UNITED STATES DEPART: 3NT 0? AGRICULTURE .AGRICULTURAL :.ISEaRCH AEMIUIS22A2I0N 3HR3AU OS SMfOI-iOIOGY AHD PLANE QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. ^, March 27, 1951 LIBRARY b.e.p.q,, 578-28 STATE PLANT BOARD SUMJIARY 0? STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING- REiJJJIRIMSNTS AND' PLANT QUARANTINES A:-7!. REGULATIONS AJTECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS WS&RASKJi ' The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Nebraska and has "been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the "convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account, of plant pests. The summary for Nebraska gives the general requirements .for shipping nursery stock into that State. An appendix furnishes information on post- office, requirements, for' mailing plants as we'll as terminal-inspection pro- cedure. This summary does not include digests' of nursery-stock and plant quarantine requirements, relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is "believed to he correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations, ' and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. Por detailed information address the State Entomologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture and Inspection, Lincoln, Nebraska. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration' applicable plant quarantines of the United State Department of -agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain, articles j.nto designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the 3ureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25, D. C /., , J -J. Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLOR '[]*.,,., ■'^oVi yst eVfl mi r* c a ttt"— . e ^ r\ r*\r 11 1 II II I I II I II I I 1' " I''''' ''' '■' ' -eorasKa nursery- st;ock mil wiun i*™"™ "09314 8426 shipping requirements _ 2 - ' '" NEBRASKA Summary of General Nursery-Stock Shipping Requirements .„. (Comp. Stat, Nebr. 1929, as amended 1937, sees. 2-100"/ to 2-1029) Definition of Nursery Stock, — All f i eld-^rown trees, shru"bs, vines, cut- tings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit pits and other seeds of fruit and orna- mental trees and shrubs, herbaceous perennials, peonies, iris, narcissus and tulip "bulbs, and other plants and plant products grown or kept for propagation, except field, vegetable, and flovrer seeds, bedding plants, annual and biennial plants, and florist's greenhouse plants, flowers, or cuttings, commonly known as greenhouse stock, 5-eneral Shipping Requirements. — Each shipment of nursery stock moving into Nebraska must be marked with the names and addresses of consignor and con- signee, general nature of the contents, and locality where grown, and bear a copy of a valid inspection certificate of the Sta.te of origin. Carriers must notify the Department of Agriculture and Inspection of arrival of un- certified nursery stock, and the consignee is required to report and hold unopened for inspection any shipment of uncertified or imported nursery stock. The Department is authorized to inspect any shipment of nursery stock, whether or not certified, and if necessary treat or return such stock. Any nonresident nurseryman or dealer should file a copy of his State inspection certificate i-dth.the State Entomologist of Nebraska arid secure a nonresident permit. A nonresident nurseryman must pay a fee of $10 ex- cept that in States that do not charge fees to Nebraska nurserymen the per- mit is free. A dealer must pay a fee of s>10 and is required to furnish affidavit that he will deal only in certified stock and that he will main- tain with the Department a list of sources of such stock. Landscape archi- tects and tree movers are classified as dealers. An agent is required to secure a permit, through his principal, at a fee of $1. Permits expire on July 1 following date of issue, unless otherwise provided. Nebraska maintains no State plant quarantines affecting interstate shipments. The foregoing summary was checked and approved on August 8, 19^9 » by H. J. '^alstrom, then State Entomologist.