LIBRARY E-528 February 1941 INSECTS AND SPIDERS FOUND IN SPANISH MOSS, GIN TRASH, AND WOODS TRASH, AND ON WILD COTTON By C. F. Rainwater, Division of Cotton Insect Investigations!/ In the course of cotton insect investigations numerous species of insects are encountered. Ordinarily the majority of these are unknown or receive only casual attention. Some of the insects ordinarily encountered, other than those to which our attention is directed, are of more or less economic importance. The writer has had occasion to observe numerous species of insects and spiders while engaged in various cotton insect investigations, and a large number of those found in Spanish moss, gin trash, and woods trash, and on wild cotton have been collected and submitted to specialists for identification. Many of the species collected from Spanish moss and woods trash have no relation to the cotton plant, but most of those collected from gin trash and wild cotton do have such relationship, even though they may not be of economic importance. The insects recorded herein from Spanish moss ( Tillandsia usneoides L.) were all collected in Madison Parish, near Tallulah, in northeastern Louisiana. Examinations of this material have been made regularly for a number of years, late in the fall and again early in the spring, to determine the relative number of boll weevils (A nthonomus grandis Boh.) that enter hibernation and survive the winter in this material. During the fall exam- inations of 1930 and 1931 attempts were made to collect all the insects that 1/ The author is indebted to the following, who assisted in the col- lection of these insects: From Spanish moss, M. T. Young, G. L. Smith. G. L. Garrison, and A. L. Scales; from gin trash, T. R. Adkins; from woods trash, F. F. Bondy. Acknowledgment is also made of the following who made the determinations included in this study: A. G. Bbving, E. A. Chapin. W. S. Fisher, D. G. Hall. August Busck, H. G. Barber. P. W. Oman, A. B. Gurney, H. S. Barber, L. L. Buchannan. H. B. Mills, C. A. Frost, Carl J. Drake, Halbert M. Harris, H. H. Knight, M. R. Smith, C. F. W. Muesebeck, Miss G. A. Sandhouse, R. A. Cushman, A. N. Caudell, C. T. Greene, Ross Hutchins, Carl Heinrich, 0. L. Cartwright, J. N. Todd, and the late J, W, Folsom. - 2 - were present in the moss at the time tVe examinations were made. The moss was pulled in festoons from trees on which it grew near the edges of ..i fields, placed in large sacks, and brought to the laboratory for examinatic The moss was examined by taking a small amount at a time from the sacks, placing it on a long, flat table covered with white cloth, and carefully tearing it apart so as to dislodge the insects. Some insects were p:e;ent in surprisingly large numbers while others were extremely scarce. As the writer's interest was mainly to determine the species of insects present in the moss rather than their relative numbers, no records were kept as to the scarcity or abundance of any of the insects collected, except, of course, the boll weevil. Numerous spiders were present in this moss, but no effort was made to collect them. Each year, during the cotton ginning season, the Division of Pink Bollworm Control, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, places portable gin-trash machines at various locations throughout the cotton belt for the purpose of detecting the presence of the pink bollworm ( Pectinophora gos - sy piella (Saund.)). The trash separated from the cotton during the process of cleaning and ginning is run through a machine especially designed by R. E. McDonald to assist in detecting the pink bollworm. This machine is so con- structed as to eliminate that portion of the trash above and below the ex- tremes in the size of pink bollv/orm larvae. The remaining portion of the trash is carefully examined for pink bollworm larvae. Numerous other species of insects and spiders are present in this material. In the fall of 1932, while the writer was working in cooperation with the Division of Pink Boll- worm Control, it was decided to determine which species of insects and spid- ers were actually present in this material. The trash was all from cotton that had been ginned in northern Florida in the