E-477 June 1939 United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine LIST OF COMMON NAMES USED FOR SPECIES OF DERRIS IN CONNECTION WITH INSECTICIDAL PROPERTIES By R. C. Roark, Division of Insecticide Investigations Contents Page Introduction 1 Table 1. The common names of Derris and the botanical names arranged alphabetically according to species 2 Table 2, An alphabetical list of all common names of Derris and their botanical equivalents 10 Literature cited 15 Introduction The rotenone-bearing plants are now important articles of commerce and their use is increasing. Much exploratory work has been carried on in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador. Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana, and Surinam in South America; in the Philippine Islands, the Fiji Islands, and the British Solomon Islands; and in Indo-China, Ceylon, India, British Malaya, Java, and other regions in a search for plants high in rotenone and related insecticidal constituents. To the natives of these countries the various species of D erris , Lonchocarpus . Tephrosi a, and M undu lea are known by a great many names. The common names of Lo nchoc ar pus (E-367) and of Tephros ia (E-402) have been recorded, and it seems worth while to record also those of Derris . Acknowledgment . — The assistance of Dr. S. F. Blake, senior botanist of the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, in correcting the botanical names in this paper is gratefully acknowledged, STATE PLAN. BOAKi' - 2 - Table 1. — The common names of Derris and the botanical names arranged alphabetically according to species. Common Name tao ta pa timborana timbo branco timbo branco pao timbo da matta Where Used R eference Derris alborubra Herasl. Siam Craib (8) Derris amazonica Killip Brazil Krukoff and Smith (28) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto kawaoe leutik Derris bant a mensis Hassk. Netherlands Clercq [7] Indies karapu-tekel karun-koddi miung-kala-vel miung-kalawel Derris benthamii Thw. Ceylon Imperial Institute [London] (25) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto bagodenihanon bogodon Derris cebuensis Merr. Philippines Ditto Ejercito (12) Ditto malacadios raalacagios marakatiidai kang ten akar toeba aker tuba areuj kidang barbasco de la India besto bobota boot derris wortel djeloen Derris cumingii Benth. Philippines Ejercito (12] Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Derris dalberg ioides Baker Siam Craib (8) Derris elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Malaya Lewin (31) Java, Perak Bailey and Bailey (3); Gerth van Wijk (15); ^ Hartwich (22); Wray (43) Java Backer (2) Peru Lima [Peru], Sociedad Geographica de (32) Java Backer (2) Amboina Rumphius (35) Philippines Ejercito (12) Garth van Wijk (15) Java Backer (2) - 3 - Common Name Where Used Reference dj enoe djenu djheno djomurut djoni doewa jenu kabubut kajoe toeba kalain paw lai nam lapak lawoeo loepoi low ting lui ting malasiag momboel ney kee oepoi ojod toengkoel po tako sa pula putat-gadang tibalao tibanglan tobha toea toeba toeba akar toeba bakak toeba djenoe toeba djoni Java, Nether- lands Indies Java Java, Nether- lands Indies Amboina Java, Nether- lands Indies Netherlands Indies Java Philippines Java Siam Ditto Philippines Netherlands Indies Ditto Malaya (for Changi No. 3) Ditto (for Changi No. 2) Philippines Java, Nether- lands Indies Malaya (for Changi No. 1) Netherlands Indies Java Siam Philippines Ditto Ditto Ditto Java, Nether- lands Indies Java Java, Nether- lands Indies Java Netherlands Indies Netherlands Indies, Java Netherlands Indies Backer (2); Clercq (7); Duyster (10) Lewin (31) Backer (2); Lewin (31); Clercq (7) Rumphius (35) Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Clercq (7) Lewin (31) Ejercito (12) Backer (2) Craib (8) Ditto Ejercito (12) Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Clercq (7) Henderson (24) Ditto Ejercito (12) Backer (2); Clercq (7) Henderson (24) Clercq (7) Backer (2) Craib (8) Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Ditto Backer (2); Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Lewin (31) Backer (2); Duyster (10); Clercq (7) Duyster (10) Clercq (7) Backer (2); Clercq (7) Clercq (7) - 4 - Common Name toebai toebaplant toebe toebo toefa toengkoel toepo toewa toewa leteng toewe tuba tuba ackar tuba djenu tuba jemu tuba puteh tuba radicum tuba radicum alba tubah tuble tubli tugling tuva tuwa uat nam upei galadoepa kajoe galadoepa kaj oe-galedoepa tuba perampuan (=the woman's fish poison) timbo timbo-assu timbo cipo timbo da matta Where Used Netherlands Indies Netherlands Indies Ditto Ditto Java Netherlands Indies Java, Nether- lands Indies Java Netherlands Philippines, Java Amboina Java Malaya Ditto Amboina Ditto Philippines Ditto Ditto Ditto Java Siam Philippines Derris forsteniana Bl. Netherlands Indies Ditto Ditto Ditto Filet Tenison-Woods (38) Reference Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Gerth van Wijk (15) Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Clercq (7) Clercq (7); Lewin (31) Backer {2) Clercq (7) Backer (2); Clercq (7) Backer (2); Lewin (31) Clercq (7) Indies Ejercito (12); Lewin (31) Rumphius (35) Lewin (31) Gimlette (16) Grist (18) Rumphius (35) Merrill (33) Gerth van Wijk Ejercito (12) Guerrero (19) Ejercito (12) Ditto Lewin (31) Craib (8) Ejercito (12) Clercq (7) (15] (14) Derris g ;uianensis Benth. Brazil _ Ducke (9); Fagundes (13); Killip and Smith (27) Ditto Ducke (9); Fagundes (13); Lecointe (29, 30); Silva (37) Ditto Lecointe (29, 30); Silva (37) Ditto Killip and Smith (27); Lecointe (29. 30); Silva (37) - 5 Common Nam e timbo-rana timborana asinasina babugtus bagarilao balaylamos balitos balocbaloc dugo-rogo funis convolutus rugo-rogo sila-sila tibalao gerreni poison rope banlancag malungpacong akar toeba toeba tuba gaj ah tuba panjang tuba tuba Where Used Ditto Ditto Reference Ducke (9); Fagundes (13); Killip and Smith (27) Lecointe (29, 30); Silva(37) D erris heptap hylla (L. ) Merr. Philippines Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Amboina Merrill (33) Philippines Ejercito (12 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Derris kool^ibberah F. M. Bailey North Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Ditto Ditto Derris lianoides Elmer Ejercito (12) Ditto Philippines Ditto D erris main gayana Bak, Netherlands Indies Malaya Ditto Ditto Clercq (7) Gimlette (16) Ditto Ditto tuba me rah tubah rabut Derris malaccensis (Benth.) Prain Malaya Grist (18) Ditto Henderson (24] Derris malaccensis var. Sarawak erect tuba rabut tablong tubli tugli tubili sarawakensis Henderson Malaya Henderson Ditto Ditto (24) Derris micans Perk. Philippines Ditto Ditto Ejercito Ditto Ditto (12) Derris mindorensis Philippines Perk. Ejercito (12) «&)Ai«P. .TP. puA^f^' - 6 - Common Name Where Used Reference D err is' mgntana (Blume) Benth, tali-bakompol tataroe maa wali-angoeoen areuj kidang gadel gadel areuj getel Netherlands Indies Ditto Ditto Burg, van der (5); Filet(14) Burg, van der (5) Ditto Derris multiflora Benth, Java Ditto Ditto Netherlands Indies Backer (2) Dit t Ditto Filet (14) timbo timbo da matta timbo guassis timbo-rana timborana de Gurapa gogogoan oliabak na puti tuble tubli alabagat inguing malagongdapo malasiag tibanglan tinalang tubli tugli tuglin tuglos bekei kedoesan wedoesan Derris negrensis Benth. Brazil Killip and Smith (27) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Lecointe (30) Ditto Lecointe (29); Silva (37) Derris philippinensis Merr Philippines Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Derris polyantha Perk. Philippines Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Villadolid and Sulit (41) Ditto Villadolid and Sulit(41); Ejercito (12) Ditto Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Derris polyphylla (Miq.) Koord. & Val Java Backer (2) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto gadelan Derris pubi petala Miq. Netherlands Filet (14) Indies - 7 - Common Name Where Used Reference bare hang kao kang ki mawt ki mawt la wit Derris robusta Benth. India Atkinson Siam Craib (8) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 1) bendan bu-kala-vel goboel kala-wel kua ta pa lapac malasaga pogg-ara sillu sobi tao v/an prieng tekel-ankoddi tekil welan tekel kua lai kua tap pla Derris scandens (Roxb , ) Benth. Java Backer (2) Ceylon Imperial Institute [London] (25) Java Backer (2) Ceylon Imperial Institute [London] (25); Trimen (40) Siam Craib (8) Philippines Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Australia Bailey (4) Ceylon Imperial Institute [London] (25) Java Backer (2) Siam Craib (8) Ceylon Imperial Institute [London] (25) Ditto Trimen (40); Imperial Institute [London] (25) Ditto Imperial Institute London] (25) Derris thorelii (Gagnep.) Craib Siam Craib (8) Ditto Ditto akar tulang bukit asiasimanan butong hingasin hingasinan mangasin sabuko silasila tang me tuba-tuba D erris thy rsi flora Benth, Malaya Philippines Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Siam Philippines Gimlette (16) Ejercito (12) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Craib (8) Ejercito (12; akar ketuil areuj ki tongeret areu.j ki tonggeret Derris trifoliata Lour. (P. uliginosa Benth.) Malaya Gimlette (16; Java Baker (2) Ditto Duyster (10) - 8 - Common Name areuj kitong-geret aroi j -kitongerret baggara buggera-buggera djarieng-djarieng padang duva gaga dyanamite plant eyeyabba kajarvel kaj avoel kala wel kirtana mara mo-kor-ja murri panlata puckera sad sagee san leao tau sazi sila sila sud tawp tep nam til-ankoddi toewa areuj toewa awewe toewa aweweh toweran tuba awewe tuba-kayu tuba siliquosa urum wild dynamite zozi calla wel nero tibanglan Where Used Reference Netherlands Clercq (7) Indies Ditto Filet (14) North Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Ditto Ditto Netherlands Clercq (7) Indies Fiji Seeman (36) Papua White (42) Australia Bailey (3); Gerth van Wijk (15) India Dymock, Warden and Hooper (11) Ditto Hartwich (22) Ceylon Trimen (40) India Dymock, Warden and Hooper (11); Hartwich (22) Australia Bailey (4) Ditto Ditto North Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) India Dymock, Warden and Hooper (11); Hartwich (22) North Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Torres Straits Haddon (20) Ditto Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Canton Rees (34) Torres Straits Haddon (20) Philippines Kalaw and Sacay (26) Murray Island Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Siam Craib (8) Ceylon Imperial Institute (25) Netherlands Backer (2); Clercq (7); Indies, Java Duyster (10) Java, Nether- Backer (2); Clercq (7) lands Indies Java Hasskarl (23) Ditto Backer (2) Ditto Tenison-Woods (38) Malaya Ditto Amboina Merrill (33) North Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Dunk Island, Ditto Australia Torres Straits Haddon (20) Derris sp. ■Ceylon Thwaites and Hooker (33) Queensland Hamlyn-Harris and Smith (21) Philippines Goseco (17 - 9 - Common Name Where Used Reference tuble tubli tubuluan up (-tuba) Philippines Ditto Ditto Carolina Islands Goseco (17); Ejercito (12; Ejercito (12) Ditto Christian (6) Certain plants called Derris belong to other genera. For example D erris grandifolia Donn. 5m, is properly P iscidi a grandifolia (Donn. Sm. ) I. M. Johnston. In Guatemala it is called palo de zope and zopilocu. - 10 - Table 2. — An alphabetical list of all common names of Derris and their botanical equivalents, Common Name Species of Derris akar ketuil akar toeba akar toeba toeba akar tulang bukit aker tuba alabagat areuj ki tongeret areuj ki tonggeret areuj kidang areuj kidang areuj kitong-geret aroij-kitongerret asiasimanan asinasina babugtus bagarilao baggara bagodenihanon balaylamos balitos balocbaloc banlancag barbasco de la India baro bekei bendan besto bobota bogodon boot buggera-buggera bu-kala-vel butong calla wel derris wortel djarieng-djarieng padang dj eloen djenoe djenu djheno dj omurut djoni doewa dugo-rogo duva gaga dyanamite plant D. trifoliata Lour. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. maingayana Bak. D. thyrsiflora Benth. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. polyantha Perk. D. trifoliata Lour. Ditto D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. , multiflora Benth. D, , trifoliata Lour. Ditto D, , thyrsiflora Benth. D. ■ heptaphylla (L.) Merr, Ditto Ditto D . trifoliata Lour. D . cebuensis Merr. D . heptaphylla (L.) Merr. Ditto Ditto D. lianoides Elmer D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. robusta Benth. D. polyphylla (miq.) Koord. & Val D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto D. cebuensis Merr. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. thyrsiflora Benth. Derris sp. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto D. heptaphylla (L.) Merr. D. trifoliata Lour. Ditto - 11 - Common Name Species of Derris eyeyabba funis convolutus gadel gadel areuj gadelan galadoepa galedupa gerreni getal goboel gogogoan hang kao hingasin hingasinan inguing jenu kabubut kajarvel kajavoel kajoe galadoepa kaj oe-galedoepa kajoe toeba kala-wel kala wel kalam paw kang ki mawt kang ten karapu-tekel karun-koddi kawaoe leutik kedoesan ki mawt kirtana kua lai kua ta pa kua tap pla la wit lai nam lapac lapak lawoeo loepoi low ting lui ting malacadios malacagios malagongdapo malasaga malasiag D. trifoliata Lour, D. heptaphylla (L.) Merr. D. raultiflora Benth. Ditto D. pubipetala Miq. D. forsteniana Bl. D. trifoliata Lour, D. koolgibberah, F. M. Bailey D. multiflora Benth. D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. philippinensis Merr. D. robusta Benth. D. thyrsiflora Benth. Ditto D. polyantha Perk. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto D. trifoliata Lour. Ditto D. forsteniana Bl, Ditto D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D, elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. robusta Benth. D. dalbergioides Baker D. benthamii Thw. Ditto D. bantamensis Hassk. D. polyphylla (Miq.) Koord. & Val D. robusta Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D. thorelii (Gagnep.) Craib D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. thorelii (Gagnep.) Craib D. robusta Benth, D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth, D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto D. curaingii Benth, Ditto D. polyantha Perk, D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth, D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. - 12 - Common Name Species of Derris malasiag malung pacong raangasin mara marakatudai miung-kala-vel miuffig-kalawel mo-kor-ja momboel murri nero ney kee oepoi ojod t-)engkoel oliabak na puti panlata po tako sa pogg-ara poison rope puckera pula putat-gadang rugo-rogo sabuko sad sagee san leao tau Sarawak erect sazi sila sila sila-sila silasila sillu sobi sud tablong tali-bakompol tang me tao ta pa tao wan prieng tataroe maa tawp tep nam tekel-ankoddi tekil tibalao tibalao tibanglan tibanglan tibanglan D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. De D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D, D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. polyantha Perk, lionoides Elmer thyrsiflora Benth. trifoliata Lour, cumingii Benth. bentharaii Thw. Ditto trifoliata Lour, elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. trifoliata Lour, rris sp. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto Ditto philippinensis Merr. trifoliata Lour, elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. koolgibberah F. M. Bailey trifoliata Lour, elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto heptaphylla (L.) Merr. thyrsiflora Benth. trifoliata Lour. Ditto trifoliata Lour, raalaccensis var. sarawakensis Henderson trifoliata Lour. Ditto heptaphylla (L.) Merr. thyrsiflora Benth. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto trifoliata Lour, micans Perk, montana (Blume) Benth. thyrsiflora Benth. alborubra Hemsl. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. montana (Blume) Benth. trifoliata Lour, scandens (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. heptaphylla (L.) Merr. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. polyantha Perk, sp. - 13 - Common Name Species of Derris til-ankoddi timbo timbo timbo-assu timbo branco timbo branco pao timbo cipo timbo guassis timbo da matta timbo da matta timbo da matta timbo- rana timbo- rana timbo rana timborana timbo rana de Gurapa tinalang tobha toea toeba toeba akar toeba bakak toeba djenoe toeba djoni toebai toebaplant toebe toebo toefa toengkoel toepo toewa toewa areuj toewa awewe toewa aweweh toewa leteng toewe toweran tuba tuba ackar tuba awewe tuba djenu tuba gajah tuba j emu tuba kayu tuba me rah tuba panj ang tuba perampuan (= the woman's fish poison] D. trifoliata Lour. D. guianensis Benth. D. negrensis Benth. D. guianensis Benth. D. amazonica Killip Ditto D. guianensis Benth. D. negrensis Benth. D. amazonica Killip D. negrensis Benth. D. guianensis Benth. Ditto D. negrensis Benth. D. amazonica Killip D. guianensis Benth. D. negrensis Benth. D. polyantha Perk. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto D. trifoliata Lour. Ditto Ditto D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto D. trifoliata Lour. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto D. trifoliata Lour. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. maingayana Bak. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D. malaccensis (Benth.) Prain D. maingayana Bak. D. forsteniana Bl , - 14 - Common Name Species of Derris tuba puteh tuba rabut tuba radicum tuba radicum alba tuba siliquosa tuba-tuba tuba tuba tubah tubah rabut tubili tuble tuble tuble tubli tubli tubli tubli tubli tubuluan tugli tugli tuglin tugling tuglos tuva tuwa uat nam up (_ tuba) upei urum wali-angoeoen wedoesan welan tekel wild dynamite zozi D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. malaccensis var. sarawakensis Henderson D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto D. trifoliata Lour. D. thyrsiflora Benth. D. maingayana Bak. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. malaccensis (Benth.) Prain D. mindorensis Perk. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. philippinensis Merr. Derris sp. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. philippinensis Merr. Derris sp. D. micans Perk. D. polyantha Perk. Derris sp. D. micans Perk. D. polyantha Perk. D. polyantha Perk. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. polyantha Perk. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. Ditto Ditto Derris sp. D. elliptica (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. D. montana (Blume) Benth. D. polyphylla (Miq.) Koord. & Val, D. scandens (Roxb.) Benth. D. trifoliata Lour. Ditto - 15 - LITERATURE CITED I. ATKINSON, E. T. 1882. Himalayan districts of the north-western provinces of India. V. 1, 946 pp., illus. Allahabad. 2. BACKER, C. A. 1911. Schoolflora voor Java. 675 pp. Weltevreden. 3. BAILEY, D., and BAILEY, K, C. 1929. An etymological dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy. 307 pp. London. 4. BAILEY, F. M. 1909. Comprehensive catalogue of Queensland plants both indigenous and naturalised. 879 pp., illus. Queensland. 5. BURG, C. L. van der 1904. De voeding in Nederlandsch-Indie. 526 pp. Amsterdam. 6. 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