V Approved Code No. 84 — Supplement No. 18 Registry No. 1104—11 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY (A Division of the Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing and Metal Finishing and Metal Coating Industry) AS APPROVED ON APRIL 28, 1934 WE DO OUR PART UNIV. OF FL Lli. P— M + T+S + X(D + A + (FXD)) special estimates explained in Paragraph 7 J When M = Cost of Material as set forth in Paragraph 1 T=Cost of Tools as set forth in Paragraph 2 S = Cost of Set-up as set forth in Paragraph 3 X = Number of Hours required for whole job D= Direct Labor Machine Hour Cost as set forth in Paragraph 5 A = Overhead Constant Cost set forth in Paragraph 6 P= Overhead Factor set forth in Paragraph 6 9. In the case of articles made for stock and delivered in smaller quantities to customers, the minimum that can be quoted shall not be less than a cost estimated in accordance with this estimating formula for the exact quantity delivered or a cost estimated for the last quantity made for stock by the use of said formula plus a reasonable charge for carrying stock and for obsolescence. Caution: The estimating formula set forth in this code includes only costs in each instance at the irreducible minimum and does not include any profit to the estimator or any interest on invested capital. The sum total of these irreducible minima will result in a cost below that of the average as indicated by the questionnaires sent out to the industry. All members of the industry are cautioned that use of this formula as a selling basis will not only not produce a profit but will produce a loss on the average, and that the formula is merely intended to establish an irreducible cost below which no one should quote. 10. The provisions of this estimating formula may be modified or amended on the basis of experience or changes in circumstances, by the Supplementary Code Authority with the approval of the Administrator, at any time, and in any event six months after the effective date of the Code, upon the direction of the Administrator shall be reviewed and modified by him, after such hearing as he shall proscribe if he shall determine that such modification is necessary. 11. Members of the Industry shall not estimate otherwise thin pursuant to an estimate which includes cost of material at market, determined by published base price plus size and quantity extras, on date of quoting for quantity required. with scrap credit allowance computed at eighty per cent (80%) of published 16 market for less than carload lots on said date, labor based on a net production to be figured at not over 75% of geared production on standard single spindle machines, not over 70% of geared production on high speed single spindle and on multiple spindle machines, and not over 80% of gross production on second operation and hand screw machines, a reasonable charge for overhead, deprecia- tion, selling and administrative expense, and cash discount. Market on material and scrap shall be determined by reference to published market for said commod- ities as set forth in "American Metal Markets", or to other sources approved by the Supplementary Code Authority, or in the event of the discontinuance of said publication, as set forth in any other similar publication approved by the Supplementary Code Authority. 12. Members of the Industry shall not make a repeat quotation or accept a repeat order at a price based upon an estimated speed setting that cannot be obtained on a machine in the particular member of the Industry's plant. 13. Members of the Industry shall not estimate or quote on the basis of a speed setting which the particular member has reason to know cannot be ob- tained or on the basis of any other facts, figures or data which such member has reason to know are inaccurate. 14. Members of the Industry shall not accept any order based upon an esti- mate or quotation made more than fifteen days prior to the date of the order if the market price of the material has gone up between date of estimate or quota- tion and date of order. Example of the Application of Schedule "A" to a Standard Single Spindle %"-%" Capacity Job of 50,000 Pieces Hypothetical rates used Cost Per Paragraph 1. — Material: M Pieces Material — Brass— 60 Pounds per M, at market of 120 base plus size, quantity, extras, and delivery $7. 20 Plus 5% for defective work and loss of bar ends . 36 $7.56 30 pounds of scrap @ 80% of market which is 40 per lb... — . 96 Net Material Cost, per M $6. 60 Paragraphs 2 & 8 — Set-up and Special Tool Charge: Set-up — 5 hours @ 700 per hour $3. 50 Plus Machine Overhead: FXD + AX5, or 1.15X.186 + .37X5 = 2. 92 $6.42 6.42^-50 = cost per M . 128 Special Tools and Fixtures, including cut-off tools, cams, form tools, special counter bores, special size taps, dies and chasers $10. 50 Tool Room Overhead 75% 7. 875 $18. 375 $18,375-^50 equals cost per M . 368 Paragraph 5 — Direct Labor Machine Hour Cost: Geared Production 600 per hour @ 75% equals 450 per hour net production or 2.22 hours per 1000 pieces times the Direct Labor rate of .1S6 per hr. = . 4129 Paragraph 6 — Overhead Machine Hour Cost: Formula=FXD + AX2.22, or 1.15X.186 + .37X2.22 = 1. 296 Paragraph 7- — Other Special Items: Other Items of Cost: Plating 30X30 lbs. per M = . 90 Total of paragraphs 1, (2 and 3), 5, 6, and 7 $9. 7049 Plus selling expense, 5% of same • 4852 $10. 1901 Plus 1% cash discount ■ 1019 Estimated minimum cost, per M $10. 2920 SCHEDULE B STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Terms. — Discount of one percent on the 10th of the month covering invoices between the 16th and the last day of the preceding month, both inclusive, and one percent on the 25th covering invoices between the 1st and the 15th, both inclusive, of the same month, or net 30 days from date of shipment. General. — Stenographical and clerical errors subject to correction. Until order is accepted, prices are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise speci- fied, prices quoted are on product as dropped from the screw machine. All quota- tions, unless otherwise stated, are for immediate acceptance. All orders and contracts subject to approval, if accepted by a salesman or selling agent. Credit. — Accounts opened only with firms or individuals on approved credit. The seller reserves the privilege of declining to make deliveries except for cash whenever, for any reason, doubt as to the buyer's financial responsibility develops, and shall not, in such event, be liable for non-performance of contract in whole or in part. Cancellation. — Orders placed cannot be cancelled, nor can deferred deliveries of goods made up or in process be extended beyond the original delivery date specified, except with the seller's consent and upon terms which will indemnify him against all loss. Quotations. — It is understood that all estimates and/or quotations are subject to change without notice, until order is accepted. Quantities. — All quotations are based on customer accepting over-runs or under- runs not exceeding ten percent of quantity ordered, to be paid for or allowed pro rata. Delivery. — Every effort will be made to fill orders within the time promised. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, quotations are made and orders are accepted for delivery as fast as manufactured. Samples.— If requested, the seller will submit samples for approval when com- mencing operations upon any order, but does so with the understanding that his machines are to be run immediately after they are set correctly to customer's specifications, and he will assume responsibility for having the product in con- formity with the original specifications during the period necessary in which to obtain customer's approval. Any change in specifications can be made only at customer's direction and expense. It is accordingly advisable to telephone or telegraph at once if changes are to be made. Claims.— -If any material furnished by seller proves defective, or not as ordered, he must be notified within one week from receipt of shipment and shall have the option of inspecting the goods on buyer's premises or of taking back the goods and deciding whether he shall replace them or not. Tolerances. — All dimensions must be limited by a specified tolerance. When not specified by a customer, it is understood that commercial tolerances apply: viz., for decimal dimensions, plus or minus .002 for diameters, and plus or minus .010 for lengths and for fractional dimensions, plus or minus .005 on diameters, and plus or minus .010 on lengths. Samples to be considered as fractional dimen- sions, unless otherwise specified. When buyer purchases pursuant to his own specifications, the seller will not be responsible for the design and fitting of parts; the conforming of the seller's part to the specified tolerances is sufficient evidence as to the correctness of the product; It is definitely understood that concentricity is not a dimension, but is the relation that one dimension bears to any other and must be specified separately from dimensions. When concentricity limitation is specified, it is understood that it means the actual eccentricity allowable between two dimensions and that the actual eccentricity is one-half what is registered by a dial reading. When con- centricity is not specified, the work will l>e manufactured in the most economical manner without particular regard to concentricity and quotations are made and orders are accepted on this basis. (17) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 18 3 1262 08855 6773 Threads. — It is understood that customer shall specify the standard to which threads shall conform. The Seller will follow the commonly accepted standards, namely U.S. (American-National) form for threads when no other form of thread is specified. As there is no standard for V threads gages must be furnished by the customer should this form of thread be specified. External threads. — Unless .otherwise specified the seller will work to the limits specified by the National Screw Thread Commission's 1933 report for Class 2 Free Fit. If the specified tolerance is not in agreement with the N.S.T.C. speci- fication for classes 1, 2, or 3 fits, "go" and "not go" gages shall be furnished by the purchaser. Where threading to a shoulder is specified, it will be understood that the last full thread will not be cut closer to the shoulder than a distance of two threads and in the case of fine pitches, never closer than )W . Internal threads. — Unless dimensional limits for minor diameter of tapped hole are specified, threads will be tapped to % full depth in accordance with the regular practice recommended by the tap and die manufacturer and unless otherwise specified the seller will work to the limits specified by the National Screw Thread Commission's 1933 report for Class 2 Free Fit for tapped holes %" diameter or over and to Class 1 Loose Fit for tapped holes less than }{" diameter. If specified tolerance is not in agreement with the N.S.T.C. specifications for Classes 1 and 2 for holes less than }i" diameter and for Classes 1, 2 and 3 for holes Yi" diameter and over, "go" and "not go" gages shall be furnished by the purchaser. Blind tapped holes will not have a full thread closer than five threads from the bottom and in the case of fine pitches never closer than %i" . Gages. — Gages are not included in estimated price unless especially stated. Where tolerances are closer than commercial limits defined under "Tolerances", or when dimensions cannot be readily gaged with standard gages or micrometers, customers may furnish manufacturing gages or such gages may be supplied by seller at cost. Inspection. — Quotations do not include 100 per cent inspection unless especially stipulated. Although it is the intention to charge for only good work without a 100 per cent inspection, delivery in this way cannot be guaranteed. It is there- fore understood that such individual inspection will be made by the customer at his expense and that only parts which have been proved defective by customer's individual inspection will be returned with a claim for credit or replacement at seller's option. When the manufacturing tolerances are closer than commercial limits defined under tolerances the dimensions of the inspection gages to be used by the purchaser shall be furnished the manufacturer. In the case of threads the inspection gages shall not be outside the limits specified by the N.S.T.C. for inspection gages. Dies, tools, etc. — Charges for dies, tools and/or gages do not convey ownership or the right to remove them from seller's factory, but buyer may purchase dies, tools and/or gages. Responsibility. — Seller is not responsible for drawings, samples, models, or gages uncalled for within thirty days after the execution of any order or quotation. Shipments. — In ordering, the customer should state explicitly the method of shipment preferred. In the absence of shipping directions the seller will use dis- cretion forwarding by express or parcel post when packages are small and there- fore liable to be lost in transit by freight. Parcel Post shipments will be insured at customer's expense unless otherwise specified. The seller assumes no respon- sibility for placing valuations upon shipment unless specifically requested to do bo by the customer. Customer's material. — Quotations covering the machining of buyer's material are subject to change if material furnished will not machine at speed and feed estimated. When the material is furnished by the buyer, the seller cannot guar- antee to furnish more than ninety percent of the amount of the order. When strictly special material is used, this may vary. Patents. — It is not the intention of the seller to manufacture any product which is an infringement of a patented article and it is understood that the seller be notified if the parts on which he is quoting are infringements of letters patent. If any Buch infringement exists, the seller reserves the right to withdraw the quotation. o