. I KILN-DRYING ESSENTIALS fOR AIRCRAfT STCCK Revised Hay 1943 r~ ', I I THIS REPORT IS ONE CE A SERIES ISSUER TO AIR THE NATION'S WAR PROGRAM No. 1367 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin Id Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin 1 KILN-DRYING ESSENTIALS TOR AIRCRAFT STOCK" Lumber is kiln dried, firot, to reduce its moisture more quickly than it can be reduced in air drying, and second, to reduce itn moisture content to a lower value than can ordinarily be attained in air drying. In addition, if 3tain or decay organism? or wood-boring insects are present in the lumber, kiln temperatures will sterilize the wood and kill the borers. Because temperatures and relative humidities can be controlled in a dry kiln, casehardening stresses can be relieved more satisfactorily in a kiln than is possible in an air-seasoning pile. Properly kiln-dried lumber is free of surface or end checks, honeycombing, and casehardening; the stock is reason- ably straight. Adherence to the following rules will be an aid in producing properly kiln-dried lumber: (a) Dry kilns The construction of the kiln, the controlling equipment, arrangement of heating coils, spray lines, aad ventilators must be such that the temperatures may be controlled within the limits called for in the sched- ule (see Forest Products Laboratory mimeograph 1360, "Aircraft Kiln Schedules," for maximum temperatures permitted in kiln drying aircraft). Relative humid- ities must also be accurately controlled in order to prevent surface checks and end checks, to promote uniformity of moisture content at the end of the drying process, and to provide means for relieving casehardening stresses. (b) Material For good results material for the kiln charge should be selected as follows: (1) A kiln charge thould be restricted to species of the same drying characteristics. (2) Pieces should be dried in the smallest sizes to be used and which are practical to handle rather than in unduly large dimensions. (3) Reasonable variations in thickness may be tolerated if drying con- ditions are regulated for the wettest, thickest, and slowest-drying stock. (c) Piling The method of piling must be suited to the circulation system of the kiln in which the stock will be dried. (l) Species and thicknesses. — For best results a kiln charge should be made up of a single species and a single thickness. Hovever, several species and thicknesses to which the same drying schedule is applied may be loaded as one kiln charge provided the drying conditions are regulated for the wettest, thickest, and slowest drying stock or the worst combination of these factors. For example, items of aircraft lumber listed in Forest Froducts Laboratory mimeograph No. 1360 for which schedule No. 5 is permitted may be grouped with items for which schedule No. 6 is permitted provided the kiln charge is dried by temperatures no more severe than those specified by schedule No. 6. -This mimeograph is one of a series of reports issued by the Forest Froducts Laboratory to aid the Nation's war program. Mimeo. No. 1367 (Revised) -1- (2) Stacking. --'.Then it is practical to do so, the lumber should be sorted and piled into the kiln so as to prevent overhanging ends. All boards in one layer should be of the same thickness. The lumber should be arranged in the kiln so as to permit easy access on both sides of the pile to facilitate the inspection of the stock while drying, to promote uniform air movement, to permit samples to be inserted into the load and to read thermometers i-'hich, as explained later, should be distributed along the length of the kiln. The space between the wall and the side of the load preferably should, not be less than 30 inches. (3) Flat stacking. — It is recommended that the lumber be flat stacked in order to minimize the tendency for the wood to warp during drying. In a forced-circulation kiln the boards may be placed edge to edge. In a natural- circulation kiln the lateral spacing between the edges of the boards or groups of boards totaling 12 to 1^ inches in width should be at least k inches, so arranged as to form straight vertical flues in the pile. The stickers should be arranged in vertical alignment. The number of stickers along the length of the pile should be adequate to prevent warping. All stickered tiers should bear on beams or cross ties which are in common alignment. The stickers should be dry, at least J/k inch thick and about 1-1/2 inches wide for hard- woods and not more than 2 inches wide for softwoods. (U) Box piling. — If the lengths of lumber in a pile are not equal the lumber may be box piled. In piling random length stock in a forced-circula- tion kiln the longest boards should be placed in the two outer tiers and if there is a sufficient number of these boards for additional tiers, such tiers should be uniformly distributed across the width of the pile. Shorter lengths should be stacked within the pile, filling each layer as completely as possible and avoiding insofar as possible unsupported stickers, open spaces at the ends of the pile, and, in forced-circulation kilns, avoiding vertical alignment of open spaces. In natural-draft kilns, straight vertical flues should be provided as described under "Flat Stacking." The proper supports should be provided under each end of every board so that no end overhangs. (d) In struments and tempera tur e readings . — These rules should be followed: (1) At least one recording hygrometer should be used in each kiln charge. This should be checked at least every 30 days against the standard thermometer and set to an accuracy of 1° F. The recorder should be of such design and sensitivity as to respond -reliably to temperature fluctuations of 2° F. as measured by glass-stem thermometers. Moreover, the chart graduation should be of ample size to read or estimate to 1° F. Within the temperature range of the aircraft schedules, approximately Uo° F. ^er inch of graduations is con- sidered satisfactory. (2) The wet and dry bulbs should be placed so as to measure the severest drying condition in the kiln. Bulbs should be shielded from the direct radiation of steam coils. (3) The controller should be set about 5° F. under the maximum allowable temperature as a means