UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION INSTRUCTION COURSES FOR PERSONNEL OF THE AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE ♦ JUNE 1940 r UNIV. OF FL III. U.S. DEPCXWTORV ''% iWm UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION INSTRUCTION COURSES FOR PERSONNEL OF THE AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE JUNE 1940 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1940 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/instructioncoursOOunit (Uhis is fo (£triiT^///a/' /// /t4^t//^ yMe .^^t^r^ /-/ .90 _ /^r^fycmii (III) ESTABLISHMENT OF EXTENSION COURSES Extension courses are offered to personnel of the American Mer- chant Marine by the United States Maritime Commission in accord- ance with a statute which provides: The Commission is hereby authorized to prescribe, conduct, and supervise such extension and correspondence courses as it may deem necessary to supple- ment other training facilities, and to make such courses available, under such rules and regulations and upon such terms as it may prescribe, to the licensed and unlicensed personnel of the merchant marine, and to cadets and cadet officers who shall make application therefor. WHO IS ELIGIBLE The extension courses are offered to seamen of oceangoing and Great Lakes vessels who are active in their calling. A minimum of 12 months' service on seagoing or Great Lakes vessels over 500 gross tons during the 3 years immediately preceding the date of appli- cation is required. Both licensed and unlicensed seamen may apply for enrollment. In order to determine that applicants have the necessary educational qualifications to undertake the courses for which they apply, each application must be endorsed by the master, chief engineer, or chief purser of a vessel on which the applicant has served. Enrollees who fail to submit a reasonable number of lessons for review or who fail to continue their calling as seamen may be disenroUed. CADET OFFICERS AND CADETS Cadet officers and cadets should apply for extension courses to the Supervisor of Cadet Training. Kequired courses are prescribed by the regulations for cadet officers and cadets. COURSES AVAILABLE The Maritime Commission has arranged for the Coast Guard Institute at New London, Conn., to administer the extension courses offered to seamen. These extension courses will be known as Mari- time Service Instruction Courses. They will be based largely upon the self-aid instruction texts prepared especially for the United States Maritime Service. The examinations submitted by students will be reviewed and graded by Coast Guard personnel who have qualified for such duty according to the standards approved by educational 239417°— 40 (1) institutions maintaining similar facilities for nonresident study. An appropriate diploma will be issued to each student completing a course satisfactorily. COST TO STUDENTS The only cost to students will be the payment of a registration fee for each course selected. Each application for enrollment must be accompanied by a money order covering the entire registration fee (for the course desired as indicated below). This money order should be made payable to the TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. Instruction texts as issued become the property of the student. No refund will be made on account of the failure of the student to complete a course, but all texts will be issued upon request. The cost of ad- ministration and salaries of instructors will be borne by the Maritime Commission, and students will pay only a registration fee. HOW TO APPLY An application should be submitted on the form provided by the Maritime Commission. Forms may be obtained in the principal seaports at the offices of the Maritime Commission, Coast Guard, and shipping commissioners. The applicant should fill out the form, have it endorsed by the master, chief engineer, or chief purser of a vessel on which he has served, and forward it to the United States Maritime Service, Wasliington, D. C. LIST OF COURSES AVAILABLE NAVIGATION Title Lessons 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 906 904 5289 3085-A 3085-B 5362 BV 5363 5254 1154 1157-A 1157-B 2635 2630-A 2630-B 2631 2632 2633 2634-A 2634^B 2637 2643 2642 Elements of Arithmetic- Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures. Ratio