vicinity of Chipley. All specimens of insects and spiders seen in two representative samples of the trash, after it had gone through the machine, v;ere collected and sent to Washington for ideutification. The accompanying list shows what species were found. During the late fall of 1932, the winter of 1932-33, and the spring of 1933, intensive surveys were made to determine the species of insects injurious to wild cotton in the southern part of Florida. The pink bollworm had already been discovered in commercially grown cotton in northern Florida, and its origin had been traced to the wild cotton which grows in large areas in southern Florida, particularly along the west coast south of Tampa, on many of the islands and keys off both the east and west coasts, on the long string of "mainland keys" south of the peninsula, to and including the island of Key West, and on some small islands southwest of Key VVest. The extent of wild cotton growth in Florida was largely determined during this period while the writer was working in cooperation with the Division of Pink Bollworm Control. The wild cotton of these parts of Florida is perennial in growth and often attains the size of small trees, some plants attaining a height of 30 or more feet, with diameters of from 4 to 6 inches at their bases. Specimens of the plants were identified by specialists in the Bureau of Plant Industry as Gossvpium hi rsut um L. , the same species as our common upland cotton. The plants produce cotton abundantly, but the lint is too short to be of commercial value. During the time that these surveys were being made an attempt was made by the writer to collect every species of insect found on this wild cotton, whether of- economic importance or not. A large number of these were reared from different parts of the plant, and it is recognized that some of the insects included in the list (especially some of the Dip- tera) may have emerged from the sand which was placed in the cages rather than from the caged material. Some of the more important species found during this period have been included in a previous article. 2/ During recent years workers of the Division of Cotton Insect Investi- gations have examined woods trash, collected from near the edges of cotton fields during the winter months, for hibernating boll weevils. At the Flor- ence, S. C, laboratory samples of trash are collected from different dis- tances into the woods (up to 150 feet) from the edges of cotton fields. Each sample consists of all the surface trash from a 3 by 6 foot area, the trash being carefully raked up. placed in sacks, labeled, and brought to the labor- atory for examination. Ten samples are usually taken from each field lo- cation, and as many locations are sampled during the winter as time permits. The trash material, after being brought to the laboratory, is first run through a machine designed by F. F. Bondy, which eliminates the trash larger and smaller than the boll weevils and retains that portion between these extremes in a separate compartment. The trash is then carefully examined for boll weevils by placing small quantities of it at a time on a table covered with a white cloth. During the first winter (1936-37) of these trash examinations at Florence, the writer observed that a large number of insects other than the boll weevil were present in the trash. Consequently, during the winters of 1S37-38 and 1938-39 attempts were made to collect all the species present in the trash, and it is believed that the list includes the majority of those insects likely to be found in surface woods trash in Florence County, S. C. The amount of material available to the writer represents only a small proportion of that examined each year, especially of the gin trash. How- ever, since any records concerning insects are of potential interest and im- portance in adding to our knowledge, the results are presented here. The following list of insects and spiders represents the species found by systematic collections made in Spanish moss in northeastern Louisiana, in gin trash in northern Florida, in wocdo trash in South Carolina, and on wild cotton in southern Florida. 