, TE L PLANTB0ARD B. E. P. Q u 573 Effective September 11, 1943 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF- AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES MEXICAN FRUITFLY QUARANTINE; LIFTING OF PERMIT AMD STERILIZATION REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by § 301c6A-3 (a) and § 301e64-4 of the regulations supplemental to the Mexican fruit fly quarantine (7 CFR 1945 Supp., §§ 301.64-1 through 301^,64-7); the following administrative instruc- tions are hereby adopted: § 301«64~3h Administrative instructions lifting p ermi t and st erilization requirements for interstate mo veme nt of citrus fruits until furt he r notic e.. — The Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, having determined that natural conditions exist, with respect to the area regulated by Notice of Quarantine No-. 64 on account of the Mexican fruit fly (7 CFR 1945 Supp*, 301.64 to 301 o 64-7» inclo) 5 which eliminate the risk of Mexican fruitfly in- festations in regulated citrus fruits during the extended 1947-48 harvesting season as designated in B.E.P.Q. 568. supplement Noc 2, effective July 31, 1948 (7 CFR § 301o64~5e, 13 F.R. 4567) % and during the overlapping early part of the 1948-49 shipping season, hereby waives the permit requirements for interstate movement of such fruits from such regulated area, effective September 11, 1948, and until due notice of their resumption shall have been given. Further, administrative instructions contained in B^E.P^Q. 569 (7 CFR § 301.64-4f, 13 FcR. 2193)> requiring that effective 12:01 a.m n , April 24, 1948, and continuing throughout the 1947-48 harvesting season, all grape- fruit, as a condition of certification for interstate movement from the Texas counties of Cameron, Hidalgo., and Willacy, shall be sterilized in accordance with the methods authorized in B.E.P.Q* 472, revised effective September 25, 1941, are hereby revoked, effective September 11, 1948* These administrative instructions also cancel and supersede B,EoP.Q, 567, effective February 9-, 1948 (7 CFR § 301*64-3f, 13 F.R. 6ll) and B.EoP.Q. 566, effective March 6 ; 1948 (7 CFR § 301o6A-3g 5 13 F.R. 1303). (Section 8, 37 Stato 318, as amended; 7 U. S. C. l6l; 7 CFR 1945 Supp., 301.64-3 (a), 301.64-4) The purpose of this action is to discontinue until further notice ail permit and sterilization requirements now prescribed as a condition for the interstate movement of regulated citrus fruits from the area regulated on account of the Mexican fruitfly. A trapping survey conducted in the regu- lated area during the last several weeks indicates that the above-mentioned UNIVERSITY OF FL ORID ■III 1 111 III II Hill 3 1262 09313 6827 counties have entered upon the period during which they are seasonally free from the Mexican fruitfiy. It is therefore feasible to discontinue tem- porarily the precautions now in effect. Such action relieves citrus growers in the affected area of requirements that have been in effect during most of the present calendar year. In order to be of maximum benefit to the affected growers, the relief from these requirements must be effective as soon as pos- sible* Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of section 4 of the Adminis- trative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238), it is found, upon good cause, that notice and public procedure on this order are unnecessary, impractical, and contrary to the public interest, and. good cause is found for the issuance of this order effective less than 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. Done at Uashington, D. C, this 9th day of September 1948. 6t ircu, */ M^¥~ Acting Chief, Bgreau of Entomo] £>gy and Plant Quarantine ""^