^AC/f7Al-|Z3'i^fc f^M-LEADON NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1239 TWO-DIMENSIONAL MOTION OF A GAS AT LARGE SUPERSONIC VELOCITIES By S. V. Falkovich Translation "Institut Mekhaniki Akademii Nauk Soiuza, SSR" Prikladnaia Matematika i Mekhanika, Tom XI, 1947 Washington October 1949 ftOCUME^fTS DEPARTMENT 7 ^i/? V ■n -)'' NATIONAL ArVISOEY COMMITTEE FOE AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1239 TWO-DIMENSIONAL MOTION OF A GAS AT LAEGE SUPERSONIC VELOCITIES* By S. V. Falkovich A large number of papers have been devoted to the problem of integration of equations of two-dimensional steady nonvortical adiabatic motion of a gas. Most of these papers are based on the application of the hodograph method of S. A. Chaplygin in which the plane of the hodograph of the velocity is taken as the region of variation of the independent variables in the equations of motion; the equations become linear in this plane. The exact integration of these equations is, however, obtained in the form of infinite series containing hypergeometric functions. The obtaining of such solutions and their investigation involve exten- sive computations. As a result, methods have been developed for the approximate integration of the equations of motion first transformed to a linear form. S. A. Chaplygin in' reference 1 first pointed out such an approximate method applicable to flows in which the Mach number does not exceed 0.4. S. A. Christianovich (reference 2), in solving the problem of the flow with circulation about a wing in a supersonic stream, gave as a first approximation a generalization of the method of Chaplygin to the case where the region of variation of the velocity in the hodograph plane lies within a sufficiently narrow ring entirely inside the circle \J ^'-n-') or 1 1 — + v,2 2 ^ (k-1) M^ 2W^ Tf M^ is replaced by z, from equation (1.7) 2 h\2(i^^2) W^ = T v,2 2 1+h z (1.8) By making use of this expression, pass in equations (1.5) and (1.6) from the variable W to the variable z; then h^ 2_^^2 (h^-1) ^ + 5h^z^ + 2h^z^ + h^ - 2 5$ ^ Q 2 „ psp ,, ,? ?^? ^.2 ■" (1^22) (l+h2z2)z Bz Sz^ (l+z2)2 (l+h2z2)2 S0^ (1.9) 1 2^ '■> .^^2„2n 3^ . ^ 5$ (1+z^) (l+h-^z^) , .^ . o -' ■^ ^^r^ ^ cos 9 T— + sm T— (h2-l)z Sz he 1 y = - w (Uz2 ) (l+h2z2) . . 5$ - S$ -^ ^-5-i ^ sm r^ cos 6 r- (h2-i)z az he (1.10) The characteristics of equation (1.9) may be taken in the form MCA TM 1239 , = e- / _(l£ii)i5 , = a. / (^^ild^ (l+z2) (Uh2z2) /_ {l+z2) (l+h2z2) ''^'^^ '' ^■^■^" " > JO The line of maximum velocity z = in the hodograph plane vill correspond in the plane of the characteristics Xu to the line \i - X = 0. If the integration is carried out, X = e - (h arc tg hz - arc tg z) \i = -t- {h arc tg hz - arc tg z) (1.11) 2. Investigation of equation (1.9). - If equation (1.9) is referred to the characteristic coordinates Xn, ^2$ h2 - 2 - 2z2 - h^z^ /a$ b^\^ Q /g ^, BX Sn " 4(h2 - l)z \^l^ ^ From equations (l.ll), [i - X = 2(h arc tg hz - arc tg z) (2.2) From equation (2.2) it follows that the coefficient of the equation (2.1) L(, . X) . ^-.-l^^£^ (2.3) 4(h^ - l)z is a function of the difference |j. - X. Equations (2.2) and (2,3) give this dependence in parametric form. From equation (2.3) it follows that the function L(n - X) is negative for z2 > (h^ - 2)/h and positive for z2 < (h2 - 2)/h2. For z^ = (h^ - 2)/h^ the function L(u - X) becomes zero. According to equation (1.7) this function corre- sponds to the Mach number M = 2/ v^3^ = 1.565 S. A. Christianovich showed (reference 8) that for a given value of the Mach number there is a change in the direction of curvatiire of the characteristics in the flow plane. The graph of the function L{\i - X) is shown in figure 1. MCA TM 1239 If the right side of equation (2.2) is expanded in a series in powers of z, \L^ = (h^ - 1) z - ^i-^ z^ + . . . (2.4) from which u. - A h^ + 1 , ^,3 z = -f^ — - + — — — — {[i - xr + . . . 