2/ Rainwater, C. F. Insects and a mite of potential economic impor- tance found on wild cotton in Florida. Jour Scon. Ent. 27 (4): 756-761. 1934. - 4 - Species collected ACARINA Filistata hibernalis Hentz Oxyopes salticus Hentz Pellenes sp. - _ - _ _ Eriophyioae Eriophyes gossypii Banks - Spanish Gin (Voods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) _ X _ - X - - - X - - THYSANURA Lepismaticae Thermobia domestica Pack, COLLEMBOLA Entomobryidae Entomobrya cubensis Fols. - - - x Isotonia viridis Bourlet ___ _ x Lepiaccrytinus sp. ___ _- _ _ x Sira platana nigromaculata Lub. - - x ORTHOPTERA Blattidae Cariblatta lutea lutea (S. and Z. ) - - x Ischnoptera deropeltiformis (Brunn.)- - - x Parcoblatta sp.- x Periplaneta fluiginosa (Serv.) - - - x Plectoptera poeyi (Sauss.) ------ - - x Gryllidae Anaxipha sp. ------------ - - x - Anurogryllus muticus (Deg. ) -- - - - x Cycloptilum antillarum (Redt.) - - - _ _ _ x Cycloptilum squamosum Scudd. ----- _ _ x Cycloptilum zebra (R. and H. )----- - - x Gryllus assimilis (F. )-------- x x Kapithus agitator Uhler -------- - - x Tal'alisca lurida 'A'alker - - - x Undet. sp. _--_ x Acrididae Acrydium arenosum arenosum (Burm.)- - - - x Amblytropidia occidentalis (Sauss.) - - - x Oedipodinae, a species of------- x Schistocerca americana (Drury) - x Tettigidea lateralis lateralis (Say)- x - x Mantidao StagmoEantis floriden&is Dav. - - - x Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) Species collected NEUROPTERA Chrysopidae Chrysopa sp. x x Myrmeleontidae Undet. sp. -• - x - x CORRODENTIA Psccidae Ectopsocus pumilis (Bks.) -- - x Polypsocus corruptus (Hagen) ----- _ x Trogiidae Liposcelis divinatorius (Mull.) - - - ^ - _ x Undet. sp. — -- - - - X THYSANOPTERA Thripidae Frankliniella cephalica (Crawford) - - - x Frankliniella tritici (Fitch) ----- - - x HOMOPTERA Cercopidae Lepyronia quadrangularis (Say)- - - - x Membracidae Entylia sinuata (F.)--- -~__ - x Stictocephala festina (Say) - ~ ~- - - - - x Stictocephala sp. ----------- - x Cicadellidae Agallia quadripunctata (Prov. ) - _ -* _ x Aulacizes irrorata (F. )------- x A. irrorata var. pollinosa Fowl.- - - _ - - x Gypona sp. ------------- - - x Homalodisca triquetra (F.)- --x Oncometopia lateralis (F.)-----x Oncometopia undata (F.)~------x - - x Phlepsius excultus (Uhl.) ------- - x Fulgoridae Cyrpoptus sp. ------------ - - x - Aphiidae Aphis gossypii Glov . --------- - - x Coccidae Phenacoccus gossypii (T. and C.)- - - - - - x Pseudococcus maritinus (Ehrh.)- - - - - - - x Pseudococcus sp. ----------- - - x Saissetia oleae (Bern.) -------- - - x - 6 - Species collected Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) HETEROPTERA Scutelleridae Diolcus chrysorrhoeus (F.) x Stethaulax marmoratus (Say) - Cydnidae Aethus communis Uhler Allocoris gillettii VanD. Amnestus spinifrons (Say) Gaigupha atra (A. and S.) Galgupha nitiduloides (Wolff) - ■ Ceccnethus cavicollis (Blatch.) - - - Fangaeus bilineatus (Say) - - ^- ~ - - Fangaeus uhleri Sign. - Sehirus cinctus (P. B.) - - - - Pentatomidae Acrosternum hilare (Say) ------ x Eanasa calva (Say) --------- Eanasa dimidiata (Say) ------- x Eanasa euchlora Stal -------- x Brochymeiia a.rborea (Say) ------ x Brochymena myops Stal -------- x Brochymena quadripustulata (F.) - - - x Cosmopepla bimaculata (Thorn.) - - - - x Edessa bifida (Say) x Euschistus tristigmus (Say) ----- Euthyrhynchus floridanus (L. ) - - - - x Moriflidea lugens (F.) ___-_--- Murgantia histrionica (Hahn) - - - - Nezara viridula (L.) - _-_ x Peribalus limboiarius Stal ----- Fodisus maculiventris (S^y) ----- x Podisus mucronatus Uhl . -- - Solubea pugnax (F.)- Stiretrus anchorage (F.) x Thyanta calceata (Say) ----- Undet. sp. ___-----_---- x Coreidae Acanthocephala declivis (Say) ~ - - - x Acanthocephala terminalis (Dall.) - - x Anasa tristis (Deg.) ------ x Chariesterus antennator (F. ) - - - - x Corizus" (Stictopleurus) punctiventris (Dall.) X Corizus (Liorhyssus) hyalinus (F. )- - x Corizus (Arhyssus) lateralis (Say) x Corizus (Niesthrea) sidae (F.) - - - Karmostes fraterculus (Say) ----- x Harmostes reflexulus (Say) ----- Jadera haeiratoloma (H.-S.) x Leptoglossus phyllopus (L.) x - 7 - Species collected Spanish Gin' Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) HETEROPTERA (Con. ) Aradidae Aradus sp. _-._-___-___ - _ x Mezira granulata (Say)- -------- _ x Lygaeidae Aphanus umbrosus (Dist.) _-----x - x Blissus leucopterus (Say) - - x Cryphula parallelograraraa Stal ----- - x Cynms angustatus Stal .-_-__- _ x Drymus crassus VanD. __---_-__ - x Eremocoris ferus (Say) --_-__-_ _ x Eremocoris setosus Blatch. ------ - x Eremocoris depressus Barb. ------ _ x Geccoris uliginosus (Say) ------- - x G. uliginosus lateralis (Fieb.) - - - - - x Heraeus plebejus Stal --------- - x Ischnorhynchus resedae (Panz.) - - - x - x Lygaeus bicrucis Say -_------x - x Myodocha serripes Oliv. -------- - x Nysius californicus Stal ----__x - x N. californicus alabaroensis Baker - - - - x Oedancala dorsilinea A. and S.---~ - x Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dall.) -- x Orthaea basalis (Dall.) -------- - x Orthaea bilobata (Say) -------- - x Orthaea servillei (Guer.) ------- - x Ortholoffius sp. ------ --- x Ozophora picturata Uhler ------- - x Paromius longulus (Dall.) ------- - x x Phlegyas abbreviatus (Uhler) -- - - x Ptochiociera nodosa (Say) ------- - x Undet. sp. ------------- - - x Pyrrhocoridae Euryophthalmus succinctus (L. )- - - - x - x Dysdercus andreae (L. )-------- - - x Dysdercus suturellus H.-S. ------ - - x Tingitidae Corythucha associata 0. and D.----- - x - Corythucha raollicula 0. and D.----X Phymatidae Phymata albopicta Handl . ------- - x Phymata sp. ----------- x Reduviidae Atrachelus cinereus (F.)--- -- - x Melanolestes picipes (H.-S.) -~--x - - Oncerotrachelus acuminatus (Say)- - - - - x Schumannia shermani Bai'b. ------- '- x - St^anish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash ccttca (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) - 8 Species collected HETEROPTERA (Con.) Reduviidae (Con.) Sinea spinipes (H.-S.) x Zelus bilotus Say - - - x Zelus socius Uhl. x Zelus sp.- x Nabidae Nabis capsiformis Germ. -- - - - x Nabis deceptivus Harris -------- - x Nabis roseipennis Reuter ------- - x Nabis rufusculus Reuter -------- - x Nabis sordidus Reuter --------- - x Anthocoridae Orius insidiosus (Say) ______ - _ x Paratriphleps pallidus (Reuter) - - - - x Miridae Lygus ttpicalis Fieb. -___----x Lygus pratensis oblineatus (Say) - - x - x Lygus rubicundus (Fall.) x Rhinacloa subpallicornis Knight - - - x Ochteridae Ochterus americanus (Uhl.) - - x DERMAPTERA Forficulidae Doru lineare (Esch.) --------- - - x Labiduridae Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) ----- x - - COLEOPTERA Carabidae Acupalpus longulus Dej . - - x Acupalpus ochropezus Say - - x Agonoderus indistinctus (Dej.) - - - x Agonoderus testaceus (Dej .)------ - x Agonum albicrus (Dej .) ______ - x Agonum octopunctatum (F.) - x Agonum tenues (Lee.) ___.._ - x Agonum sp. ------------- - - x Araara (Amara) cupreolata Putz. - - - x Araara (Celia) muscula (Say) -- - - x Amara sp. -------------- - - x Anchcmenus cincticollis Say -----x Anisodactylus laetus Dej .------- - x Anisodact ylus (Triplectrus) meru la (Germ. ) - x Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dej.) - - - - - x - 9 - Species collected Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash' trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) COLEOPTERA (Con. ) Carabidae (Con. ) Anisodactylus (Triplectrus ) rusticua (Say) _____ _ y, Anisodactylus sp. ----------- _ x Anisotarsus sp. -------_-__ x- Apenes sinuata (Say) --_--_-_x - x Apristus subsulcatus (Dej .) - x Badister reflexus Lee. _-___-__ _ x Brachinus sp. -----------_ x Calathus opaculus Lee. --__-___ _ x Callida punctata Lee. -------- x Carabus vinctus Web. --___-_-_ _ x Carabus sp. ___ _ _ x Clivina americana Dej . ^- _ x Clivina bipustulata (F,)--- - _ x Clivina sp. - _ x Colliuris pennsylvanica (L.) - - x Dyschirius sp. __ _ x Harpalus gemmeus Csy. --_---___ _ x Harpalus fulgens Csiki ---____x Harpalus sp. ------------ - _ x - Helluoraorpha nigripennis (Dej . ) - - x Lebia analis Dej .- ---x - x - Lebia ornata Say _-_--__-___ _ x *- Lebia pulchella Dej .--_-_-___ _ x Lebia viridis Say --__ _ _ _ x Leptotrachelus dorsalis (F.)-- - ~ x Loxandrus parallelus Csy. ____ _ x Loxandrus sp. ------------ _ - x Noraius pygmaeus (Dej .)- _____ _ x Notiophilus novemstriatus Leo. _ - _ _ _ x - Panagaeus fasciatus Say ■ __-__x Pinacodera limbata (Dej .)