LIBRARY rE PLANT BOARD E2/Central America UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.Q. 445, Supplement No. 5 August 12, 19*+9 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF CENTRAL AMERICA GUATEMALA IMPORTATION OF CITRUS PROPAGATING MATERIAL PROHIBITED A decree regulating the importation of citrus and other tropical fruits was published in the Diario de Centro America of August 1, 19^9. " All importations are prohibited of citrus propagating material whether fruit, seed, or plants, as well a? other tropical fruits which the Director General of Agriculture may find dangerous to domestic plantings. The Ministry of Agriculture, however, may grant licenses for importations of citrus and other stock which is intended for improving domestic plantings, provided that the material comes from countries not affected "by destructive insects or diseases. The despatch to the State Department from Guatemala states: "The section of the decree which would prohibit importation of propagating material from countries where insects or diseases exist will probably not be construed to prevent the importation of healthy material from the United States". This prohibition extends the list included under "IMPORTATION PROHIBITED" on page 8 of B.E.P.Q. kk^. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and^lant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORin* fiilfiiii •J 1262 09246 0889