and Proportion... Powers and Roots Formulas Elements of Geometry Elements of Navigation Introduction to Ship Drafting (for reference only) . The Compass do. Chart, Lead, and Log Useful Tables (Bowditch) (no lesson). Piloting Logarithms Trigonometry Dead Reckoning. do Abridged Nautical Almanac (for reference only) . Nautical Astronomy do. Latitude Longitude and Azimuth Sumner's Method Marcq. St. Hilaire's Method. do Ocean Meteorology International Rules and Signals Stowage of Cargo Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 ELEMENTARY MARINE ENGINEERING No. Title Lessons 1975 Elements of Arithmetic- .._ 1976 Fractions 1977 Decimals^- _ 1978 Weights and Measures.. _ _ ..... 1979 Ratio and Proportion . 1980 Powers and Roots_ _ ... .. .. 1981 Mensuration _ . . . 1982 Formulas. _. 1965-A Mechanical Principles _ 1965-B do 2877 Heat 2878 Steam. __ .. .__ .. _ _ _ _. ._ (Accompanied by Keenan's Steam Tables) 2850 Types of Marine Boilers _ _ _ _ _ . 2851-A Marine Boiler Details (optional). _. _ 2851-B 2836 Pipes and Pipe Fittings . . 2852-A 2852-B do 2853 Fuels and Combustion . 2843 Elements of Oil Burning __ ___ 2854 2855-A Marine Boiler Feeding. .. _ 2855-B ._ _.do . 2859 Marine Engine Mechanism _ _ ... . 2863-A Marine Slide- Valve Gears. . .. 2863-B do 2864 Multiple-Expansion Marine Engines 2865 Condensers. . . .. _ 2869-A Marine Pumps. ..... .... .-. . . . .. 2869-B do 2873 Marine lyubrication ... . ... ..... . 2315 Steam Turbines 2871 Principles of the Steam Turbine . _ . 2872 Marine Steam Turbines Final examination. . . . REGISTRATION FEE - $15. 00 MARINE ENGINEERING 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1965-A 1965-B 2160 2877 2878 2850 2851-A 2851-B 2852-A 2852-B 2853 2843 2854 2431-A 2431-B 2855-A 2855-B 2856 2857 5262 5263 2859 2861 2862 2863-A 2863-B 2864 2865 2866-A Elements of Arithmetic. Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures. . Ratio and Proportion.... Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas Cube Root Mechanical Principles... do Strength of Materials Heat Steam (Accompanied by Keenan's Steam Tables) . Types of Marine Boilers Marine Boiler Details do Marine Boiler Accessories do Fuels and Combustion Elements of Oil Burning Oil Burning Under Marine Boilers Pulverized Coal Burning do Marine Boiler Feeding do Marine Boiler Management Marine Boiler Repairs Marine Boiler Specifications Marine Boiler Inspection. Marine Engine Mechanism Indicating Steam Engines Engine Testing Marine Slide-Valve Gears do Multiple-Expansion Marine Engines Condensers Marine Engine Management MARINE ENGINEERING— Continued Title Lessons 2866-B 2867 2315 2871 2872 2868 2869-A 2869-B 2870 2873 2886 2887 2888 2889 2700-A 2700-B 2716 2715 2367 2369 2239 2240-A 2240-B 2240-O 2240-D 2249 Marine Engine Management Marine Engine Repairs Steam Turbines Principles of the Steam Turbine. Marine Steam Turbines Marine Deck Machinery Marine Pumps do Propulsion of Vessels . Marine Lubrication Principles of Marine Refrigeration Marine Ammonia Refrigeration Apparatus Marine Applications of Refrigeration Management of Marine Refrigeration Machinery. Electricity and Magnetism do...: Theory and Construction of Direct-Current Motors and Generators. Characteristics of D.-C. Motors and Generators Alternating-Current Generators, Transformers, and Motors Electrical Measu ring Devices Elements of Blueprint Reading (optional) Reading Shop Blueprints (optional) do .do. .do. Machine Sketching (optional). Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $30. GO INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 5364 1965-A 1965-B 3147 2877 3135 3136 3137-A 3137-B 3138-A 3138-B 3145-A 3145-B 3139 5179-A 5179-B 5181 5180 A 5180- B 3140 3141 3143 5182 3142 3144 5183-A 5183-B 5253 Elements of Arithmetic... Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas The Slide Rule (optional). Mechanical Principles do Elementary Principles of Electricity Heat Combustion and Fuels Principles of the Internal-Combustion Engine. Stationary Diesel Engines do. High-Speed Diesel Engines. do Marine Diesel Encines do : Diesel Engine Details. Gas Engines do Carburetors Electric Ignition Devices. do Internal-Combustion Engine Auxiliaries and Installation. Lubrication Management of Diesel Engines Gas Engine Management Internal-Combustion Engine Testing Diesel Engine Troubles and Remedies Gas Engine Troubles and Remedies do. Lubrication and Cooling Troubles and Remedies. Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $20. 00 FIRE-ROOM SUBJECTS 1975 1970 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures. Ratio and Proportion... Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas FIRE-EOOM SUBJECTS— Continued No. Title Lessons 1965-A Mechanical Principles _ _. __ . 1965-B -.__do-_: 2877 Heat 2878 Steam. (Accompanied by Keenan's Steam Tables) 2850 Types of Marine Boilers .. __ . 2851-A Marine Boiler Details (optional) , . 2851-B do 2836 Pipes and Pipe Fittings.- . . 2852-A Marine Boiler Accessories. . _ .. ... 2852-B do 2853 Fuels and Combustion .... ... .. 2843 Elements of Oil Burning . . 2854 Oil Burning Under Marine Boilers 2855-A Marine Boiler Feeding . 2855-B do . Final examination.. ..... ___ ..... $in nn ENGINE-ROOM SUBJECTS 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 5364 1965-A 1965-B 2859 2863-A 2863-B 2864 2865 2869-A 2869-B 2873 2315 2871 2872 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas The Slide Rule (optional) Mechanical Principles do Marine Engine Mechanism Marine Slide- Valve Gears do Multiple-Expansion Marine Engines. Condensers Marine Pumps do Marine Lubrication Steam Turbines Principles of the Steam Turbine Marine Steam Turbines Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $10. 00 AUXILIARY SUBJECTS 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1965-A 1965-B 2877 2878 2867 2868 2870 2873 2700-A 2700-B 2716 2715 2367 2369 Elements of Arithmetic- Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures. - Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas Mechanical Principles. . -do Heat. Steam (Accompanied by Keenan's Steam Tables)... Marine Engine Repairs Marine Deck Machinery Propulsion of Vessels Marine Lubrication Principles of Marine Refrigeration Management of Marine Refrigeration Machinery- Electricity and Magnetism do. Theory and Construction of Direct-Current Motors and Generators. Characteristics of D.-C. Motors and Generators Alternating-Current Generators, Transformers, and Motors Electrical Measuring Devices Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $10. 00 RES'RIQERATION Title Lessons 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 5127 (A-C) 2886 2887 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas Principles of Refrigeration Principles of Marine Refrigeration 1 Marine Ammonia Refrigeration Apparatus Marine Applications of Refrigeration Management of Marine Refrigeration Machinery Service Manual No. 1 Service Manual No. 2 Final examination REGISTRATION FEE .$10. 00 WELDING 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 2209 2202 5110 5111 2333 2344 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5247 5248 5249-A S249-B 5250 5251 5252 5160 2207 2239 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas (optional) Measuring Instruments Elementary Chemistry Metallurgy of Iron Metallurgy of Steel Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals and Fuels Elements of Metallography (optional) Gas Welding Equipment Gas Welding of Carbon Steels Gas Welding of Cast Iron and Alloy Steels Gas Cutting Gas Welding of Pipe Gas Welding of Nonferrous Metals and Overlaying Gas Welding Examples _. Electricity for Welders Arc Welding Equipment Arc Welding of Low Carbon Steels do Arc Welding of Alloy Steels and Irons Arc Welding of Nonferrous Metals and Overlaying Resistance Welding Inspection and Testing of Welds General Appliances and Processes (optional) Elements of Blueprint Reading (optional) Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICITY 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1621 2700-A 2700-B 2716 2715 2704-A 2704-B 5292 5229-A 5229-B 5229-C 5219 5228 2714 2369 Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Formulas Trigonometry and Graphs. Mechanics and Machine Elements. Electricity and Magnetism do- Theory and Construction of Direct Current Motors and Generators. Characteristics of Direct Current Motors and Generators Alternating Currents do Alternators Transformers do do Alternating Current Motors Synchronous Converters and A.-C. Rectifiers. Industrial Motor Applications Electrical Measuring Devices ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICITY— Continued Title Lessons 53600-A 5360-B 5286 5226 2746 5365-A 5365-B 2365 2366 2742-A 2742-B 3226 2368-A 2368-B 3225 Storage Batteries do Electric Illuminants Theory of Industrial Electonic Tubes Electron Tubes and Their Industrial Applications. Electric Heating do- Direct Current Armature Repair Field Coil and Brush Maintenance Care and Repair of Fractional Horsepower Motors. do Rewinding and Reconnecting of Fractional Horsepower Motors. Alternating Current Motor Repairs do Rewinding and Reconnecting Induction Motors. Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $20. 00 PRINCIPLES OF RADIO 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 4073-A 4073-B 4073-O 4073-D 1984 5254 5364 1621 2202 2700-A 2700-B 5271 2704-A 2704-B 5202 3309 2473 3501 3501Z 3502 3503 3504 3506 3507 3313 3314 3315 3327 2492 2493 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3329 3328 2716 5292 5229-A 5229-B 5229-C 5219 5228 2721-A 2721-B 5360-A 53nO-B 3220 Elements of Arithmetic. Fractions Decimals. _ I Weights and Measures.. Ratio and Proportion... Powers and Roots Mensuration Elements of Algebra do. .do. .do. Trigonometry and Graphs Logarithms The Slide Rule (optional) Mechanics and Machine Elements. Elementary Chemistry Electricity and Magnetism do D.-C. Calculations Alternating Currents do Complex quantities in A.-C. Calculations (optional) Sound and Acoustics Principles of Radio Communication Radio Tubes Radio Tube Tables (no lesson) Theory of Radio Receivers Vacuum Tube Amplifiers Baeuum Tube Oscillators Methods of Testing Vacuum Tubes Principles of Vacuum Tube Design Batteries and Power Converters Audio and Power Amplifiers Microphones and Loud Speakers Public Address and Centralized Radio Systems Sound Picture Recording Sound Picture Projection Tuned R-F Receivers Superheterodyne Receivers Short Wave and Long Wave Receivers Antenna and Receiver Installations Automobile Radio Installation Service Electrical Measurements in Radio Servicing Diagnosis of Receiver Troubles Voltage and Current Tests Point to Point Resistance Tests Alinement of Tuned Circuits Cathode Ray Oscillograph in Radio Service Elimination of Radio Interference Theory and Construction of D.-C. Motors and Generators. Alternators Transformers do .do. Alternating-Current Motors Synchronous Converters and A.-C. Rectifiers. Electrical Measuring Instruments do Storage Batteries do Design of Magnets and Electromagnets PRINCIPLES OF RADIO— Continued 2728 2014 2474 2018 2489 2490 3549 3550-A 3550-B 3550-C 3.5-1 35-2 35-4 21-1 32-1 2923 2924 1946 Design of Transformers Codes and Code Practice (optional) Radio Antennas Undamped Wave Radio Communication Radio Telegraph Transmitters do Facsimile Transmission and Reception Principles of Television. Do. Do. Police and Aviation Ground Station Transmitters Broadcast Transmitters Radio Transmitters for Telephone and Telegraph Wavemeters and Frequency Monitoring Units Point to Point Communication Geometrical Drawing Elements of Projection Drawing Mechanical Drawing Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $30.00 MECHANICAL DRAWING AND READING SHOP BLUE PRINTS 1975 1976 1977 1978 2239 2240-A 2240-B 2240-C 2240-D 2249 2209 2206 994 2202 2923 2924 1946 Elements of Arithmetic- Fractions : Decimals- Weights and Measures Elements of Blue-Print Reading. Reading Shop Blue Prints .do -do- .do- (Accompanied by Form 3028, Illustrations for Reading Shop Blue Prints, pt. 4) Machine Sketching Measuring Instruments (optional) ^ Precision Measuring Instruments (optional) Materials of Construction (optional) Elementary Chemistry (optional) Geometric Drawing Elements of Projection Drawing (5 plates of elementary geometrical figures for which no sample plates are furnished and the following 4 plates for which sample plates are furnished) 200-2 Projections— I. 201-2 Projections— II. 202-2 Conic Sections— III. 203-2 Intersections and Developments — IV. Mechanical Drawing (7 plates) 637 Common Conventions (1001). 638 Simple Machine Details (1002). 639 Fastenings (1003). 640 Helical Forms (1004). 641 Pulley and Coupling (1005). 642 Gear Connecting Rod and Piston (1006). 643 Knife Switch, Assembly and Details (1007). Machine Sketching Final examination REGISTRATION FEE $10. 00 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUBJECTS [The student must select a minimum of four subjects each time application is made] 1956-A 1956-B 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1986-A 1986-B SPELLING Spelling do ARITHMETIC Elements of Arithmetic Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Commercial Calculations do ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUBJECTS— Continued BV 2940 -A-L BV 2935-A-N 3077-A 3077-B 3077-C 3077-D 3077-E 3077-F 3077-G 3077-H 3077-1 3077-J 3079 3078-A 3078-B 3078-C BV 3101 3102-A-N 3080-A 3080-B 3080-C 3080-D 3080-E 3080-F 1912 1913 BV 2936-A-L Title CIVICS (AMERICAN GOVEHNMENT) American Government (Magruder)_ American Government GEOGRAPHY Human Geography (J. Russell Smith) _ Geography English Grammar, do GRAMMAR, ENGLISH .do_ _do. .do_ .do. .do- -do- .do- _do_ Capitalization and Punctuation. .. Elements of English Composition. do ■ do HISTORY, AMERICAN History of the American People (Muzzey). Manual of Suggestions American History Letter Writing. do do do do do Indexing Filing LETTER WRITING PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH Healthful Living (Williams) Physiology and Health REGISTRATION FEE for any 4 subjects selected by the student $10. 00 Lessons SECONDARY SCHOOL SUBJECTS [The student must select a minimum of 4 subjects each time application is made] 4073-A 4073-B 4073-C 4073-D 379-A 379-B 379-C 379-D 379-E 379-F 379-G 2938 379-H 379-1 379-J BV 3081 BV 2939-A-J Elements of Algebra. do ALGEBRA, ELEMENTARY do do Algebra do do do do do do Graphs (for reference only) . Algebra do do COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Composition and Rhetoric (Tanner) . Composition and Rhetoric ECONOMICS Fundamentals of Economics (Hughes) . Economics 10 SECONDAEY SCHOOL SUBJECTS— Continued No. Title Lessons BV 2937-A-O BV 2190 BV 2190 BV 3090 BV 3091 BV 3092 BV 1807 BV 2936-A-L BV 883 GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL New Physical Geography (Tarr and Von Engeln) _ Physical Geography GEOMETRY, PLANE Plane Geometry (Wentworth and Smith) . Plane Geometry GEOMETRY, SCUD Solid Geometry (Wentworth and Smith) . Solid Geometry HISTORY, ANCIENT History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval (Robinson and Breasted). Ancient History HISTORY, MEDIEVAL History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval (Robinson and Breasted). Medieval History HISTORY, MODERN EUROPEAN Modern History (Hayes and Moon). Modern European History Practical Physics (Black and Davis) _ Physics PHYSIOLOGY AND HEALTH Healthful Living (Williams). Physiology and Health TRIGONOMETRY, PLANE Plane Trigonometry (Wentworth) Plane Trigonometry Final examination REGISTRATION FEE for any 4 subjects selected by the student. $10. 00 GOOD ENGLISH BV Winston Simplified Dictionary . .... 1920-A Good English .. .. 1920-B do. . .. 1920-C do .. - 1920-D do 1920-E do 1920-F do 1920-G do .- .- 1920-H do . .. ... 1920-1 do - --. . .... 1920-J do 1920-K do - 1920-L do. 1920-M do 1920-N do. 1920-0 do Final examination _ . REGISTRATION FEE . .... _ _ Jtii. 00 SECONDARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1986-A Elements of Arithmetic... Fractions Decimals Weights and Measures... Ratio and Proportion Powers and Roots Mensuration Commercial Calculations. 11 SECONDARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS— Continued No. Title Lessons 1986-B Commercial Calculations. _ . - __ . .. _ 4073-A Elements of Algebra __ .__ __ _ 4073-B .. _do _ ___ 4073-O do 4073-D do _ _ .. 379-A Algebra _ .._ _..._. . _. _ 379-B _do ______ .. ._. ._ 379-C do 379-D do _. 379-E do 379-r do _. 379-G do . __ 379-H do 2938 Graphs (for reference only) ________ _____ 379-1 Algebra_ _ __ __ ___ . 379-J _ _do ______ _ ____ _ . BV Plane Geometry (Went worth and Smith) _ _ .. BV Solid Geometry (Wentworth and Smith) _ . _ _. .. . 2190 10 BV Plane Trigonometry (Wentworth") _._ _ . __ 883 Plane Trigonometry (question paper) _ .. __ _____ _. _____ 7 Final examination __. _._. _ 1 SEAMANSHIP Seamanship Ship Construction Maritime Law for Seamen Meteorology (Pan American Airways) The Ship's Medicine Chest and First Aid at Sea REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 U. S, GOVERNMENT F.TlNTINu OfFICE: 1<.40 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA illlillii 3 1262 08484 2334