TITU ARAIirlKI 01 *r:c»: and ■ hi; pled unritr At tfa r : L, of t^. that d« , j ► . t-J t tat it* nVvod. ha oar; if loa'.lon ••nt of ' r» traatad ■ SO handled to tha Unit ad raaaatatlva of -ulta and ve tj e- i at At ▼ldad. Thi k-a«t ah. u »/th tfc, p , -ura In thi knd r a no til rpnrtaart M a ^d of f i Sli haifccr Ti i Maanar at led of 5| •hall ba stnckac lag iaapaetor and ala of ««thjl tro. ha a 1 ovar atrt tha fan >w Hi •■ aj a And Uurou^h a* ouch* inat tin .af Ira ill* Csurl .Lfn.- -• Li •olorTeaV and prt purpoaea. It ia ri broauaa la wiooa and th« fcpamturo*. It in iMd for fttalgatlcu a «at »-ur« of aufr../, as* an approved i»« naak whan sxpc» in fumigation and whan opening the chamber. Tha fumigation chamber s* 3j»6* until It has beea thorough!/ a ic at concentrations used HfctlHtl th« ftaaigntion . b* entered vlthaut a gas tio»i ~-"*he eorti float ion of the frutta and regetablea ffl vL*7~'l t unon thm surround In* of tba product a so SjSJSJNTa » SO O* -.onvirvs * » treaUd with safeguards which, la tha Judgment of the inspector, *™ preclude Infestation of tha treated fmlte and wef.Ublee fro- tha Una they laawa tha fuiljetlon chamber until loaded for dispatch to ths main- la Done at waahlogt vX- >th da: 1*40. LZU A. STRONG, and Fla.it ft i