of protecting aircraft lumber against periodic air Mimeo. No. 1367 (Revised) -2- surges that exceed the maximum temperatures given In Forest Products Labora- tory mimeograph No. 1360 "because the kiln controller is not always accurate, It cannot control temperature deviations along the length of the kiln caused by eteam sprays, excessive radiation, or air-circulation variables. (U) Temperatures, known to vary along the length of the kiln, should not vary more than 10° F. for then it is very difficult to kiln-dry aircraft lumber to a uniform moisture content and is generally unsatisfactory to relieve ca3ehardening stresses. (-) Because the permissible temperatures given in tables 1 and 2 of Forest Products Laboratory mimeograph No. 13&0 are maximum temperatures, it is desirable to see that the recorder is functioning properly every day. (6) In kiln drying lumber the temperature distribution along the length of the kiln must be systematically determined. The acceptance of the stock depends on submitting proof that the temperatures in no part of the kiln have exceeded the maximum temperatures. A record of the kiln temperature in the hottest part of the kiln is required. A recording thermometer is the pre- ferred device for this purpose. In addition recorded instantaneous-temperature readings of glass-stem thermometers or thermo-couples spaced not more than 15 feet apart should be made daily. Thermocouple readings based on volt a. rather than on resistance give reliable readings, and because the reaii: may be made without going into the kiln a system of thermocouples is pre- ferred to instantaneous -reading, glass-stem theremometers. If thermocourle equipment (coTrper-constantan wire, a potentiometer, and a suitable switch) i3 not available, maximum thermometers may be placed along the kiln on the entering-air side of the load. These should be read Wice during the -period that the kiln is being controlled at a given temperature provided the nax- imum thermometers are read at least once a day. (7) In order to permit access to the kiln a small door should be built into the big kiln door, thus enabling entrance of the operator to the kiln without upsetting the drying conditions. (S) A man should not attempt to remain in a hot kiln long if he is un- attended. (9) The wet bulb of glass and recording thermometers should be kept covered with a film of water. If a wick is used it should be changed at least once a week. If a porous wet-bulb sleeve is used it should be kept dripping slightly and kept free from incrustation. (e) Records . — Temperature records should be kept accurately and systemat- ically for each run and offered as proof that the kiln charge has been dried by temperatures that do not exceed the maximum temperatures permitted by tables 1 and 2 of Forest Products Laboratory mimeograph No. 13&0. (f) Steaming . — Steaming as here used means heating the stock to some con- dition of temperature and relative humidity above the drying schedule •••ithout causing the stock to dry. The purpose of steaming may be to kill mold, to reduce moisture gradient, or to relieve casehardening stresses. Klaeo. No. 1367 (Revised) -3- (1) Initial steaming.— When necessary to sterilize the stock to kill mold or stain, it may be desirable to give an initial steaming treatment, in which the wood may be steamed one hour for each inch of thickness, at a temperature of 15° F. above the initial drying temperatures of the stock. The humidity during the initial steaming period for green stock should be approximately 100 percent. (2) Equalization period. — When the stock is in the latter stages of dryin- T some of the boards will have a moisture content less than 8 percent nnd some of the boards will have a moisture content in excess of 12 percent. In order to correct this difficulty it is desirable to regulate the wet-bulb tempera- ture in conjunction with the temneratures called for by the kiln schedules for the seasoning of aircraft lumber in such a way as to eaualize the material at a moisture content of 10 percent. Under these conditions the dry boards will absorb moisture and boards which are more than 12 percent will dry. Usually the equalizing period should last from 1 to 2 days depending upon the spread in moisture content at the time the equalization period is begun. (3) Steaming at the end of the run. — A steaminr or conditioning treatment at or near the end of the run is necessary to relieve casehardening stresses. Casehardened stock should be steamed at a temperature not over l65° F. at relative humidities which will not permit the stock to pick up more than 2 percent of moisture, based on the average moisture content of the kiln samples, but in no case should the humidity be such as to produce stock having a mois- ture value less than 8 percent or more than 12 percent. The steaming treat- ment should continue long enough to relieve the stress and bring about the specified degree of moisture uniformity in each piece. The time required usually is about 7 hours per inch of thickness for softwoods and from 18 to 2U hours per inch of thickness for hardwoods. In order that these steaming treatments at or near the end of the run may be effective, it is necessary that the range in moisture content of the boards making up the charge be as small as possible. (g) Temperatures . — Temperatures should be within the range prescribed by the specifications. These limits give the most severe operating conditions per- missible and are given in tables 1 and 2 of Forest Products Laboratory mimeo- graph No. 1360. Final Moisture Content All stock should conform to the following requirements of moisture content when it leaves the kiln; (1) Unless otherwise specified, the final moisture content for all stock except propeller stock in any kiln charge may range from 8 to 12 percent in individual pieces. (2) The moisture content of the core shall not exceed the average moisture content of that piece by more than 2 percent. In practice the moisture con- tent of the core should not exceed the average of the stock piece by as much as 2 percent if casehardening stresses are to be satisfactorily relieved. Mimeo. No. 1367 (Revised) -h_ UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08925 4782