J 1,^ E^gfttJUhe United States Government. UNIV. OF DOCUMENTS DEPT Issued December 5, 1906. United' States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Amendment No. 7 to B. A. I. Order No. 137 (Regulations Governing- the Meat Inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture). REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ADMISSION INTO ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE INSPECTION IS MAINTAINED OF THE CARCASSES AND MEAT AND MEAT-FOOD PRODUCTS OF ANIMALS WHICH HAVE NOT HAD POST-MORTEM INSPECTION BY AN INSPECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY AT THE TIME OF SLAUGHTER; THE INTER- STATE AND FOREIGN TRANSPORTATION OF IMPORTED MEAT AND MEAT-FOOD PRODUCTS ;3 AND THE (INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF CERTAIN MEAT AND MEAT-FOOD PRODUCTS ON HAND ON OCTOBER 1. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, December 5, 1906. For the purpose of preventing the use in interstate commerce of meat and meat-food products which are unsound, unwholesome, unhealthful, or otherwise unfit for human food, under authority conferred upon the Secreta^ of Agriculture by the provisions of the act of Congress approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 674), the following new regulations, and an amendment to the amendment to paragraph (j) of Regulation 50, are hereby prescribed for the transportation in interstate and foreign commerce of the meat and meat-food products of cattle, sheep, swine, and goats. This regulation, which for the purpose of identification is designated as Amendment No. 7 to B. A. I. Order No. 137, shall become and be effective at once. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Regulation 62. Meat and meat-food products from the carcasses of animals which have not had post-mortem inspection by inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry at the time of slaughter will not, except as hereinafter provided, be admitted into establishments where inspec- tion is maintained. The exception to this rule applies only to car- casses with the head and all viscera, except the stomach, bladder, and intestines, held together by natural attachments. Such carcasses, if offered for admission into an establishment where inspection is main- tained, shall be inspected, and if found to be free from disease and otherwise sound, wholesome, healthful, and fit for human food, they will be marked " U. S. Inspected and Passed" and admitted into establishments where inspection is maintained. If found to be dis- eased, unsound, unwholesome, unhealthful, or otherwise unfit for human food, they will be marked "U. S. Inspected and Condemned," and the proprietor of the establishment where inspection is maintained will be required to destroy them for food purposes. This is an absolute require-, ment of the meat-inspection law and can not be waived or departed from in any instance or particular. Regulation 63. Establishments where inspection is maintained which also process or prepare imported meat or meat-food products will be required to conduct such processing or preparation in a building separate and apart from the building in which domestic meat and meat- food products are prepared under Department supervision. The Attorney-General, in opinion dated September 27, 1906, ruled that the meat-inspection amendment did not cover the transportation of imported meat and meat-food products. Therefore, imported meat and meat-food products which have not been mixt with or added to domestic meat or meat-food products may be exported to any foreign country without the certificate required by Regulation 45, as amended by Amendment No. 3 to B. A. I. Order No. 137. However, the col- lector of customs should require an affidavit that any such meat or meat-food product offered for export is in fact imported and not mixt with or added to any domestic meat or meat-food product. Regulation 64. Imported meat and meat-food product which has not been mixt with or added to domestic meat or meat-food product may be transported in interstate commerce. When any imported meat or meat-food product which has not been mixt with or added to any domestic meat or meat-food product is offered to any common carrier for transportation from one State or Territory or the District of Colum- bia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia as inter- state or foreign shipment, the person, firm, or corporation offering such imported meat or meat-food product shall make the following certificate, in duplicate, and deliver the same to the common carrier: Date , 190 Name of carrier to which offered Shipper Consignee Point of shipment Destination Car number and initial (Need not be given in the case of express companies or ships.) The following-described meats or meat-food products are imported and have not been mixt with or added to any domestic meat or meat-food product, and are sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food : Description and iveight of shipment. (Signature of shipper.) The duplicate certificate shall be forwarded immediately by the initial carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. The waybills, transfer bills, running slips, or conductors' cards accompanying a car containing a shipment of imported meat or meat- food product made under this regulation must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to the same a certificate in the following form by the issuing railroad company : (Name of railroad company) Imported meat and meat-food product not mixt with domestic meat or meat- food product, as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with initial carrier. (Signed) , Agent. Regulation 50. Paragraph (j) of Regulation 50, as amended by Amendment No. 4 to B. A. I. Order No. 137, is hereby further amended by inserting the w T ords " and December" after the word "November" in the seventh line of the said paragraph and by inserting the w r ords "and January, 1907," after the figures "1906" in the seventh line of said paragraph. The effect of this amendment is to add tw r o months to the time during which sweet pickled, dry salted, smoked, and other similar meats, lard, lard compounds, lard substitutes, butterine, and oleomargarine, which w r ere on hand on October 1, may be inspected and past and moved in interstate commerce. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08585 4213