fa chemistry cr wood IX. Springujccd and Summeriuccd in UNIV OF FL LIB DOCUMENTS DEP^ 1 M«*#«* . : POSITORY ^ ?iTo ESIfflf LIBRARY flgr:da UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY IvI a d i s o n, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin July 1930 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/chepOOfore CHEMISTRY OF ¥001 Part IX — Springwood and SummerwoodJ i By G. J. RITTER, Chemist and L. C. FLECK, Associate Chemist The purpose of the v;ork reported in this paper is to compare the chemical composition of springwood and summerwood in the annual rings of trees. Springwood differs from summerwood in physical appearance, type of cell structure, density, and thickness of cell trail. It was thought that analysis of the springv/ood and summeruood of representa- tive species might show characteristic differences in the chemical composition of the two "bands of growth and thus afford an additional means of classifying woods. The principal differences discovered were general, however, rather than individual. Preparation of Samples for Analysis In separating springwood from summerwood, it is most practic- able to cut the "bands from thin (3-mm. ) cross sections of wood having wide annual rings of growth. The width of the rings varies not only in different trees, but also during different periods in the history of the same tree. The latter condition makes it quite difficult to obtain suitable rings for springwood and summerwood samples representing a number of consecutive years in both the sapwood and heartwood of a tree. When suitable cross sections and areas of wood have been selected, the springv/ood and summerwood zones are split apart with a sharp wood chisel and removed separately. This material is ground and sieved to 80-100-mesh size. The methods of analysis are the same as described in the sixth paper of this series.— The results obtained for springwood and summer- wood of the 6 representative species chosen for study are recorded in the accompanying table. 1 Presented before the Cellulose Division of the American Chemical Society, Washington, L. 0. , April 1924. Fublished in Industrial &. Engineering Chemistry, 18: 608-9 (1926). 2 -Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, l4:1050 (1922). R950 Lignin and Cellulose The outstanding result of this work is the uniformly high yield of lignin in springwood as compared with that in summerwood, showing that the wood substance laid down in the early growing season differs chemically from that grown in the late growing season. The high proportion of lignin to total constituents in the springwood is accompanied by a low percentage of cellulose except in the heartwood of loblolly pine and of red alder, in which the percentage of cellu- lose is also slightly higher in the springwood. Even here, however, the ratio of lignin to cellulose is higher in the springwood than in the summerwood. An explanation of why the lignin constitutes a larger per- cent of the total wood substance in springwood than in summerwood is already available in a recent paperl by Hitter in which it was shown that the lignin is located partly in the cell wall mixed with the cel- lulose and partly in the middle lamella v/ith very little, if any, other substance present. If the ratio of lignin to cellulose in the cell wall, exclusive of the middle lamella, is the same in springwood as in summerwcod, then the lignin in the middle lamella, which constitutes a greater proportion of the total wood substance in the springwood, would account for the higher proportion of lignin in springwood than in summerwood. The remaining determinations showed no uniform differences in chemical composition between springwood and summerp/ood, although a tendency was apparent toward higher percentages of (a) pentosans in the springwood; (b) pentosans in the isolated springwood cellulose; (c) extractives in the springwood. Conclusions Th<=. data of this paper indicate that: (l) A higher percentage of lignin exists in springwood than in summerwood. An explanation is offered for the different lignin yields in the tv/o bands of growth. (2) Cellulose forms a larger percentage of the total wood substance in summerwood than in springwood. industi :rial & Engineering Chemistry, 17:119^ (1925), R950 -2- Table 1. -- Analyses of springwood and summerwood of some American woods . (Results in percentages on oven-dry (105° C. ) samples. ) Species Eouglas fir Heartwood Springwood Summerwood Western white pine Heartwood Springwood Summerwood Loblolly pine Sapwood Springv/ood Summerwood Heartwood Springv/ood Summerwood Red alder Heartwood Springwood Summerwood Catalpa Sapwood Springwood Summerwood Heartwood Springwood Summerwood White ash, sp. gr.0.68 Sapwood Springwood Summerwood : Sample :Mois- : : ture : : 31S : 319 6.92: 4.S2: ; 316 ; : 317 : 4.78: 3.^7: : 302 : : 303 : 2.82: 3.39 = : 304 : : 305 : 3.13: 2.16: : 300 : : 301 . 3.25: 3.16: : 312 : : 313 : 6.76': 4.04: ; 3 iu ; : 315 6.17: 4.76: : 302 : 309 3.93 = 2.89: Solubility in :Ace- :Meth- :Fento- :Lignin •Cellu-: • tic :oxyl sans • lo se : Cold: Hot: 1$ :acid water :NaOH : 3.00:4,67:15.10 2.15:3.76:14.56 •0.62 .71 3.48 3.40 11.97 9.89 32.61 29.20 55.95: 59.35: 3.76:5.16:22.08 4.29:5.^2:21.47 1.42 i.4o 3.68 3.25 10.07 9.82 26.30 25.30 57- 60: 60. 00: 3.28:3.49:11.11 2.18:2.97:11.01: 1.28 1.4l- 4.05: 4. 18 : 11.59 11.12: 28.12 26.78: 58.06: 6l. 21: 7.50:7.16:15.14 7.64:6.44:21.19: 1.00- 1.11. 6.17: 6.88: 12.77: 12.12: 26.78. 24.18: 53.44: 52.87: 3.02:4.01:20.49: 3.03:4.16:21.15' 3.69: 3.60 5.18 5.55: 22.37. 23.36- 24.70 23.O3: 58.38: 57.16: 9.12-12.44:34.45 7.29-10.11:27.97 3.33 4.45 4.44 4.10 22.39: 22.35 23.64i 18.68- 50.37: 56 . 49 : 7.510.1.65:34.27 2.69:5.26:24.15 3.39 4.07 ^.97 3.37 21.33 21.50 24.29 19.35 50.38: 58.45: 8.84-10.99:23.71 6.13:8.18:19.32 53.11 :2.76 1 5.^9 : 5.1* 21.45 : 20.51 • 24.35 : 23.68 i+9.73: 54.17: Pentosans in cellu- lose R950 -3- ( continued on next page) Table 1. — Analyses of springwood and summerwood of some American woods (continued' (Besults in percentages on oven-dry (105° C.) samples.) Species : Sample :Mois- : Solubilil ;y in :Ace- :Meth- :Fento- •Lignin :Cellu- :Fentosans • t i r : oxyl :Cold: Hot: 1$ :acid cellu- : water ' NaOH lose "..Tiite ash, sp. gr.O. 71 Sapwood Springwood: Sumraerwood 3O6 307 U.52 3ol k.ok 2,90 ^•95 3.57 17.71 1^.57 2.76 2. U9 6.3U 6.01 2O.3U 19-35 25.57 23.52 53.56 57.66 19.50 16.97 White ash, : sp. gr.O. 81 : Sapwood : Springwood: Sumraerwood: 310 : 311 : 5-3^ ■ 3.5^ ! 7.35" 6.85 8.38: 7.3^; 22.95 19. 6U 2.7U 2.1+1 5. SO: 5.7^ 20.17. 20.52. 23.9^ 20.83 52.3^ 57.^7 18. 56 1^.33 R950 -k- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lilllllllllllllll'li'lll 3 1262 09216 2667