/if CORN EARWORM a, Moth (or adult), and eggs on silks; b, eggs; c, earworm feeding in ear of corn; d, pupa in a cell; e, color phases ot the earworm. (All except b about IV-, times natural size; b 5'j times natural size.) (See other side for life history and control) Bureau of Entomology anJ Plant Quarantine United States Department of Agriculture Picture Sheet No. 11 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA C OKX EAKWOKM 3 1262 08721 6700 {flelinthis anjiigtrn (Ilhn.'i) Life Ilislorv Allhouirh tho corn carwoiin ;it lacks many cultivatod crops, it is dealt with here only as an enemy of corn. The e^r^s arc laid by a motli. or miller, usually on the corn silks. The eo: