STATE PLANT BOARD E2/India UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.-404, Revised, Supplement No. 8 June 20, 1950 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF INDIA REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE IMPORTATION OF AMERICAN AND MIST INDIES COTTON (Supersedes "RESTRICTIONS ON COTTON FMH A? ;T ERICA" pp. 8-9) Notification No. 1581, (Agriculture) as amended. According to the latest amendments to the above Notification up to and in- cluding the amendment dated April 18, 1950, certain restrictions have been placed on importers of American and West Indies cotton' which may be of interest to exporters of cotton in the United States. Pertinent sections of the order are quoted below as they affect shipments of American cotton. M 1. In this order: - (i) "Cotton" includes ginned cotton, and droppings, strippings, fly and other waste products of a cotton mill other than yarn waste, but does not include cottonseed or unginned cotton. part (ii) "American Cotton" means all cotton produced in any of America . (iii) "Bale" means any pressed package of cotton of whatever size or density. (iv) "Square Bale" means a bale exceeding 270 lbs. (v) "Round Bale" means a bale not exceeding 2?0 lbs. 2. (a) On or before the departure of a ship carrying a consignment of American cotton for Bombay or Madras from the port from which the cotton is consigned, the consignee shall ascertain the name of the ship, the probable date of its arrival in Bombay or Madras, and number of square and round bales in the consignment, and shall furnish this information to the- Collector of Customs, Bombay, and to the Secretary, Indian Central Cotton Committee, Bombay, or, to the Dock Manager of the Madras Port Trust, net less than 14 days be- fore the arrival of the ship at Bombay or Madras. (b) On arrival at Bombay or Madras, the cotton shall be disinfected as prescribed by the Government a of Bombay or Madras. iiipllii 3 1262 09242 0115 (c) Prior to taking delivery of the cotton, the importer shal] pay to the Collector of Customs, Bombay or Uadras, at rates stipulated to cover the cost of fumigation and handling, but riot 'including docks import charges. Pmvided that samples of American cotton imported by parcel post or as ship's parcels, not exceeding 20 lbs. each, shall be fumigated free of charge. (d) No vessel shall discharge American cotton during a period of rain, mist, or drizzle. 3« rumigation rates Z Reo 5-4-0 per square bale Rs« 3-4-0 per round bale If landed at the special American cotton wharf Rs • 7 -l-0 per sou? re bale Rs. 4-10-0 per round bale. Provided that in cases in which the importer has failed to furnish the required information, the rates shall be increased by Rs. 2 per bale. The minimum fee for the fumigation of any cotton imported at any one time on a single ship shall be rupees tvro hundred and ten. /t^pf^ Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine