directlj upon the bare ground where the surf ace has been rendered compact l>\ a recenl fall of rain. Even in this series of protective measures kerosene can be used t" great ad\ ante In the experiment recorded bj Professor Forbes the coal tar was put upon the ground between a wheat field and a cornfield from an ordi- nate garden sprinkling pot from which the Bprinkler had been re- moved and the orifice of the spout reduced in size with a plug of wood until the tar came out in a Btream about the size of the little finger and made a line on the surface of the ground about three-fourths of an inch in width. Post holes wen- sunk along the line from in to 20 feet apart <»n the side next bo the wheat field, thus practically completing the barrier, and the chinch I>ult^. being unable to cross the line <>f tar, accumulated in the post holes in \ ast numbers, where they were killed, and those bugs thai had already entered the cornfield before the barrier was constructed were prevented from spreading farther l>\ tar lines between the rows of corn, the infested corn itself being cleared of bugs by the application of kerosene emulsion. The same writer Btates" that several farmers in Vermilion County, III., pre- pared for the coal-tar line by bitching B team bo a heavy plank and r unning thi-, weighted down with three or four men, over the ground once or twice until a smooth, hard surface had thus been made to re- ceive tlie tar. If the barrier was to be made in sod, a furrow was plowed and the bottom <>f this made smooth by dragging the plank along the bottom. In both cases post holes were sunk along the tar lines, and in these were placed can- or jars into which the bugs fell in myriads and were destroyed. On one farm of 250 acres a coal-tar line !•() rods in length was r< - Dewed once each day and killed about S gallons of chinch bugs. In the case of another farmer there were 300 rods of tar lines with post boles, cans, etc., which resulted in destroying about L0 bushels of chinch bugs. A 6-gallon jarful was destroyed in less than half a day at one point on the line. In this last instance the lines of tar Were renewed three times a day, but even then less than a hand of tar was used. Still another farmer, with 120 rods of tar line, used about a third of a barrel of tar and did not lose a lull of corn: he caught chinch bugs by the bushel. In some of the cases cited the tar line was run in a zigzag course, the post holes being situated at the angles, and in others leader tar lines were run obliquely to the main tar line, one end terminating at the traphole, hut both of tb plans were afterwards regarded as unnecessary, a single straight line being entirely sufficient and Ic^s expensive. The numerous where these methods were put into execution with entire success and "Twentieth Report State Entomologist of Illin i-.p. 39, 1898. [Or. 113] 22 at small expense afford the best possible proof of their practical utility. If ii farmer is situated near town, where refuse tin eans are dumped iu any locality where they ran he got out of the way, be can select the larger of these, set them in the post holes and partly fill them with kerosene and water. The water, being heavier than the kero- sene, will sink to the bottom, leaving a stratum of kerosene on the surface. The chinch bugs falling into this will be forced down by the weight of those coming after, and thus all will be passed through the kerosene into the water below. This will obviate the necessity of fre- quently emptying the cans or treating their contents. It may also he stated that where the post holes are quite deep and enlarged at the bottom the hugs falling into them will perish without further attention. OTHER BARRIER METHODS. The late Professor Snow, working in Kansas, followed a somewhat different method, and one that, under certain conditions, might be found superior to that used b} r Professor Forbes, or the furrow and kerosene method applied by the writer in Ohio. This modification consists in throwing up a double furrow, known among farmers as "back furrowing,'' and thus forming a ridge, the top of which is smoothed and packed with a drag having a concave bottom of the form of the ridge to be made. If the bottom of this drag is covered with zinc, it will be found to keep bright and polished, and by this means make a smoother ridge. Along the top of this ridge is run a train of coal tar as it came from the gas works, or crude petroleum as taken from the oil wells. The former is more easily obtained, except in certain localities, and will probably be found the more practical, as it stands on the surface better and is not so readily washed away by rains. Both of these substances are, however, offensive to the hugs, and the}' will seldom attempt to cross them or even come close enough to touch them, but on approaching will turn and run along the ridge in the evident hope of finding a gap through which they can pass. Post holes were dug on the outside of the line, but close up to it, so that the bugs in passing along beside the tar line would crowd each other into them. Professor Snow suggested that it will be better to construct this barrier several w r eeks prior to the time when it A\i!l be needed, as then the tar line has but to be run along the ridge, and the post holes dug, when the whole system is complete, and the chinch bugs can be thus shut out from the first. With these barriers of either ridge or furrow and the use of coal tar or crude petroleum, supplemented by kerosene emulsion, a very Large percentage of the injury from chinch bugs may he obviated, a Fifth Annual Repent of t lie Director of the Experimental Suit ion of the University of Kansas, for the year 1895 (1896), pp. 45-17. [Cir. L13] ami, in fact, with a reasonable degren <>f watchfulness and prompt action, all injury from migrating hordps ma\ be prevented. The of tarred boards Bel ou edge or slightly reclining might, und< r - circumstances, take the place of tin* ridge or furrow, bul these cases will l»' exct | > t i < » 1 1 : » ! . and i lie use of kerosene emulsion will probably be found equally practicable here, as also will the posl holes for col lecting t he chinch bugs. This method is merely cited in order to call attention to its possible use where the others are round impracticable. imi D81 "i FURROW fl WITHOin PETROLEUM OB COAJ PAR. 'The plowing of furrows has been in vogue since the first wril of l.c Baron and the second report of Fitch, and maj be utilized in other ways than those previously mentioned. V heavj log dragged back and forth in this furrow will pulverize the 9oil in dry weather, and Doctor Forbes has recorded the fact that where this furrow has a temperat ure of 110° to l lt'>° F. ii is fatal to the young bugs that fall into the furrow, even if they arc not killed by the log. As 120° is not uncommon in an exposed furrow on a hot summer day. it will be observed that there may be cases where this method will be found very serviceable, and especially is this likelj to prove true in a sandy soil with a sou! hern exposure. In sections of the country where irri- gation is practiced, these furrows may be flooded and in this w,-.\ ren- dered still more effective without the expenditure of cither time or money to keep them in constant repair. Riley lorn: ago laid consid- erable stress on this measure, believing it of much value, especially in the arid regions of the far West. The same writer advised the flooding of infested Gelds, wherever it could be done, for a da} or so occasionally during the month of May. It is hardly probable, how- ever, that this will often l>c found feasible except in rice Gelds, where it is somet imes pract iced. BSSm POH PREVENTING CHINCH BUGS PROM BECOMING ESTABLISHED IN FIELDS 111. \ r LND QBA8S. In the foregoing it will be observed that prevention "i migration has been the chic! cud in \ iew . eith >r b\ destroy ing the chinch l>m_'- in their hibernating quarters, and thus preventing the spring migrat ion to the breeding place-, or by \ arious traps and obstructions to prevent them from migrating from such place- to others not already infested. Tin' great problem remaining to be solved is to prevent their breeding in wheat fields at all. As has been shown, it is absolutely impos- sible, with our present inability to forecast the weather months in advance, to be able to foretell whether or not an outbreak of chinch bugs is likely to take place. There may be an abundance of bugs in the fall enough to cause an outbreak over a wide section of count ry and these may overwinter in sullicient numliei ise some injury [Or. 118] 24 in spring, yet a few timely, drenching rains will outbalance all of these factors, and our wisest prognostications fail of proving true. It is this very factor of uncertainty that renders unlikely the successful carrying out, over any large area of country, of any protective meas- ures, where, as in this case, the benefit to be derived will only lie real- ized nearly a year afterwards, if at all. The average farmer, when smarting under a heavy loss, will often take such long-range precau- tions as to sow belts of flax, hemp, clover, or buckwheat around his wheat fields once; hut if the chinch bugs do not appear, and he sees the useless investment of time, labor, and seed, he will be likely to conclude next year to take the risk and do nothing. For the present, then, we have no method whereby we can prevent the chinch hugs from taking up their abode in wheat fields or timothy meadows and raising their enormous families there, except to destroy the adults in their winter quarters. The writer once tried to destroy the young in a wheat field by spraying with kerosene emulsion the small areas of whitening grain that indicated where the pests were massed in greatest abundance. The result was unsatisfactory, and it is very doubtful if it is possible to apply this measure with any degree of success, and we are forced to the conclusion that, for the present at least, we shall be obliged to rely upon the measures previously given. It therefore becomes of the utmost importance to clean up the roadsides, and the ground along fences and patches of woodland, as well as any other places likely to afford protection for the hibernating chinch hugs. There are, of course, obstacles in the way of carrying out this plan generally over any large area of country, and especially in sections where the rail fence predominates. But as the country gets older it will be found that it is not chinch bugs alone that seek these places in which to pass the winter, but myriads of the other insect foes of the farmer as well, and that careful attention to the condition of roadsides, lanes, hedgerows, and waste places about the farms, during the season when insects seek out these places wherein to pass the winter, will pay well for the time expended in that direction. It may come about that some phase of the street-cleaning reform may invade the country, and it is certain that if such were to occur it would, in time, save the country enough to go far toward reducing the expense of securing good roads. In fact, the term "good roads" ought to include the proper care of the roadsides, as well as the grading and macadamizing of the roadbeds themselves. There are at present so-called "weed laws - ' in many States, and, though more or less of a dead letter in most cases, these laws are steps in the proper direction. The time when insect pests will be looked upon in the eye of the law as so many public nuisances, and [CIr. 113] the harboring of them a corresponding crime, ma} be a long waj off, bul as it gradually draws nearer we Bhall come to learn thai aftei nil it is the rational \iru to take and will go far toward solving nol onlj the chinch-bug problem I >■ 1 1 man} others of a similar nature So far as the chinch I>ul; i^ concerned, when we burn over the waste lands and accumulated rubbish about our farms in autumn or winter, we are Bimplj applying the Bame check thai the dusk} Bavage did when he lighted the prairie fires, though unwittingly and for an entirely differenl purpose. In the timoth} meadows of the northeastern portion of the country, where, for lack of wings fitting it for locomotion, the chinch bug does not bo largely migrate to the waste lands in autumn, the problem is somewhat different, and it will require Borne careful experiments to determine the exact effects both on the hibernating chinch bugs and on the grass roots of burning over the meadow lands in winter. There can he little doubt, however, thai a rapid rotation of crops, so as nol to allow the short- winged form t * > become thoroughly established in a meadow, and tin* burning over of waste places, thus destroying such rubbish and dt'dnis as will serve t»> offer hibernating places for the long-winged form, will go far toward settling the chinch-bug problem in grass lands. As previously stated, the chief drawback in putting preventive measures in force is the difficulty of foretelling an invasion. In northeastern Ohio in 1897 hundreds of acres of timothy meadow were destroyed after the hay crop had been removed, bul so late that the farmers did not BUSped the true condition of their meadows until the sprint: of 1898, when the young grass failed to put forth and an examination revealed the fact that the root-, had Keen killed, the abundance of chinch bugs pointing unerringly to the cause of the trouble, though in many cases a heavy crop of hay had Keen removed the previous year where now the ground was entirely bare. While in the case just cited a previous knowledge of the presence of chinch l>ii<:s in these meadows mighl not have enabled the owners to have saved them in the fall of 1897, yet the fall plowing of the land, possibly (■arly enough to have sown the ground to fall wheat, would have hit tied the majority of t he bugs BO deeply in t he soil as to have killed vast numbers of them and thus prevented their migrating to other lands in the Spring of 1898. A rotation of crops that would have included grass for not to exceed two successive years, followed by wheat, would have amounted to precisely the same remedial measure as the one suggested. A ease in northeastern Ohio has come to t he writer's notice w here an infested timothy meadow was plowed late in the fall of Iso;. Late in April of L898 this ground was cultivated, rolled, and harrowed [Cir. US] 26 several times and most carefully and completely prepared for corn, which was planted, hut with the result that a portion of the field was attacked and destroyed by chinch bugs, largely of the short-winged form. An examination about June 10 revealed the bugs in consider- able numbers about the plants still remaining, but scattered over the field were more or less numerous clumps of timothy, in some ca apparently killed by the chinch bugs, while in others the bugs were literally swarming about the dying but still green clumps of gi thus showing that they had either not been buried by the plowing and cultivation of the ground or else the grass had not been thoroughly covered, and thus ladders had been left whereby the bugs were enabled to climb to the surface. SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES. In summing up the matter of remedial and preventive measures for the control of the chinch bug, it may be stated that the insects can be destroyed in their places of hibernation by the use of fire. They can, under favorable meteorological conditions, be destroyed in the fields. if present in sufficient abundance during the breeding season, by the use of the fungus Sporotrichum globuliferum, if promptly and carefully applied. They can be destroyed while in the act of migrating from one field to another by tarred barriers or deep furrows supplemented by post holes and by burying them under the surface of the ground with the plow and harrow, or the latter method may be applied after the bugs have been massed upon plats of some kind of vegetation for which the bugs are known to have a special fondness, these decoy plats being so arranged as either to attract the females and induce them to oviposit therein or to intercept an invasion from wheat fields into cornfields. When these decoys have been turned under with a plow and the surface immediately smoothed and packed by harrow and roller the bugs will be destroyed, while in the cornfields they can be destroyed on the plants by the application of kerosene emulsion. Without vigilance and prompt action, however, only indifferent results are to be expected from any of these measures. PROSPECTS OF A FUTURE OUTBREAK. The past history of the chinch bug in America indicates a series of years of the insects' abundance and destructiveness, followed by peri- ods of comparative immunity from its attacks. For a number of years there have been no serious ravages and, in fact, until within the past two years the pest has hardly been noticed by farmers; but within the last year (1908) there have come a number of complaints of serious injury, and, while these outbreaks have so far been of a rather localized character, they seem nevertheless to betoken the [Clr. 113] 27 drawing t" an <'n<>i- tentous reports have come from the farmers of Ohio, [ndiana, 1 1 ! i n< >i- . Kansas, and Texas. Strangely enough, the citj man bas n- >i been allowed t" resl unmolested and reports of serious ravages l>\ chinch bugs on lawns have come from the widely separated points, Brooklyn, V ^ .. and Palm Beach, Fla. li is because of these ominous reports th.ii tlu-~ publication bas been prepared ;it this time with the li<>|><' not only of sounding a note of warning, 1 >u t also, if possible, of impres- sing upon the farmer the uecessitj of watchfulness and the prompt application of preventive measures where the insect is found t" occur in any considerable numbers. The Bureau of Entomology has the present summer (1909) been carrying out much experimental and demonstrative work in the West, notably in Kansas. Approved : •i \mi s Wilson, N< (Vi tan/ of Agrit ultun . \\ isHiNOTON, D. C, September in, 19 [CIr. 1 13] O I 3 1262 05252 3510 MARSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY Date Due Due Returned Due Returned