the effect or riMrri \Fin on certain mechanical PROPERTIES OE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY, HIGH-STRENGTH, CROSS-LAMINATED PAPER PLASTIC (PAPREG) May 1943 RESTRICTED CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT This document contains classified information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, USC 50:31 and 32. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized Pjjson is Jitt'L^ycJ ^y bw Stattk^U^fn df>mrc civilian officers and employees of the Federal Government who have a legitimate interest therein, and to United States Citizens of known loyalty and discretion who of necessity must be informed thereof. "ci^ppo This Report is Cnt of a Series Issued In Cooperation with the irM> air foprr s and the BUREAU CF AERONAUTICS Under the Supervision off the AERONAUTICAL CCARU NO. 1321 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madiion. Wisconsin to Cooperative with the Umrersity of Wiaeonno Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON CERTAIN MECHANICAL PROFERTIES OF FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY HIGH-STRENGTH, CROSS- LAMINATED PAPER PLASTIC (PAFREQ)- 2 This report presents the results of a series of tests— to determine the in- fluence of temperature on the strength properties of cross-laminated papreg. The material was furnished "by the Forest Products Laboratory and the tests were made "by the Monsanto Chemical Company. The tests included tending, tension, edgewise compression, and impact (Izod) for cross-laminated material at -80° C. , -25° C. , 25° C. , 100° Q.i and 150° C, The material consisted of l/8-inch and l/2-inch panels, made of Mitscherlich laminating paper, impregnated with Monsanto Resinox U65 and Bakelite BVI6303, and pressed at 2^0 pounds per square inch. The resin contents, "based on the weight of the treated paper, were J>8.& percent and 3^.0 percent, and the volatile contents 5*2 percent and ^.5 percent, respectively, for the Monsanto and Bakelite resins. Five tests each were made in bending, tension, flatwise and edgewise (Izod) impact, and compression, for each of the five temperatures. The sizes of the test specimens were as follows: Tension: J>/k x 1/8 x 9 inches, with center section reduced to 1/2 inch. Bending: 1/2 x 1/8 x U inches, tested over a 2-inch span. Compression: 1/2 x 1/2 x 1 inch. Izod: 1/2 x 1/2 x 2-1/2 inches. The results of the tests are presented in Table 1. While the data are not based on extensive tests or a wide variety of products they, nevertheless, give an indication of the effect of temperature on this material. Of the values obtained, those for tensile strength are probably the most accurate and those for flexural strengths the least accurate over the temperature range studied. Further and more extensive tests on the effect of temperature and other factors on the strength of papreg are under way at the Forest Products Lab- oratory. -This mimeograph is one of a series of progress reports prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory to further /Nat ion's war effort. Results here reported are preliminary and may be revised as additional data become available. ■=By D. Telfair and R. U. Haslanger, Research Department, Plastics Division, Monsanto Chemical Company. Mimeo. No. 1321 Table 1. — Influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of crosr, - lar.inated, high-strength laminated paper plastic (pa prep") . Temper- fit 'ire : Re3in : use! Mechanical properties at Ultimate : Ultimate : Modulus : Impact : Impact : Modulus of test tensile : Compressive : of : strength : strength : elasticity : strength : strength : rupture : (flatwise) : (edgewise) : (tension) :Recinox : U65 : Lb. per : : 38,200 : Lb. per : i 29 , 500 : Lb. per :Ft. lb. per rer : 1,000 lb. : sq. in. :in.of notch Lln.of notch :per -30° C. ! 35.900 3.15 0.593 1 3.300 : Bakelite : 16303 38,000 . 29,600 : 36,100 3.12 : -593 : 3.600 -25 c. Recinox 3^,300 . 27,500 : 33.000 3.16 ! -597 : Bakelite 16303 3^,300 . 27 , 500 33.000 3. 18 .596 25° C. Recinox U65 28,200 23 , Uoo 29,200 3-3? .610 . 2 , 4Uo Bakelite 16303 28,200 22,600 28,700 3.28 .600 2,UUo 100° C : Resinox ! U65 17.500 15, ^00 22,600 3.17 .072 1,860 Bakelite. 16303 : 16,700 13.900 22,300 3.13 .669 1,86 150* C. : Resinox : 46^ 1 12,900 : 10,200 15.250: 2.80 .543 - 1.690 Bakelite: 16303 : 10,200 : 7.700 17.000: 2.73 .1*9 l/.**0 Miraeo. No. 1321