- - - •- x - Selenophorus opalinus Lee. ______ _ x Selenophorus sp. ----------- - x - Tachys sp. ___ _ _ x Tachyura sp.- _______ _ _ x. Tetragonoderus intersectus (Germ.)- -- - - x Trichotichrms autumnalis (Say)- - - - - _ x - Undet. sp. ------------- - - X - Silphidae Anistoma sp. ____ _ _ _ _ x Leiodes sp. _____________ - _ x - Ptomophagus consobrinus (Lee.) _ _ _ _ _ x Staphylinidae Acidota crenata (F. )------ - - x Actobius parous Horn ___-_-_-- - x - Aderocharis corticinus (Grav.)- - - - x - 10 - Species collected Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash Cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) COLECPTERA (Con.) Staphylinidae (Con.) Aleocharinae sp. - - x Astenus prolixus (Er.) - - x Atheta sp. - - x Bolitobius cinctus (Grav.) ___-_- _ x Bryoporus rufescens Lee. - x Conosoma puhescens (Payk.) -- - - x Conosoraa sp.-- - - x Coproporus laevis (Lee.) - - x Cryptobium sp. - x Gastrolobium bicolor (Grav.) - - x Kesperobium sp. - - x Hesperobium cinctum (Say) - - x Lathrobiella sp. - - x Lathrobium sp. - - x Lathrobiini sp. - - x Mycetoporus consors Lee. - - x Mycetoporus flavicollis Lee. - - x M. flavicollis pietus Horn - - x Palaminus luteus Csy. - - x Palaminus sp.-- — — - - x Philonthus lomatus Er. - - x Philonthus sordidus (Grav.) ---.^-- - x Philonthus sp. - x Pinophilus opacus Lee. - - x Quedius molochinus (Grav.) -- - x Quedius sp. ------------- - - .x Staphylinus cinnamopterus Grav. - x Staphylinus tomentcsus Grav. ----- - x Staphylinus sp. _____ _ x Staphylinus n. sp. - - x Stilicus dentatus Say - -- ~- _ x Tachyporus sp. ------------ - x Tetartopeus annularis (Lee.) ----- - x Tilea thoracieus Oliv. -x Pselaphidae Undet. sp. - x Seaphidiidae Baeocera sceculifer Csy. - - x Baeocera sp. - - x Scaphidium quadriguttatum Say - __ _ x S. quadriguttatum piceum Melsh. - - - x Undet. sp. ------------- - - x - - 11 - Species collected Spanish Gin • Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) COLEOPTERA (Con.) Histeridae Hister sedecimstriatus Say - x Hister sp. - _ x Onthophilus alternatus (Say) - - x Phelister subrotundus (Say) - - x Phelister sp. — _._ _ ^ Saprinus placidus Er.~ - - x Saprinus sp. - - x - Lampyridae Pyractoraena sp.- ~ - x - Cantharidae Cantharis bilineatus Say x - - Melyridae Anthocomus erichsoni Lee. - x Collops sp. . X Cleridae Cymatodera undulata (Say) x Enoclerus ichneumoneus (F.) -~---x - - - Oederaeridae Asclera puncticollis (Say) x Anthicidae Anthicus vicinus Laf. ~ ..____ ^ Notoxus bicolor (Say) - - x Notoxus raonodon (F.) - x Tomoderus constrictus (Say) -- - - x Euglenidae Zonates signatus (Hald. ) - _ x Elateridae Aeolus sp.-- _-_ — _ X Cardiophoi-us angustatus Bl. - x Conoderus suturalis Lee. -x Conoderus auritus (Hbst.) ,- x Glyphonyx recticollis (Say) - - x Glyphonyx quietus (Say) x Glyphonyx testaceus (Melsh.) -• - x Glyphonyx sp.~ -■ ~ - x Heteroderes laurentii Guer. ---^ - x Horistonotus curiatus (Say) - - x - Hypnoidus perplexus Horn, - x Lacon rectangularis (Say) x Liraonius aeger Lee. - - x Limonius basillaris (Say) - x Limonius quercinus (Say) -----__ - x Melanotus communis (Gyll.) - - x Melanotus insipiens (Say) --- - - x Melanotus sp. - - x x Serious silaceus (Say) - x Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) - 12 - Species collected COLEOFTl:p.a (Con.) Buprestidae Chrysobothris chrysoela (111.) - - x Dicerca obscura (F.) x Heloidae Cyphon perplexus Blatch. -.___-. _ _ ^ Ora sp. - - - X Dermestidae Attagenus (piceus Oliv.?) -------- x Rhysodidae Rhysodes americanus Lap. ~- x Ostomidae Tenebroides bimaculatus (Melsh.) - - x - - Nitidulidae Carpophilus antiquus (Melsh.) ----- - x Carpophilus dimidiatus F. ------- x C. dimidiatus var. luridus Muir. - - - _ _ x Carpophilus sp. ----------- - x Colopterus unicolor (Say) ------- - x Conotelus obscurus Er. -------- - _ x Haptonons luteolus (Er. )------- - - x Pallodes silaceus (Er.) -------- _ x Stelidota geminata Say -------- _ x Stelidota octomaculata (Say) ----- _ x Stelidota sp. ------------- - x Urophorus humeral is F. -------- x Undet. sp. - - - x Cucuj idae Ahasverus rectus (Lee.) -------- _ x Cathartus quadricollis (Guer. ) ----- x - x Telephanus vplox (Hald.) ------- _ x Eroty] id?,e Languria' mozardi Latr. -------- - x Tritoina af finis Lac. --------- - x Tritoma angulata Say --------- - x Tritoma erythrocephala Lac. ------ - x Tritoma humeralis F. --------- - x Tritoma sanguinipennis (Say) ----- _ x Cryptophagidae Cryptophagus sp. - - x Loberus imbellis Casey -------- - - x Lathridiidae Melanophthalma cavicollis Mann. - - - - - x Endomychidae Aphorista vittata (F.) - - x Lycoperdina ferruginea Lee. ------ - x - MycetJna testacea (Ziegl.) - - x Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) - 13 Species collected COLEOPTERA (Con. ) Phalacridae Acylomus carbonarius Csy .------- - - x Acylomus sp. ------------ - - x Phalacrus politus Welsh. ------ x Phalacrus sp. ------------ - - x Undet. sp. - - x Coccii..llidae Axio:. pilatei Muls. --------~x Brachyacantha basalis Melsh. ----- - x Coleorasgilla luscilabris (Muls.) - - x - x Cycloneda imraaculata (F. )------- - x Cycloneda munda (Say) --------- - x Cycloneda sanguinea (L.) ------- - x Epilachna borealis (F.)-- x Epilachna varivestis Muls. ------ - x Exochomus marginipennes var. latiusculus Csy. ------ - - x Hippodamia convergens (Guer.) ----- x Hyperaspis binotata (Say) ------x Hyperaspis proba (Say) -------- - x Neoharmonia venustn (Mclsh.) ----x - - - Neomysia pullata (Say) -_--_--x 011a plagiata Csy. x - Scymnus americanus Muls. ------- - x Scymnus bivulnerus Horn ------- - - - x Scymnus terminatus Say -------- - - x Scymnus sp. ------------- - - x Alleculidae Hymen^rus densus Lee. --------- - - x Lobopoda erythrocnerais (Germ. ) - - - x Tenebrionidae Alphitobius sp. ------------ X Blapstinus alutaceus Csy. ------- - - x Blapstinus metallicus (F.) - - ----- " x x Crypticus obsoletus Say ------- - x x Eutochia picea (Melsh.) - - x GnaLhocerus cornutus (F. )------- x Leichenum variegatum Kust. ------ x Opatrinus aciculatus Lee. ------x - x Palorus ratzeburgi (Wissm. ) ------ x Platydema crenatum Lee. -------- - x Platydema excavatum (Say) ------x Platydema micans Horn ----__-- _ x Platydema ruficolle Cast, and Brll. - - - x Plat:yciema sp. ------------ - - x Tribolium castaneura (Hbst.) ------ x x Uloraa iffiberbis Lee. ---------- - x Uloma punetulata Lee. - - rnVi^^J?^ t>D~ - 14 - Species collected Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) COLEOFTERA (Con.) Lagriidae Anaedus brunneus (Ziegl.) -- - x Anobiidae Caenocara oculata (Say) ---- - - x Caenocara sp.- - - x Lasioderma serricorne F,=--- - x Monommidae Hyporhagus punctulatus Thorn. - x - - Ptinidae Ptinus bircaculatus Melsh. ------x - - - Bostrichidae Micrapate dinoderoides (Horn) ----x - - - Scarabaeidae Anomala lucicola (F. )--------- - - x Aphodius campestris Blatch. ------ - x Aphodius distinctus (Mull.) ------ - x Aphodius stupidus Horn - _____ _ x Aphodius terminalis Say -------- - x Ataenius anticus Fall --------- - x Ataenius cognatus Lee. -------- x Ataenius erratus Fall --------- - x Ataenius leconti Harold -------- - x - Ataenius schwarzi Linell ------- _ x Ataenius strigatus Say x Ataenius sp. ------------ - - x Canthon nigricornis (Say) ------- - x Canthon viridis (Beauv.) - x Choeridium histeroides (Web.) ----- - x Choeridium leconti Harold - -- - x Cloeotus globosus (Say) - ----x Diplotaxis excavata Lee. ------- - x Diplotaxis liberta (Germ. )------ - x Diplotaxis sordida (Say) - - x Euphoria sepulchralis f. ------- - - x E. sepulchralis floridana Csy. - - - _ - - x Ochodaeus musculus (Say) ------- - x Ochodaeus sp.- ---_ - - x Odontaeus alabamensis Wallis ----- - x Odontaeus darlingtoni Wallis ----- - x Onthophagus cribricollis Horn ----- - x Onthophagus hecate (Panz.) - - x Onthophagus protensus Muls. --- - - x Onthophagus striatulus Palis. - - x Onthophagus tuberculifrons Har. - - x Pleurophorus parvulus (Chev.) ----- - x Serica aspera Dawson --------- - x 15 Species collected Spanish Gin* Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La. ) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla. ) COLEOPTERA (Con. ) Scarabaeidae (Con.) Serica atracapilla (Kirby) ----- Serica intermixta Blatch. ------ Serica sericea (111.) -------- Serica trociformis Burm. - - - - Serica sp. -__-_-_.