Bureau of , I). C. E.E.P.Q. Itf trative | f fringed beel • ; men 1 3 -anti" 1 July 1, 1939, for specified articles consign d fi ... iesignated pc • ' of the regulated ar (Approved January lU, 1939; effective January 15, 1959) Under authorization provided in Notice of Q . ]2 all certification 1 - are hereby waived elated periods from January 15 to Jane 30 , 1939, i- articles enumerated in Tic- 1 3 (a) and (b) and when consigned from any of the regulated areas ' County of Mobile, Ala., Count/ of Escambia, Fla. . Parish of last Baton Rouge, La. , Counties of Hinds, Jac Pearl River, Miss. , it having been deten i \ that Banitary and natnra have sufficient!/ reduced the risk of egg or adult conl .: to render certification unnecessary during t Pot at: tpotatc Sweet potato vines, c.r Cor./ wood, stumpwood, as Used 0: unused lumber, timbers, posts, poles, ercssties, ; other building materials. Hay, roughage of all s, straw, leav Peas, beans, and peanuts in shells, or tne she of thes ots. Seed cotton, cottonseed, ^otton lint, an it rs. Used i. ts and machinery, scrap metal, junk, an r containers coming in contact wit] i. Erick, tiling, stone, an tbs and bice. Nursery st :s. which ar .ii. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Minimi! 3 1262 09245 5616 The restriction? on the interstate movement from any of tne regulated areas, af the followlJ^^NrfCles designated in paragraph (a)(1) of Regulation 3 of Quarantine No. ~[2, as carriers of larvae In in effect throughout the year: Soil, earth, sard, clay, peat, compost, and man-are whether ■ r ed independent of, or in connection with or attached to nursery stock, plants, products, articles, or things. -y^r^ Louii A, STHOITG, C hief, Eureau of jntomc io&y and Plant ^ Quarantine .