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Cubical rectang ubical /lindri ie-sha 'edges mall ri raided hredd o o Q.^ c/) JD in c o 1_ oj ^ o >^ c XI E 0) •♦-• OJ 0) -o ^ o C30 C/) !_i O UJ h- UJ l^M (T < ■>s >» . ^ > tter: ncy. itter ncy, E UJ ^ 0) ^ o z -^-K ^.y UJ 0. Firm, consi Firm, consi Sligh plast z 3 ^ ^ > u. eetish amel. eetish ramel. licate. Id. 5 ^ en o 0)- Q E -o ■d ■D 0) V 0) c c c O 0) f- = =5 Whey fi milk or whey fr and CO' St) Whey f milk. Whole skimm milk. Ii origina from b <9 ^ w -i5 Gjetost.i (Yet'ost). (Norway) :3 /-s oSoE^ zarella •tsa-rel' called norza. y) , «/) o E 10) ^ ^- n^^ 0= 2 y-<0 9 ro 03 c o T3 0) ■M k. o a •a 3 C o u UJ (/) UJ UJ X u < UJ UJ < > < -I 3 Q. o Q. UJ o a »- ^3 T3 (/) 0) ='^ — o o c (U L^ E 'op 03 o v^- o o T3 C CO ^Q. UJ I- UJ < > D UJ Z UJ D. o ■o Wo N - •^ (/) ^ 0) O (/) 03 V) <->-o o c U) (U 0) ■q.0 =3 a O V) E o^ .E:5 $ O o o - c *; 0) o Q. c a 2c E o o CD u "^ c QQ ■D o (/) r (^ (/) OJ 0) < ^ 0) w w ^ (V3 _a) Or- a 2 o Q. O 3 CD ♦- .ti: c . ^^ W 0) TS J- to O "O 03 (/) O C 0) . 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E t E u w £.5 3 ^ op (/)T3 c E .E Et; S 0) =3 a (/) i^ C/)^ o o o > (U o B: o "53 -Q |2 T3 V ■4-1 o a E o OJ UJ ■*-" O 'Z' ■^ Oj Q. ■*" o u. 0) = o-Q ^ E 2 ^ E"^ -o = ^ E 5| CO * » < c ■►- w C/5 ipeni jring 00 _^' ^B 00 _^ 00^' D o *- 0) 3 c/) 0) C D 1^ ra D -^ ri E E>2 ^ ^ £^ J^ k. r!3 t:z o E E 01 E V) E (0 ■o 0) ?E $ > $ > c ^B o o o o 0) i^.E o o o O o o.E ^ 00 :3 ■s . ra E o ^-s k- >> 0) c TO-(T3 ra •♦-' o o 1 ^ T3T3 O ra 1 (1) QQ ^TOiS DO ♦J CD Q-U- ra 9* 11 MEET THE FAVORITE AMERICAN-MAD W 12 It ► - i d Cheddar Colby Monterey or Jack Pasteurized Process Cheese Cheese Foods Cheese Spreads Cold Pack Cheese Food or Club Cheese Gouda and Edam Camembert Muenster Brick Swiss Limburger Blue Gorgonzola Provolone Romano Parmesan Mozzarella and Scamorze Cottage Cheese , Cream Cheese 13 CD Z) c O Q. (0 ■4-' (U o o o 0) 1- :d •*-' X (U ■4-' T3 C ro 5^ ■D o m k_ o > (0 u. o (U bO E _c H-" 'c t)0 ♦- 3 o C ro "D E k c 0) c E dp 1- o 4— o o ■D (D (J c ro kE 1 (/> UJ UJ < > O UJ z UJ D. if ro a.2 — ■*-> 03 O (D to 0) x: (U ^:^ en , ^- ■«-> 03 CO 0) CU V) -C Q) $^ X! (O to < ^ >T3 ^0) .E -a > T3 .CO > 0) • '^ T3 "^ 0_, CO <^ ^Z^^co-o ^ ca Q. S 0) >, CD CD E bfl -^ c x: D ca ^ "ca o o xf" 'c CO o x: o CJ , E to CD E to bo e" CD E CD ^- o Q. iZ to O > ^ CD > O , •4-' Q. 2 w cc CVJ to o to ii o -. E E CO o O "O -TV CD O bO c UJ (O o CC c ■ CO w CO Clfl CD ir x: 3 CJXl ■> (D -^ '^ T3 (1) C l (- E_o o "53 . ■^ >,CD (D ' bo .ti E £= x: 5 2 ^ T3 O CD k_ o E c. ca »- CC ^ (D 1- +- T3 ■D CD CD c O Q.-S- (/) oo ^ o ■o = rzz a; CO T3 ^ CO bo cio ^ CD s- C J^t: o o y,- bio_a) 2 ^ c _Q Q. ti o j<: CO i- c CO o ti n ■5-.E 2 -^ E Q- CO Q_ X3 CO CNJ CO -^ o or) E ^ ^ •♦-' ■^Eo CO CO E CO CO a 7= 5 ^ bo Jxf ■= "d E 0^ co"" > E CD CO 0-5^ Q. coE > >^E CD - - sz c 0^ o±i CO CO CO Tco ^ ^-s^^ iocavallo ( -ka-val'l6). ly) m (E'cdam therlands. <->HO (0 CO - O c = *!;; o «3 5"5 c-o - O (D '" S ^ 0^ (0 x: .— O CO Q- 5 o CD u o E CD CO 2 bO't c ^-^ >^ 5 2 <« "i ^^ ^-^ CO p o *- +-J CD '== ,.E o ■o c c ^ <^ »- = (0 t/J +-■ if: CO x: ^ +j o E "^ OJ5 ^ • - J= -o - 0:Ei5 c 3 13 .'^ O to CD E >i. ^ > o CO CO .h 0^0 3 c 00 o ■*-> CVJ to c o E 14 0) c u (0 Q. 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C/) DO JT CO c o E ID CD ^_ O E to O u ■D CD E id ^E a >tD CO C CD o _ QO >- TO ■ CD ^ ■o O CD O > TO CiD.E E cE3 -a (D to OJ J*: ^-- — o E45 - ? o c: -r- f^ ?E :*: E 0,b E 5P So o° E i5 TO o UJ z UJ ir o _i o 2 > • UJ D -J CD (/) bo c o ^ TOO " ^ 'C, o c "CJ S:* »-- O ~ "O D t: >^ -'- rn — r- i^-S TO O ■ CO to c: ClD C T3 _o '>^ oj ri O $ o -o -C CO d) i^5 5^ >>TO > ^ js: CD CO >' - J^ 2^ T3 T3 E O ^ 00 o ^ DQ ■*-l k. to CD C TO 5 "3 Q-co o£ - CD o .E CO ■*-> umbly, oisture Semi some oE >% CD c a TO < f^ E . c >- >- ^ CD o $ E . TO »- CD O tl o »- i_ — ^ u d, O ^ CO >- -^ -n "CJ .E o.E_^ ^ ^ ^ k_ CD Cl TO CJD Q. x: CD c/) "co o to a ID CD o c i_ •»-' o o C\J E E o Oli to Q. CD CD o^55 -'" CO _TO ClO CJ o "O — to CD -Q ■> CD ■^ '- > $E^g >^ iJ" (c ^ -d E .2 E ta)o S^-^E O .E o n o 0) 3 ■>; m — -^ cz c-c E CO c/) CJ £= TO TO TT . ^_, +^ N ^ TO a; o o CT— O s_ *- Q. EO O ° c£) o C\J CO *-> c o E E CO o O •a c _TO DO c o CO c o "O 0) 4-' o a E 17 PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEESE Pasteurized process cheese is a blend of fresh and aged natural cheeses which have been shredded, mixed and heated (pasteurized), after which no further ripening occurs. It melts easily when reheated. The blend may consist of one or two or more varieties of natural cheese and may contain pimentos, fruits, vegetables, or meats. Smoked cheese or smoke flavor may also be added. The flavor of pasteurized process cheese de- pends largely upon the flavor of the cheese used which may be modified by flavoring materials added. Pasteurized Gruyere cheese has a nut- sweet flavor, somewhat similar to Swiss. Some other available varieties are: pasteurized process American cheese, pasteurized process Swiss cheese, pasteurized process Swiss cheese blended with American, and pasteurized process Brick cheese. Process cheese is packaged In slices, V2-, 1- and 2-pound loaves and cut portions. It may be used in main dishes, for snacks and cheeseburgers, with cold cuts and salads, on grilled or toasted sandwiches, in numerous sand- wich combinations and in casseroles. PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEESE FOOD Pasteurized process cheese food is prepared In much the same manner as process cheese except that it contains less cheese, with nonfat dry milk, or whey solids and water added. This results in a lower milk fat content and more moisture than in process cheese. Pasteurized process cheese food also may contain pimentos, fruits, vegeta- bles or meats or may have a smoked flavor. Cheese food is milder in flavor, has a softer texture, spreads more easily and melts quicker than process cheese due to the higher moisture. The most popular variety is pasteurized process 18 American cheese food and is packaged in slices, rolls, links and loaves. It may be used in any place where process cheese is used though it is not likely to add as much cheese flavor. PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD Pasteurized process cheese spread is made in much the same manner as pasteurized process cheese food but generally contains higher mois- ture, and the milk fat content is usually lower. A stabilizer is used in the preparation of this product to prevent separation of ingredients. It is normally more spreadable than cheese food. Cheese spread also may contain pimentos, fruits, vegetables or meats or may have a smoked flavor. The flavor of pasteurized process cheese spread depends largely upon the flavor of the cheese used which may be modified by flavoring materials added. Some available varieties are: pasteurized process American cheese spread, pasteurized process pimento cheese spread, pasteurized process pineapple cheese spread and pasteur- ized process Blue cheese spread. Spreads are packaged in jars and loaves con- venient for use as snacks, in stuffing celery stalks, and in deviled eggs, noodle casseroles, meat balls, hot vegetables, sandwiches, sauces, and dressings. COLDPACK CHEESE Coldpack cheese or Club cheese is a blend of the same or two or more varieties of fresh and aged natural cheese, as in process cheese, except that the cheese is mixed into a uniform product without heating. It may have a smoked flavor. The principal varieties are coldpack American cheese and cold pack Swiss cheese. The flavor is the same as the natural cheese used and usually is aged or sharp. The body is 19 softer than the natural cheese and it spreads easily. Coldpack cheese is packed in jars, rolls, or links and it is especially good as an appetizer, snack, or dessert. COLDPACK CHEESE FOOD Coldpack cheese food is prepared in the same manner as Coldpack cheese but includes other dairy ingredients as used in process cheese food. In addition, sweetening agents such as sugar and corn sirup may be added. Coldpack cheese food may contain pimentos, fruits, vegetables or meats or may have a smoked flavor. The flavor resembles the cheese from which it is made but is milder. It is softer than the natural cheese and spreads more easily due to the other ingredients added and the higher moisture content. It is packaged in the same way as Coldpack cheese and may be served in the same manner. BUYING CHEESE CHECK THE LABEL The labels of natural cheese, pasteurized process cheese, and related products carry im- portant descriptive information. The name of a natural cheese will appear as the variety such as "Cheddar