______ Trox erinaceus Lee. --------- _ Cerambycic'ae Ataxia crypta (Say) --------- x Chion cinctus (Drury) x Elaphidion sp. - Molorchus bimaculatus semiustus Newm. x Plectroraerus dentipes (Oliv.) - - - - Spalacopsis scapalis Csy. ------ Tilloclytus geminatus (Hald. ) - - - - x Chryscinelidae Altica carinata Germ. - ___-_ x Altica chalybea 111. -- -_- x Altica rufa 111. -_-___---- Baliosus ruber (Web.) -------- Calligrapha bigsbyana (Kby.) - - - - x Cerotoma trifurcata (Forst.) - - - - Chaetocuenia confinis Cr. ------ Chalcoides helxines Auct .------ Chalepus bicolor (Oliv. ) Chirida guttata (Oliv.) ------- Chlamys gibbosa (F.) -_--_--_ Chrysomela scripta F. _---__ x Colaspis brunuea Auct. -__-_-- Cryptocephalus venustus simplex Hald. Diabrotica duodecimpunctata (F.) - - x Diabrotica vittata (F.) -__ Disonycha admirabila Blatch. ----- Disonycha caroliniana (F.) ----- Disonycha glabx-ata (F.) ------- Disonycha pennsylvanica (111.) - - - x Donacia subtilis Kunze ------- Galerucella rufosanguinea (Say) - - - Galerucella notulata (F.) ------ Galerucella sp. ----------- Graphops varians Lee. -------- Graphops sp. ----- ___- Labidomera clivicollis (Kby.) - - x Metriona bicolor (F.) x Metriona bivitatta (Say) Myochrous denticollis (Say) ----- x - 16 - Species collected Spar.ish Gir Woods Wild moss trash trash cottor. (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla. ) COLEOPTERA ( Con . ) Chrysomelidae (Con.) Myochrous floridanus Schaeff. ----- - x Myochrous sp. ------------ - - x Oedionychis circumdata (Rand. ) - - - x - x Oedionychis obsidiana (F. )------ - x Oedionychis scalaris (Welsh. )----- - x Oedionychis sexmaculata (111.) _ - _ - _ x Oedionychis quercata (F. )------- - x Oedionychis sp. --------- - - x Paria canella (F.)- ______ x - x Paria canella aterrima (Oliv.) - - - x - x Paria canella gilvipes (Horn.) _ _ _ - _ x Paria canella quadriguttata Lee. - - x Paria sp.- — ____________ _ _ x Bruchidae Acanthoscelides cruentatus (Horn) - - x Acanthoscelides hibisci (Oliv.) - - - x - - Amblycerus robiniae (F.) -..--_.-. x Zabrotes sp. ------------ - - x Anthribidae Araecerus fasciculatus Deg. ------ x Brachytarsoides sticticus (Boh.) - - - - x Neanthribus cornutus (Say) x Ormiscus floridanus (Leng) ------ - - x Curculionidae Acalles sp. ------------- - - - x Acanthoscelidius sp. --------- - x Anthonomus grandis Boh .-------x x x Anthonomus suturalis Lcc. ------x - x Anthonomus nigrinus Boh. ------x Anthonomus sp. ------------ x Artipus floridanus Horn -----_-_ _ _ x Caleiidra parvula (Gyll.) ------- - x Centrinaspis picumnus (Hbst.) _-_-_ - x Centrinaspis sp. ----------- - x Cercopeus chrysorihoeus (Say) ----- - x Cercopeus sp. ------------ - - x Ceutorhynchus rapae Gyll. ------- _ x Chalcodexmus aencus Boh. _--__-- _ x - Chalcodermus collaris Horn ---___ - x Chalcodermus inaequicollis Horn - - - - - x Conotrachelus albicinctus Lee. _ - - - - x Conotrachelus anaglypticus (Say) - - x - x Conotrachelus cribiicollis (Say) _ - - - x Conot -achelus elegans (Say) ------ - x Cone t : ache lus naso Lee. ___----- - x Spanish Gin- Woods .. __ moss trash trash GC ' ton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Flc.) - 17 Species collected COLEOPTERA (Con.) Curculionidae (Con.) Conotrachelus posticatus (Say) - - - - - x Conotrachelus seuiculus Lee. ----x Conotrachelus sp. ----------- - x DereloiBus basalis (Lee.) ----___ _ _ x Epicaerus formidolosus Boh. ------ x Eudiagogus rosenschoeldi Fahr. - - - x Gelus oculatus (Say) ----_---_ _ x Hylobius pales (Hbst.) -------- - x Limnobarus sp. ------------ - x x Listroderes obliquus Gyll. ------ - x Listronotus callosus Lee. ------x Lixus marginatus (Say) -------x vOligoloohus ornatus Csy. ------- - x Pachnaeus litus (Germ.) -------- - - x Pandeleteius hilaris (Hbst.) x Pantomorus godmani (Crotch) ------ - x Plocetes ulmi Lee. ----- x Pterocolus ovatus (F.) -------- - x .. - Rhinomacer elongatus Lee. ------- - x - Rhodobaenus 13-punctatus (111.) - - - - - x Sitophilus oryza (L.)- ______ x x Sternochetus fallax (Lee.) -----x Sternochetus fuscatus (Lee.) ----x Sternochetus obtentus (Hbst.) ----x Tachypterellus quadrigibbus (Say) - - - - x Tyloderma maculata Blatch. ------ - x Tylopterus pallidus Lee. - -x Scolytidae Stephanoderes georgiae Hopk. _-_ _ _ x LEPIDOPTERA Gelechiidae Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) - - - - - x Nepticulidae Nepticula gossypii Forbes and Leonard _ - - x Tineidae Undet, sp, -__ _- _ x Cosmopterygidae Pyroderces rileyi (Wlsm.) ------- - - x Pyroderces sp. (rileyi (Wlsm.)