2(h2 - 1) 24(h2 - 1)3 If this series is substituted in equation (2.3), w .N h^ - 2 (h^ -t- 1) (h^ - 2) + 6 , ,v ^^^ - ^) = pTt; xT 79 T? (u - A) + . . . ^[^^■ - Aj 24(h2 - 1)2 Set h^ = 6. Then L(n - A) = — — - 0.057 (^ - A) + . . . For M > 4, assume 2 L(n - A) = U - A Equation (2.1) then becomes ^2$ _ 2 /S$_ S$\_ . ,- _. Equation (2.5) is the equation of Darboux with integral coefficient. The general integral of this equation has the form (Dfx ^) ^^ ^(^) - ^^^^ - ^'(^) -^ ^'(^^) p X(A) - Y(u) ^^'^^ ^^ "SAB^ A -.a - (x.^,)2 ■ (A- ^)3 (2.6) where X(A) and Y(i-i) are arbitrary functions of their arguments, The expression (2.6) is the asjTnptotic integral of the exact equation (2.1) for z-^0, that is, for M-^oo. MCA TM 1239 Equations (l.lO) for the coordinates x and y, after transformation to the characteristics X \i, becomes on the hasis of equation (l.ll) W y = -^w ^S«5 ^ S$V.„ X + n ^ 1 /S$ M,^„ X + U ^^ ^ S$\ X + u 1 f 5$ S$\ , X + u > (2.7) -/ From equation (2.2) for small values of z, r, = U - X ^ H - X " ~ 2(h2 - 1) " 10 If this value of z is substituted in equation (2,7) and the arbitrary functions $(X, n) eliminated from equation (2.7), vith the aid of equation (2.6) the final solution is obtained. X = - - 10 ^(vn)2 ' x" - r v(^-n)^ x« (^-^)^ sin + P- (X-^)4 (^.^)5J 2 y = + i "^ w \2 /^ ..\3 / 2 .(A-U)' (X-u)^ 10 (^1^ . 6 ^li^ ^ 12 ^^^ sinH^ V(X-n)3 (X-n)4 (x.^,)5y 2 Consider the equations for the velocity potential cp(W,9) and the stream function •^{V,6): S0 Sw ^W w ^ NACA TM 1239 If the variable z is introduced in place of the modulus of the velocity W according to equation (1.7) and equation (1.8) used, these eqviations are transformed to the form K K K+1 >\ ^=-(l+hz) (h-l) (l+z)z ^ 2-K K+1 ^cp /, .2 lvK+1 ,, 2n-1 /^2 ,v-l 1-K ^\\l >(2.8) dop /. .2 lvK+1 ,- 2%-l /,2 ^v ^=-(l + hz) (1+z) (h-1) z ^ y For small z, equations (2.8) may he replaced approximately hy the equations K K+1 |?=- (h2 -l)l-^z^-"|^ do dz 2-K _5fl ^ _ ,^2 , \K-1 _1-K S4' 3z /v2 , \^--i- J = - (h - 1) z ^ If the velocity potential op is eliminated, the equation for the stream function \1/ is i2 _ 1)2 ^ _ ^ii' ^ ^ ^ ^ (h^-l)^^-^.i^f^^ = (2.9) ?z ae2 Sz^ ^ ^2 the characteristics of which have the form X = - (h2 - l)z u = e + (h^ - l)z If eqviation (2.9) is referred to the characteristics, it is trans- formed into the form h^^ ^ h2 [Mi SuX _ ^rs;: ■" 2(x - u) l^x " ^^ = ° Setting h2 = 6 gives 5fl^Tf,(|-M|) = ° (-0, NACA TM 1239 The equation of Darboxuc with integral coefficient, which is anal- ogous to equation. (2.5), is integrated in finite form. 5. Criterions of similarity. - By examining equation (1.9) for Mach nunibers near 1 (z-^oo) and also for large Mach numbers (z— ^0), certain criterions of similarity can be established that may be useful in evaluating experimental data obtained in wind-tunnel tests. For large values of z, equation (1.9) can be replaced by the approximate equation S2$ (h2 - 1)2 ^2$ 3 3^ and for small values of z by the approximate equation |!|. (•h2-l)2£|,^_:^|^.0 (3.2) Sz2 ^02 z dz A thin slightly cambered airfoil at small angle of attack is now considered in a plane-parallel nonvertical gas flow with Mach number Mq at a large distance from the airfoil. The profile chord is denoted by I and its maxijmam thickness is denoted by 5. If it is assumed that Mq is near lonity, in equation (3.1) = 0*6/2 z = z»Zq (zq = I/ZMq^ - 1^ and equation (3.1) becomes _d^ h^ - 1 ^2$ 3 ^d, dz 2 6-^ h - 1 6"^ 3 d

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