cheese", "Swiss cheese", or "Blue cheese." Pasteurized process cheese labels will always include the words "pasteurized process", together with the name of the variety or varieties of cheese used, for instance, "pasteurized process American cheese" or "pasteurized process Swiss and American cheese". Cheese food also contains ingredients other than cheese and therefore is labeled as "pasteur- ized process cheese food". Cheese spreads have a different composition from cheese foods and 20 are labeled as "pasteurized process cheese spread". All the ingredients used in the prepara- tion of these products are listed on the respective label along with the kinds or varieties of cheese used in the mixture. Also the milkfat and moisture content may be shown. Coldpack cheese ana coIdpacK cheese food are labeled in the same manner as other cheese and cheese foods except that "club cheese" or "comminuted cheese" may be substituted for the name "coldpack cheese". BRAND CHEOO^R CHEESE FftOK\ WEIGHT DISTRIBUTOR CURING CATEGORY NAME QUALITY CHECK THE CURE A very important bit of information on the label of certain varieties of natural cheese pertains to the age or degree of curing. For instance, Cheddar cheese may be labeled as "mild", "medium" or "mellow", or "aged" or "sharp". In some cases pasteurized process cheese may be labeled to indicate a sharp flavor when a much higher pro- portion of sharp or aged cheese was used in its preparation. CHECK THE NAME Look for the name of the article. Do not con- fuse the brand name with the name of the cheese. For some purposes you may want natural cheese, 21 for others, process cheese or cheese food, and for still others, pasteurized process cheese spread or coldpack cheese may best serve your needs. In many cases they may be packaged alike but the names on the labels will be different. CHECK FOR QUALITY The U.S. Department of Agriculture has estab- lished U.S. grade standards for four varieties of cheese: Cheddar, Colby, Monterey, and Swiss. The cheese industry uses the grade standards to identify levels of quality, to have a basis for establishing prices at wholesale, and to provide consumers with the qualities they want. Cheddar cheese carrying the USDA grade shield on the label of consumer-size packages is available in several sections of the United States. The* USDA grade shield means that the Ched- dar cheese has been inspected and graded by an experienced and highly trained Government grader. And it means the cheese was produced in a USDA inspected and approved plant, under sanitary conditions. It is your guarantee of con- sistent and dependable quality. Cheddar cheese carrying the U.S. Grade AA shield is the highest quality. It meets exacting USDA standards, has a fine, highly pleasing Cheddar flavor, a smooth compact texture, uni- form color, and attractive appearance. To earn this grade, cheese must be produced with special care-in the quality of the milk, cheese-making skill, curing or ripening process, and packaging. The AA shield is assurance of consistently fine Cheddar flavor and texture in every package. 22 Cheddar cheese bearing the U.S. Grade A shield on the package is also of good quality — but not as high as AA. The flavor is pleasing; however, there may be more variation in flavor and texture between packages. Cheese and cheese products not covered by U.S. grade standards may be inspected for quality according to other quality specifications and bear the USDA "Quality Approved" shield on the label. Cottage cheese is an example of a cheese product bearing the "Quality Approved" shield. To carry the "Quality Approved" shield, the product must be manufactured in a plant meeting the USDA sanitary specifications for plant and equipment. >•-/ 23 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA • i^« # vA ^ ^262 08582 9801 HOW TO uu I v.ni.u^v CHECK Natural, THE TYPE pasteurized process, or coldpock LOOK FOR THE USDA SHIELD os_da^^osda I QUALITY APPROVED^ us DEPT OF AGRICULTURE GRADING AND QUALITY CONTROL SERVICE ^ OFFICIAILT INSriCTIO, U.S. Grade AA & U.S. Grade A Found on Cheddor cheese. Grade AA is top quality; fine flavor, smooth texture. Grade A is almost as good Quality Found on cottage Approved cheese, may be used on other cheeses. Means good quality. ISSUED SEPTEMBER 1971 SLIGHTLY REVISED MAY 1977 GPO : 1977 O - 235-429