?) - - _ x Pyroderces sp. ----------- - x - x Gelechidae Undet. sp. - x Blastobasidae Holococera sp. ------------ - - x - 18 Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) Species collected LEPIDOPTERA (Con.) Tortricidae Cacoecia sp. -_^-«^-._ x x Platynota rostrana (Walker) ------ x Undet. sp. ------------- - x - Pyralididae Aglossa sp. (cuperalis (Hbn.)?) - - - - x Aglossa sp.--- ___ _ X Aglossa or Herculia spp. --__--_ x Elasmopalpus sp. (lignosellus (Zell.)?) _ X - - Ephestia sp. ------------ - x Epipaschiinae sp.---- --_-- x Lipocosma sp,--- -__- - _ x Phycitinae sp. - x Plodia interpunctella (Hbn.) - x Pyralis farinalis (L, )-------- x Pyraustinae sp. ----------- - x Rhodoneura terminalis (Walker) - - - - - - x Undet. sp. -------- -- - x Saturniidae Tropaea luna (L. )---------- x - - - Gecmetridae Undet. sp. ------------- x Noctuidae Alabama argillacea (Hbn.) ------- x Anomis impasta Gn. ---------- -- - x Anoffiis sp. ------------- - - - X Autographa sp. -------- -- - - x Epizuxis sp. ------------ - x - - Erebinae sp.- _-- _ x Heliothis armigera (Hbn.) - -- x Polia renigera (Steph.) __. x Polia spp. X Prodenia sp. -------- -- - x - x Undet. sp.- x Arctiidae Isia isiabella (A. and S.)-----x - Undet. sp. ------------- x - - - Lycaenidae Strymon melinus Hbn. --------- x DIPTERA Tipulidae Tipula sp. ------------- X Ceratopogonidae Culicoides sp. ------------ - - x Forcipomyia erucicida Knab . ------ - - x Forcipomyia propinqua (Will.) ----- - - x Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla..) (S.C.) (Fla.) - 19 Species collected DIPTERA (Con. ) Cecicomyiidae Cuntarinia gcssspii Felt ------- Undet. sp. --_ -____ _ _ _ x Sciaridne Sciara sp. - - x x Therevidae Psilocephala morata Coq. ------- - - x Scenopinidae Undet. sp.- _ x Dolichopodidae Psilopus sp. ------------- - - X Phoridae Megaselia sp. ------------- - - x Pulciphora borinquensis Wheeler - - - - - - x Syrphidae Undet. sp. - - - x Sarcophagidae Undet. spp. x Calliphoridae Lucilia (?) sp. x Anthomyiidae Atherigona orientalis Schiner ----- - - x Coenosia sp. _-----.------- - - x Borboridae Undet. sp. --"■-- = _ = ___ - - - x Psilidae Psila sp.--- ~ - X Ephydridae Undet. sp. - - - x Chloropidae Hippelates n. sp.(?) ------ _ - - x Oscinella sp. ------------- - x x Undc t.sp.--- - - - X Drosoi:i".ilidae Drosophila sp. - - x Undet. sp. - - - x HYMENOPTERA Xyelidae Xyela sp. -------------- - - x Calliceratidae Conostigmus sp. ----------- - - x Diapriidae Xenotoma sp. - - x Braconidae Apanteles sp. ------------ - - - x Ichneumonidae Ambly teles rubicundus (Cress.) - - - x Ephialtes aequalis (Prov.) -x UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA illlllillllllillllllillllilll 3 1262 09224 7351 Spanish Gin Woods Wild moss trash trash cotton (La.) (Fla.) (S.C.) (Fla.) - 20 - Species collected HYMENOPTERA ( Con . ) Chalcididae Spilochalcis torvina (Cress.) - - ~ ~ x - - - Pteromalidae Zatropis n. sp. ------- - - - x Eulophidae Clostocercus cinctipennis (Ashm.) - - - - - x Scoliidae Campsomeris quadrimaculata (F.) - - - - - - x Tiphiidae Tiphia floridana Robt. _-__---- - _ x Formicidae Camponotus caryae var. decipiens Emery ---------------- x Camponotus caryae subsp. discolor (Buckley) x Camponotus caryae subsp. rasilis Whir. X Camponotus herculeanus pennsylvanicus Deg. X Camponotus planatus Roger - - - x Crematogaster laeviuscula Mayr - - - x Creir-itogaster laeviuscula var. near cloia Mayr x Crematogaster sp. (queen) ------ k Monoffiorium minimum (Buckley) --x Monomorium pharaonis (L. )------- - - x Paratrechina (Nylanderia) sp. ----- - x Prenolepis imparis (Say) ---- - _ x Tapinoma ssssile (Say) ------ -x Ponerine sp. - - - x Pseudomyrma flavidula F. Smith - - - - - - x Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) - - - - - - x Bethylidae Epyris sp. ------------- - - x Goniozus platynotae Ashm. -----_x - - - Vespidae Polistes fuscatus (F.)-------x Polistes fuscatus var. metricus Say - x Vespula squamosa (Diury) ------x Hylaeidae Colletes thoracica Smith ------x Halictidae Halictus ashmp^dii Robt. ------- - x