UN] PED . - i.'EES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Eureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.— 495 JO, 19??. Sec. 301 .52 -4b — Administrative Instructions - Modifying the Pink Bollworm quarantine regulations by lifting treatment require- ments as to designated articles from certain lightly infested area in Mexico and Texas Under authority contained in the second proviso in Notice of Quarantine No. 32, revised, (Sec. 301.52), and having determined that ' facts exist as to the post risk involved which make it safe to modify, by making less stringent, the restrictions contained in ps (a) and (c_) of regulation 4 (&W. 501.52-4) of bl bollworm quarantine, notice is hereoy ?,ivei: that baled cotton lint and linters and products thereof, cottonseed hulls, cak , 3 ay be moved interstate without restriction from the fol] : New Mexico: Lea and Roosevelt C ' os , Texas; Counties o^ .■ , Son, Ector, Gaines, ' OL Hcv , ' •!..,' . , , and the v . "ts of amb Ccuni i : Provided, (1) That the product c authorized gin or oil mill and subsequently prot< , md (2) that a certificate of .Agriculture has bi ' ■ 1 • ; xo the c in accordance with the 11 (Sec. 3OI.52-H) of ac. The removal 0 ' notice for -mentioned 'od safe, lue to the I pink I : he occm- - ' only a light, ^n in the „ (See. 501.52-4 '....-•, ^_ l ,_ X : " . ' UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllllllllllill 3 1262 09311 5441